Author Topic: JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive  (Read 54654 times)


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« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2007, 05:17:38 pm »
You know I Ain´t Queer by Toycoon


The word rattled around the four corners of Jack's mind like a rock inside an old tin can rolling downhill; a word often whispered in hushed tones by older ladies or screamed angrily by Jack's father when he was mad at the world.

Jack drifted into thoughts of Ennis' mystifying brown eyes, his curly hair and his soft pillowy lips before answering weakly, "Me neither."

Queer (2) by littlewing (page 25)

But Jack couldn’t even convince himself.  What else was there to do but deny being queer?  All Jack knew was that he wanted his friend.  He wanted to again feel Ennis’ hardness in his most secret, tender place.

“Have it your way, friend.” Jack thought as he looked toward Ennis: a vision standing tall against the sky.  “You’ll want me again….you’ll come to me.  Then we’ll see just who is queer.”

Ennis retreated toward his work, leaving a hurt and confused Jack Twist with his tortured thoughts…

Just Ask Me by Susie

Here's a toned-down version of the story....

“…. Anythin’ you want, Ennis …. just ask me …. ”   Jack was on his knees in front of his lover, running his hands softly up and down the inside of his thighs, the firelight flickering across his dazzling blue eyes, his seductive grin.  Ennis blushed, turning away and looking into the fire “I ain’t no good with words, Jack … you know that …. besides, you know what I want.”

“Uh uh…. not unless you ask me …. come on, sugar…. I’ll do anythin’” Jack wasn’t backing down, not tonight, tonight he needed to hear the words.

“…. Well …. you could take off yer shirt for me…. ” Ennis smiled, glancing at Jack briefly before staring down at his feet, shuffling in the dirt.  Jack kept his gaze fixed firmly on Ennis’ face, slowly, suggestively, unfastening each button, sliding his shirt over his shoulders and tossing it aside.

“…. Maybe yer jeans …. and shorts…. ”   Jack got up onto his feet, still smiling, still staring, removing the last of his clothes and standing in front of Ennis,  his naked form silhouetted against the amber glow of the campfire, “Lookin’ a little overdressed there, Cowboy.”

“…. Maybe you could take off my shirt too…. and my jeans…. ”   “You bet…. ”  Jack knelt down, fingers trembling a little as he unfastened the buttons on Ennis’ shirt, gradually relieving him of his clothes, eyes fixed on each other, no longer smiling.  Ennis rocked his hips tantalisingly close to Jack’s face.

“…. You gotta ask for it, Cowboy…. ”

Ennis’ cheeks were a shade of crimson, the words choking out of him “…. I want you to take a hold of my dick Jack….  now move yer hand up and down a little…. ” Jack obliged, touching, stroking, teasing, licking his lips in anticipation.

Ennis stared at Jack’s moist tongue, “I want my dick in yer mouth….”  Jack smiled and lowered himself. “Holy shit!… just like that!”  Ennis felt his control slipping away, vision hazy with lust, mesmerised by the sight of Jack’s mouth sliding smoothly up and down, sucking hungrily.  He couldn’t take it any longer; pushing Jack roughly to the ground, rolling him over and moving in from behind in one swift manoeuvre.  Penetrating deep into his lover, he breathed into the back of his neck “I wanna fuck you, Jack…. ”

Dumb sheep by Dagi

They were sitting on the meadow in the golden afternoon sun, Ennis between his friend’s thighs, looking at the sheep they had finally untangled after a few days work. Jack loved to feel Ennis’ warm back leaning with his full weight against his breast and belly!  He loved to inhale the scent of his lover’s hair, and to hear his voice as Ennis murmured:

"Look at them dumb sheep, sometimes I wish I could live their life: not worrying about things like other people’s opinion, or how to make a living.  They just let the day pass by and enjoy whatever they find right before their mouths..."

Jack smiled, put both arms around his love, then let one hand slip into Ennis jeans and muttered:  "Bud, how about playing sheep today...? “

Dumb Sheep (part 2) by littlewing

Jack gently caressed Ennis’ manhood with a slow, steady movement.  Nothing fast or deep, just languid strokes as soft as a butterfly’s wing.  Ennis craved Jack’s tenderness, and he reached down and pulled himself free.  Ennis lifted himself slightly, and placed his swollen member in Jack’s palm.  Jack held Ennis’ cock as though it were his most treasured and valued possession.  He held him silent and still; his eyes never leaving the long shaft of love.

Ennis watched Jack as he looked down at his member.   The look on Jack’s handsome face was one of lust, wonder, unwavering love.  Ennis couldn’t take any more.  “Make me happy, Jack….please?”  Ennis asked, huskily, breathlessly.  Jack Twist chuckled and caressed him harder now.  “Like this, baby?”  He whispered, as he increased the pressure.

Afterwards, Ennis lay in Jack’s arms, the sheep be damned.  Jack held him tight for awhile, just until the last tremor subsided.  “You okay, friend?”  Jack whispered in Ennis’ ear as he cuddled him.  “Yes, thanks.”  Ennis answered as he pulled away slowly from the embrace.   Jack rose up, laid a sleeping Ennis down among the sheep and walked over to camp.  He thought twice about washing Ennis’ release from his hands.  It was a sweet, sticky reminder of their love.  But there was work to be done…
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 02:14:12 pm by Dagi »


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Stories of page 25+28
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2007, 02:19:05 pm »
 Perhaps in Heaven by littlewing

“Is the anything interestin’ up there in heaven?”  Jack asked, as an unusually stoic Ennis Del Mar stared up at the star bright, inky black sky.  “I’m just sendin’ up a prayer of thanks!”  Ennis answered.  “Fer what?”  Jack had to hear this one! “For you forgettin’ to bring that damn harmonica!  I’m thankful for the peace and quiet!”  Jack laughed in spite of himself.  He reached over for Ennis and rubbed his thigh.

Jack thought about Alma and the moment he first laid eyes on her.  She was certainly a gorgeous woman, but not quite as lovely as Lureen.  “I’m gonna get him!”  Jack thought as he eyed Mrs. Del Mar.  He was instantly ashamed of himself, but he couldn’t help his feelings.  Jack wanted Ennis Del Mar more than anything else in this world.

If only Ennis felt the same way.  Jack allowed his lover to stare up at the sky in peace, while his thoughts drifted to Alma and the so-called life Ennis had with her.  He cringed as he imaged Ennis making love to his sexy wife.  The mental picture of Ennis with someone else, even his legal wife, was more than Jack could stand.  “Is she better than me?”  Jack blurted out, before he could even control himself.  Ennis couldn't have heard correctly.  “What did you say, Jack fing Twist.....??”

Blue Eyes by Toycoon (page 28)

Jack spotted Ennis from across the grassy field sitting alone, with his head hung low and obviously in deep thought; "Boy, that Ennis Del Mar sure is a complicated fella, wonder what he thinkin' 'bout?" 

"Blue eyes... Momma would'a liked Jack's blue eyes, she liked purty things," Ennis thought, smiling wistfully as he recollected the way his mother would sometimes gaze into his father's steely eyes; "Daddy would'a wondered why I was hanging 'round rodeo fuck ups, " That boy looks like a queer ta me." Ennis' hands tightened into fists.

Ennis' concentration broke when he felt the rope from Jack's lasso fall down around his shoulders.


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Stories of page 29+30
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2007, 02:24:29 pm »
Blue Eyes (2) by littlewing

"For a queer, that Jack Twist is mighty good with a rope!”  Ennis thought as he continued to hang his head.  He didn’t want to look into Jack’s blue eyes.  Ennis was growing comfortable with his gloomy thoughts, and if he looked into those blue eyes?

“Time to get goin’, Coyboy!”  Jack spoke softly as he pulled at the rope.  Ennis allowed himself to be raised to his feet.  Jack giggled as Ennis walked away from him, avoiding his eyes.  Ennis tucked his shirt into his jeans, never looking back.  Jack Twist raised his rope, and very expertly, skillfully, caught Ennis around the ankles.  He pulled his lover to him, but Ennis wasn’t having it.

“This ain’t no goddamn Rodeo!”  Ennis growled as he wrestled Jack to the ground.  It was serious now.  Jack and Ennis rolled down the hills in a tangle of flailing limbs.  After Jack accidentally kneed Ennis in the nose, Ennis sucker punched him.  “Owwww!!” Jack rolled and held his smarting head.  His blue eyes filled with salty tears.  “Why did you hit me Ennis?”  Jack thought, almost aloud.  “I only wanted to hold you in my arms one more time….”

Brokeback Mountain
July, 1963
by MaineWriter

At last, it was hot.

Summer had finally come to the mountain and the heat of the day lingered into the evening. Jack pulled the blankets out of the tent and spread them by the campfire. “C’mere, cowboy,” he said, pulling Ennis by the hand. “I want ta love ya under the stars,” turning to look at the inky darkness overhead.

“Wha….?” said Ennis, his voice slurred.

Jack bit his tongue. The love word had slipped out. He hadn’t meant to say it, but he knew now that he was desperately, hopelessly in love with this man. Tall, lean, with bony wrists and long legs, he realized he adored everything about him from the way he smiled at him over a can of beans to the way he said “Huh?” when he was confused.

“C’mon,” said Jack softly, pushing Ennis back to the blanket, unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off his shoulders. He ran his tongue down Ennis’s chest, stopping at the twirl of hair around his navel, unbuckling his belt.

“I think I’m drunk…” said Ennis, his head lolling back on the blanket.

How drunk, Ennis? thought Jack. Drunk enough that if I say ‘I love you,’ you won’t remember it in the morning? Drunk enough that if I say I want to be with you forever, you’ll say yes?

“Ennis, I…”

“Shhh, Jack, stop talkin’,” said Ennis, turning onto his side and pulling Jack in for a rough kiss. “Let’s get ta the lovin’.”

Jack froze, the word hanging in the air between them.

“Under the stars…”


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Stories of page 31+
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2007, 02:28:31 pm »
Bobby (1) by littlewing

Another Extreme AU.  This is what happens when I try to write while listening to the jazz stylings of Jeff Kashiwa!  laugh

Bobby Twist was turning out to be quite a musician.  Who knew?   He started playing sax at the tender age of 6 and never looked back.  Jack and Lureen encouraged him to take lessons, and Bobby found that the once a week sax lessons really helped him.  After all, he'll be a featured performer, with a solo in the school recital Saturday night.  Bobby belonged to the Childress High School jazz band; one of only 3 sax players.

Jack and Lureen were divorced when Bobby turned 14, and even though his dad lived in Wyoming with one Ennis Del Mar, he managed to make it to Childress to attend every one of Bobby’s performances.  Bobby was certainly expecting Jack to show up Saturday.  Lureen and her new husband couldn’t make it.  They were on an Alaskan cruise, leaving Bobby in the care of his maternal grandmother.

Saturday night and the auditorium was filled to capacity.  Bobby had his place among the other saxophone players, and as he scanned the crowd, he couldn’t find his dad.  The boy didn’t panic.  Jack had more than a half hour before the performance began to show up.  Ten more minutes and still no Jack..but wait!  Jack Twist walked through the auditorium door in haste.  He had a man with him: a fair haired, well built, almost absurdly handsome fellow.  Bobby realized that this person had to be Ennis Del Mar.  What a looker!  For a Rodeo fuckup, Bobby’s dad certainly had something on the ball to score a king like that!  Bobby never laid eyes on Ennis before, only knew what his mom and dad told him about Ennis Del Mar.  But Bobby would worry about that later……

Wrestlin´ by Toycoon (page 32)

 There they were, shirtless, their backs smeared with dirt and sweat, muscles glistening in the warm sun, face to face, circling each other like mountain lions in a territorial stand off when Ennis barked, "C'mon rodeo, let's see what ya got! Lemme have it!"

With that, Jack rushed towards Ennis, stumbling on a gouge in the dirt and plowing straight into Ennis, who grabbed Jack in a headlock and shouting, "Say it ! Say it ! " forced him to the ground; the pressure of Ennis sprawled on top of him was at once enjoyable but excruciating to Jack, who bucked like a bull and managed to flip Ennis on his back.

Pinning down Ennis' arms above his head, Jack sitting squarely on Ennis' crotch, crawled up Ennis' body, planting sloppy, wet, 'puppy kisses' trailing up his shiny chest, neck and face finally boxing Ennis' ears with his knees; " I' ll show you what I got, cowboy! " he growled, unbuckling his trousers then Ennis hollered, " Uncle! "


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Stories of page 33+34
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2007, 02:31:43 pm »
Exploring by littlewing

Brokeback days and nights were often slow and boring for two young men who were not yet twenty.  Herding sheep all day, bedding them down at night was not only back breaking work, but it was also repetitive, dull, only worthy of those who lack education or marketable skills.  But it was work, and the pay seemed decent.

To ease the mind numbing monotony, Jack and Ennis vowed to take a few hours off weekends to explore the enchanting Brokeback Mountain.  They discovered meadows where exotic looking flowers grew; streams and creeks that were unspoiled and undisturbed!  For almost 2 months Jack and Ennis wandered the mountain, hand-in-hand, to see what they could see.

One Saturday Jack led Ennis to a clearing that he discovered while commuting back up to the mountain.  Ennis almost lost his senses as he beheld the beauty.  He touched the fragrant flowers, inhaled the heady aromas.  The clearing looked like a fine place to set up a tent, spend the night.  Spending the night together was forbidden, certainly, but who was to know?  Ennis found that he loved this game of exploring.  And suddenly his mind was drawn to a time when he explored something very private, very tight and sweet.  As he prepared the tent, Ennis thought that if he played his cards right, he may be allowed to once again explore where no other man had gone before...

Don Wroe's Cabin
November, 1970
by Leslie

Ennis was shoving another log in the woodstove as Jack came into the cabin, his breath frosty. “Goddamn, Ennis, it must be 100 degrees in here! What the hell are ya doin’?” He shoved his mittens into his pocket as he took off his coat.

“That’s my plan,” said Ennis with a smile.

“What plan?”

“I got me a cabin with a bed, and a woodstove. The only thing missin’ in this picture is naked Jack. I get it hot enough in here and I’ll get that too.”

Jack laughed. “Naked Jack? What if I’m shy, don’t want ta be sittin’ here naked?”

“Ain’t gonna be sittin’, Jack,” said Ennis with a wink.

“Well, I think I know the cure for me bein’ shy.”

“What’s that?”

“Naked Ennis. C’mere, cowboy,” said Jack, with a crook of his finger.


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Stories of page 35+36
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2007, 02:35:09 pm »
Hot Love by spiceylife

Jack bent down, adjusting the blade heights on the lawn mower.  He poured in the gasoline and primed the engine twice, and then once more for good measure.  Even though the sun was still high in the sky, Jack always liked to mow his lawn in the blazing heat of the day, building up a raging thirst to quench later with that ice-cold beer, gulped down in one hit.  Working up a good sweat in the afternoon sun helped him stay in shape, kept his body toned and the dreaded paunch away.  He figured the single beer only undid a little of his hard work.

As he stood again, Jack suddenly felt eyes upon him, like he was being watched.  He glanced quickly at the sprawling log cabin, scanned the windows and saw nothing.  He waited a moment, checking the tall trees lining the driveway, and then the barn over to the far side of the house.  Nothing out of the ordinary caught his eye.  Jack shrugged slightly and tried to dismiss the feeling.

He bent again to give the starter cord a decent pull but the feeling came over him again, stronger this time.  He paused, uncertain.  Was someone watching him?  Jack felt it in his bones.  He squinted through the sun-glare reflecting sharply off the windows, but still saw no movement in the cabin.  And so Jack pulled the cord and the motor roared to life, the obtrusive sound startling a flock of disgruntled blackbirds out of the trees nearby.  He started forward, pushing the mower in front, up and down in as straight a line as Jack cared to make it.  Still he couldn’t shake off that strange feeling, but then, Jack being Jack, his mischievous, curious streak soon overcame any vague sense of uneasiness.

Well, if that’s the way they wanna play it, and they won’t show themselves, guess I’ll play right along then.  If I’m wrong and no-one’s around, no harm done.  But if I’m right… hell, I’ll give ‘em somethin’ worth lookin’ at, cos me mowing the friggin’ lawns sure ain’t very interesting to watch… and with that, Jack began to swing his hips, almost sashaying up and down his lawn, laughing at himself inside but managing to keep his game face on.  He swung his ass from side to side seductively as he followed the line, having some fun, foolin’ around, enjoying goofing off a little.

As Jack moved to empty the overflowing catcher spilling grass out the side, he bent from his waist, legs wide apart, giving whoever might be out there a great view of his firm ass, and possibly his other wondrous assets, for the longest time.  He bent the same way to empty the grass into the compost, and then he bent the same way again, ass high and on display in the air, to replace the catcher.  And then he did it one more time, pretending to check the level of the gasoline, which he knew very well was still near full.

Jack grinned, thought he was hilarious and continued to mow up and down, refusing to look around again to catch whomever it was, wanting them to think he didn’t know they were there.  As trickles of sweat ran down his back and chest, Jack stripped off his tight black t-shirt, using it to wipe the moisture from his muscular, deeply tanned torso.  Jack did it slow and so, so sexy, for a better, hotter effect.  He soaked up the sweat from his back and neck, wanting whoever was watching to absorb some of the heat he was feeling right now, in more ways than one.

Jack kept up with the mowing, but when the heat began to fry his head, even through a battered, black Resistol, he stopped the mower, sauntered over to the garden hose, turned it on and hosed himself down.  He flicked off his hat and tilted his head back, closing his eyes and savoring the cool water running through his hair, over his face, across his chest, down his taut stomach, soaking through tight jeans.  A trickle of water made its way down the crack of his buttocks, visible above his pants.  He shook the water out of his hair.  Jack felt sexy as hell.

He turned to face the house, licked his lips and smoothed a hand casually, deliberately over wet, dark nipples and hairy stomach, the hose hanging idly from his other hand.  Reaching down he brazenly palmed his dick through his jeans, rubbing the rapidly hardening flesh through blue denim.  Then Jack unzipped, sliding a wanton, snaking hand slowly down the front of his pants to free himself from black briefs, his dick out and hard against his flat stomach.  He looked down at it, sensually stroking its long, thick length, twisting his wrist a little over the head, moist with clear slick…the exhibitionist in him was enjoying this immensely.

… damn, I’m so hot I even turn myself on…

He tried not to laugh out loud at that, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, working its way up to his eyes.  Jack couldn’t help himself.  For the finishing touch, he turned his back on the house and continued stroking himself in a slightly exaggerated, over-the-top fashion, legs set wide apart, making sure that his watcher knew exactly what they were missing out on, taunting them, laying down the challenge…

Come out, come out, wherever you are...

Jack always loved a good tease.

Now this…this outta bring ‘em out of hiding…any minute n-

Two strong arms grabbed Jack suddenly from behind, sliding their way around his waist, holding him firmly in place.  Jack was so engrossed in what he was doing he nearly jumped out of his skin.

“Shit!  You scared me…!”

A warm, naked chest pressed up against Jack’s slick back, pushing on him in all the right places.  Jack felt the hardness against his buttock, through two layers of denim.  Despite himself, he pushed back a little, grinding his ass gently into the other man’s groin.  Jack heard a soft, hot moan in his ear, so he pushed back a little more, keeping the slight, circular rhythm going.  He shifted slightly to capture the man’s hardness between his ass cheeks.

“You enjoy puttin’ on that show, Twist?”

The honeyed, sensual voice sent a shiver through Jack, goosebumps breaking out in spite of the boiling sun.

“What show?  I was just mowin’ the lawns, mister.  What’d you think I was doin’?”

A deep laugh rumbled in Jack’s ear, and he felt the vibration move through his chest and travel quickly to his dick, making it twitch in response.  A strong hand slid down Jack’s stomach, pulling Jack’s hand away from himself and taking its place.  Jack clenched his jaw, then groaned lustily under the firm stroking and the familiar heat building in his groin.  His head fell back to rest on the man’s shoulder and he dropped the garden hose, forgotten on the grass.

“I’m gonna have you, Jack.  You want me to take you here, or inside?”

Jack spun around and kissed Ennis hard and wet, their teeth colliding painfully but neither man really seeming to care.  Finally Jack pulled back, took Ennis’s face in both hands and gazed longingly into his eyes.

“Take me right here, Ennis.  Now.  I want you to…”

But even as Jack held Ennis’s face, he saw troubled brown eyes slide away from him to scan the horizon, the mountains, the road, searching for any sign of danger, real or imagined.  Jack was used to this, used to the fear after knowing Ennis for 24 years.  That low startle point was never going away for good.  He knew Ennis couldn’t help it, couldn’t control it completely, but Jack had learned ways to soothe this ancient fear, at least for a while.  He spoke gently, sincerely, to his old friend, still cradling Ennis’s face in loving hands.

“Ennis.  Listen to me now.  The ranch hands have all gone for the weekend, right?  You sent ‘em on their way last night.  Won’t be back ‘til Monday.  We’re on our own spread here, way out in the middle a nowhere.  Anyone comes within five miles of us, we’ll hear their truck comin’, well before they see us.  And you know our dogs go crazy if anybody comes within ten miles a this place, Ennis.  And that’s plenty a time for you an’ me to finish what we’re doin’and pull our pants up, cowboy, and nobody’s none the wiser!”  He smiled big, reassuring, brushing Ennis’s hair back and hugging him close.  Ennis melted into Jack’s broad chest and they held each other tight.  Jack just whispered it’s alright, Ennis, it’s alright…we’re safe here and then Ennis must’ve remembered what Jack had started with that shameless, saucy display on the lawn, and the fire burned fierce in his eyes again.

Ennis lay down with Jack and took him right there, just like their first night up on Brokeback.  And still they held hands when they made love like this.  Jack thought they always would.  The passion was powerful and intense, the eternal love between them breathtaking…undying and strong.  And then Jack took Ennis, face to face, slow and sweet, just like the second night they had spent together in the little tent on the mountain, so long ago.  And then they lay in each other’s arms, under the oak tree, on the freshly mown grass, right by the sign on the gate…

One Shot Ranch
J. Twist and E. del Mar, proprietors

From "A Love Born From Steel," chapter 2 by Leslie

They ended up staying at the cabin for an extra day. The “celebratory fuck” turned into an ongoing event, and Ennis finally achieved his dream of “fuckin’ Jack’s brains out.” To be honest, at the end of it, Ennis wasn’t quite sure where his brains were either. Like a pair of horny teenagers, they lunged at each other with a ferocity born of passion, and a hunger born of years of repressed emotion. “I think we let the genie out of the bottle,” said Jack.

“I told you that lover fucks was gonna be diffr’nt,” replied Ennis. They screwed on the bed, on the floor, in the worn easy chair, and even on the porch, which happened when Ennis grabbed Jack from behind when Jack had gone out to piss. When they got hungry, Ennis made more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Ennis took a big bite of one and suddenly, Jack pulled him in for a kiss, and with his tongue, fished the bite of sandwich out of Ennis’s mouth. “What am I, the mama bird?” Ennis drawled.

“Yup, feedin’ her little baby chick,” said Jack, as he broke off another bite of sandwich and put it in Ennis’s mouth.

Jack found other uses for the peanut butter, too, slathering it on Ennis’s erect cock and then slowly, slowly, licking it off. Ennis groaned in pleasure, “Jack, please…”

“Hold on, cowboy, I gotta get it nice and clean,” said Jack, “I ain’t letting you shove no peanut butter up my ass.”

But even with the games, the playing, and the rough and tumble sex, they both knew that there was a difference—no longer just fucking, it was truly making love, and they felt as if they were trying to merge their bodies and souls into one as they pressed ever closer. Jack looked deep into Ennis’s eyes and saw an intensity and ardor he had never seen before. “Is that what love looks like?” he asked and Ennis pulled him close.

“I don’t know what it looks like, but I can sure as hell tell you what it feels like, and shit, it feels good. Rodeo, I love you,” he said.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 03:06:44 am by Dagi »


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Stories of page 37+38
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2007, 02:41:01 pm »
Love or no love by Toycoon

Straddling Jack with his full weight, overpowering the first person he'd ever made love to only hours before, Ennis' hands tightened around Jack's throat; intensely confused aggression blinded Ennis so much, he could hardly see through his tears.

Jack struggled and kicked madly, kneeing Ennis squarely on the nose; Ennis wiped his bloodied nose with the sleeve of his shirt, stared at the smear and stood there gasping confounded.

Jack, startled by the sight of Ennis' blood, rushed over to comfort his lover; Ennis, who was taught to be nobody's fool under any circumstance, sucker punched Jack in the eye so hard, the sound echoed through the glen.

Indigo Twist-DelMar by littlewing

Susie, Merr, Dagi, Spiceylife, Malina, Daphne and MaineWriter, this one is for you.

Jack and Ennis were seated, side-by-side, on their beige leather couch.  Jack was reading a novel and Ennis watched the news on their wide screen TV.  Little Indigo was playing with a set of oversized blocks at their feet.  “Hear anything interestin’ at the new parent’s group meeting tonight?”  Ennis asked Jack as he watched Dan Rather.  “Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did!” Jack responded as he looked up from his book.  “Ms. Blankenship suggested we try a little something with Indigo.  She said it would help her immune system function properly, and would also promote bonding.”  Ennis had to smile at Jack’s terminology.  That man was a fast learner.  “Okay, what is this thing we should do?”  It was Ennis.  He turned off the TV and faced his lover.  Jack placed his book on the coffee table and reached for his daughter.  Little Indigo was dressed all in silk and bows, and she smelled like talcum powder and baby shampoo.  She looked fondly at Jack as he placed her on his knee.  “Hi there, little one!”  Jack cooed as he cuddled his child.  Indigo giggled and placed a small hand on Jack’s chin.  Ennis ticked her dimpled knee.  “Well,” Jack said, “Ms. Blankenship said to kiss Indigo on the cheek, give her a big wet one.  The enzymes in our saliva will deliver disease fighting substances to her system.  It’ll also convey affection, which is where the bonding part comes in.”

Ennis smiled tenderly while he shook his head.  “But we already kiss her on the cheek. How is this somethin’ new?”  "Well, I was told that we should kiss her as often as we can....and don’t forget the sloppy part.”  Jack placed a wet kiss on Indigo’s cheek.  “See, like that!”  Indigo laughed and returned Jack’s kiss.  Ennis and Jack were amazed at Indigo’s rather precocious display of affection.  “Will you look at that?”  Ennis laughed as he took his child from Jack’s arms.  “Here, let me try.”  Ennis puckered and placed a tender kiss on his daughter’s cheek.  She squealed with pleasure.  “It seems Ms. Blankenship is onto somethin’ there!”  Ennis said as he rose to his feet.  He gently placed Indigo on Jack’s lap and left to start dinner.

While in the kitchen, Ennis listened to the sounds of Jack and Indigo playing on the living room floor.  Jack was making animal sounds and rolling on the carpet while Indigo laughed and whooped.  Ennis looked in on his family and felt a sudden pang.  He watched as Jack lifted a laughing Indigo into the air, only to lower her and plant another wet kiss on her cheek.  To think that he almost missed out on this!  After supper Jack and Ennis put their daughter to bed.  She was well fed, dry and content.  With his little baby taken care of, Ennis decided it was time to tend to his big baby..

Family by Dagi

They were lying on the meadow, enjoying the warm sunset light.
Gary was stroking tenderly Dagi´s hair, her head resting in his lap. When she looked up, she could see Toycoon smiling, massaging Gary´s stiff shoulders, leaning with his back gainst Clyde´s back .
Dagi run her fingers through Susie´s wild brown hair since she was resting her head in Dagi´s lap, chatting without fullstops or commas about all the naughty things she would like to do once left alone with Jake, her words wrapping us up in a comforting sweet fog.
Marie was giving Susie a professional footrub, but every now and then she turned around to her laptop when she was overwhelmed by the inner urge to writewritewrite.
Merrily hugged us all with looong arms in a tight warm embrace.
Spiceylife kept running around us in circles, flattering like a babybird, singing <I feel like a virgin...posting for the very first time...!>

Peeling Potatoes by Dagi

Jack put the knife and the half peeled potatoe aside and went over to Ennis.
„Hey, cowboy, you must be tired after a whole day with the sheep, come on, let me do this for you.“
He kneeled down in front of his friend, took the soap out of his hand and let it slip through his
palms until they were covered with thick, creamy foam.
Ennis swallowed hard, stared transfixed at Jack´s hands, his half erect member speaking volumes.
Jack leaned in to plant a soft innocent kiss on those seductively parted lips, trying to distract his love for a moment.
„Jack, ohhgoodlord that feels...aaahhh..“ moaned Ennis, surprised and exited by the sensation of Jack´s hands the creamy foam making them slide softly over his shaft and the sensitive tip of his instantly hard member.
Ennis grabbed hold of Jack´s shoulder with one hand, burying his nails in the flesh, kissed him hungrily  groaning into his mouth while he stroked firmly over Jack´s manhood that filled his jeans threatening to burst the seams.
The all day pent-up lust had made him all too  ready for this.

   Up on the high pasture  the memory of Jack´s mouth sucking him hard, the
   thought of the    unmistakable moan he evoked when his  dick hit that sweet
   spot of lust inside Jack had more than once threatened to overwhelm him
   almost making him come without even touching himself; he had been
   lying there  on the meadow, eyes closed, breathing hard, biting his lips trying
   to somehow get a grip on himself for he did not want to waste his seed but
   spare it all for Jack as the most precious gift he could offer to the person
   that meant the world to him...

Now he felt a little ashamed that he was about to come after only a few determined strokes, but when he looked at Jack´s face he saw his own rapture reflected in his man´s half closed eyes filled with pure love and drunk with lust. The sight of those pink swollen lips wet with Ennis´ own saliva were more than he could stand.
„Let go, cowboy, let go, no need to hold back, ya won´t soil yer jeans this time...“ Jack whispered raucously. Once more he let his wet, slippery palm glide over Ennis´ tip, one more stroke to the base, and he felt Ennis´ cock  pumping when he came, his hips buckling, crying out loud, shooting his hot semen all over Jack´s lap.
Ennis leaned his forehead against his lover´s, both breathing fiercely, and after a glance at Jack´s jeans he mumbled shamefully: „I´ll wash them out for ya, sorry bud, couldn´t control myself...“
„Don´t worry, Ennis“, Jack answered with a broad grin, „perhaps you were too busy to notice, but I soiled them all by myself...!“


  • Guest
Stories of page 39
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2007, 02:44:34 pm »
New Friends (1-4) by Susie

 I hope you don't mind me reposting this 4 part story ... sometimes I just need Ennis to have a happy ending. I'd call it my Alternate Universe ... but it could have happened like this ..... really it could .... well it does in my head anyway! 

Isolation was the toughest part of living out here in this lonely trailer park.  He worked hard every day, never complaining and never getting much praise for a job well done.  He enjoyed the peace and quiet of herding; animals were better company than people most of the time.  But the silence of this Thirty feet by Twelve feet living space was almost deafening.

It was his fault, he knew that now; he’d had the chance of love, real honest to God love, and he’d thrown it away, cast aside what he should have honoured and cherished.  It was of his own doing, but that didn’t mean it had to be like this always.  He’d seen his neighbour earlier, rocking in a chair on a makeshift porch, smoking and drinking whiskey.  He looked about the same age, Ennis had noticed that he even had the same sad eyes and lost expression.  Well bud, it’s now or never.....

He put on his best smile, walked on over to the next trailer, offered his hand and announced, “The name’s Ennis, Ennis Del Mar.”  The man shook his hand and passed him the whiskey bottle, inviting him to take a seat.  Ennis obliged, sitting down in the rocking chair next to him and taking a swig from the bottle; both men were grateful of the company.  His new friend, took back the whiskey bottle and smiled, holding eye contact for a moment, a moment that touched Ennis with a hint of something he’d long forgotten, and said cheerfully “Nice to know you, Ennis Del Mar”.


They sat a while chewing the cud, enjoying the cool summers evening.  The guy’s name was John, never gotten married, worked as a ranch hand most of his life.  He was good company, laughing and chattering on, felt comfortable, somehow familiar.

 “My folks are still alive and kickin’.  ‘Course they haven’t spoke a word to me since they found out some twenty years ago”.

“What d’ya mean?  You got a disease or somethin’?”

John laughed, “Yeah that’s what my folks would call it.  No, nothin’ wrong with me friend, just queer is all, like you.”

Ennis was startled by this statement; on the one hand, how in the hell did this fella know? On the other, it was kinda nice being called “Friend” again.

John, seeing the look of shock on Ennis’ face continued quickly, “Oh, they swore I was the spawn of the devil and was goin’ straight to hell, tried to beat it out of me with prayer and a yard stick.”

Ennis looked sympathetically towards him.

“Come on bud, why d’you think I’m always smiling at ya, always sitting out here on the porch just in case ya come by? “

“I just thought that….” he cut himself short, what did it matter what he thought, he’d been wrong about everything else so far.

“Look Ennis, there’s a bar round here, a little ways out of town.  Just men like you and me, getting’ together, drinkin’ beer and shooting some pool.  We don’t get no bother; folk stay away, I don’t know… maybe they think they’ll catch it or somethin’.  Anyway, I’m drivin’ up there this weekend if you wanna go.”

“I dunno…” Ennis stood up, heading back to his trailer, wanted to turn tail and run, but something was holding him there; it was Jack, all he could think was What would Jack want me to do?.  He turned his head back and smiled, “Just getting’ us some more whiskey bud….. yeah, think I’ll come along for the ride.”


Ennis had slept alone for so long now that it was strange waking up in the arms of another man, the feel of warm flesh pressed up against him, soft breath on his neck.  Since they first shook hands on the porch, John had become his good friend and eventually his lover, they spent most nights smoking and drinking together and sometimes making love.

John, awake already, clambered over Ennis to get to the bathroom, relieved himself then walked back into the room, stretching and yawning.  “Isn’t it ‘bout time you told me about the owner of this?” he said touching the bloodied sleeve of the shirt hanging on the back of the closet door.  Ennis had never talked about Jack before, not a word, “Nothin’ ta tell really”, he sat up on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes.

“Come on honey, we been together almost six months now, you can talk to me”.

Sensing that John wasn’t gonna let it be, he started with a few simple facts, “Jack Twist.  We met in ’63, herdin’ sheep up on Brokeback Mountain.  Don’t know how things happened, just sorta snuck up on us, we were best friends, then we were lovers.”  John stood silently in the corner of the room, listening intently, Ennis was opening up for the first time and he wasn’t about to interrupt.

Once he got started, the words came flooding out, awash with memories of their time together, the intensity of their passion, their twenty year affair hidden from the world.   The tears were flowing freely as years of lies and secrets were finally coming out in the open.  His voice was breaking up between words, but he needed to finish, it was a relief to be talking about Jack to someone who would listen without judgement.

Jack’s untimely death was the hardest part to recount, murder in Ennis’ eyes, breaking down and crying hard as he came to an end, repeating the words “So sorry Jack” over and over.

John crossed the room and sat down beside his new lover, putting a strong arm around his shoulders, could only imagine the pain and suffering this poor man had endured all this time, “Yeah, but look how things are now. For what it’s worth, I think Jack would be real proud of you.”

No more words were necessary; John held Ennis close, rocking him gently and humming a soft tune, it was time for Ennis to mourn.


Ennis often looked at the four little crumpled up photos of him and Jack; some days to say “Mornin’”, some days just to see a friendly face and some days to consult Jack on an important decision he had to make.  Today was one of those days, “Jack, I need your advice on somethin’ bud” he started, tucking the strip of photos into the corner of the bathroom mirror and squeezing toothpaste onto his brush.
“John’s a good fella, one a’ the best.  I like him a lot, love him maybe, I don’t know”, rinsing his mouth and spitting into the sink.

“He’s got a job on a Cattle Ranch up near the state line, pays good money too.  It’s not too far, I can still see Junior and Jenny”, soaping up his chin and gliding the razor down from his sideburns to his neck.

“What d’you reckon bud?  Should I go with him?  He wants me to, practically begged me to go.”

He put the razor down on the sink for a moment and gazed from one picture to the next, resting his eyes upon the last one, the one with the smiling face, a lazy, lopsided, optimistic smile, full of  love and acceptance.

Ennis smiled back, “You’re right, I should go for it… thanks bud”.  He carefully placed the strip back into it’s velvet  box along side the gold bracelet, the word “Jack” twinkling back at him in tiny pave diamonds, tucking his treasures safely away in the top drawer of his dresser and continuing his morning routine.

Coming Down by Gary (page 40)

Getting back to the truck was taking less time than Ennis thought it would.  He had deliberately slowed his pace in order to have a good look at everything.  Lord only knew when he’d get back to these parts, so he wanted to take it all in.  But that’s not the only reason he was lolling.  John was waiting down with the pickup and Ennis felt shy about meeting up with him.  But his reluctance dissolved when he got close enough to see John standing outside the cab smoking.

There was something in his stance that spoke of patience and forbearance, so Ennis quickened his step.  At a hundred feet they caught one another’s eye.  John threw his cigarette down and smiled warmly, and Ennis broke out in a trot trying to close the gap between them as fast as his bum knees would allow.  He did not stop to take one last look at the mountain behind him, but instead kept his gaze on the man he had loved for nearly 20 years now.  John’s balding head was covered by a straw Resistol, his handlebar mustache was in need of a trim, his paunch was covered by a warn, plaid shirt missing a button, and his Wranglers were getting too tight.  All of these details were familiar to Ennis, but still he never grew tired of looking at John.

The man kept his place.  He was allowing Ennis all the time he needed.  Two hours before Ennis had gotten out and said he was going the rest of the way alone, and John merely nodded his head.  Now Ennis was so anxious for their reunion that he squeezed the man into a bear hug as soon as his arms could reach.  John gently enfolded him and guided his face into the crook of his neck.

Once Ennis felt the embrace of his longtime friend and lover he began to sob.  He had made the rash decision to go on to the campsite he had shared with Jack Twist forty summers before because he was sure he would break down when he saw it.  But he had remained dry-eyed throughout, and it was only now that he could let go.

“I’m so sorry, John.  Please don’t think that just ‘cause I remember Jack that I think any less of you.”

In a hushed tone John said with his lips close to Ennis’s ear, “You dumbass.  I love Jack, too.  I know he’s a part of you, so lovin’ you means lovin’ him.”


  • Guest
Stories of page 42
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2007, 02:50:11 pm »

Lazy L Farm by Leslie
Quanah, TX
August 31, 1976

Ennis leaned against the wall of the bathroom, watching Jack as he rubbed shaving cream across his face, then picked up his razor. “I like watchin’ ya shave,” he commented.

“Ya do?”

Ennis nodded.

“What, ya think it’s sexy or somethin’?”

Ennis shrugged. “Mebbe sexy, I dunno, mebbe just a guy thing.”

Jack smiled at him as he continued to scrape the razor across his cheek. “A guy thing, huh?” he said, with a small wink. “Yer gay, En, y’know that.”

“Yeah, I know,” replied Ennis, looking down at his feet.

“Ever get a shave from a barber?”

Ennis shook his head no. “Ain’t got the money for that kind a stuff,” he said. “Besides, I ain’t sure I’d like some guy rubbin’ his hands all over my face.”

“Ya like me rubbin’ my hands on your face…”

“Yer diff’rent.”

“True.” Jack finished his shave, washing the remnants of cream off his face and rinsing his razor in the running water. “Who cut yer hair?”

Ennis looked puzzled. “What d’ya mean?”

“I mean, did ya go ta the barber for that?”

“Oh, no. My mama cut my hair, then my sister, then Alma.”

“But ya ain’t been with Alma for a while. Who’s been cuttin’ it now?”

“I tried ta do it myself,” said Ennis, his voice soft.

Jack stepped close to his lover and ran his fingers through his hair. “I could probably cut yer hair,” he said. “Not too hard ta learn ta do…”

Ennis didn’t say anything, just felt Jack’s touch and gentle caress at the base of his skull.

“Ain’t cuttin’ off the curls, though,” he said, leaning in for a kiss.

Hot and Cold by Littlewing (p 43)

Ennis Del Mar carried Jack Twist in his arms all the way back to camp.  Camp was a good 2 miles from the hiking trail, but Ennis never considered dropping Jack on his feet.  Never.  Jack was just fine an hour ago, but he became lethargic and weak as he climbed the small hill that led to..well..Ennis and Jack were exploring again, just like the old days up on Brokeback.

Jack collapsed in Ennis’ arms, and Ennis cried out in terror!  He scooped Jack up, carried him like he was a child to a log by the side of the trail.  Ennis placed his cheek against Jack’s forehead.  He was burning up!  “It looks like you’ve come down with a bug, Rodeo!”  Ennis whispered against Jack’s hair.  Jack wavered and leaned up against his lover.  “I’m sorry, friend.”  Jack's breathing was labored.  “I was fine until just a few minutes ago.  Can we head back to camp?  I’m sure I’ll be back to my old self in the mornin’.”  Ennis nodded and picked Jack up as though we were light as a feather.

“Let me down, Friend, I can walk!”  But Ennis ignored his lover’s protestations and continued walking with Jack in his arms.  Jack knew better than to continue objecting.  When Ennis had a mind to do something, he could be right stubborn!  Jack laid his head against Ennis' neck and passed out.  When they reached camp, Ennis gently lowered Jack to the ground and climbed into the tent.  He prepared the bedroll, and climbed back out to collect his lover.  When Jack was safely inside their small “bed” Ennis considered what to do.  He rubbed Jack’s forehead, played with the hair lying there.  He decided to give Jack a few aspirin, and if he wasn’t better in a few hours, he would go down to town for help.  Ennis decided to turn in for the night, without a fire, without supper.  He wanted to be near Jack, be there for him!  It was cold outside, the bedroll was hot, but Ennis cuddled Jack into his arms and held him.  He rocked him gently, placing soft kisses on top of his head.  He would stay there with Jack until the end of time, if need be…

Cooking Stew by Toycoon

Unaccustomed to much kindness, Ennis was slightly taken aback by Jack's offer to cook them elk an' taters stew; Ennis, sitting on the ground, watched as Jack peeled potato after potato, carefully balancing the peeled spuds in a tin plate on a rock next to him, beside his feet.

"Dang, what is it 'bout that feller?" thought Ennis dreamily searching Jack's handsome profile for answers; Ennis stared at Jack's lips noting the way the corners turned up mischievously, curling around the cigarette he was smoking, next his eyes traveled over the surface of Jacks' angular jaw with the bristly hair growing on it, finally he poured over Jack's long delicate eyelashes sweeping over his ruddy cheeks.

Ennis could not restrain himself any longer and grabbed Jack by the shoulders smothering Jack's face with brutal kisses; Jack dropped the potato and it slammed on the edge of the tin plate sending the peeled potatoes flying. The knife flipped up in the air and landed on it's point, sticking straight up in the ground.

Cooking Stew (part2) by littlewing

“What has gotten into you, Ennis Del Mar?”  Jack asked as he pulled away from Ennis’ attacks.  He wiped at his wet mouth, laughing all the while.  “You keep that up, this meal will never get finished.  The stew won’t cook itself!”  But Ennis reached for him all over again.  He pulled Jack into a strong embrace, kissed him on the mouth, his cheeks.

Jack was trying to control his breathing.  He had never seen Ennis is such a state.  It was at once exciting and frightening.  Jack allowed himself to be hugged and kissed.  After all, he loved Ennis Del Mar and always craved the feel of his lips.

“Okay, Cowboy?”  Jack asked as Ennis came up for air.  Ennis chuckled softly as he released his lover.  “Look En, I got all the ingredients ready for a good meal.  Elk, potatoes!  And the fire is ready.  This elk stew will be real good."  Ennis winked at reached for Jack's zipper.  “You got anything else good for me to eat, Rodeo?”


  • Guest
Stories of page 48+49
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2007, 02:52:33 pm »
Fast by Toycoon

1967. Jack's fast of one thousand, four hundred and sixty days was almost over.

17 Miles-Riverton, WY. Jack floored the gas pedal. He couldn't get there fast enough.

Jack's heart was beating so fast as he climbed out of the old pick-up truck; Jack's heart stopped when he saw Ennis Del Mar appear at the top of the staircase landing and call his name.

Riverton is Such a Lonely, Lonely Town by littlewing (page 49)

Ennis Del Mar walked home from the bus depot loaded down with his personal belongings.  He just finished 4 weeks up near the Tetons for the round-up, and caught the first bus he could catch back to Riverton.  He was walking a bit slower than usual, realizing that his small trailer would not be very welcoming.  There was no one to welcome him home.   Ennis passed by the grocers and debated whether or not he should go in and buy a few groceries.  He was out of most things before he even left for the long job, but he shrugged and decided against it.  He could always go shopping tomorrow.

Ennis flinched as he walked the last block or so to his trailer park.  The streets were dry, rather dusty, devoid of any signs of life, save a small white dog running across the road with its tail between its legs.  The loneliness was even more profound than last night at the ranch when he woke up in a sweat muttering, “I want my man!  I want my man!”  Ennis cringed at the memory.  He hoped no one heard him!

Safely inside his small home, Ennis placed his gear in the proper places and sat at his small table.  He reached for the postcard that Jack Twist sent him only last month, accepting his invitation to meet up at Don Wroe’s cabin.  The trip was only 3 weeks away, and just the thought of being with Jack seemed to chase away the lonely feelings.  He prepared himself a simple dinner of franks and beans, all the while holding the postcard like a treasure.  He ate with a light heart and began to smile as he thought of his trip and the laughter, the love, and the tenderness that awaited him.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 05:59:11 am by Dagi »