Author Topic: JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive  (Read 54678 times)


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JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive
« on: June 23, 2007, 03:34:25 pm »
This is the READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread of Toycoon´s

"Introducing the new Jack with Ennis fanfic game - the Bettermost Edition"

Each post contains the stories of one page of the original thread, so that you can easily find them over there if you want to comment on one of them.

Please do not comment here. But since we all live for comments, they are very welcome on the original board!

« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 03:25:40 pm by Dagi »


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stories of page 1
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2007, 03:39:52 pm »
Dancing with Jack by Toycoon

He never was much for dancing, not much rhythm, but Ennis sure did like to watch Jack, shaking his butt and woopin' around while drinkin', listening to the transistor and sitting on the porch at Don Rowe's cabin under the full moon.

When Sam Cook came on over the radio, it was as though Jack had been electrocuted because he sprung up, yanked Ennis out of his chair and yelled, " This is my favorite song! "

Ennis was thankful it was a slow number because it gave him a chance to rub his smooth chest against Jack's hairy chest and find the rhythm that a full moon can coax out of a man.

Two Hearts by Susie

“Come take a look, honey!” Ennis walked over to Jack, who was grinning and pointing proudly to the tree, a small heart carved into the trunk with the initials “JT” at the top and “EdM” underneath, “So…. no matter where we are, we’ll always be together” Jack’s eyes were brimming over with love; Ennis gathered him up into his arms, “Jack Fu ckin Twist! Never figured you for a romantic fool!”

That was over twenty years ago now and with everything so overgrown Ennis had a hard time finding the right tree; the carving was faint but the heart was still just visible; he took out his knife and carved a second heart into the trunk, this time with the letters “EdM” at the top and “JT” underneath, and satisfied with his handy work, he stood back and gazed at the two hearts side by side.

“Love you Jack. If I could hold you in my arms right now, you'd know that.”, he ran his thumb over the old carving, hearing Jack's voice, hardly a whisper, drifting into his mind, the words “S’alright, s’alright”, comforting him; “I Gotta go”, he said quietly, wiping away a few stray tears and climbing back into the saddle; Jack Twist was right, no matter where they were, in this life or the next, they would always be together.

Never really apart
by Malina

It always tugged at Jack's heart when Ennis left. He knew it was just for the night, and that they couldn't leave them damn sheep alone on the mountain with the coyotes, more greedy than ever now that fall was approaching. Still, every time Jack watched Ennis ride off in the dusk on Cigar Butt, that little edge of fear twisted inside him... thinkin', what if this is the night Ennis changes his mind? What if somethin' happens to him up there and he don't come back down at all? Foolish thoughts, and Jack tried to keep on top a them ... still, always hard ta see Ennis leavin', even just for the night.

This night in August was different. Tired from a full day of wrasslin' those woolies around, not to mention wrasslin' with his man, Jack felt every muscle in his body relax as he stared dreaming at the fire. He breathed in smoke an' mountain air and felt his eyes close to the sounds of Ennis gatherin' up stuff preparin' to go. This night, didn't even feel bad that Ennis was goin. He'd be on the same mountain, after all. Brokeback joined them, Jack thought, half dozing. Never really apart, both a them on Brokeback. Jack stood, sleepin' on his feet like a horse, feeling that whole mountain as part of his body and his heart. Ennis wasn't really leavin', even when he rode off.

Eyes still closed, Jack felt strong arms come around him from behind, like to confirm his thoughts. He felt Ennis's breath on his shoulder and humming his ear. He felt Ennis rock him and whisper a bit, leaned against the steady heartbeat, felt the lonely place inside him filled for good. Never really apart, he thought again, thinkin' he'd say the words out loud but next second forgetting to. Felt like Ennis heard him in any case.

Ennis mumbled 'gotta go', his hand clutching Jack's coat one final time as if not wantin' to pull away. He turned slightly, looked at  Jack's face in the dozy firelight, and all his resolve was gone. Facing Jack, seeing Jack's blue eyes open sleepily and search his face, Ennis pulled him close again, face to face this time, feeling Jack's arms close around him, too, and next second, Jack's slightly parted lips warm against his own. Never really apart, Ennis thought, feelin' like the mountain could stretch out into all of time and space an' keep on being home.


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Stories of page 2
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2007, 03:46:46 pm »
The Ad by littlewing

Ennis Del Mar walked into his too hot trailer after a long day at the ranch. He was feeling a bit more human these days, especially after having completed a full day of back-breaking labor. Ennis was a man who felt pride at doing an honest day's work to feed himself and his children.

Ennis dropped his thermos and gloves onto his battered couch. He would look around his fridge for something to eat later. That is, unless Cassie came over uninvited with a tuna casserole in both hands. He wasn't that hungry, anyway. A full day of work usually took his appetite clean away.

Perhaps a bit of TV was in order. Ennis reached over to his little coffee table and turned on his black and white 19in television. The reception out there at the park was poor, and he had to adjust the rabbit ears to get the channels in clear. He turned the dial in an attempt to find something good to watch. Nothing on. Until...could it be? Ennis saw a man that looked a lot like Jack, and he was standing outside what seemed to be a car dealership. Ennis shook his head in disbelief as he realized that the man in the commercial was indeed Jack Twist! Jack stood next to a monstrous combine and gave his spiel about Newsome motors being the best in town, blah, blah, blah. Ennis watched transfixed at the sight! Jack Twist was looking mighty fine in a grey looking resistol, dark suit coat, jeans. He had on snakeskin boots and his mustache looked newly waxed. Ennis wondered how much Mr. Newsome spent to have the ad placed in so many markets. And he was amazed that Jack's father- in- law would allow him to represent the company. But those thoughts flew from Ennis' mind when his gaze moved down to Jack's tight jeans. He couldn't remember a word of what Jack said, but he would never forget the beauty of his lover, or the rise of desire he felt down below.

Let´s go away by littlewing

This is a fragment of  tale that I posted as a continuation of one of Toycoon's fics.  I guess it makes sense on its own?

Jack felt a slight tremor wash over him as he heard Ennis' admission: "And I missed you!" Jack never thought in a million years that Ennis would say such a thing! Jack snuggled Ennis closer, careful not to irritate his already bruised lips.

"You think we can get away for a bit, friend?" Jack whispered, his eyes twinkling at the prospect of a few days alone with his lover. "Call Alma now. Make up something.. anything. Let's go away for a spell. We can hunt, fish, make love, do whatever you want! Just be with me!"

Ennis was silent as he considered Jack's proposal. He couldn't just up and leave his family on such short notice, could he? And what about work? When Jack reached down and tenderly palmed his manhood, licked the shaft with an eager tongue, he almost hated Jack for using his sex to persuade him! However, once Jack encircled him with his mouth, Ennis reached for the phone...

Sweet Tooth by littlewing

Yet another fragment that I found saved to my hard drive.  I hope this one makes sense on it's own?

Ennis released Jack and felt a stirring, a gust rising to a whirlwind of desire. He had an idea. "Hey Jack, still got that sweet tooth?" To say that Jack Twist was surprised..well..he never knew Ennis to take the initiative, be creative, or even suggest that they "do it." Jack knew what Ennis meant and croaked, "Oh hell yeah, Cowboy! What you got?"

Their bedroom was all rustic splendor with a bed sturdy enough to support the wrestling of two well built young men. Ennis spread the sheets and patted Jack's side of the bed. "Come, lie here, Bud. Trust me." Jack climbed onto his side of the bed and when prone closed his eyes in anticipation. "I trust you, Cowboy!"

Ennis gently spread Jack's thighs and very tenderly anointed his love with chocolate syrup. When the slurping and smacking began, Jack gripped and tore the sheets, barely able to preserve his sanity. "What has gotten into you, Ennis Del Mar?" Ennis didn't answer as Jack convulsed and then relaxed....

Reflexology by littlewing

Jack drove 14 hours to meet up with Ennis at Don Wroe's cabin. And as usual, he didn't give it a second thought. He was reminded of a poem that Lureen loved: a sweeping, epic rhyme that he believed was titled, "The Highwayman." Jack pondered his 14 hour treks whenever Lureen was in a poetic mood and read aloud:

Look for me by moonlight,
Watch for me by moonlight!
I'll come to thee by moonlight,
Though hell should bar the way!

Jack vowed that as long as he was breathing, he would find his way to Ennis, even if the gates of hell itself stood in his way. Jack felt guilty when he thought of Lureen. She had no way of knowing that a poem she loved so much held such a secret, special meaning for him. Poor Lureen!

He had a surprise for his lover: a certain something that he knew Ennis would like, but he was fearful, almost embarassed, not sure how Ennis would react to the treat that he had in store for him! Jack climbed the steps to the threshold of Don Wroe's cabin, fettered with a travel duffle, extra food (Ennis promised to bring the bulk of the vittles) and an additional bag that housed the surprise.

Jack found Ennis sprawled asleep on the overstuffed couch. His legs were spread wide, his fair hair plastered across his high forehead. Jack felt the old, familiar stirrings just gazing at his beloved, but he cast the feelings aside. After all, they had all week to be together. Jack decided to let Ennis sleep while he put his things away. Once his gear was safely in one of the bedrooms, Jack reached into his extra bag and fetched a mat: a yoga mat, to be exact, and placed it on the floor in front of the couch were Ennis was still sound asleep. He arranged his tools in a neat row in front of the mat and sat very still, closed his eyes.

Ennis woke with a start when Jack, growing impatient, rubbed the soles of his feet with a delicate hand.

"Hey Bud, Ennis began, as he wiped the sleep from his beautiful eyes. "When did you get in?" Ennis looked down at Jack's feet and noticed the mat, a small book, a bottle that contained an oily looking liquid. Jack was sitting in a strange position with one leg crossed over the other.

"Jack, what is going on?" Ennis asked, incredulous. "What's with all that stuff? How long have you been here?"

"So many questions, Cowyboy!" Jack began as he palmed Ennis' right ankle. "I just got in about 15 minutes ago. I thought I would put my stuff away and let you sleep for a few more minutes. You have a good rest?"

"Yes, thanks. But what is all this?" Ennis asked, as he pointed to Jack's gear.

"Listen, Bud, I want to do something for you. Don't be creeped out. This is very natural and healing. You'll like it, and I'm sure you'll benefit from it. Just stay where you are and be still." Jack uncrossed his legs and reached for the oil. "I wanted to have the technique memorized, but I haven't had the time. I'm going to give you a foot massage. It's called reflexology."

"Reflex what?" Ennis laughed as he shook his head. "Is that supposed to do something?"

"Yeah, it's supposed to do something, you ass!" Jack, testy now. "Look, just hold on and let me begin. You won't want me to stop when I get goin'" Ennis shrugged and let Jack begin his minsitrations. He oiled Ennis' left foot with a liberal dose of the lotion. "Now I'm going to work on your liver," Jack began as he massaged circles on Ennis' sole.

"Ahhhhhhhh Budddd...that is so good!" Ennis almost passed out from the pleasure of Jack's massage. He had never been touched on his feet by anyone, ever. Jack's gift for nuturing never ceased to amaze Ennis. he allowed himself to be pampered. Jack continued the massage on the other foot. By the time he had finished, Ennis was sound asleep. Jack chuckled and put his tools away. He would have Ennis return the favor - that was for sure! As he folded his mat and placed the gear back into his bag, Jack thought about the hippies who stopped by his office one December evening. They were a married couple who were passing through Childress, but had car trouble and were lost, cold and hungry. Jack fed them, provided a few hours of warmth and had his mechanics fix their Volkwagon Bus. And in return, the couple left him with the yoga mat, the oil and a book on how to perform reflexology. What better way to put the gear to use than to treat Ennis Del Mar? Jack changed his clothes, got cleaned up and started supper. They would eat good that night. And after the main course, the dessert...

The Rain by littlewing

Under willows encircled with ivy
We take cover in blustery weather
My arms are wreathed about you,
In my rain cape we huddle together

I was wrong, my love, not ivy
But hops encircle this willow.
Well then, let’s spread in its shelter
My cape for a rug and a pillow.
                        -Boris Pasternak

Ennis enjoyed the rain.  He remembers listening to the soft whisper of rain drops when he was a boy, and craving the dewy feel of rain on his forehead.  On Brokeback the rains came often -  Rain as heavy as beaded curtains, flowing, dancing in the wind.

Jack Twist hated the rain, cursed the wind, the wet!  He loathed herding sheep in the rain.  Ennis knew this and thought he should carve a little something for his friend, perhaps a small dog?  Jack Twist always loved a small dog.

The tent was warm enough, and the view out of the tent flap of all that glorious rain!  The small dog was coming along fine, but Ennis missed Jack.  When the wind calmed down a bit, he would perhaps surprise his mate with a bottle of whiskey, a small dog and a cape big enough for two.


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Stories of page 3
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2007, 03:52:42 pm »
The Strawberry Roan by Shasta

"..............He's about the worst bucker I've seen on the range
He'll turn on a Nickel and give you some change
He hits on all fours and goes up on high
Leaves me a spinnin' up there in the sky
I turns over twice and I comes back to earth
I lights in a cussin' the day of his birth
I know there are ponies that I cannot ride
There's some of them left, they haven't all died.

I'll bet all my money, the man ain't alive
That'll stay with Old Strawberry
When he makes his high diiiiiiiiiiiiive."

Ennis sat back as he finished the song, his gravelly voice holding the last note a little longer than Marty Robbins would have.

"Ennis," drawled Jack, "that's a pretty fair rendition of that particular lyric."

Ennis, watching intently as Jack tossed another chunk of wood on the campfire,  emitted a noncommittal grunt at what he hoped was a compliment from his new buddy.

Silent Confessions... by Lucise

Ennis looked lovingly at Jack’s resting form – his breathing was steady and soft, and his face was as peaceful as that of a sleeping child.

“My little darlin’,” he whispered, snuggling closer into Jack before draping a protective arm around easy it was to let go of the words when he was certain that Jack was asleep.

Soon, Ennis fell into sweet slumber; Jack opened his eyes slowly and kissed his lover’s lips lightly, “I love you too,” he said softly, drawing the sleeping man into his arms.

The Night After
by Cameron

Ennis looked up at the stars.  The night was clear, the moon were bright.  The sheep were crying and singing all around him.  The night was warm just like the last night had been.

Ennis closed his eyes.  He was back in the tent, back in Jack’s warm arms.  He could feel it all again, Jack’s warm lips on his trembling lips , Jack’s hands traveling all over him, sending sparks of fire all through him.  He had been so nervous, but it all became so sweet.

Ennis opened his eyes.  He looked back up at the stars.  He could feel their distant fire and warmth.  He looked down the mountain, he could see Jack’s campfire.  A wave of desire swept over him.


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Stories of page 4
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2007, 03:56:13 pm »
The Old Spark by Susie

“Gonna snow t’night for sure” Jack was looking up at the sky, thick black clouds looming overhead, air so cold it was sending out streams of mist with every breath.  The two elderly men sat rocking on the porch swing, Jack’s hair white as snow, belly popping out over his jeans,  Ennis bald but for a few fine wisps, still lean, although a little softer round the edges.  They passed the Old Rose back and forth between them, enjoying the peace and quiet of the evening.

“Now this is what I call a sweet life, old friend” Jack commented, his voice a little deeper and huskier these days.  “Less of the ‘old’ there bud!  I may be 73 but I could still pin you down on this porch if I wanted to” Ennis chuckled, not sure his knees would survive the hard wooden boards.  “I’d like to see you try” Jack retorted, starting a mock tussle, laughing and wheezing and giving up after five minutes.

“Maybe not” admitted Ennis.  “Tell you what, Ennis Del Mar, you can pin me down any time you want!” Jack flashed him a sly grin, settling back down on the swing and taking another swig from the bottle.  “Jack, I swear…” Ennis smiled, taking Jack’s hand and weaving their fingers together, bringing it up to his lips, kissing it softly and placing it onto his lap.

Sleepin by Dagi (page 10)

„I´m sleepin“ murmured Jack when he felt Ennis´s hot hands on his butt and his swollen member pressed against his back.

„Ya sure?“ whispered Ennis in a husky voice, hungry with desire.

Growing hard in no time Jack gave in with a little sigh, wondering if he would ever, ever in his life learn to resist, but considering the fact that they were about to turn seventyfour he doubted that....

Sleepin (2) by littlewing

“I hope you can finish what you’re startin!”  It was Jack, trying to turn his arthritis ridden bones toward his love.  “You still think you can satisfy me, old man?”  Jack was only teasing as he placed a tender kiss on Ennis’ still luscious mouth.

“Just turn over, Rodeo, that is… if ya can!”  Ennis laughed as he returned Jack’s kiss.  He gently moved behind Jack’s still firm buttocks, but something was wrong!  Jack pushed up against him, but Ennis couldn’t do it.  He hung his head and silently cursed his aged body.  Jack noticed his lover’s change in mood and turned to face him straight on.

“It’s alright, it’s alright!”  Jack soothed as he cradled Ennis head in his leathery, age spotted hands.  “Here, just lay on my chest, just like the old days."  Jack soothed and rocked as Ennis settled in.  "Listen, you don’t have to do anything, Cowboy.  Just be with me!”  Jack whispered.  Ennis cuddled into his lover’s arms and wiped at the tears falling in a puddle on Jack’s chest.  Jack rocked them both to a satisfied slumber.

My Hand in His by littlewing

He held my hand. He didn’t want to let go. Did he sense that our time together on Brokeback was coming to an end? Jack Twist took my hand one day, led me over streams and through fields, my hand in his, his hand in mine. We washed our bodies and our clothes holding hands, cooked with hands intertwined, ate with our hands clasped. One time Jack Twist even brought my palm to his mouth, kissed it tenderly, but didn’t let go. There we stood, face to face, Jack kissing the front and the back of my hand. My hand in his, his hand in mine. These days I am always drawn back to that time, see the two us standing watching the sunset, standing there with clasped hands. My hand in his, his hand in mine.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 04:45:59 pm by Dagi »


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stories of page 5
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2007, 03:58:19 pm »
Last One In by Toycoon

The smell of sweat, whiskey, shame and cigarettes permeated the air; adultery and sound of silence in the cab of Ennis' pick up truck was nearly deafening until they pulled up to the edge of the cliff above the lake.

They threw open the doors then cowboy hats, boots, pants and inhibitions went flying in every direction; Jack jumped first and yelled, "Last one in is a rotten..." SPLASH!

Their lips and their naked bodies came together with a hard, wet slap.


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stories of page 7
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2007, 04:07:29 pm »
Asking For It by Toycoon

The passion and animal lust was extremely intense and building by the second between the two men.

 Jack removes his jacket and Ennis felt conflicted but obviously extremely sexually aroused.

 Jack undid his jeans then Ennis exploded into action. He pushed Jack into position but if Jack had not wanted what was about to happen, he would have stopped it right then and there. He didn't.

Asking for it (2) by littlewing (page 8)

Jack wanted it.  He wanted Ennis to fill him to bursting, to love him, use him.  But he also wanted more!  Jack wanted the moment, the feeling, the closeness.  Jack wanted a kiss.

But the kiss could wait until later.  Days later, if need be.  For now Jack Twist was content to be taken.  Taken violently, if that is what Ennis wanted.  He needed to see that Ennis had it all!

One forceful push and Ennis was in.  Jack fell into an uneasy rhythm - back and forth, while Ennis pushed in an out!  What a sweet, delicious pain.....

Too Early In The Summer
by Dagi

< Beans.  Beans beans beans. I´m sick of ´em.>

< Hmm...>

< Taste ain´t that bad, but ...mbmummbfrt....>

< Huh? Mumbling used to be my part. What´d ya say?>

< Said ´they make me fart.´>

< Um...well...> Ennis grins.

< I´ll run them sheep off if I go on like that. Maybe that´s why I ain´t shot me no coyote yet, ´cause they don´t come close enough with all that...gas around. Expect that goddamn puptent to take off like a  balloon some night!>

Ennis laughes out loud, jerking his head back, eyes sparkling.

´This boy is f*uckin´too cute when he laughs...´

< Your guts don´t react like this, or what? >

< Hm, no, think they are used to beans. >

The cowboys go on eating in silence.

Ennis, sniffing : <Uh! What´s that? Was that you? >

< NO, MAN! Bud, I´d never fart as long as you´re around! Don´t want to run you off, friend! It wasn´t me! >

< Naw, me neither, told you I don´t fart, beans or no beans, it must´ve been you!>

Jack laughs, jumps up and over to Ennis, grabs his shirt, and tuzzling and laughing they fall on the ground ...

« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 04:14:45 pm by Dagi »


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stories of page 8
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2007, 04:24:08 pm »
Craving by Susie

“Here, let me do that for you lil’ darlin’… is that sore, right there?” Jack winced, Jesus, it hurt like hell! Ennis dabbed the clean towel carefully over Jack’s lip, split open, blood everywhere. The skin around his right eye was in pretty bad shape too, turning three shades of purple, the eye itself, closing up with the swelling.

“You sure that’s how it happened, Jack?”

“Like I said, I climbed out of the truck, stumbled on the curb and smashed my face on the sidewalk.” Jack was shaken up badly, but what else could he say? That he got jumped, walking out of a grocery store? Ennis would surely turn tail and run if he found out that two fellas had taken a disliking to him, calling him "fag got" and kicking the sh it out of him just for fun.

Ennis guided him over to the bed, laying him down gently, sliding in behind him and pulling the sheet over them. He knew Jack was lying, his story would explain some of the bruises on his face, but what about the twisted arm and busted ribs? Nothing to be done about it right now though.

“Come here baby, I need you t’night”, Jack reached back and took a hold of Ennis’ hand, bringing it forward and down. Ennis laughed, “Are you kidding me? You’re in no fit state to even move, Dumbass”.

“Just tell me then, tell me what you’re doin’ to me Ennis, I need to hear you”.

“I dunno Jack, I ain’t no good with words, you know that.”

“I don’t care, only you and me here, I ain’t telling no-one.”

Ennis closed his eyes, laying his head close to Jack’s, stroking the skin on his belly, this wasn’t gonna be easy, but he would do it, do it for Jack.

His voice was soft and deep in Jack’s ear, “You’re lying under me Jack, looking up at me with those eyes, I’m fallin’ into those baby blue eyes.” Jack sighed, snuggling up against him, guiding Ennis’ hand down over his groin, wrapping it softly round him, Ennis relaxing a little, voice slowing down some.

“Sweat’s tricklin’ down your chest, I’m lickin’ it with my tongue, you taste so good Jack, never tasted anythin’ so good.” Ennis was moving his hand back and forth slowly, Jack still holding onto him.

“I’m lifting your legs up on my shoulders, I’m inside you, deep inside. I’m going crazy Jack, wanna pound you so hard, but I stay in control, moving real slow, all the way in…. and all the way out. You feel so tight and hot round me, suckin’ me in.” Jack was rocking next to him, forwards and backwards into his hand, breath coming in ragged.

“You’re nearly there, I can tell, I can see it in your face, eye’s scrunchin’ up, biting down on your tongue. I can hear it too Jack, coming from the back of your throat, like you’re cryin’ and gaspin’ for air…. Yeah, just like that” Ennis tightening his grip, moving faster, his voice barely a whisper.

“You’re so close now I can hardly stand it, I’m steadying you with my hands, slowing you down, taking my time.” Jack’s back was arching against him, holding onto Ennis’s hand, pushing hard into it, whimpering, Ennis’ voice trailing off to more of a breath than a whisper, “You’re comin’ now lil’ darlin’… comin’ for me…”


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stories of page 10
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2007, 04:27:55 pm »
Carving a Horse by Toycoon

Ennis started whittling faster and faster with the anticipation of completing his well observed and skillfully carved horse sculpture.

"I wonder if Jack will recognize his mare without a rider or would he just think it was queer for a man to give another fella a present," thought Ennis, "and damn, is it ever gonna quit raining?"

He took out another piece of pine from his satchel, closed his eyes and began imaging the cowboy hat, the strong back, the thick arms and the tight thigh muscles of a man before putting the block of wood aside.

A surprise Gift by Toycoon

When Jack rode up on his horse, weary from the long commute, Ennis already had supper ready to serve so he handed Jack a plate and the two men sat down to eat in relative silence until Ennis pulled something from his satchel; he had carved a wooden replica of Jack's mare as a gift for Jack.

"Wowee Ennis! You whittle that all yerself?" exclaimed Jack, turning the little horse over in his hands, inspecting the detail and craftsmanship. Jack had never been given such a thoughtful gift from anyone, let alone other man and the kind gesture rendered him speechless.

Suddenly, impulsively Jack threw his arms around Ennis and hugged him firmly, their cheeks pressing together; Jack's lips brushed against Ennis' face and he felt a strange tingle at his groin.


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Stories of page 11
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2007, 04:34:44 pm »
Marriage Vows by Susie

“Come on Ennis, you know you wanna! Let’s do it now!”

“No Jack! Sounds kinda dumb to me.”

“It ain’t dumb! Just do it for me then Ennis. Please?”

“Oh alright then, as long as I don’t have to hold no posy!”

Jack sat cross legged on the picnic rug, opposite his lover, their faces bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. Taking both hands in his, he began, “Repeat after me… I Ennis Del Mar, take you Jack Twist…” Ennis muttered the words, then on seeing the disappointment in Jack’s eyes, smiled a little and said them again more clearly.

“…. to be my husband” Ennis frowned, “Can’t I be your “Best Friend” or your “Partner” or somethin’?”

“Just say the goddamn words Ennis Del Mar!” and so they continued, with only the occasional protest from Ennis; “I’ll cherish you but I ain’t obeyin’ you, no way!”

“Right... now it’s your turn”, Ennis took on the role of Minister and began reciting the wedding vows, Jack smiling and eagerly repeating every word.

Finally, Jack sprang to his feet, dragging Ennis with him, eyes fixed upon him, squeezing his hands, “Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist…. I now pronounce you husband and husband!” Beaming and bursting with happiness, he embraced Ennis mightily, and although Ennis had been a reluctant participant in the ceremony, he too was bubbling over with joy, and returned the embrace, holding Jack tightly in his arms.

No matter what happened in the future, Jack and Ennis were now bound, before God, by the sacred vow of marriage.

The Gift by littlewing

Jack walked out of Rudolph-Tracy’s jewelry store in downtown Dallas carrying a gaudy, two handled shopping bag. He always wanted to do something like this: purchase a gift for Ennis that symbolized his love for him, or perhaps mark his territory? Jack was understandably apprehensive, as he knew there was a good chance that Ennis would refuse the gift. Save for his thin wedding band, Ennis never wore jewelry!

But Jack saved for a year by putting away spare change, saving a dollar a day, that sort of thing, hiding the money in a place where Lureen would never find it. He kept a coffee can full of loose change and bills in the trunk of his Cadillac. Risky, sure, but it worked. In a year’s time Jack was able to save a sizeable sum and spent an indecent amount of money on 14K gold men’s ID bracelets. Jack had the bracelets ordered special as one spelled out Ennis’ name in pave diamonds, while the other matched perfectly, displaying Jack’s name in sparkling pave diamonds!

Jack chuckled as he climbed into his late model Cadillac. He wondered how he would ever find the courage to give Ennis a bracelet. He winced as he eyed the shopping bag on the passenger seat next to him. The bracelets couldn’t be returned as they were personalized. Ennis spelled out in diamonds? What was he thinking? Ah well, the deed was done. Now it was time to head home and get packed. He had a one Mr. Ennis Del Mar to meet and 1400 miles of road to travel....

The Gift (2) by littlewing

Jack placed his things on the bed nearest the window (all of the bedroom’s in Don Wroe’s cabin had two full sized beds) and removed the bracelet that he saved for a year to purchase.  Jack fully planned to give Ennis his gift after dinner, but he was losing his nerve.

Jack walked into the kitchen just as Ennis finished grilling two monster sized burgers.  Jack’s mouth watered at the sight of the meaty patties, and he removed cheese, grated lettuce and tomatoes from the well stocked fridge.  The meal of burgers, fries, Caesar salad and a strawberry torte for dessert was ready to be served.  Jack helped Ennis place the feast on the dining room table.

Ennis and Jack ate in companionable silence, and with gusto.  When the meal was devoured, Jack and Ennis decided to move to the living room to smoke a few cigs, and enjoy a bottle of whiskey on shares.  Ennis sat wide-legged on the couch, and invited Jack to sit next to him.  Ennis draped an arm around Jack’s shoulders, and played with the soft curls at the nape of his neck.

 “You okay, Rodeo?”  Ennis began.  “You look like you got somethin’ on yer mind.”

Jack thought he had better make a move or he would lose his resolve forever.

“En, I had this idea, a sort of wish I’ve been having’ for a long time.  We have never shared a gift between the two of us, and I want to make up for that.”

 Ennis listened intently, but remained silent, allowed Jack to continue.  Jack removed a long, velvet box from under the couch where he had placed it earlier.

 “Ennis, I had this made up special for you….I..I hope you like it, Bud.”

Ennis accepted the box with a trembling hand, and opened the lid.  He almost dropped the box when he saw the heavy 14K cable link chain separated by a plague on which the name JACK was spelled out in diamonds.

“Look, En,” Jack said as he raised a tentative wrist.  “I had one made up for me, too.”

Ennis looked at the identical bracelet sparking on Jack’s wrist and wondered how he missed it during supper.  Jack’s bracelet spelled out ENNIS in twinkling pave diamonds.  Ennis was speechless.  He accepted the gift with a quiet grace, and fastened it on his still trembling wrist.  Ennis was excited, amazed, and grateful, in spite of himself.  He never wore jewelry; thought it was prissy and girly, but he had to appreciate the effort, the love Jack must have put into this.  The bracelet was showy, surely cost a fortune, but Ennis thought he could pull it off.

“Look, Cowboy, you don’t have to wear it all the time, but just bring it with you when we meet up.  I would appreciate it if you could do that for me.  But if you ever find you need money, I won’t mind if you pawn it.”
Ennis chuckled and rubbed Jack’s cheek.

“I could never pawn or sell this, Jack!”  Ennis Began.  He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a small, bundle.  “Here, Bud, I know you had a birthday last month.  We couldn’t be together then, so I save up a bit and got you this.  I hope you like it.”

Jack ripped open the package and removed a cheap, gold plated lighter engraved with the initials, JMT.

“Ennis, it’s beautiful!”  Jack croaked, as he tried to regain his composure.  He was so moved by the gesture that he had to turn away.  “You didn’t have to get me anything, Cowboy.  You really should have saved the money for the girls.”

“Ah, its okay, Ennis began as he ruffled Jack’s hair.  “I didn’t spend too much!  You really like it?”

“I love it, En.  I’ll treasure it always.  Jack embraced his lover and stroked his back.

“Hey, you could have bought me a gorilla suit and not only would I have loved it, I would wear it!  I’ll be the combine saleman showing tractors to fat old farmers dressed as a gorilla!”

Ennis nearly fell off the couch laughing.  “Listen Bud, let’s go to bed.  We can show our gratitude in a lot of interestin’ ways…
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 02:12:36 pm by Dagi »