Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2259531 times)

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3610 on: June 21, 2009, 05:28:32 am »
It's an oldie and one of my favorites from the IMDb years.

Remember how much nasty little stuff we used to get away with on IMDb? It was really wild when you think about it. I would start the thread in the mornings and it would jump to about five pages long in less than two hours! We managed to post ten steamy volumes of Jack with Ennis, the FanFic Game before the IMDb modesty police shut us down!
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Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3611 on: June 21, 2009, 08:20:24 pm »
It's an oldie and one of my favorites from the IMDb years.

Remember how much nasty little stuff we used to get away with on IMDb? It was really wild when you think about it. I would start the thread in the mornings and it would jump to about five pages long in less than two hours! We managed to post ten steamy volumes of Jack with Ennis, the FanFic Game before the IMDb modesty police shut us down!

Yes, I remember it well!  We were really on a roll then - good times.  The trolls were the ones who had the thread deleted, and I'll never forget that.  I'm just glad we had the forethought to make copies!  I'm glad J&E lives on - I'll make sure that it does!

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Jack's Lair(8)
« Reply #3612 on: June 22, 2009, 08:56:01 pm »
The ride up to the campsite was uneventful, and Ennis and Jack shared few words.  Jack was grateful to be in the great outdoors, even if it did mean forfeiting the privacy that he and Ennis enjoyed the past few days in his love lair.  Ennis was less enthusiastic, having adjusted to the tiny apartment and its assortment of queer porn plastered across almost every inch of wall.  Ennis sighed as Jack parked alongside the lake that ran perpendicular to the site he scouted out earlier in the year.  Ennis was uncomfortable, and he couldn’t exactly say why.  Perhaps his discomfort had something to do with whatever Jack meant to confess.  Jack thought to get his "secret" out in the open before riding up to the campsite, but for some reason, he changed his mind.

Camp was erected in less than an hour.  Jack was marinating a few steaks for supper while Ennis placed some of his gear in the tent.  Midday was upon them: lunch time.  Jack grabbed a Tupperware type dish out of a cooler and opened it to reveal a mess of tuna salad.  Ennis produced a loaf of bread and proceeded to spread the tuna salad on slices of bread while Jack opened up a few beers.  Jack took a swig of the brew and handed the bottle to Ennis.  Ennis Del Mar turned the bottle up and squinted with pleasure.  That Jack sure knew how to pick the booze!  Lunch was devoured in silence, and after the meal was consumed, Jack motioned for Ennis to follow him down to the lake.  “Leave the cleanup for later, Friend,” Jack uttered as he headed for the lake.  " I want to get comfortable by that little stream while I tell you what I want you to know.”  Ennis didn’t like the sound of it, but he followed his lover down to the stream.

Jack sat his behind down against a tall tree and motioned for Ennis to sit down between his legs.  Ennis obeyed, and slid his body down between Jack’s slim thighs.  He placed his arms nervously on Jack’s knees.  Jack laid his chin on Ennis’ sandy hair and rubbed a hand along his firm arms.  “Just let me tell this, and I promise, no more confessions,” Jack spoke into Ennis’ hair.  “Actually, there is nothing more to confess after I tell you this.”  Ennis nodded with relief.  He was grateful to know that after this, Jack harbored no more secrets.  “Tell me,” Ennis almost demanded.  Jack blew air out of his lungs so forcefully that some of Ennis’ hair parted with the force.  “You know all those pictures that I hung up back at the apartment?” Jack asked.  Ennis nodded.  “Well, I didn’t get those on my own.  I had help…”

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Jack's Lair(9)
« Reply #3613 on: July 02, 2009, 12:31:29 am »
“You had help?”  It was Ennis.  He looked up at his lover, a series of emotions flashing across his handsome face.  “Yes, I had a bit of help getting the pictures, but it’s not what you think.”  Ennis had to turn around and face Jack at that one. “How do you know what I think,” Ennis asked, ruefully.  “I don’t really know what to think.  Why don’t you just tell me all about it?”  Jack shrugged.  “I will, but I think it should wait until we go back down to the apartment.  I’ll have to show you while I explain.”  “Sure enough,” Ennis sighed.

The next few days were spent laughing, loving and hiking.  Ennis put the matter of Jack’s having “help” securing all that porn out of his mind.  Jack didn’t mention the racy photos at all until it was time to tear down camp.  "We'll be back at the apartment in no time, Friend," Jack began.  "The faster we pack up, the sooner we can drive down."  Ennis didn't answer and the two of them worked swiftly as they made sure to leave camp as they found it.  They packed gear into Ennis’ truck in companionable silence. 

Ennis drove them down to Jack’s secret lair in anticipation.  He hated to admit it, but he was looking forward to being in Jack’s bed.  The place was small but it was extremely cozy and ultra comfortable.  And the fact that Jack was willing to do anything to see to his needs only served to sweeten it for Ennis.  Jack opened the door to his lair and motioned Ennis inside.  He pulled a bottle of whiskey from under the bed and fetched a few shot glasses from the wardrobe.  Ennis accepted a glass of whiskey with gratitude.  He sat very still while Jack wandered over to a wall plastered with photos of a man whose private parts were displayed in various stages of arousal.  The man’s body was photographed from the waist down.  “You don’t recognize the man in these pictures?” Jack whispered as he took a drink of his whiskey.  “No,” Ennis faltered.  “How could I? I’ve never seen another man like that except for you.”  Ennis took a long gulp of the booze and motioned for Jack to pour him another shot.  “Who is he?” Ennis asked between gulps of his whiskey.  “It’s you, Friend!” Jack announced, proudly.  “I pulled a fast one last year and took these pictures of your dick when you were asleep.”  Ennis was incredulous.  He was speechless.  Jack took Ennis’ silence as permission to continue.  “I brought a little camera with me that time, and I had a devil of a time snapping you as you slept.” Jack traced a finger over a snapshot of Ennis’ fully erect member.  “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, you know that?”  Ennis sat very still, unable to speak.  “But wait, Friend," Jack spoke.  "There's a bit more…

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« Reply #3614 on: July 09, 2009, 12:07:13 am »
I'll post Jack's Lair 10 later. 

Jack couldn’t believe that he and Ennis weren’t camping out in the frickin’ cold!  He arrived first in camp and the first thing he noticed was how bone dry everything seemed.  The sticks he collected to build a dinner fire were so brittle that they almost snapped apart in his hands.  Jack wouldn’t even have to build a fire if not for a need to grill the chicken parts he brought along.  When Ennis arrived he whistled when he felt the warm sun on his hat.  “But this is only May, Rodeo,” Ennis remarked as he peeled off his beige cotton jacket and removed his felt cowboy hat.  “What in the hell is going on?”  “I don’t know friend,” Jack grunted as he stacked wood for the fire.  “But make yourself to home.  I’m just going to start a fire to cook up these chicken quarters.”  Ennis smiled and placed his gear in the tent.

The heat rose until it seemed to peak at 4:00p.m.  Ennis reckoned that it was on the high side of 90 degrees.  He sat down on the edge of a log and watched as Jack went about grilling the chicken.  Ennis had to admit: standing over that fire and tending to the bird was a labor of love.  He noticed that Jack’s sweat dripped onto the flames and sputtered.  Ennis didn’t mind.  He loved the taste of his husband’s salty sweat. 

The evening meal was eaten and Jack asked Ennis to extinguish the fire.  Ennis made sure that the flames were completely out.  It wouldn’t do to start a forest fire.  “Let’s take a little hike up that hill,” Jack suggested.  Ennis disappeared into the tent and came out with a couple of canteens.  The pair walked along a hot and dusty trail and when they reached the top of the tiny hill, turned toward the distance.  Ennis felt his breath catch at the beauty of the sun in its descent.  Jack’s knees almost buckled at the sight of a sunset that only nature could paint.  “It was worth it to risk being fired by Old Nan Newsome," Jack grunted as he admired the scene.  Ennis knew what he meant.  Steve at the ranch almost handed him a pink slip when asked - no - told his boss that he would be taking a week off in May.  Late spring was a busy time at the Ranch, and Ennis would come to realize that Jack’s job was hoppin' at that time, as well.  But both men had the idea of meeting up late May to camp.  It was a spur of the moment thing, and neither could be dissuaded.  There was some sort of psychic force that pulled them there together.  Perhaps it was the heat, the warmth that was destined to grace their time together...finally!  Ennis pulled his gaze away from the sunset and pulled Jack close.  He pressed his mouth down on his lover's, and the kiss was sweet and moist and warm.

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« Reply #3615 on: July 29, 2009, 01:45:33 am »
“Me and Alma is supposed to get married once I come down offa this mountain,” Ennis boasted with his chest stuck out.  He looked puffed up like a young rooster struttin’ around, trying to impress the hens.  Jack ignored Ennis’ pronouncement this time as he did whenever Ennis mentioned his imminent nuptials to the lovely Ms. Alma Beers. 

Ennis continued his work while Jack stole a few moments to check him out.  Jack took in the firm buttocks, the hazel eyes and sandy colored hair.  Ennis’ body was well nourished, but he seemed thinner; probably dropping the pounds on account of a diet of milk, beans and stone biscuits.  Jack had to admit that Ennis was magnificent – a fine catch for any woman.  But Jack had fallen for him, and fallen hard.  He hated to hear about Alma and felt his stomach tighten and twist when Ennis mentioned his wedding.  “It makes you feel like a man, marrying Alma?” Jack asked, ruefully, but only in the safety of his own thoughts.

The time to part came too quickly for Jack’s taste, but Ennis had to return to the sheep.  Jack watched as Ennis reached for his jeans.  He usually washed after their coupling, but there was no time.  Jack thought on what it would be like to have a man like Ennis at his beck and call - would be nice!  Ennis spoke not a word as he stepped into his jeans and pulled on his shirt.  How like Ennis to be so distant after what they just shared.  Is this how a real man should behave: all contained and settled and centered even after love?  Jack didn’t know.  Jack didn’t even care.  He just knew that Ennis was all he wanted.  Jack considered Ennis his man.  He smiled as Ennis turned his back without a word and exited the tent.  “I’m going to steal him away, Alma,” Jack whispered. 


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« Reply #3616 on: August 03, 2009, 09:59:11 pm »
“I wonder why Del Mar is acting so funny!” Jack thought as he caught sight of Ennis sitting off by himself along a grassy hillside.  Jack gulped with dread when he noticed the stern set of Ennis’ jaw.  So they were given strict orders to bring ‘em down!  Jack shook his head when he repeated Ennis’ bitter words in his mind: “That Aguirre is cheatin’ us out of a whole month’s pay!”  And Ennis blew up when Jack offered him a loan!  Jack didn’t get it!

Jack Twist couldn’t care less that the summer on Brokeback was coming to a rapid close.  He didn’t think of the end of the job as the end of his “relationship” with Ennis.  Jack pulled on a rope and wound it around his arm.  He looked Ennis’ way and right away thought better of going after him.  Let him sulk for awhile; it might do him good.

“The first thing we’ll do is head into Signal and have a beer, maybe even a steak dinner on me,” Jack thought as he packed up one of the horses.  “Maybe Ennis will take me up on that offer of a loan.  The both of us can open a bank account!” Jack sported a toothy grin at the thought of walking into a Savings and Loan with Ennis on business.  The bank manager would wait on them and open up accounts in each of their names.  Jack felt important just thinking about it.  He never once had a bank account of his own.  And after the accounts were open, Jack would make certain that a cold beer and a warm steak would get inside their bellies.  And after that.... love?  At the thought of being intimate with Ennis one more time, Jack couldn’t contain himself.  He grabbed the rope and bounded up the hill toward his friend.

Offline cwby30

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Lovers' Leap
« Reply #3617 on: August 07, 2009, 01:43:59 am »
Evenin', Everyone. 

Well, I've been quiet, but reading here regularly and enjoying it, and writing.  Here's a double drabble [100 words each paragraph] that came to me a couple of days ago.  Canon, with a touch of potential AU, could have been a lead-in to other things for them.  Hope you like it, and don't mind the lack of a third paragraph in the 'game'.

Thanks again. 


He had always remained grounded, his feet firmly planted in the brown tones of the earth reflected in his eyes, moving surely from one day to the next.  Now he stood naked at the precipice, looking down into blue the color of an evening sky in late summer, with only air between.  Heart pounding, his toes curled over the edge, sending stray pebbles into the blue below, making ripples that criss-crossed through the blue and shimmered with reflected sunlight.  He hesitated, unsure whether to jump, to leave the safety of the known ground for a flight with an uncertain landing.

Then he felt a hand reach up and caress his cheek, and another hand brush against the back of his neck, fingers roaming through strands of sandy blonde hair, together assuring him softly and silently that everything would be alright.  He opened his eyes and saw the man whose arms held him.  He opened his heart to the emotions criss-crossing through eyes of blue, and found courage enough for both of them.  Leaning down, he felt their lips meet in their first tentative kiss. Casting aside all doubts, he leapt willingly off the cliff and into a lifetime of love. 

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3618 on: August 07, 2009, 03:01:01 am »
[taps coffee pot]

Ver' good!!   :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Lovers' Leap
« Reply #3619 on: August 07, 2009, 10:30:55 pm »
Evenin', Everyone. 

Well, I've been quiet, but reading here regularly and enjoying it, and writing.  Here's a double drabble [100 words each paragraph] that came to me a couple of days ago.  Canon, with a touch of potential AU, could have been a lead-in to other things for them.  Hope you like it, and don't mind the lack of a third paragraph in the 'game'.

Thanks again. 


He had always remained grounded, his feet firmly planted in the brown tones of the earth reflected in his eyes, moving surely from one day to the next.  Now he stood naked at the precipice, looking down into blue the color of an evening sky in late summer, with only air between.  Heart pounding, his toes curled over the edge, sending stray pebbles into the blue below, making ripples that criss-crossed through the blue and shimmered with reflected sunlight.  He hesitated, unsure whether to jump, to leave the safety of the known ground for a flight with an uncertain landing.

Then he felt a hand reach up and caress his cheek, and another hand brush against the back of his neck, fingers roaming through strands of sandy blonde hair, together assuring him softly and silently that everything would be alright.  He opened his eyes and saw the man whose arms held him.  He opened his heart to the emotions criss-crossing through eyes of blue, and found courage enough for both of them.  Leaning down, he felt their lips meet in their first tentative kiss. Casting aside all doubts, he leapt willingly off the cliff and into a lifetime of love. 

Cwby30, I'm so glad to see you here!  Thanks so much for reading and posting this charming drabble.  I especiall like this: Leaning down, he felt their lips meet in their first tentative kiss. Casting aside all doubts, he leapt willingly off the cliff and into a lifetime of love.  Lovely, my dear.  Lovely, lovely writing!  Thanks again, and don't be a stranger!  :)