Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2260212 times)

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« Reply #3460 on: July 24, 2008, 09:20:00 pm »
Aguirre was watching his camp tender and herder from the cover of trees.  He had his binoculars strung on a thick cord around his fat neck, and he just lowered them to suck his teeth and blow air from his lungs.  Aguirre whistled at what he just saw.  Ennis and Jack carried on.  They had no idea they were being observed.

Joe Aguirre was a man who felt he had a right to check up on the hired help.  He liked to think that he watched Twist and Del Mar in their “activity” because he had a right to know what was going on.  But three days a week, Aguirre rode over to camp, hid out and watched as Ennis and Jack worked, ate, and eventually loved.  Joe wouldn’t dwell on the fact that he knew when to ride up: he learned from experience that Ennis and Jack felt a bit randy come twilight.  Aguirre watched their shadows against the approaching darkness, as they did an alluring dance among the dying embers of the supper fire.

Aguirre whistled again when he saw Jack break a giant cookie in half and place it in Del Mar’s open mouth.  “Where did those boys get cookies from,” Aguirre thought, more amused than angry.  He made a mental note to have a conversation about provisions with The Basque.  Cookies, especially what looked like giant chocolate chip cookies, were not standard company issue.  Could be, Aguirre conceded, that Jack’s Ma sent them up.  But luxuries such as sweets can make a worker lazy.  “Just look at em,” Aguirre spoke under his breath!  But when Jack pulled Ennis close and looked into his eyes with what only could be described as love, Aguirre began to panic.  He had second thoughts about watching.  He had no right to observe such an authentic, tender moment between lovers.  Joe Aguirre lowered his head and fought to keep down the lump that was forming in his throat.  He removed his binoculars and turned to ride back to his trailer.  He would never intrude on them again.

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« Reply #3461 on: July 31, 2008, 12:11:06 am »
Ennis was sick to his stomach.  He must have eaten something that disagreed with him – must have.  Last night, on the way home from work, Ennis wanted to treat himself to a dinner out for a change.  He walked along Riverton’s streets, all hazy with the August sun hanging low over the horizon.  The streets were all but deserted, which was normal for that time of the afternoon.  “The Wrangler Steakhouse" was just up ahead.  Ennis fancied a thick, juicy steak.

Ennis ordered the T-bone special with a side of fries and a salad.  The food was good, and he didn’t even feel bad about the expense.  Steve was generous with the hands that week, and gave each of them a well deserved bonus.  $4.95 for a steak dinner.  Not bad.  Ennis left a 50 cent tip and was on his way.

Along about 10p.m. his stomach began to rumble.  He couldn’t remember feeling that bad since the time he ate some elk jerky up on Brokeback that had gone putrid.  Jack tried to pry the rancid meat from his grasp, but Ennis had to be a show-off.  He wanted Jack to see that he could eat spoiled meat and still come out on top.  Truth was, Jack had to rub his stomach and his back for hours once the intestinal gas threatened to blow him to the next County.  He felt that way now.  Only, Jack wasn’t around to rub his belly or his back.  That Jack Twist!  Ennis had to smile when he thought about Jack's sweet, gentle ways.  He always had a knack for making Ennis feel better.  “I need ya, Rodeo!” Ennis seethed as the gas expelled.  “Better yet, you don’t need to smell this!”  Ennis laughed in spite of the pain, and reached for the Pepto Bismol.

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Pain
« Reply #3462 on: August 02, 2008, 09:22:20 pm »
“I need ya, Rodeo!” Ennis seethed as the gas expelled.  “Better yet, you don’t need to smell this!” 

You are too funny, Miss Littlewing!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Re: Pain
« Reply #3463 on: August 03, 2008, 12:46:49 am »
You are too funny, Miss Littlewing!

Toy, if this put a smile on your face, I am more than satisfied.  Good to  see you, Love!  :)

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The Gazebo
« Reply #3464 on: August 06, 2008, 11:57:12 pm »
Jack was driving home from work and decided to change his route.  He read an article in the Reader’s Digest that suggested driving a different course every day to arrive at the same destination.  According to the article, mixing it up, finding different ways to go home, keeps the mind sharp.  Jack drove toward Martin Lyons Park, even though it was out of the way.  But the route was far more scenic, and he was in no rush to get home.  Jack pulled up along the south side of the park and decided to stop awhile.

It was an astonishingly beautiful evening.  May flowers were blooming, and a gentle breeze was blowing, floating scents of grass, rose, even lavender all around Jack as he walked toward the gazebo smack dab in the center of the park.  The gazebo was in ill repair, but Jack had a fondness for it.  He liked to walk there on a Sunday afternoon, alone, and wander around the old structure.  He never had the pleasure of attending any of the concerts that were once held there; he was just a child living on a decrepit ranch in Lightning Flat when bands played sets at Martin Lyons Park’s gazebo.

Jack stood along the north side of the structure and ran his hand along a Doric column.  Lureen told him that the gazebo was more than 100 years old, and was once a favorite spot for families to have Sunday picnics.  Jack didn’t exactly know what men wore at the beginning of the 20th century, but he had a feeling that on Sundays they donned straw hats, white linen suits, and in this part of the country, black bow ties.  Jack closed his eyes and imaged a sandy haired male of about 25, wearing a red and white striped straw hat with a picnic basket in one hand and a black cane in the other.  He was wearing a beige suit and walked beside a man who sported a white suit, a black bow tie and was hatless.  Jack kept his eyes closed as the image became shockingly real.  He found himself falling to the ground as he “saw” the 2 young men claim a spot for their picnic.  “It was not a time for us,” Jack whispered, out loud.  He opened his eyes, and just like that, the 2 men were gone.  “There may never be a time or place for us, Ennis,” Jack grumbled, miserable.  But he had the gazebo, and more than anyone else in the world, Jack could dream.

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« Reply #3465 on: August 08, 2008, 01:51:40 am »
Ennis patted Jack’s hand as he drove the 3 of them to the Dairy Queen for an after dinner treat.  Jack was content to sit next to his handsome husband with a hand perched on his knee.  Baby Indigo, now almost 3 years old, sat in her car seat in the back of the Dodge. 

Jack looked back at his daughter and shot her a wink.  “What do you want to eat at the Dairy Queen, baby,” Jack asked as Indigo hummed a happy tune.  Indigo tried to hide a mischievous gleam in her eyes, but Jack knew when his daughter was up to no good. 

“I want some pee pee,” Indigo announced, her arms flung wide.  Ennis flinched, and Jack stifled a snicker.  “I want some pee pee and some buggers!”  “You want some warm pee or some cold pee,” Jack asked her, laughing now.  “Jack, don’t encourage her like that,” the ever serious Ennis scolded.  But Ennis had to admit, Indigo’s request was pretty funny.  “Jack, I’m trying to raise her to be a lady.  Help me out here!”  Jack placed his hand over his mouth to contain the giggles.  He looked back at his daughter one more time and whispered, “We’ll talk later!”

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3466 on: August 10, 2008, 11:46:56 pm »
Littlewing1957, you are so silly. Pee pee and boogers! Gross :laugh:
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3467 on: August 11, 2008, 12:16:16 am »
Littlewing1957, you are so silly. Pee pee and boogers! Gross :laugh:

Hey, Babe!  Made you smile?  I hope so!  :)

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« Reply #3468 on: August 11, 2008, 01:11:52 am »
Jack entered the tent in a royal snit.  How dare Ennis make fun of him like that?  All he did was suggest that he find himself somewhere else to live, since the yokels in his town were speaking behind his back.  Ennis was often just too much for Jack.  He never knew what to expect from his lover.  Jack was getting tired of walking on eggshells around Ennis.  He loved him!  God, how he loved him, but Ennis’ insecurities and explosive temper were wearing him out!

Jack was lying still wearing only his underwear and socks.  His mind wandered back to the night before when the supper fire was extinguished and Ennis was feeling mellow from the barbequed steaks and whiskey.  Jack squirmed with desire as he remembered Ennis’ hands trailing circles on his swollen belly.  Jack was almost ashamed to meet Ennis the way he looked.  He tried to hide his pot belly, but there was no hiding it.  But when Ennis planted tender smooches all over his middle, and whispered, “I like it, Jack…very sexy,” Jack thought he would climax just from Ennis’ throaty words.  Every syllable was like one long caress - felt like love.  “I was afraid you would laugh at me, all fat like this, friend,” Jack lamented as Ennis feasted his eyes.  “Laugh at you, Rodeo,” Ennis asked, incredulous.  “You should know that I’ll like you no matter what.  You’re the same man to me.”  Jack smiled at the reassurance, and removed his shorts as Ennis moved south.

They didn’t seem very happy now.  Jack turned onto to his side and flinched a little when Ennis moved the tent flap open.  Ennis moved silently toward his lover, spooned him and blew on the back of Jack’s neck.  Jack was still angry, but was powerless to stop him.  Truth be told, Jack didn’t want to be angry with Ennis, but he didn’t want to be a pushover, either.  Let Ennis work for his forgiveness.  Jack was rigid as Ennis played with his backside.  He was weakening all along, and when Ennis squeezed his belly, all was forgiven.  “Still sexy there, Bud!” Ennis whispered against Jack’s shoulder.  “Let me kiss your belly.  I love it!”  Jack was a goner.  He turned toward his lover and pulled him into a steamy kiss.

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Time to Go?
« Reply #3469 on: August 12, 2008, 01:39:54 am »
“Jack -- my God, Rodeo--are you crying?” Jack was standing with his back to Ennis and his shoulders were heaving.  He began to wipe the tears from his eyes and cheeks before turning to face his lover.  Ennis almost recoiled in terror when he saw Jack’s weak, red and swollen eyes.  In 17 years Ennis couldn’t remember seeing Jack with weak eyes.

“Pardon me, friend, but you caught me.  I wanted to have a few minutes to myself before we parted ways, and…well…I couldn’t help myself.  I never wanted you to see me cry, Cowboy.”  Jack’s shoulders looked heavy, and he  appeared to be a defeated man.  Ennis was afraid.  He couldn’t help but wonder why Jack was so shaken up about going their separate ways.  Granted, he always seemed very sad when the time came to part, but he never actually shed tears.  Something was terribly wrong, and Ennis wanted to know about it.  He wanted to fix things, if he could.  Ennis walked over to Jack and embraced him.  Jack returned the embrace and allowed his lover to pull him onto the bed.  He knew that this time there would be no fooling around on Don Wroe’s king sized bed.  It was time to talk. 

Ennis place a protective arm over Jack's shoulder.  “You don’t want to go back, do you?” Ennis asked his lover with such tenderness and sincerity that Jack almost started bawling anew.  “What’s going on, Jack?  What is so unbearable?  You have a beautiful wife, a cute little son, a good job and a nice house.  What more could you want?”  Jack fought to keep the tears at bay.  He looked straight into Ennis’ eyes.  He told him all about his sham of a marriage and how his father in law treated him like dirt.  He was lonely as hell in Childress, and didn’t think he could stand another moment.  Ennis listened to Jack’s complaints in silence.  His heart almost broke in two.  He couldn’t bear the thought of his man being so unhappy.  “Let me help, Jack,” Ennis offered.  “Let me see what I can do.”  Jack smiled and reached out for his lover.  They decided to call it a night, and in the morning, if they so desired, they might hit the road for points unknown.