Author Topic: JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive  (Read 54633 times)


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« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2007, 06:02:48 am »
He Held Me! by littlewing

Ennis didn’t mind being alone when he had such fond memories of Jack Twist to sustain him.  He was awake, in bed, when he had an urge to touch himself, down there.  In his mind and his heart he remembered Jack, and how Jack liked to hold him.  Jack held him even when they didn’t necessarily feel like having sex.  Jack loved Ennis’ sacks of sugar, often palming them, gently rubbing, feeling them relax and expand in his large hands.

Ennis remembered sitting by the fire, or on the couch, side by side, as Jack held him.  He often became very forward – freeing Ennis from his jeans, palming his sacks, holding them like they were balls of gold.  Ennis didn’t mind this one bit!  Didn’t mind that the very act of holding him, caressing him, was becoming Jack’s favorite past-time.

And suddenly Ennis saw the image of Jack bending down, taking one ball into his mouth, releasing it and gulping the other.  Ennis could see Jack gently mouthed the small treasures, tasting, licking, moaning until the vibrations almost forced Ennis to lose his senses.  Ennis couldn’t wait to be with Jack again.  Couldn’t wait to be held.

Fourteen Years Uncensored by Susie

I originally posted this story on it's own thread, but it made me feel a little vulnerable as it's so personal to me .... and it's pretty graphic!  So I'm posting it here on our lovely J+E thread where I feel safe...... Please don't read on if you're easily shocked!  Sorry toycoon ... I've gone ever so slightly over the three sentence rule!

"What'ya doing there Jack?" Ennis was watching Jack counting on his fingers.

"Just workin' out how long we've been comin' up here".

Damn! Had it really been fourteen years? Jack counted them again. Yep! Fourteen years of driving from Texas to Wyoming and back, couple a' times a year, fourteen hours each way. It never bothered Jack though; he was one of those birds that fly south for the winter, instinctively finding his way home. This was home for Jack, lying next to a flickering campfire, lake iced over with the cold, moonlight bouncing off the surface, turning it into a bed of quartz crystal, strong arms encircling his body, rough calloused hand tucked into his shirt, idly curling the hairs on his chest.

The cold didn't bother Jack, peace and contentment flowing though him, warming his entire body. Ennis's touch always lit a fire deep down inside him, but tonight it was wrapping him up in a big old blanket. He closed his eyes, sighing gently and drifted off to sleep.

No need for Ennis to be counting, each and every one of the fourteen years carved deep grooves in his heart, Jack his salvation, their times together his only comfort in this miserable life. Jack the dreamer, forever hopeful, always searching for ways to be together. Lately he seemed more distant, slowly slipping out of his grip. But what did he think was gonna happen? Could he picture Alma and the girls welcoming him with open arms? Or the guys down at the bar patting them both on the back? Dream on Jack, it was never gonna be that way.

Ennis could feel Jack's body easing into his own, his breathing slowing down to a gentle steady rhythm. He removed his hand from inside Jack's shirt and wrapped his arms round his body. Fear was starting to build up inside him, a panic setting in at the thought of Jack giving up on him and moving on. He lay, clinging to his only hope of happiness.

Jack slowly began to stir, the moon now obscured behind clouds, sky pitch black but for the occasional star fighting it's way through, the air getting colder with the fire burning down to a faint crackle. He could feel Ennis pressed up against him, arms wrapped tightly round his body, trembling. He knew it wasn't because of the cold, he could always sense Ennis's suffering, didn't always understand it, but felt it cutting through him like a knife. He moved round to face Ennis, hands cradling his chin, thumb stroking his cheek.

“Ennis, what is it?”

“It’s just …….. nothin’.” Ennis stared at the ground, avoiding Jack’s gaze.

“Jesus Ennis, you learned nothing these past years? Hell you know you can tell me anythin’ friend”.

Ennis was struggling to find the right words, his feet shuffling round in the dirt, head fixed down. Jack pulled his chin up, making Ennis look him in the eye, “Ennis talk to me”.

“You’re not… well… leaving me are you Jack?” The words forced their way out of his mouth, tears pricking his eyes, one escaping down his cheek. Jack brushed it away with his thumb, insides torn open, aching at the sight of this beautiful broken man in front of him.

“Sh it Ennis, and just where do you s’pose I’m gonna go?” Ennis’s question had thrown him, caught him off guard, his words were coming out a little harsh.

His voice softened, looking at Ennis intently, “Don’t you know, Ennis Del Mar? Everythin’ I want is right here in front of me, I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” Ennis smiled, still trembling, managed a feeble laugh and muttered “Dumbass”.

Jack smiled back, “C’mere Ennis” and kissed him real soft, pouring all his love out into that kiss, reassuring Ennis in a way that he couldn’t do with words. His tongue worked its way slowly into Ennis’s mouth; the low moan from Ennis was comfort enough for now. He felt Ennis stiffening against him, breath becoming a little heavier, zipper straining. He gently moved his hand down Ennis’s body, massaging his groin with the flat of his hand, watching Ennis’s face, fear gradually dissolving from it, giving way to desire.

He removed Ennis’s jeans slowly and deliberately, then stood up and stepped out of his own. Both men were shaking, dicks hard and throbbing, almost painful. He lay back down on top of Ennis, kissing him more urgently, searching out his tongue, wrapping it round his own. Ennis reached up, took hold of Jack’s shoulder and began to move him round.

Jack resisted, looking him straight in the eye and spoke in a quiet but firm voice, “No Ennis. I wanna be inside you, fu ckin’ you. Want you to know how good you make me feel, why I don’t never wanna be nowhere but here.” Ennis flushed red, insides knotting up. He’d thought about this for a while, sometimes the only thing on his mind, but he never knew how to ask. Now it was about to happen, his head was starting to spin, fire shooting up through his groin.

“You just lay there, I’m gonna take good care of you.” Jack smiled lovingly, lifting Ennis’s legs onto his shoulders, tracing a line down the insides with his fingers, from his knee to his groin, following in their path with his lips.

He circled his tongue round Ennis’s balls, and ran a wet line up the length of his dick, taking it all into his mouth, moving up and down, sucking gently. Ennis gasped, grabbing hold of the rug he was lying on. Jack pushed Ennis’s hips up higher and moved his mouth towards Ennis’s ass, searching with his tongue, finding the spot and pushing it in and back out again, savouring the unique taste of Ennis’s flesh, so much stronger here. Ennis moaned deep, his legs going limp, giving in to this unfamiliar but exquisite feeling

Jack, ready to burst, grappled with the zipper on the rucksack, fishing about for the lotion and applying it hurriedly, smoothing a little round Ennis’s flesh. He kneeled in front of Ennis, keeping his hands on Ennis’s ass, holding him open. He pushed his dick, already dripping, in very gently, afraid of hurting him, barely able to stop himself from grinding in all the way. Ennis groaned loud, his own dick twitching, fluid leaking out from the tip. “That hurt?” he whispered, but Ennis was lost, didn’t hear a word Jack was saying, unable to speak or think clearly.

Jack started moving back and forth, real slow at first, gradually building up the pace and pushing in a little deeper each time. Eventually, he was thrusting in all the way, slow and steady, fu cking Ennis in smooth strokes, as new and as overwhelming a sensation for both men.

He shifted his weight, searching for that sweet spot, knowing he’d found it when Ennis suddenly gasped, his body jerking “Jack…. Sh it Jack”. Jack lost control, hands supporting him on the ground, Ennis’s legs over his shoulders, fu cking him hard and fast. Ennis shuddered, cried out, shooting out hot cum over Jack’s chest and onto his belly. One more thrust and Jack was moaning and shaking uncontrollably, coming in delicious waves, filling Ennis with his spunk.

Jack stayed motionless for a moment, heart pounding, body shaking, and sweat pouring down his back. Ennis was in no better state, gasping for air, quivering. Both slowly coming round, getting the feeling back in their bodies.

Jack slid down next to Ennis, lying with his arm round Ennis’s chest, “Ain’t no one ever made me feel this way. Know that if you don’t never know anythin’ else.” He whispered, still out of breath. Ennis smiled, eyes full of love, words caught up in his throat, instead pulling him down into a soft tender kiss.

“Sh it, I’m freezin’ my ass off here!” Jack chuckled suddenly, “Let’s get on into the tent!” They both laughed, jumped up, unsteady on their feet and headed for the warmth and comfort of the sleeping roll.

It wasn’t long before Jack was drifting off into dreamless slumber. Ennis however was more wide awake than ever, sleep evading him, mind working overtime, doing everything to suppress the nagging ache deep inside, edging its way towards the surface. This was their last night together and tomorrow he would be saying goodbye again, tearing himself away from this haven and heading back to misery.

He wouldn't be here 'til November, wasn't fair to Alma and the girls, had to keep up his child support payments and he couldn't get the time off work. Then again, it wasn't fair to Jack neither; they spent so little enough time together as it was. Ennis's heart was splitting unbearably in two, who was it gonna be, Jack or the girls?

"Jack, I gotta tell you somethin' bud." Jack shifted his weight, muttering, “whuhsat?” "Never mind, can wait 'til tomorrow." he couldn't bear to see the disappointment on Jack's face yet, not now, not after they’d just made love. Ennis wrapped his arms protectively round him, kissed his cheek softly and closed his eyes.


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Stories of page 51+53
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2007, 04:59:19 am »
A Letter by Dagi (51)

After coming back from Lightning Flat Ennis opened his closet and took out an envelope he had been hiding there, " To Jack Twist, Childress, Texas, in case of my death".

He took out the letter: " My dearest Jack. Maybe I´ll never say it out loud, but I want you to know that I love you. I´ve been loving you since the night you let me inside of you and I will love you till the day I die, with body and soul, with all my heart. Yours, Ennis"

He crumpled the letter and burnt it.

Let’s go for a walk by Susie (53)

“Jack, come over here!”  Jack didn’t need to be told twice, bounding into the kitchen and throwing himself into Ennis’ open arms, affectionately licking a sloppy wet line from the base of his neck, all the way up the side of his cheek.

Alma walked in, stony faced, “Get out of my kitchen!” she ordered, collecting the dirty dishes and dropping them, with a clatter, into the sink.

“Come on Jack, time to go!” Jack followed Ennis into the living room and snuggled up with him on the couch.

“You make me so happy, little darlin’, d’ya know that?” Ennis smiled.  Jack responded by nuzzling his neck, breathing softly in his ear, and eagerly wagging his tail.

“Get that damn dog off my couch, Ennis Del Mar!” came an angry voice from the other room.

“Let’s go for a walk, bud” Ennis lead the way into the hall, grabbed the lead from it’s hook, and with Jack close at his heel, headed out of the apartment.


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Stories of page 54+55
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2007, 05:09:22 am »

Field Trip
by Susie

“Gather round children…. Hush now….. That includes you at the back there, Tammy and Billy!  Today, we’re collecting samples of the local plant life, so I want y’all to spread out in this area…. Don’t forget to stick with your buddy, and come get me if you find anything particularly interesting.”

The children skipped away happily, laughing and chattering and enjoying the sunny day out.  Miss Parker watched them darting enthusiastically here and there, with a deep sense of pride, breathing in the cool scent of pine and marvelling at the magnificence of the surroundings.  Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by a sharp tug on her sleeve.

“Ma’am…. Ma’am…. Come quick!”

“What is it Billy?  Is Tammy hurt?”  She hastily followed the boy to a small clearing, only to find Tammy peering eagerly through the bushes.

“Come out of the way Tammy, let me see what’s goin’ on”.  Miss Parker was wholly unprepared for the sight that met her eyes.  Not two hundred yards down from her, were two naked men, one bent over the the other, goin’ at it like there was no tomorrow, sweating and moaning, heaving and thrusting, oblivious to the world.

“Tammy, Billy…. off you go now….  quickly…. back to the others!”

 “Miss Parker, what’re they doin’?”

“Nothing Billy”, she searched frantically for some kind of explanation, “ I expect they’re just practicing bull ridin’…. now hurry along…. scoot!”

She remained glued to the spot, mesmerised by the two fine looking young men.  She unfastened the top buttons of her blouse, fanning herself with her clipboard, leaving her free hand to linger over her tingling breasts.

“Oh my….” were the only words she could muster, transfixed by the beautiful contours of their muscular bodies, by the sheer wild, animalistic passion, a passion she had not yet discovered in her twenty three years.   The two men came hard, crying out in ecstasy, sending the tingling in her breasts shooting down through her body and hitting the inside of her thighs like a lightening bolt.  Flustered and blushing scarlet, suddenly aware that she was intruding on something very personal, she quickly buttoned up her blouse, and walked unsteadily back to the children, peering over her shoulder as she went.

“Come along now boys and girls, time to head down toward the river for our picnic”.  Ignoring the grumbles of protest, she regained her composure and marched them quickly off to safety.

Never by Toycoon

There was a look in Jack's eyes that Ennis never saw a man give another man before; it made Ennis' entire body throb with lust.

Cigarettes, whiskey and desire; it was a taste in his mouth he'd never had before.

Ennis tore at Jack's clothes, felt his hairy body, held his face, stroked his firm flesh, never denying this was what he'd always wanted and secretly craved.

(2) by littlewing

Jack was beyond denying anything. He removed what was left of his shirt and
Stretched his arms wide, welcoming Ennis into a fevered embrace.

Ennis kissed at the short, curly hairs on Jack’s firm chest.  Jack moaned with pleasure as he allowed his lover to lick and suck.  Ennis grabbed a few chest hairs with his teeth, pulled gently, raising Jack’s sweaty skin bit-by-bit.  The sensation was unlike anything Jack ever experienced in his lifetime!

“Take off your clothes, Cowboy!”  Jack ordered.  “I need you, now!”  Ennis was taken aback.  He was not used to Jack ordering him around, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it.  But when Jack pounced as though Ennis wasn’t moving fast enough, Ennis decided that he liked being told what to do.  He liked it very much…

(3) by littlewing

“I’ll do anything you say!”  Ennis grunted as he practically tore the buttons from his good shirt.  He flung his boots aside, followed by his jeans.  Jack had Ennis in his mouth before he could completely discard his briefs!

And just before he found his release, Ennis pulled himself free of Jack’s voracious mouth.  Jack didn’t like it, wanted more, but Ennis found his member lubricated just enough, courtesy of Jack’s saliva.

“Turn around, Rodeo!  I got something nice fer ya!”  It was Ennis’ turn to do the ordering!  Jack obeyed.  He pushed his backside toward his lover, braced himself…


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Stories of page 57+59
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2007, 05:56:43 am »
This story is intended for adults only.

Crossing the Line by garycottle

Jack was sitting by the fire and Ennis was standing over him.  Ennis was about to go back to the sheep a moment earlier, but Jack stopped him.  When he told Ennis what he wanted to do the man was stunned.  He did draw closer, but hesitated in making that final step.

“Are you sure, Jack?”

“Come on, buddy.  Compared to what we been doin’ these past two nights this ain’t such a big thing.”


“Oh, come on, now,” Jack cajoled.

The confusion was all over Ennis’s face, but so was his desire, and Jack knew he had won when Ennis finally walked forward and took his place in front of him.  Jack smiled up at his friend as he reached for his belt.

The lucky boy from Lightening Flat liked what he was doing even more than he imagined, and he was beginning to think it couldn’t get any better than this, but after about ten minutes he felt Ennis’s strong, calloused hands tentative touch the sides of his head.  Then he felt Ennis’s hips begin to thrust.  The man moved slowly at first, but he was picking up speed.

Jack looked up through rheumy eyes and saw that Ennis had his head tilted all the way back and he was staring up toward the stars.  The cowboy was lost in a state of lust.  So Jack opened up his throat and tried to prepare for what was about to happen.

The gulping, gagging sounds that Jack made shocked even him, and he half expected Ennis to pull out.  But he didn’t.  Ennis’s grip only became more firm, and his hips began to move quicker and with greater force.  The tears were running down Jack’s cheeks now, and he was sure he’d choke to death.  But what a way to go.

Ennis didn’t seem to know what to do when it was over, so Jack patted the side of his leg and told him it was time to go on up to them sheep.  Ennis buckled up and began to walk away, but then he stopped and looked back.

“I didn’t hurt ya, did I?”

“Course not, Ennis.”

Ennis turned slightly toward his horse.  The shy part of him obviously wanted to get going as fast as possible.  But Ennis fought the urge to leave in such haste.  Instead he trotted back to Jack and bend down and kissed him.

When their lips pressed together and parted, Jack revealed that he hadn’t swallowed all that Ennis had given him.  He showed Ennis that he was in fact savoring his seed.  Jack heard him gasp, and the loving, gentle kiss became hard.

When they separated Ennis ran toward his horse, and this time he didn’t look back.  Jack watched him go.  His wet, mischievous mouth curled into a self-satisfied smile, and he reached for his own belt while the memory of the evening’s events were still fresh in his mind.

Alma Jr.´s Gifts by littlewing

Extreme AU.  I took a few liberties here with sequence of events, characters, etc.  I’m even over the 3 paragraph rule.  It won’t happen again.  Well, at least I hope it won't!

Jack studied a tiny dress that was covered with bows and ribbons.  He loved it, and wasn’t put off by the price.  $100.00 for a tiny dress was steep, but to Jack, it was a pittance.  He loved Ennis Del Mar and Ennis deserved only the best.

“What do you think about this dress, Lureen?”   Jack asked his wife as he held the dress high enough for her to see it.  Lureen was shopping in the diaper section at the other side of the floor.  She looked at the tiny garment and wrinkled her nose.  Jack looked at the dress once more, shook his head and returned it to the rack.
I’ll be over there in a minute honey.  I’m just getting a supply of diapers for your friends.  They’ll need a lot of those!”

Jack looked at his wife in awe.  He loved her more at that moment than he ever thought possible.  What a giving soul she turned out to be!  Just yesterday he got word from Riverton that Alma Del Mar gave birth to a baby girl.  Ennis called her Alma Jr. after her mom.  Jack also heard that the Del Mar’s were having severe financial problems.  That was all Jack needed to hear to goad him to action.  He explained the situation to Lureen: he had a friend who just had a kid and couldn't really afford to get everything he needed for the child.  Lureen didn’t even blink.  She fetched their coats and drove straight to Neiman Marcus and the children’s department.  Jack was floored.  He would never forget Lureen’s kindness.  Ennis Del Mar was a good friend, and he wanted to help his buddy.  And the child!  Jack wouldn’t bear the thought of Ennis’ daughter doing without!
Lureen walked over to Jack carrying a case of disposable diapers, while on top she placed packages of sleepers, receiving blankets, bibs.   Jack took the items from her and allowed her to pick out a few baby clothes.  Lureen selected 3 stylish and expensive dresses, 2 pant outfits and a tiny coat.  It was all Jack could do to keep from crying.  He hadn’t laid eyes on Ennis Del Mar in years, but he still cared about him, would do anything for him.  The presents would be sent to Riverton anonymously, and at great cost.  The shipping fees alone would be murder, but Jack had to do it.  He knew that Ennis would never accept these things if he brought them in person.  If Ennis didn’t know who sent them, he couldn’t refuse them?  Right?  After the baby things were bought, Jack arranged with the store to have them shipped to the Del Mar residence a week from Saturday.  He also found out the date of Alma’s baby shower.  Jack wanted the surprise to arrive in time for the festivities.

Ennis didn’t have anywhere to go, and decided to hang around the kitchen as the womenfolk played shower games, ate finger foods and played with his new baby.  Just as he was about to fix himself a small plate of food, there was a knock at the door.  Alma answered and was astounded to see 2 deliverymen carrying a large box up to the house.

“What is this?”  Alma asked the men as they set the box down in the living room.

“I don’t know ma’am!”   “I just do the deliveries.  I don’t know what’s in the boxes.”

The man passed Alma a receipt to sign and was on his way.  Ennis rushed into the room and studied the box.  No return address, no way to even tell what state it came from.

“I don’t know if we should open this!” Ennis said as their guests crowded around the box.

“Oh come on, honey!”  Alma, excited now!  “Maybe it’s something for the baby.  It’s not tickin!  Let’s open it!”

Ennis shrugged and fetched a box cutter to cut through the tape.  Once the box was opened, there was a hushed silence in the room!  No one moved.  At first.  Alma picked up the tiny dresses, the other finery and squealed!

“Look at all of this!  Where did this come from?”  Ennis looked through the gear and scratched his head.  The merchandise was good quality.  Someone was being very generous and Ennis couldn’t image who would send these things.  Alma’s sister admired a tiny pant outfit.

“Hey Alma, this ain’t no junk!  Alma’s sister observed.  “Whoever bought this is rollin in dough!”

Ennis couldn’t argue with that.  As his guests admired the presents, he searched his mind for clues.  Then it hit him.  He couldn’t say why he knew, but he knew.  It was just a hunch he had.... Jack fuckin’ Twist…
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 06:42:27 am by Dagi »


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« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2007, 01:01:50 pm »
Words Unspoken by Toycoon

Jack contemplated for a long time about how he felt then thought about what he would say to Ennis but the words never seem to come as easily as the feelings did; he found himself expressing his heart in other ways.

Jack pulled Ennis' arm around him placing Ennis' hand on his erection, guiding it up and down and gyrating in rhythm because often, words are further from the deed.

"Ennis, all of them things you never said, I believed you meant every word."

Wet Skin by Dagi  - NC17  ???

The early morning sun made their wet skin glimmer after the bath in the river. They were both lying on their stomachs, eyes locked.

„You´re a witch, Ennis DelMar. You´re bewitching me. Merely looking you in the eye makes me need you so badly, makes me want my dick in that sweet hot mouth a  yours and your dick all the way up my ass at the same time, fuckin the hell out a me...“ His voice had become husky and rough, his eyes dreary.

„Ya mean ´a´ dick.  Can´t fuck and suck you at the same time, ......hunh? And not now, you have to be down at the bridge by noon, you know that, ........................but if one man is not enough for you why don´t you bring that basque guy....tie him onto one a the mules....?“

„Whoaaa, Ennis, don´t be disgusting“ Jack chuckled, but became serious again the moment he looked at this tall lean naked man standing now in front of him. Even Ennis´  talking about the basque failed to cool down the heat in his manhood.

Ennis leaned down to plant a wet, soft kiss on Jack´s lips. „Have to go up to them sheep now...“ he whispered and left his friend alone, knowing that he would take good care of himself.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 06:31:11 am by Dagi »


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Stories of page 62+63
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2007, 12:47:59 am »
Sweet Talk by littlewing

Ennis was lying on his back, a tangle of soft pillows under his head and torso.  Jack Twist was talking a blue streak, but his tone was hushed and romantic.  Jack stroked Ennis’ cheek, spoke soft words to him.

Ennis listened to Jack’s words and tried to hide a blush.   He would never admit it, but Ennis always wanted to hear something sweet come out of Jack’s mouth.  It was a real comfort to hear words of love after such spirited relations.

Jack fluffed Ennis’ pillows and continued to soothe.  He placed a gentle kiss on Ennis’ cheek and laid his head on Ennis’ breast.  Jack often hurt Ennis in bed.  It was a sweet, delicious pain, but it was pain, nonetheless.  Ennis shifted his sore bum and fell asleep while Jack spoke of love in the dark.

(2) by toycoon

Jack continued to stroke Ennis' hair, smoothing it and petting him like a family cat;
a sudden, transient rise of energy gripped Ennis changing his demeanor and startling Jack.

Ennis became an insatiable sexual animal, groaning, surprising even himself demanding, "Do me, Jack fucken' Twist, do me!"

Jack shook Ennis awake and held him close, feeling his heart racing through his chest; "You were having a hellava dream, Cowboy. Shame I had to wake you up before you got done! Does that offer still stand?"

(3) by littlewing

Ennis chuckled softly, and held Jack closer to his breast.  He kissed Jack’s hair, and didn’t mind one bit that Jack shook him out of a very pleasurable dream.

“Maybe in a little bit, Rodeo!”  Ennis whispered.  “I don’t think I’m up to it right now.  You okay with that?”  Jack hid a knowing smile from his lover.  “Listen Friend, if you’re sore back there, I brought a salve.  We can have you up and presentin' in no time!”

Ennis had to grin at Jack’s suggestion.  Where did Jack find the energy?  Ennis pushed his lover up a bit and crawled onto his stomach.  He raised his buttocks to Jack.  “Lube me up and we’ll see what happens..”

After The Dance by littlewing

“Let me take it off!”  Ennis yelled as Jack danced.  Jack moved seductively to Ennis, placed his gyrating hips right before Ennis’ red face.  “Shake it baby!”  Ennis cried as he pulled at Jack’s briefs.

“You got it, Cowboy!”  Jack laughed as he moved in tandem to the motion of Ennis’ fingers.  “I should call you “The tentacle!”  Jack chided as he stepped away from his lover and discarded his underwear.  Jack stood naked as a jaybird, but he continued his weird mating dance!  He moved his narrow hips in and out, flung his arms, moved his head from side to side.  And all without music!  Ennis watched transfixed as Jack danced.

Ennis rose to his feet and faced a heart achingly beautiful Jack Twist.  He made no move to hide his probing eyes, as he looked his lover up and down, from head to foot.  “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Rodeo!  Ennis began.  “I can’t believe you’re really mine."  C’mon, Friend!”   Jack beckoned an eager Ennis Del Mar.  “Let me show you what happens after the dance…"
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 08:08:26 am by Dagi »


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Stories of page 65
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2007, 08:27:27 am »
Rack em up! by Susie

Ennis watched admiringly as Jack leaned over the pool table to take his shot.  The white ball was near the far end and in order to pot the black into the corner pocket and claim yet another victory, Jack had to lie, stretched half way across the table.

Ennis’ thoughts drifted as he observed Jack’s rear end…. peeling off Jack’s clothing, one item at a time, leaving his jeans until last, savoring each moment as he slowly slid them down to his ankles, revealing pale pink flesh, soft downy hair, and the perfectly toned, muscular roundness of his buttocks.

Moving in behind him, one hand caressing each cheek, massaging, circling, spreading them wide apart, ready to plunge in deep ….. “Whoo whee! That’s three games to one, bud!  You sure you wanna take me on again? Hey, you OK Ennis?”  Ennis reached for his pool cue, smiling to himself, “Rack em up!” he ordered…. Later.... he thought.

This story is intended for adults only.

Jack’s Turn by garycottle

Nights in the Wyoming mountains were usually pretty crisp and chilly even in the hottest stretch of summer, but this night was an excepting.  And not only was it warm, but the humidity was on the rise, too.  The heavy, sultry air woke Jack out of a sound sleep.  He found himself spooning up against Ennis’s back, and his friend’s body heat, coupled with the wool blankets that lay over top of them, was just too much.  With a deft kick he sent the covers hurling to the floor by the bed.

When Jack then huddled close to Ennis, pressing their now exposed flesh together, he noticed that his friend’s body odor was more pungent than normal.  But there in the still of the night with a sleeping Ennis in his arms, and with the man making sounds that resembled the purring of a house cat, Jack realized the smell didn’t repulse him.  He liked Ennis’s stink, and so he took in several long breaths through his nose.  On impulse he began to gyrate his hips slightly and the move brought his cock to the crack of Ennis’s ass.  Jack’s member began to lengthen and harden, and because their skin was covered in a sheen of sweat, Jack easily slipped in between Ennis’s firm cheeks.  Soon his head was pressed up against Ennis’s pretty pink hole.  Jack closed his eyes as he imagined the sight, and the taste of Ennis’s rosebud.  This caused Jack to moan, and he was sure that he would wake the man he held, but Ennis did not stir.

Earlier that evening they had left the cabin and went down the mountain to Pete’s Saloon.  It was a slow night, and Pete went home early and let Jack and Ennis have the run of the place so long as they agreed to lock up when they left, a favor he had granted them several times before.  While they were playing pool Ennis came up behind Jack when he was bent over trying to make a difficult shot, and very forcefully fucked him good.  Jack’s nose was still sore from being slammed down against the table’s felt-covered top.

Jack liked it that Ennis felt free to take liberties with his body.  It gave him a special sense of pride that Ennis so readily took possession of him.  But now Jack needed Ennis’s body, and it seemed to him that if Ennis could take him without asking first he should be allowed to take Ennis in the same way.  Weren’t they equals?  Didn’t they have the same rights and privileges?  So with a little shove he felt himself pass the lips of his friend’s anus.

Slowly he pushed his length up into Ennis, and the man didn’t offer any resistance.  But when Jack felt the wiry, curly hairs of his crotch make contact with Ennis’s backside Ennis gasped.  He even tried to pull away, but Jack held him in place.

“What the hell you doin’, Jack?” asked Ennis, sleepy and confused.

Jack answered in a hushed tone, “I woke up and needed a fuck, so would you just lay still.”


“Just shut up and enjoy it, will you?”

“Jack, can’t I roll over so I can put my legs over your shoulders?”

There was something in the way Ennis asked this, like a small boy pleading for a glass of water to stave off bedtime, that brought an impish smile to Jack’s face.  He put his lips up against Ennis’s ear and whispered in a wicked voice, “Only if you call me daddy.”


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Stories of page 67+69
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2007, 08:29:06 am »
The Secretary by Littlewing

Trisha walked into Aguirre’s trailer carrying a thermos of coffee and a dozen donuts.  Joe Aguirre hired Trisha Smith as his secretary a few months after Ennis and Jack left Brokeback.  Paperwork was piling up, and he needed someone to help with the phones, typing, hiring.  Jack Twist just left, looking for work, moments before Trisha arrived.

“Who was that, Mr. Aguirre?"  Trisha asked with a twinkle in her eye as she handed Joe his coffee and donuts.

“Was he looking for work?”

 Aguirre sipped at his coffee and took a bite of a French cruller.  “Yeah, that pissant had the nerve to return here looking for a job.”  Aguirre began.  “But after the way he behaved last year, ain’t no way in hell I’m gonna rehire Jack Twist!”  Trisha took a seat behind her desk.

 “Well, he sure is a handsome man!”  Trisha began as she poured herself a cup of warm coffee from the thermos.  “I sure would like to be friends with someone like him!”

Aguirre studied Trisha and wondered if he made a mistake in hiring someone.  But there was work to be done, and he couldn’t do it all by himself.  Trisha came highly recommended, finished at the top of her class in secretarial school.  But she was young, lovely, single, and somewhat desperate.  Aguirre supposed it was natural for Trisha to be attracted to the handsome Jack Twist.

“You’re wastin’ your time there, my girl!”  Aguirre told Trisha with a smirk.  And he remembered several months back when he made a trip to camp to see his hands, Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar.  Aguirre couldn’t recall why he went up there to see them, but he’ll never forget what he saw!

“Now enough of this idle chit chat!”  Aguirre admonished Trisha with a point of his finger.  “Back to work!”

“What a mean ole fart!”  Trisha thought as she turned to her typewriter.  But she was never one to be discouraged from pursuing something she wanted.  When Aguirre left the trailer to inspect the herd, Tricia grabbed his rolodex and looked for the name and number of one Jack Twist…

Close Call by Littlewing (69)

An 80 year old Ennis Del Mar returned to his home after a 2 month stay in the County Hospital.  He suffered a moderate heart attack, and the doctors released him reluctantly, and only under the condition that he had someone home at all times to look after him.  As it turned out, Alma Jr. was available to move in with her dad, as her husband passed away several years ago, and her 2 children left home even before Kurt died.  Ennis considered himself a very lucky man to not only survive an attack that could have killed him, but to have a loving daughter – well – 2 loving daughters!  Jenny bought him the house shortly before she moved overseas to pursue a singing career.

Alma practically carried a still weak Ennis into the living room, and lowered him to the couch.  She made him as comfortable as she could before heading to the kitchen to put away the few groceries purchased earlier.  Ennis found himself alone in his living room and allowed his thoughts to drift back to his first night in the ICU.  He was groggy from the medicines, but he was certain he heard a familiar voice.  It was muffled and vague at first, but became clearer, louder.  Ennis was sure he heard the words, “Come to me, Baby!”  The voice was sad, hesitant.  Ennis knew who called him, but he wasn’t ready to go just yet.

The hospital sent over a social worker to check on Ennis’ progress, and to make sure that someone was at the house to care for him.  Alma offered the young man a cup of coffee and left them alone to have a talk.  The young man asked Ennis if he was experiencing any depression, loneliness, fear, regret.  Ennis shook his head no, but thought he had better tell the worker about the voice he heard.  The young man listened to Ennis recount the words, “Come to me, Baby” with particular interest.

“And you say you know who was calling you?”  The young man asked as he took notes.  “Why don’t you tell me who that person is?”

“Was!”  Ennis began.  “Was!”  He pulled his hand-made blanket up to his chin and fought back tears.

“His name was Jack Twist and we was herding sheep almost 60 years ago up on Brokeback Mountain….”

Pete’s Saloon by garycottle

Thank God it was warm this time.  It was June, the beginning of summer, and Jack and Ennis had managed to get up to the cabin.  For three days running they had hunted elk–unsuccessfully as it turns out–and they had spent the first two nights joined in easy passion with the lights out.  After dinner on the third night they sat out on the porch in their shirtsleeves, rocking in twin rockers.  They didn’t say much.  Instead they listened to the night music of the wilderness.  It was after nine, and Ennis considered going on to bed.  But Jack had another notion.  He wanted to drive down the mountain and get a drink.

“We got beer here.”

“Come on, Ennis.  There’s a place right at the turnoff.”

“It’ll take us over an hour to get down there, and that means an hour gettin’ back,” said Ennis, sounding bullheaded, but somehow communicating that he had in fact given in.

It was close to eleven by the time they got to the bar, which was a plane cinder block building that had once served as a Texaco station.  The pumps had been removed, the windows had been painted over, and a neon sign over the door read Pete’s Place.  The sign went dark just as the boys pulled up.

On finding out they had missed last call Ennis’s first instinct was to turn around and go back.  But Jack jumped out of the truck when he saw a stooped, weathered man with grey hair in need of a cut come out and head toward the only other pickup in the lot.

“You Pete?” Jack asked, open and friendly.

The man didn’t look up and continued toward his truck.  “We’re closed.  Slow night, so I’m going home.  Come back tomorrow.”

Ennis got out, stood there at the fender, and watched Jack put the charm to the old guy.

“Come one, man,” Jack said sounding like a kid asking for one more ice cream cone.  “My friend and I are camping up in the mountains, and we drove near two hours to get here.”

That cinched the deal.  Old Pete hesitated a moment, and then looked up at Jack.  “Tell you what, you boys go on in, drink what you want, and put the money on the counter.”  He then threw his key ring over.  Jack came close to missing it.  “Lock up when you’re finished, and put that on the ledge over the door.”

After two beers Jack got up, plugged in the jukebox, and made a selection.  The quiet, ghostlike hush of the room was suddenly replaced with Patsy Cline singing Crazy.

When Jack indicated that they should dance, Ennis looked at him like a frightened child.

“Come on, friend.  Nobody’s here.  Nobody’s goin’ a see.”

The two met on the worn linoleum and embraced.  Their dicks quickly hardened as they pressed against each other, but they allowed the passion to fade.  After two nights of lovemaking the old urgency was replaced by a different yearning.  They danced for a long time, until the gentle sways slowed and stopped altogether.  Then Ennis noticed he held a sleeping boy.

“Come on, Jack,” he whispered.  “Time to go home.”

« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 04:48:14 am by Dagi »


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Stories of page 70, 71, 72,73
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2007, 04:53:43 am »
Red and Sweet by Dagi

„Look what I found on the way back!“ Ennis dismounted quickly, took one of the tiny red fruits out of his Resistol and put it without asking right between Jack´s lips.

„Mmmmm, wild raspberries, love them...“ mumbled Jack, savouring the sweetness mixed with the taste of Ennis´ hands.

Ennis kept feeding Jack, smiling happily, enjoying  the sense of the warm moist soft lips when out of a sudden Jack caught hold of his hand, and started to lick the juice off his thumb, then sucked each single finger deep into his hot mouth, wrapping his tongue around it, closing his lips tightly, and unzipped Ennis´ jeans...

A Summer Morning 1957 by Dagi

Jack woke up in the hay with his still sound asleep cousin Eric in his arms. He didn´t remember how they had gotten into that position, spooned up closely, maybe this - despite his age - always frightful boy had been searching for comfort in the night.
Jack enjoyed the warmth of Eric´s body, felt his hard dick against the boy´s butt. Following a sudden impulse he put his palm on Eric´s otherwise tiny, but now that it was erect, rather impressive penis and, overwhelmed by what he sensed, a low moan escaped from his throat.
Much to his surprise his cousin placed his own hand upon Jack´s, pressing it even more onto his little hard cock. The sound of his own groan finally woke him up completely, and he jumped up and out and would avoid  looking Jack in the eye for the rest of the summer.

Jack pulled the blanket aside, searched for Ennis big, strong hand and pressed it onto his hot, throbbing member, moaning huskily into the bedroll...

Come And Get It! by Toycoon  (72)

Jack sat on an old tree stump, shirtless in the noonday sun, gazing off into the distance past the sheep, rubbing his forehead and thinking about all of the events of the night previous.

Like an Indian brave, Ennis silently snuck up behind Jack, yanked off his black cowboy hat and took off running down the hillside shouting, "Come an' get it!" with Jack, very close behind him.

Jack made a flying leap grabbing the sides of Ennis' trousers, exposing his butt and sending them both to the ground rolling and laughing hysterically then, Jack took a tender bite of Ennis' ass.

(2) by Littlewing  (73)

“Owwww!”  Ennis teased, as Jack placed tiny, soft bites along his bum cheeks!  "Bite me a little more, Rodeo, I kinda like it,”  Ennis exclaimed. Jack giggled as he licked as well as bit, first along the swell of Ennis’ buttocks, and then along his deep and narrow slit.  Ennis pulled his bum away as Jack poised to place his tongue where the sun don’t shine!

Jack faced Ennis with a puzzled look.  “Let me do it, Ennis... I wanna!”  But Ennis pulled Jack’s face to his, gently forced his tongue down Jack’s throat.  "Look, I wanna taste more of you too, but how are we gonna do this?  Who does what to who first?"

Jack had an idea.  “Look, just follow my lead, Cowboy.  This is gonna be real good.  That is, if you’re game.”  Ennis nodded vigorously, and Jack took his position, flat out on the ground.  “Now face my feet!”  Jack ordered huskily.  Ennis understood, and buried his head between Jack’s thighs.  He positioned his bum right over Jack’s eager mouth.  “Come and get it, Rodeo,”  Ennis yelled as Jack grabbed his hips and pulled him down…

« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 03:11:57 am by Dagi »


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Stories of pages 75, 78, 79
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2007, 03:18:21 am »
Beans by Susie

"I’m sicka beans!” Jack moaned, pulling faces and stirring his fork idly around the can.

“They’re just fine … now quit yer hammerin’, dumbass!”

Jack smiled to himself, lifted out a fully loaded fork, pulled it back a little with his finger, took aim, and let go.  Splat! …. the beans landed on Ennis’ cheek and slowly dribbled down his neck.

Jack giggled, kneeling in front of a dumbfounded Ennis, and licked them clean off his face, “Hmmm … tastes better that way!”  He unbuttoned his lover’s shirt, smeared more beans over his chest, the tomato sauce forming a pool in his naval, and proceeded to lick and bite at them hungrily.

Ennis jumped up, laughing, wrestling Jack to the ground, pulling at his belt and emptying the entire contents of the can down the back of his jeans.

“Ah Sheeit, Ennis!”  Jack cried, unbuckling his jeans and sliding them off, his firm white bottom, coated with beans, the sauce oozing between his buttocks and down the inside of his thighs.

Ennis pulled him down onto all fours and playfully licked his cheek, “Hmmmm … you’re right, tastes much better this way!”

Jack sighed and glanced behind him, watching Ennis greedily tuck in, and with a sly smile, announced “Dinner’s served!”

Pray For Him by littlewing

Jim Bennett carried a barely conscious Jack Twist up to his front door.  “Poor soul!”  Jim thought as he propped an arm around Jack’s shoulder.  He was asked by the Pastor of Ephesians A.M.E. Church to see that Mr. Twist got home in one piece.  Jim knew Jack well, worked with him at Newsome’s for years.

Jack was pulled into Ephesians after a sister saw him on the sidewalk outside of the church, dancing and clapping, swaying in time to the music of the praise service: music so resonant that it could be heard from blocks away.  Jack was unbelievably drunk and incoherent, muttering something about Mexico and Ennis..or was it Dennis?  Rev. Macklin and the entire congregation prayed for Jack, and made him as comfortable as possible.  Jim Bennett was the only person in church who knew Jack’s identity. He also knew what haunted him, made Jack drink like a fish.  That Randall Malone couldn’t keep a secret.

Jim knocked forcefully on Jack’s front door.  Lureen came rushing out, as she hadn’t set eyes on Jack for days, and was worried.

“Where did you find him, Jim?”  Lureen asked, a note of irritation mixed with relief in her voice.  She shook her husband until he stood up straighter, but his fierce blue eyes were unfocused.

“He was in church, ma’am,”  Jim answered as he pulled Jack into the house.  Lureen didn’t seem surprised.  Nothing Jack did surprised her.

“Here, Jim, set him down on the couch over there.”  Lureen guided.  She stood away from them both.  She didn’t even want to be near her husband, as he smelled like a brewery and something else she couldn’t put her finger on.  Jim deposited Jack on the couch and pulled a throw over him.  He looked down at the sad, sad man and shook his head.

“Well, I’ll be going now, ma’am!”  Jim said as he tipped his hat.

“Thanks for bringin’ him home Jim,”  Lureen began.

"And because you were so kind to my husband, take tomorrow off.”  Jim smiled and exited the Twist home.

“Thank you Jim..” Jack managed from the couch.  He looked up at Lureen with a fearful expression.  Lureen saw in her husband’s eyes a sadness so sublime that her heart almost broke.

“Well, at least he’s home!”  Lureen thought as she walked, alone, to her bedroom.   

Many States Away by Littlewing

August nights are hot and humid in Childress.  Jack Twist liked to sit alone in his den, his air conditioned den, drinking a bit of whiskey, thinking about nothing in particular.  His days were hard and bleak without one Ennis Del Mar to hold him.

Ennis didn’t mind Riverton’s hot August nights.  After a long day at the ranch he sat on the stoop of his trailer, shirtless, sipping a bit of whiskey from a paper cup.  His days were empty and depressing without Jack Twist’s arms around his torso.

It happened a lot!  Like a cry in the night, Jack “heard” the longing of his lover, felt his loneliness.  Like a transmittal of thought, Ennis felt Jack’s sadness and confusion.  But it was okay.  It seemed so natural to communicate this way: a cosmic relay, many states away.