Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2274409 times)

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Gotta Get Away
« Reply #3650 on: February 05, 2010, 11:49:19 pm »
Jack was bone weary but he was not too tired to throw a few things into his travel duffel and pack several edible items in a cooler.  He endured a hard week at the dealership, as Mr. Newsome was seriously ill and Lureen was distraught.  The old man was cetain that he was not long for the world, and Lureen spent most of her time at her father’s side.  Her absence was a hardship, Jack realized.  The running of the business fell to him, and he did his level best to keep the dealership afloat.  His hard work did not go unnoticed.  Lureen gave him the week of the 5th off, and he planned to spend it with Ennis Del Mar.

Lureen was at her parent’s place with little Bobby when Jack made ready to take the long journey to the Teton Range.  He didn’t feel a smidgen of remorse or guilt, as little Booby would be fine with his womenfolk.  And Mr. Newsome?  Jack didn’t feel bad about leaving while the old man was so sick.  Actually, Jack never believed that the old boy was on his death bed.  He had been ill many, many times and each time he managed to pull through.  "The old man is too evil to die," Jack reasoned.

Jack paid a visit to the Newsome’s spread just a few days ago to visit his father-in-law.  Jack was seated in a chair right beside L.D.s bed when Lureen patted his shoulder and took leave.  It seemed that Mr. Newsome wanted to speak to his son-in-law in private.  Jack cringed when he remembered how the old man seemed to force the words out.  He once again offered Jack a sizeable sum to leave his little girl for good and never look back.  The old bastard said something about going to meet his maker and that he wanted his little girl free to marry a man who was right for her.  He wanted to die with the knowledge that his Lureen could finally be happy.  Jack wondered how the old faker would react if he accepted the offer.  He was tempted to take the bribe, of course, even when he couldn’t convince Ennis to move away with him.  Jack forced his thoughts to the present and to Ennis.  He hefted his gear onto the back of his truck and slid behind the driver’s seat.  He didn’t know what circumstances would transpire while he was living it up with the love of his life, but truth be told, he couldn’t care less.  Jack sped out of his driveway and turned onto the highway.  Ennis was waiting!

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Birthday Boy
« Reply #3651 on: February 19, 2010, 06:31:05 pm »
“Hey, don’t forget the whiskey,” an already tipsy Jack Twist yelled playfully over his shoulder to Ennis.  Ennis smiled back and donned his coat and hat.  He was only happy to go out for more ice, and per Jack’s request, another bottle or 2 of whiskey.  And why not?  Jack was celebrating his 30th birthday and both men were feeling fine and mellow.  All of their mutual friends were gathered at the party Ennis planned for almost a year.  Bobby and Ennis’ girls were in charge of the food and the wives (the ex-wives, actually) kept the guest’s glasses full.  Lureen was the first to notice how the whiskey and ice was in short supply.  She told Jack who sent Ennis out to purchase supplies.

Ennis was back from the liquor store in a flash.  He entered the hall he rented and stood by the door to take it all in.  He watched his daughters and Bobby waiting on the guests.  They handed over a plate of food with a smile.  Lureen and Alma tended bar like a couple of pros.  And Jack?  He was in his element as he worked the crowd.  Jack slapped a back here and there, planted a kiss on a cheek, laughed his handsome head off.  Ennis couldn’t move as he watched his lover.  Jack was so damned happy.  It warmed his heart, and it made him as horny as hell.  Ennis rushed over to the bar and handed the ice and booze to Lureen.  He was off in Jack’s direction even before Lureen could thank him.

Jack’s blue eyes twinkled when he noticed Ennis moving toward him.  Jack stood still and waited until his lover was standing right before him.  Ennis smiled and whispered in the birthday boy’s ear.  Jack’s face registered mock surprise and shock.  “But cowboy, we have the hall until 11:00, and the party just started.”  Ennis looked around, and pulled Jack off into a deserted corner.  “I need you now, Jack.  We can pretend that it is 11:00.”  Jack couldn’t believe it, but he wouldn’t argue.  Besides, he wanted Ennis, as well.  “They’ll understand, Jack,” Ennis muttered.  Jack nodded and walked back to the center of the hall.  Ennis watched, flustered as Jack excused his guests.  But in that very moment, a truck rumbled past outside Ennis’ trailer.  He was so rudely awakened that he cursed.  Ennis pulled himself up from his tiny bed and reached for the clock he kept close by.  9:13a.m. and he was late for work!  It was not like Ennis to oversleep, and what could he tell his boss?  He was late because he was dreaming about Jack Twist?  Ennis leapt up and made ready for work.  He would focus on the dream and let it get him through the day.

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A Bit of Comfort
« Reply #3652 on: March 06, 2010, 12:03:16 am »
Ennis was anxious as he led his mule down the side of the mountain to the meeting place to order supplies.  Jack rode into camp the night before in the middle of a cloud burst and caught cold.  He was a shivering, coughing, sneezing mess when Ennis left him huddled in the tent.  The first aide kit contained a lot of aspirin, some bandages and a whole lot of ointments.  Ennis thought back a few hours when he took Jack into his arms and hand fed him a few Bayer aspirin.  Jack smiled up at him with watery eyes.  Ennis knew then and there that Jack deserved a treat.

The Basque was waiting at the appointed place, and he smiled sheepishly as he watched Ennis’ approach.  Ennis handed over the list and waited expectantly as The Basque read it over:  “Beans, jerky, powdered milk, bacon, ham, biscuits, and orange juice???”  Ennis lowered his head when he heard the Basque’s voice question the addition of the juice.  Ennis already knew that orange juice was a luxury, but Jack deserved it.  Ennis was certain that a large glass of juice would lift Jack’s spirits and speed his recovery.

“Jack is sick,” Ennis explained.  “I just thought a bottle of orange juice would help him get better.  “I’m sorry to hear it,” whispered The Basque.  “But if he is ill, shouldn’t he come down and go home?”  The Basque looked into Ennis’ eyes and smirked.  He worked for Joe Aguirre for almost 20 years and had heard it all from the young hired bucks.  Ennis couldn’t fathom Jack leaving him up on the mountain all by himself.  “No, he ain’t that bad,” Ennis responded, hastily.  “I just thought together with the aspirin, the juice would do Jack good.”  The Basque smiled and walked away, leaving Ennis there for a few moments.  He returned with what looked like a bottle thrown carelessly into a brown paper bag.  The Basque handed the bag to Ennis and motioned for him to look inside.  Ennis pulled the full bottle of OJ from the bag and he looked up at The Basque and smiled.  “We all need a bit of comfort sometime,” said The Basque as he filled the rest of Ennis’ order.

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On Your Feet, Cowboy
« Reply #3653 on: March 20, 2010, 11:15:21 pm »
The pretty man wearing a blue shirt and distressed jeans walked over to the juke box and had a look.  Ennis was seated all by himself, nursing his 3rd beer and smoking his 2nd cig of the evening.  The man’s startling blue eyes stole glances at Ennis as he stuck a quarter in the box and waited as his favorite song boomed loud.  Ennis didn’t look up as the gorgeous young man stood before him.  “May I sit?” the young man asked, almost shyly.  Ennis was ready to give a curt reply until his eyes met those of the young man.  He couldn’t speak, but instead motioned to the empty chair beside him.  The young man flashed a dazzling smile and took a seat.

He called himself Jack Twist and Ennis learned that Jack was just barely making a living by riding broncs.  He was a married man living in Texas, and he had a beautiful wife and a sweet little son.  Jack was in town to ride in a competition that Sunday night in Cody, and he was alone.  Ennis told him all about his life: he was the father of 2 pretty little girls and he was divorced.  He told the young man that he did mostly seasonal work at local ranches to take care of himself and his kids.  Jack listened with great interest.  His smile was warm and he seemed enthralled.  Ennis was intrigued, as well.  He was so lonely that he could barely stand it, and when Jack placed a tender hand over his own, he made no attempt to move away.  Jack rose quickly from the table and made for the door.  Ennis settled the bill and followed him out.

It was not a dream, but one of many waking fantasies Ennis conjured when he missed Jack so much that the pain was palpable.  Just a few more shots of whiskey and Ennis could take to his bed to live out the rest of the fantasy.  He wasn’t sure how he would end it this time.  Last week Jack took him to the hotel he rented while in town for the rodeo.  A few days ago Ennis ended the story by bringing Jack to the trailer for a few fun and games.  The possibilities were practically endless and would be helped along by the whiskey and the comfort of a warm bed.

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His Own Terms
« Reply #3654 on: March 26, 2010, 08:43:34 pm »
“Let me help you with that,” Jack offered as he watched Ennis’ attempt to light a supper fire.  “No, I got this,” Ennis answered softly over his shoulder.  “You just take a load off after that long journey of yours, and I’ll take care of camp tonight.  I know how tired you must be.”  Jack flashed that mega watt smile of his and winked so seductively that Ennis almost burned himself.  That man would be in serious trouble come lights out.

Jack was settled in no time.  Ennis found him standing out back of the cabin, a cig dangling from his full lips.  Ennis stood behind and watched him for awhile.  Jack was very still as he took in the view.  He moved only to flick the ash from his cig, and as he did so, Ennis caught sight of one of Jack’s baby blues.  Ennis saw tears, he was certain of it, and his heart didn’t know whether to break or rejoice.  Tears of joy?  Had to be!  Ennis decided right then and there to provide comfort and reassurance.  He sidled up behind his lover and grabbed him tenderly in a bear hug.  Jack didn’t even flinch, but pulled his friend even closer.

It was one of Ennis’ favorite day dreams.  The fishing trips were a thing of the past, but not in privacy of Ennis’ imagination.  He could hang out with Jack whenever he wanted to, really.  And in the years since Jack’s passing, he and Jack were “together” at least once a day.  Ennis was retired after many years as a ranch hand and he vowed to spend the reminder of his days on his own terms. 

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« Reply #3655 on: April 09, 2010, 01:01:34 am »
“You have some beautiful girls, Cowboy!”  It was Jack, barely forcing out the words as he gobbled down a large fork full of apple pie.  Ennis watched, concerned, terrified that Jack would choke on the pie.  They were finishing up a tasty meal Ennis prepared for them in his little house.  Jack drove up on an impulse after receiving Ennis’ phone call about the divorce.  Ennis felt guilty about allowing Alma to collect the girls early, but her calling was fortuitous: Ennis didn’t want to send Jack away.  They hadn’t seen each other in months and Jack driving up like that was a pleasant surprise.

“You think they’re cute?” Ennis whispered.  Jack shook his head in the affirmative as he washed down the apple pie with a swig of black coffee.  “Well, I happen to agree with you, Rodeo,” Ennis beamed.  “I’m right proud of those gals of mine.  They’re pretty, sweet and smart as whips!”  “Like their pa,” Jack mumbled after downing another slice of pie.  Ennis smiled and rose from his tiny “dining” table.  He moved around in his tiny kitchen, biding his time, trying to look busy as he thought of a way to keep Jack under wraps, while at the same time showing him a good time.  It would be hard, but he had to have a story ready in case one of the neighbors saw them out and started being nosy, asking questions.  But then, what was the problem?  Ennis shook his head and forced himself to be positive.  There was no law that he knew of that forbade him a visit from a friend.  Hey, to hell with the neighbors.  Jack finished his dessert and brought the plate and cracked coffee mug into the kitchen.  He stacked the plate and mug into the sink among the other dirty dishes.  Ennis walked over to his friend and rubbed his shoulder.  Jack would be with him for about a week and…let the games begin!

Ennis sighed.  This waking dream was not his favorite, but he conjured it up quite often.  He felt a pang of remorse when he remembered turning Jack away that time, and the reverie was a way to make up for it.  Ennis was good at imagining the mischief he would have led Jack into if he didn’t have the girls that week, and if Jack was allowed to stay with him.  “You understand don’t you, Jack?” Ennis shouted out loud.  He didn’t expect an answer, naturally, but he was sure Jack heard him and he was forgiven.

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If Only...
« Reply #3656 on: April 27, 2010, 10:27:52 pm »
“So what did ya think of the McCormick spread,” Ennis asked Jack as they walked to their truck.  Ennis stopped and slapped Jack’s shoulder affectionately.  “Do ya reckon the place will be a good match for Baby and Hilda?"  Jack pictured Baby and Hilda, the newest calves that came out of Beth and Gilda.  He smiled as he imaged the calves roaming around the fabulous McCormick spread when they were old enough to leave their mothers.  “I think Baby and Hilda will be right happy here, En,” Jack answered with a bit of enthusiasm.  “Maybe we should give Mr. McCormick little Jesse as a goodwill gesture.  After all, Mr. McCormick is taking a chance on us.  We have to be neighborly if we’re gonna build up the operation!"  “Sure enough,” Ennis agreed.  He opened the driver’s side door and waited for Jack to climb in. 

It was almost midnight before Jack made it back to the ranch house.  He was riding around the property, making sure that the cows and calves were safe and happy, and that the ranch was secure.  He was also counting his blessings that Ennis came to his senses and agreed to start the cow and calf business.  Jack was enormously happy and whistled as he entered the ranch house from the back.  He found Ennis in the living room, fast asleep on the recliner with the paper folded out on his lap.  Jack stared at his lover and felt his heart skip a beat.  He bent down and placed a silent, gossamer peck on Ennis’ brow.  Ennis didn’t even stir.  Jack chuckled silently and headed for the bedroom.  He would wait for Ennis to finish his nap and then…

It was too much for him!  Ennis woke in a sweat, or was it tears that moistened his face and the bed clothes?  The dream was one that was hardest to bear, and, sadly, it was the most frequent.  Ennis sighed and threw the covers off.  He saw that the sun was just about to rise and he had a job at a real ranch to keep him busy...and paid.  But what if life had been different and he somehow found the strength to take Jack up on his offer of the sweet life?  If only….

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Happy Mother's Day, Alma Del Mar
« Reply #3657 on: May 08, 2010, 08:40:18 pm »
Ennis was feeling low, and for once, his pain had nothing to do with Jack Twist.  Only a week before Mother’s day and Ennis had nothing to give Alma, the mother of his beautiful girls!  Ennis watched his wife as she played with their daughters.  That Alma was a good mom and she was certainly deserving of something nice for Mother’s Day.  Ennis shifted uncomfortably on the living room couch as he racked his brain.   He had to come up with a way to surprise his wife, and he had a week in which to do it.

Alma was on Jack Twist’s mind, as well.  He remembered the look on her face as she practically squeaked “hello” the one and only time he visited that little apartment over the Laundromat.  Jack couldn’t explain it, but his heart ached for the sweet faced Alma Del Mar.  She married a good man, but Ennis’ little family had so little.  Jack wanted to do something special for her, out of what…concern? Or could it be guilt?  After all, Jack was determined to win Ennis back, no matter what. Jack was seated outside in his spacious back yard watching Lureen as she put a few steaks on the grill for supper.  He felt very fortunate as he took in the scene.  One week until Mother’s Day, and he had everything under control, and Lureen was none the wiser.  Reservations were already made for 3 at “The Elegant Farmer” and a tasteful, thin gold bracelet was well hidden.  Even little Bobby had a bottle of Chanel No. 5 ready for his mom, after saving his allowance for over a year to purchase the gift. Jack contemplated his life as he watched his family get ready for a luxury dinner.  He was not happy by any means, but he was certainly comfortable.  He had to find a way to do something for his friend’s wife.  She deserved it!

Ennis sat alone during lunch as he had little to say to his boss or his co-workers.  He wasn’t afraid of alienating anyone; Ennis had no use for friends at that stage in his life.  He was right about to bite into his second PB&J sandwich when Jerry approached with message: Steve, the Foreman, wanted to see him right away.  Ennis felt his throat constrict and it wasn’t because of the peanut butter.  “Do you know what he wants?” Ennis asked Jerry as he took a swig of milk to wash down the bite of sandwich.  “No, he didn’t tell me,” was all Jerry said as he retreated to a bench to finish his own lunch.  Ennis rose from his seat and left his wrappers and empty milk carton for later.  Thoughts of layoffs and pay cuts invaded his mind as he knocked on Steve’s door, and his knees felt weak.  What would he do if he lost some of his pay or was laid off altogether?  Life was hard enough on what he was bring in.  He couldn't stand the gloomy thoughts and resolved right then and there to stay positive.  “Come in,” Steve yelled in answer to Ennis’ knock.  Steve got right to the point: “I have to admit that you’re one of the best workers I have, Del Mar,” He began.  “I would appreciate it if you kept this under wraps, but I’m giving you a bonus for a job well done.” Ennis couldn’t be certain that he’d heard right, and he was silent.  Steve smiled at him and continued: “I have here in this envelope a gift certificate for 4 to the Knife and Fork for whenever you want to use it.  This includes dinner, drinks, dessert and can be used starting this Sunday.  I also have cash here for you in the amount of $50.00.”  Ennis could feel tears threatening to fall. “Well, come get your bonus, man,” Steve laughed.  “Enjoy, and remember, not a word of this to anyone.  I don’t want to make this a regular thing, especially since I can’t say how much I’ll have from day to day.”  “Yessir,” Ennis managed.  He gingerly removed the envelope from Steve’s fingers and walked out of his office.  Once outside, Ennis almost danced a jig!  He smiled as he thought about the nice purse and blouse that he would purchase for his wife with the bonus money.  And how about dinner on Mother’s Day at the Knife and Fork?  Ennis couldn’t believe his good fortune.  He had doubts about the veracity of Steve’s generosity, but refused to question it.  After all, God moved in mysterious ways.  Meanwhile, Steve reflected back on the conversation he'd had with a man living in Texas, and his own instructions to keep the entire arrangement top secret.  That Ennis Del Mar was a lucky man to have such a good friend.

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Never Look Back
« Reply #3658 on: May 15, 2010, 11:40:17 pm »
Lureen held little Bobby’s hands in her own and counted his tiny fingers.  Jack observed his family with pride.  His newborn son was certainly handsome and healthy, and he seemed to be a live one.  And Lureen?  Jack couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked after a difficult 12 hour labor.  He moved closer to his family and placed a gentle hand on his son’s small head.

Lureen’s parents were due for a visit at any moment and Jack wasn’t looking forward to having his in-laws around.  He anxiously glanced at the vacant chair by the door.  He thought he saw a man sitting there, a man that looked a lot like Ennis Del Mar.  Jack was instantly ashamed of himself.  He just became the father of a fine son and his family should be his main focus.  But he couldn’t help himself.  Ennis couldn’t be with him but Jack could see him, feel him, imagine him close by.  Jack allowed his mind to wander, just for a second, and after that he vowed to focus his full attention on his wife and tiny son.  Jack imagined that Ennis was sitting in the chair watching, grinning from ear to ear.  Jack reached a hand toward his friend and beckoned him over. “Come Ennis,” Jack whispered, “Come over and see my son.”  In his mind’s eye Jack lifted his boy from Lureen’s breast and folded him into Ennis’ arms.  He smiled at his friend as Ennis kissed Bobby’s brow.  Jack snuggled close to the both of them and held on for dear life.  “What ya thinking about, honey?” Lureen asked, amused.  She pulled her husband back to reality just as Mr. and Mrs. Twist entered the room.

Jack's heart was heavy as the reality of the situation hit home: Ennis was unaware that Jack just had a son.  Jack was also ashamed that from the day he met him, Ennis was never from his thoughts.  “Oh, En,” Jack lamented deep in his heart, “Even at a time like this, it’s all about you.”  “He looks just like his grandpa! Don’t you think he looks like his grandpa, Rodeo?” Mr. Twist instigated and almost smirked.  Jack nodded, agreeably, but he was a bit hurt.  He felt like nothing more than a sire.  He caught the keys that his father-in-law tossed to him and headed outside to fetch the box of formula for his son.  If he had his way he would get behind the wheel of his father-in-law’s Lincoln and drive off to Wyoming and never look back.

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The 4th
« Reply #3659 on: June 30, 2010, 10:36:26 pm »
“Jack, bring over the chicken,” Ennis shouted from his place at the little portable grill.  Jack was fiddling around in the meat cooler when he heard Ennis’ order.  Jack reached down past the burger patties and the ribs to pull up a cooler containing chicken swimming in his special marinade.  Jack’s marinated chicken was Ennis’ favorite.  Ennis had to have it whenever they met up for a fishing trip, but this time was different.  Jack brought along a variety of vittles: chicken marinated to the bone, hamburgers already molded into patties, hot dogs, potato salad, rolls, ice cream.  After all, it was the 4th of July weekend.

Ennis placed a few chicken hind quarters on the grill and luxuriated in the smell of exotic spices.  He knew Jack perfected the balance of spices for the marinade over many years.  His acquired prowess in the kitchen surprised and delighted Ennis.  Jack never displayed the sort of genius for cooking up on Brokeback; it seemed married life had its advantages.  Jack retreated to the cooler and began seasoning the hamburgers.  The tender, oversized burgers would hit the grill next.  Ennis looked over to the cooler and smiled at his lover.  He couldn’t believe that either of them managed to make it up there, especially on a holiday weekend.  But Lureen and her parents, along with little Bobby, were flying to Hawaii for 2 weeks, and Jack didn’t seem offended when he was not invited to go along.  He recognized the perfect opportunity to be with his man, and he called Ennis up as soon as Lureen and Bobby left the house.  Ennis just happened to be free – Alma had the girls that week, and they were sending the holiday with Alma’s sister.  Ennis didn’t mind.  As it was, he and Jack never had enough time to be together.  The 4th of July weekend together was just what the doctor ordered!  Ennis prepared the picnic feast and thought ahead to that night: after the fireworks display, he planned to surprise Jack with some toys he brought along.  Ennis blushed when he thought of the provocative objects stashed away in his duffle.  He brought along…..

The alarm clock blared loud and shrill.  Ennis almost cried out, he was so angry.  He couldn’t recall the last time he and Jack were together, and his dream of spending a special holiday with his lover was the next best thing.  But he had work to do, and children to support, so he forced himself to leave his warm bed.  Ennis headed for his sink to take a leak, but his erection delayed that for awhile.  He sat down on his tiny couch and helped relieve himself to further thoughts of Jack, marinated chicken and sex toys on the 4th…