Author Topic: Where did it come from? Gay trivia!  (Read 16428 times)


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Re: Where did it come from? Gay trivia!
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2006, 07:03:27 pm »
The only place in the USA or its federal institutions where homosexuality, aka sodomy, is still illegal is the US Military.

But, all over the USA we have vice cops following individual men who go in public restrooms in order to entrap them for being homosexuals.

I had two undercover Tulsa vice cops attempt to do that with me a few years ago. I was at the Tulsa River Parks near an overlook by a bridge over the Arkansas River and visiting with an openly gay friend. We had been sitting on the block wall above the overlook and was facing the drive into the parking lot.

I told my friend that I had to go pee and I would be right back. The public restroom building was behind the closed consession stand there. When I went around the building, standing near the door to the women's side was a man around 30 who was wearing regular eyeglasses. There was a utility room between the restrooms and I went into the men's side.

The room was set up so that along one wall was two lavatories, two urinals and then two toilet stalls with 3 1/3 foot high partitions. I went to the 1st urinal which had a little divider next to it.

A few moments later, a man whom I had never seen before came and stood at the other urinal. He acted like he wanted to see what I was doing. And, a very short time after that, the man whom I had seen outside came in and stood as though he might urinate at the last stall. When I am in a public restroom, I always pay attention to what is going on without trying to look obvious. The guy with the glasses appeared to be masturbating.

I actually was not even interested in them in the first place and I did my business and left as soon as I was finished and went back out to be with my friend. (I have his name written on an old calendar in the store room.)

Since it was getting hot in the sun, he and I decided to move down the way to the picnic tables by the parking lot. We were sitting on a table and the guy with the glasses and a man about 70 years old came down the paved path and stood at an empty parking space.

An older model red car pulled in and the driver got out. He was the other man whom I had seen in the toilet. Then the glasses dude sits in the driver's seat and when he reaches across to the glove box, it dawned on me, "These guys are cops!" The guy in the car was getting a citation book to write on so that he could arrest the older man and take him downtown. That they did.

A while later, my friend had left and a young man, probably not 21, drove up in the the empty space in front of the table where I was sitting and since I knew that he was definitely a restroom/T-room cruiser and gay, too, I felt that I had better warn him. But, before I could get to his car, he backed up so that his car would be parked on the opposite side of the lot and his license plate not that easy to read by a cop in a car.

So, I followed him as a backed up. And before I could say one word, the cop with the glasses quickly appeared and asked, "Did you tell him we were cops?"  I told the cop after he said he went to church, "Did you know that Jesus said entrapment was wrong?" His response was, "Well, he said homosexuality was wrong, too." I told him that Jesus never mentioned it.

After that day, if I just happened to be within a mile of that restroom and the vice cops who had been told whom I was, I woud be approached and told to leave the park, because they did not want me to interfere with "police business."

I knew an ACLU lawyer who was also the co-president of the local chapter of PFLAG. I told Bill that they told me to leave the park and he said that since I have not been seen breaking any law by them, they had no legal right to tell me to leave.

I have yet to hear in a TV news report or even read in the newspaper where local cops have actually arrested two men having sex in a public place. Each report that I know about was always an individual man and one or more vice cops.

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Re: Where did it come from? Gay trivia!
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2006, 07:46:53 pm »
In Chicago in the 70's and 80's (and I assume other cities did this also), small gay neighborhood pubs would hang their beer signs outside upside-down to signal it was a gay joint.  This was not done for the big discos such as The Bistro, but only for little corner bars that didn't even have a neon sign with their own name.

For all I know, this may still be going on... but I doubt it.   I saw it a lot when I lived on N. Halsted, in a neighborhood then called New Town (but is now known as Boy's Town).  When it was still New Town, it was not known as a gay neighborhood: it was the beginning of "guppies" ("gay urban professionals") moving there and revitalizing the neighborhood.  I was one of those guppies in 1974 and '75.

Now that it is "the" gay neighborhood in Chicago, I wonder if all those beer signs -- signs made by the breweries themselves, such as Miller's or Budweiser -- are still upside down.....?  Probably not.

An interesting side note about those days:  I worked at a major bank downtown, and took the 'L' to get there.  The shortest route for my walk to the 'L' took me through a block or two controlled by gangs, so I had been advised to go the long way around to avoid that area.

Instead, I went through it, and sure enough was surrounded by gang members the second or third time.  I just told them I lived on Halsted, worked downtown, and asked their permission to pass by twice a day.  As soon as I used the term "permission" they broke into smiles, and I never had a problem.  In fact, I believe they came to think  they were protecting me ... I would often get an escort or two through the neighborhood, and in the first few weeks I saw them spread the word about me, telling kids who hadn't met me yet "hands off," and "he gets a pass, tell X and Y."

We never mentioned it, but I now think they knew I was gay.  They knew everything going on in their neighborhood and must have been aware of the swelling number of guppies moving in.  It was never an issue, so far as I knew.

How strange:  I'm getting nostalgic and teary-eyed,  remembering these young hoodlums!  I hadn't thought of them in years.
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Re: Where did it come from? Gay trivia!
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2006, 09:28:32 am »
Wow, Impish, what a great story! Can you imagine, for a little Frenchie like me, reading a real-life story about gangs in Chicago... I thought it existed only in films!

Yesterday was "Fight Homophobia" day in France. Never knew it existed, it must be very recent. But if we feel the need to have one such day, it is because it is NEEDED. Oh, don't dream, it didn't make the headlines! No TV spoke about it, nothing. There were just 5 lines in the inside pages of a local, free newspaper.
It did say that although homophobia has been repressed by law over the past 10 years, the number of homophobic muggings (11% of all violent attacks on individuals) and general harassment is actually on the rise. The worst places for it are: the family circle, the work place, and school, for pupils.
Anyone still believes that 'Europe' as a whole is liberal on the issue of homosexuality? Count France out.
 But I wouldn't bet on France being the only one in Europe, nor the worst.
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"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"

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Re: Where did it come from? Gay trivia!
« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2006, 10:22:58 am »

Yesterday was "Fight Homophobia" day in France. Never knew it existed, it must be very recent. But if we feel the need to have one such day, it is because it is NEEDED. Oh, don't dream, it didn't make the headlines! No TV spoke about it, nothing. There were just 5 lines in the inside pages of a local, free newspaper.
It did say that although homophobia has been repressed by law over the past 10 years, the number of homophobic muggings (11% of all violent attacks on individuals) and general harassment is actually on the rise. The worst places for it are: the family circle, the work place, and school, for pupils.
Anyone still believes that 'Europe' as a whole is liberal on the issue of homosexuality? Count France out.
 But I wouldn't bet on France being the only one in Europe, nor the worst.

Hi Isabelle! 

I lived in Paris for a year (Fall 1991-1992)... and it was the happiest year of my life.   I'll be in Nice in late July for a few days, and I can't wait...  I'm reading Le Petit Prince in French to freshen up my ability (je parle comme une vache).

In the U.S., we have a National Coming Out Day (October 11, I believe), but it's not recognized by the government.  When I was in University in the late 70's, October 11 was proclaimed "Wear-Blue-Jeans-If-You're-Gay" day by GLBT organizations, and it was a huge success.  Everyone had to decide if they were brave enough to wear their usual jeans.  Closeted gays wore slacks, and a few of my closer  straight friends wore jeans and discovered what it was like to be hated for a day.

Everyone was talking about it for days afterward, and I always wondered why the event was never repeated. 

Does anyone else remember this?
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Offline isabelle

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Re: Where did it come from? Gay trivia!
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2006, 10:52:35 am »
Impish: I do believe that Paris is an exception. Many of my gay friends went to live there, so they could be themselves more easily. Far away from their families...
 2 years ago, there was an attempted murder on the Mayor of Paris, who is gay. The guy who stabbed him said he did it because he can't stand "poofs" ("fags"), but that was not insisted on in the news. All we heard was "a madman tried to kill the Mayor of Paris, out of hatred of politicians". Hunh?? That is because homosexuality, and homophobia, is an issue no one wants to talk about or acknowledge, here.
A shame Nice is so far away from me! I hope you have a lovely time there.
Tu dis que tu parles comme une vache, mais tu sais faire de l'humour en français, alors tu dois être plutôt doué!
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Re: Where did it come from? Gay trivia!
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2007, 01:58:47 pm »
Found this thread when looking for another post which I knew was on bettermost - thought it was time to bump it. I had never seen it before and thought it was really interesting.

Also the post I was looking for was by brokeback_dev and i will quote here for ease.

OK so I'm a Christian, but I have nothing against two men loving each other or two woman loving each other.. I go to church and i have to ignore the preacher when he mentions anything against homosexuality. 

the bible clearly states:

* Leviticus 25:44 states it is fine to purchase slaves.  WTF??

* Exodus 21:7 claims you are allowed to sell your daughter into slavery.  OMFG!

* Leviticus 19:19 states that two crops should not be planted in the same field and that wearing garments of two different fabrics is sinful.  Several shirts i own are made of more than two fabrics like ramey and nylon!  Give me a break!

* Leviticus 24:10-16 states that anyone who curses or is blasphemous must be stoned to death by members of his/her community.  Guess we should all be stoned to death lol

* Exodus 35:2 very clearly states that if you work on Sunday, you should be put to death.

* Leviticus 10:10 states that eating shellfish is an "abomination." Religious groups often say the same thing about homosexuality. Red lobster, anybody?

* Leviticus 20:20 states that if you have any kind of defect in sight, you may not approach the altar of God.  Does that mean that when my cataracts develop i cant go to church?  Oh come on!

* Leviticus 19:27 says men should be put to death for trimming their hair around their temples.  Thats just ridiculous.

* Leviticus 11:6-8 says touching the skin of a dead pig is sinful. Think of American football.

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