Author Topic: JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive  (Read 54691 times)


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Stories of page 80, 82
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2007, 03:56:51 am »
End or Beginning by Dagi

Ennis felt slightly uncomfortable in this unusual position on all four, not because of his knees on the hard soil, but due to the lack of control. But in the end Jack had always proved to be trustworthy.

The wet line his lover was licking from his neck way down his spine was getting cold in the night air, but all that Ennis could think of was the direction his newfound friend´s wet mouth was going.
When he reached the beginning of the crack Jack hesitated for a moment. He had never done that before, but having always been curious he wanted to try as many things as possible before their time up on Brokeback would come to an end.

Would it be an end, or rather the beginning of something completely different from anything he had ever been able to figure?

A deep, yearning groan from Ennis brought him back; he put both hands on those unbelievably firm white cheeks, opened them a little, his cock meanwhile hard as rock and dripping, and took a look at that beautiful rose, before he lowered his mouth to taste Ennis´ flesh, inhaled this manly scent he had come to love, and his moist soft tongue incircled the butthole in small probing movements, evoking moans Jack had never heard from Ennis  before.

No matter how long this summer would last, he was determined to enjoy every single moment to the full...

Peeling Spuds by Susie

How in the hell am I s’posed to finish up here now?  Ennis was crouched less than ten feet away from him, butt naked and dripping with hot water.  Jack’s hands were unsteady, gaze fixed on the knife, catching a glimpse of Ennis through the corner of his eye. Damn he’s so fu ckin’ beautiful, never seen nothin’ like him before!.

Twenty years may have passed, but not much had changed; hair perhaps a little thinner, waistlines a little thicker.  However the fire was still ablaze and Ennis, still naked as the day he was born; the charge between them always high, but tempered with the familiarity of years living together.   

Jack chuckled to himself, tossed the potato up in the air, marched on over to Ennis and crouched down behind him.  He wrapped his arms around Ennis’s wet belly, Ennis turning his head and smiling, relaxing back into Jack’s warm chest.  Jack’s hands headed south, tickling the skin in their path, he playfully licked Ennis’s earlobe and with a voice soft as silk, whispered “Need some help there, friend?”

Come Take a Ride by Susie (p. 82)

"Come take a ride with me Ennis."

"Nah, my horse ain't saddled up."

"Don't matter, plenty a room up here for two."

Ennis climbed into the saddle behind Jack, butted right up against him. Little click of the tongue, a light tap of the heels and the horse trotted off down into the valley.

Rubbing up against Jack sure felt good, the smell and taste of that soft skin right behind his ear, so inviting. Ennis could feel the aching in the pit of his stomach, the pressure building in his groin, could feel Jack stiffening at his touch.

He quickly unfastened his pants, freeing himself, reached round in front of Jack, unbuckling him and pulling his jeans down far as he could, just enough room to guide himself in a little way. Jack let out a low moan, pressing his thighs against the horse, causing it to suddenly break into a canter, pushing Ennis in all the way.

"Holy shit!" Ennis choked, kicking his heels into the side of the horse, sending it into a flat-out gallop, every stride pounding him in deeper, harder. Both men cried out, coming hot and fast, wild and euphoric, mountains and forests speeding past in a blur.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 02:56:42 pm by Dagi »


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Stories of page 83+84
« Reply #41 on: July 04, 2007, 02:02:43 pm »
“Happy 4th of July, Jack Twist!” by Littlewing

Ennis looked at his wife with an expression that said, “Don’t you dare say anything else!”  He just kicked the crap out of a slop mouthed biker, one of 2 jerks who disrespected his family, and Alma looked at him like he lost his mind?  Ennis didn't understand her attitude!

“C’mon, let’s get out of here.”  Ennis said as he moved toward his wife and babies.  “I’m not in the mood for this anymore.”  Ennis picked up his daughters and placed one in each arm.  Alma collected the girls’ handmade blankets, along with the rest of their things and followed Ennis to the truck.

The apartment over the Laundromat was quiet, but the sky was alive with rockets red glare, bombs bursting in air.  Ennis was amazed that the girls were able to sleep through the racket.  Rowdies ran through the streets setting off firecrackers.  Teenagers shouted and threw bottles.  Dogs howled and ran for cover.  Alma was straightening the apartment, the ruckus with the bikers long forgotten.  She glanced at her husband and winked.  Ennis picked up on the signals, and thought, why the hell not?  He didn’t like hurting her, but the memory of Jack Twist!  The need was just too strong.  After he did what she hated, Alma curled up into a fetal position and fell asleep.  Ennis lay on his back and mouthed the words: “Happy 4th of July, Jack Fuckin' Twist!”

Happy 4th of July Ennis Del Mar by Susie

Jack leaned against the log, gazing sleepily up at the night sky, inky black above him, alight in the far distance, with a million sparkling colors.  Glowing embers flew up from the campfire, dancing in the breeze and gently settling near his feet, his own personal firework display.

He’d not been around these parts for a couple of years now, but today, drawn by some invisible force to this peaceful spot, he'd packed up his meagre belongings into his old pick up truck and made the fourteen hour trip, followed by a four hour hike, through the mountain to the place where they'd talked and laughed, and made love.

Wonder what he’s doin’ right now.  Wonder if he’s thinkin’ ‘bout me....  A twinge of sadness flowed through him as he raised his whiskey bottle to the sky and smiled hopefully, “Happy 4th of July, Ennis Del Mar...."


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Stories of page 88
« Reply #42 on: July 06, 2007, 03:39:42 pm »
To Remember Happier Days by Littlewing

Jack Twist watched Ennis walk away with a sadness he couldn't find the center of.  He sighed as he returned to the tent to continue packing his gear, get ready to return to the real world.  Ennis was already at camp, and must have discarded his bloody shirt to wash later, and changed into the only other shirt he owned.  Jack sat still, as every movement split his head, hurt his heart.

He had an idea: just a spur of the moment thought.  Looking both ways, Jack swiped Ennis’ bloody shirt, and stored it with his own meager belongings.  He didn’t know exactly what he would do with Ennis’ shirt, but he knew why he took it.

“I’m not mad at you, Ennis.”  Jack thought as he continued to pack his things.  He imagined himself in his bedroom up at Lightning Flats; Ennis’ shirt draped over a chair.  Jack saw himself caressing the shirt, outlining the collar soil with a finger.  He’ll drape the sleeves around his neck, imagine being held by his love – remember happier days.  But he will never wash Ennis’ shirt.  The blood is a reminder of the hurt he experienced as they parted ways that magical summer.  Jack learned a bitter lesson that summer: with every laugh, there is a tear.


He found the Twist Ranch, a stark image of shabby neglect and bleakness.  As he was getting out of his truck, he could see the frail vision of Mrs. Twist coming out of the house to greet him.  She looked almost like an angel with her beckoning eyes and welcoming demeanor.  Once inside though, the house appeared sterile, stark and cold.  Jack's daddy, Old Man Twist, sat at the kitchen table with an unforgiving look about his entire form.  Ennis sat up straight and waited for OMT to acknowledge his presence.  He finally decided to break the silence – "I feel awful bad about Jack, can't begin to say how bad I feel.  I knew him a long time."  OMT still had a sour expression on his face.  "I come by to tell you that if you want me to take his ashes up there on Brokeback like his wife says he wanted, I'd be proud to."  OMT began talking in a very sarcastic demeaning tone and Ennis just sat there feeling awful with the things he was saying.  He could understand more fully what Jack had gone through growing up, with a daddy who felt such disgust for him.  Then out of the blue he felt a hand, almost angelic, on his shoulder and a kind gentle voice saying "I kept his room like it was when he was a boy, I think he appreciated that.  You are welcome to go up in his room if you want."  Ennis nodded and said "I'd like that."

Ascending the stairs, Ennis thought how barren the house seemed.  Entering Jack's room was painful – how little there was to validate that the Jack he knew to be so hopeful and loving had ever lived there.  It was stuffy, and Ennis propped the window open and sat on a low stool and looked out to see what Jack could see every day of his life, the lone road that had led him out of this sterile prison.

Something made him turn around and he noticed Jack's closet – obviously left open for Ennis to discover.  Mrs. Twist, he decided, had sent him up here for a reason.  He crossed the room and saw clothes neatly hanging on wire hangers, some of them he remembered Jack wearing.  He saw his old raggedy boots on the floor and reached down to pick one up and put it to his nose – just a little of Jack's scent was left but it stirred so many memories.

Then he saw what Mrs. Twist must have wanted him to find, but wasn't sure at first what he was looking at.  An old denim shirt of Jack's hanging there.  He lifted it by the hanger and realized that it was too heavy …oh, his shirt that he had thought he'd left up on Brokeback that last day was hanging inside of Jack's shirt – as if Jack was surrounding him with love.  He pulled the shirts up to his face and buried his nose in them to smell the remains of the scents of those glorious days up on Brokeback when he and Jack were so young and playful and were falling in love.  It had been a wondrous, but confusing, time for Ennis – I guess both of them really.  He didn't understand the feelings that he was sensing then.  He was engaged to be married to Alma in November, but right now he was feeling so drawn to this beautiful man.  What did these feelings mean?  And just as he was feeling like he never wanted to be anywhere but Brokeback Mountain with Jack, they were suddenly told to "Bring 'em down."  He was devastated, felt like crying out with anger WHY!  I've been robbed of my last month with "my love" and what now?  They tussled and fought and Jack caught Ennis in the nose and he had bled all over his shirt and Jack's.  When they got to Signal there was an awkward good bye, Ennis realizing that he had left his bloody shirt up on Brokeback, and then "Well, see you around, I guess."

My God, the sleeves still have the blood stains on them, each bloody sleeve touching.  He held the shirts like he was holding Jack and his insides were about to explode with his memories and the pain of longing he felt for Jack.  "I should have known, I should have…" but it was too late.  Jack was gone and his feeling of regret overpowered him.  "What if…."?  "Why was I…?"

Ennis descended the stairs with the shirts tucked under his arm.  He hoped that OMT didn't say anything as he walked by him staring straight at Mrs. Twist, hoping that she would let him take the shirts with him.  She looked back at him understanding exactly what he was doing and helped him put them in an old paper sack to carry home.

Meantime, OMT had been waiting to get his last jab in and said "Tell ya what, we got a family plot and he's goin in it" and all the time Mrs. Twist looking at him with a plea for Ennis not to say anything.  Ennis just said "yes sir" relieved that it was finally over as Jack's ashes no longer were a priority to him.  Ennis had something much more special of Jack's to take with him -- the memory of their first summer together when they had fallen in love.  He would always regret not being able to love Jack openly and take him up on his suggestion of a "Sweet Life," but he now realized how much Jack really loved him and he could carry that knowledge with him forever, not as a secret sorrow, but as a reminder that their love was beautiful and that he, Ennis, was loveable.  He must now have the courage to open himself up to new possibilities.


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Stories of page 89+90
« Reply #43 on: July 06, 2007, 03:44:04 pm »
Lost Boys by garycottle

Ennis awoke with a start, and at first he didn’t know where he was, but when he looked up and saw the familiar pattern of the cracked plaster on the ceiling overhead he realized that he was in the apartment he shared with Alma and his daughters.  It was summer and the washing machines and dryers downstairs had been going all day, thus making the small, confined space steamy.  The nubby material of the worn couch he laid on was clammy and damp.  His hair was dripping with sweat also, and when he touched his bare chest he found that it was slick.

He thought about sitting upright, but just then he remembered that he had the strangest dream while he slept.  Jack and he had decided to go off to be together, and they ended up someplace back east where the woods were thick and green and the air was so humid that it was like walking through a wet, warm cloud.  They found a big old house just outside of a small village that rented cheap, but the only catch was the lease stipulated that only one person could live there.  So Ennis ended up sleeping in a room down in the basement, and Jack was the only one who ever went into town.

The townsfolk must have found out that they had broken the rules, and that the two of them had been living in the old house together, because one day Jack didn’t come home, and then Ennis looked out the basement window and saw a group of unfriendly men being led by the local sheriff come up the road.

As Ennis sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, Alma Jr., who was sitting in the floor in front of the TV with her baby sister, said, “Great, now he’s awake.”  The end credits of the program they had been watching were rolling.

When Ennis looked directly at his eldest he saw her annoyed expression was mixed with love and acceptance.  “Did I snore or somethin’?”

“No, but you did make it kind of hard to follow the story,” Jenny said without looking back.

For a week the girls had been talking about their plans to watch Salem’s Lot, and it saddened Ennis to know that he may have spoiled it for them.

“Well, what did I do?” he said with a note of contrition.

Alma, who was sitting in the corner chair reading one of those Harlequin romance novels, piped up and said in an edgy voice, “You kept saying, ‘No, Jack!  No!’”

“Isn’t your fishin’ buddy named Jack, Daddy?” asked Alma Jr.

“Go to bed, girls,” Alma said sharply.

Ennis buried his face in his hands and mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

The Intruder Part 1
by Susie

Jack entered Don Wroe’s cabin alone, stumbling about in the pitch black, feeling his way around the couch.  He froze in mid stride at the sound of a trigger being cocked and a low menacing voice coming out of the dark, “Hands over yer head, cowboy”.  Jack immediately obeyed, searching for the source of the noise and eventually making out the shadowy figure in the corner of the room, the only light, coming from the tip of his cigarette.

“Take off yer shirt…. Now yer pants cowboy.” Jack silently did as instructed, struggling to get his jeans over his boots, nearly falling on his face, finally standing butt naked and hard.

The man stepped out of the shadows and stood in front of him, unbuckling his own jeans and dropping them to the floor, “On yer knees cowboy”.  Jack acquiesced, “Just one thing, Ennis… When you ever gonna let me be the bad guy?”  “You sassin’ me boy?”  Ennis took a step closer, “Maybe this’ll shut you up good!”

The Intruder Part 2 by Susie

Ennis entered Don Wroe’s cabin alone, stumbling about in the pitch black, feeling his way around the couch. He froze in mid stride at the sound of a trigger being cocked and a low menacing voice coming out of the dark, “Hands over yer head, yer yeller bellied .... wait a minute, let me do it again ....” and stifling a giggle, Jack started from the top, “Hands over yer head yer lily livered .... sheeit, just one more time I promise!”.

Ennis stood laughing. Jack regained his composure and tried again, “Hands over yer head cowboy and take off all yer clothes”. Ennis eagerly obeyed.

“Now what am I s’pposed to say?”

“Jesus Jack! You dumbass! Get over here!” Jack obeyed.

“Now get on yer knees, cowboy”.

“Hey! Ain't that my line?” Jack laughed, he was never any good at foolin’ people, and besides he realised, taking Ennis deep into his mouth, he was getting exactly what he'd wanted all along.


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Stories 9. Juli 07
« Reply #44 on: July 10, 2007, 05:29:10 am »
Sitting Pretty by Littlewing 9. Juli 07

Midnight, and Ennis and Jack were just turning in after a day of hiking, talking, playing cards and eating.  Both were very tired and very content to be together.  They laughed as the last embers of the fire crackled and performed an eerie dance among the shadows of the night.

Ennis was the first to enter the tent.  He undressed in haste as Jack poured a bucket of water on the fire.  The night promised to be cold, but the tent was warm and Ennis was suddenly on fire.  He brought a few small fold-away chairs this time to ease the burden of sitting on the stiff, unforgiving ground.  Completely undressed, Ennis sat down on a small chair, his manhood standing straight up, at attention!

Jack pushed his way into the tent, almost falling backwards as he noticed a nude Ennis sitting erect and tall in the chair.  Something else was standing straight up: ramrod hard and twitching!  Jack chucked softly as he noticed Ennis’ cock head resembled a big, savory mushroom.

“That looks like a nice place to sit!”  Jack laughed as he pointed to Ennis’ member.

“What…the chair?”  Ennis joked as he ran his cold hand along the sides of the chair.  “You want to sit down, Rodeo?”

Jack wasted no time!  He disrobed faster than he ever had!  Ennis reached out for his lover and Jack moved closer.  He turned his back to Ennis and eased down…..

Meadowlark by garycottle 9. Juli 07

It was near suppertime and Ennis hadn’t returned to camp, so Jack decided to go looking for him.  He found him in the meadow just upstream.  Jack scanned the open expanse and saw Ennis’s bare feet perched on a log.  When Jack drew closer he discovered the man was prostrate and his hat laid over his face.

Jack bent down and plucked a weed and then proceeded to lightly graze Ennis’s dirty soles, causing the toes to twitch a couple of times.  But then Ennis suddenly sprang to life and wrestled Jack to the ground.  He had been playing possum.

“Boy, I’ll show you who’s goin’ to get tickled around here,” Ennis said.

He playfully bit his friend on the nose and then rolled over and laid beside him.  The unexpected rush of activity was followed by an easy lull.  They were silent a moment, and then Ennis said, “It’d be real nice if we lived out here all the time, Jack.”

“Maybe we could buy us a piece of land out this way,” Jack said.

“I don’t mean it like that.  I don’t want no deed.  I’m talkin’ about just takin’ off and leavin’ the world behind.”

Jack raised up on his elbow and looked at Ennis.  He said, “You’re talkin’ like somebody who’s been drinkin’ dandelion wine.  How would we get by?”

With a tinge of bitterness Ennis said, “We could live off the land.  That’s how they did it a hundred fuckin’ years ago.”  He then turned over onto his belly, collected his hat, looked down at the rim, and said in a defeated tone, “Never mind.  It was a dumbass thing to say.  No matter how you work it there’s no way out.”

“Ennis...”  Jack wanted to say he was sorry, but he held his tongue.  And he almost mentioned something about the two of them going to live on has daddy’s place, but he thought better of that, too.  Finally he laid his hand on the small of Ennis’s back and merely said, “Let’s go get us somethin’ to eat.”

Admiration by garycottle

Jack was all set to lunge but then he caught sight of Ennis, and suddenly he wanted to enjoy the view.  You can see something a thousand times without really looking at it, but every now and then you stop and realize just how handsome a certain tree is, or a mountain, or a person, or a specific part of a person.  Jack had been down on his knees in front of Ennis a hundred times at least.  Maybe more.  But this was one of those occasions when he wanted to pay extra close attention.

Ennis was thick and meaty down there, and he had a couple of ropy, purplish veins that ran along his shaft.  His big, spongy, slightly darker head flared out like a storm trooper’s helmet.  Ennis had a real man’s cock.  And if that wasn’t enough, his firm, pink, fuzzy balls hanging low reminded Jack of fresh, ripe peaches.  Ennis was turgid and oozing, and in this state he listed to the left a little three quarters of the way up, and then he turned in the same direction a bit more sharply.  Jack knew that the irregular shape and the girth was what made Ennis feel so good inside of him.

Jack took Ennis’s balls into his hand and smiled up at his friend.  “You’re so beautiful, Ennis.  The way you’re made...”

“Quit your yammerin’, Jack.  I can’t stand it much longer.”

Jack leaned in and tickled Ennis's piss slit with the tip of his tongue, causing the man to shutter.  He could literally see the hairs on Ennis’s arms stand up, and he took pride in knowing that he was making that happen.


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10. Juli 07
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2007, 05:40:34 am »
Son Of A Bitch by Dagi

They pressed their bodies together in a tight embrace, neither of them willing to let go, each trying to not let out a moan that would reveal how they felt every time they had to part, each trying to be strong for the other´s sake.
After what seemed an eternity, Ennis tried to pull back since he knew it was time for Jack to go,  a long ride home waiting for him. But Jack didn´t  let him, pulled him even closer.
„Son of a bitch, Ennis, why ya do this to me, hurts so much to have to let you go....can´t let you go...damn it...“, his words merely a choked whisper.
Ennis´ eyes filled with tears, he felt the same way but would rather bite off his tongue than admit it, for he knew it was because of him that they had to part again and again, so many times he had already lost count.
Jack didn´t dare think of that goddamn emptiness he would fall into again in Childress, an emptiness so empty he sometimes had to get drunk, not in order to not feel anything anymore, but to feel anything at all.
 „Why did ya do this to me, Jack?“ Ennis murmured hardly audible.
„Do what?“ „ Why d'ya make me love ya so much?“ he thought, looking at Jack, not bothering any more about hiding the tears in his dark eyes.
Jack ran his fingers through those beloved curls, took this beloved face in both his hands and kissed Ennis so tenderly, their lips scarcely touching, breathing and moaning into each other´s mouths, tongues meeting  sweet and wet and soft. The moans became louder, the desire stronger until Ennis whispered raucously „ Take me, Jack, please, do me once more, I want ta take ya home with me...“
Jack stared at him, surprised, but a second later he turned Ennis around, pressed him against the truck and with trembling hands he shoved down both their jeans. He hesitated a moment, almost unable to hold back once his erect member touched firm flesh, but Ennis thrusted back against him, moaning loud, his head lolling back, answer enough.
The urge overwhelmed Jack, and with an animal grunt he pushed in all the way in one, knowing he was causing pain without any lube at all, wishing it almost, anger and grief and rage running through him now in hot waves, oddly mixed up with desire, and he pushed in and pulled back and pushed in hard again, Ennis becoming silent, only breathing heavily, knowing he was getting punished in a way for doing this to Jack, for leaving him again and again, for refusing to give him what he was craving so much.
Despite the pain,  the feel of Jack inside of him, filling him up, taking him mercilessly, submitting him to his own will, excited him more that he would ever have dared to admit, and he felt that he was about to come without even touching himself, needing both hands to hold on to the truck for his legs threatened to give way under him.
Jack´s grip around Ennis´ hips became even stronger, he buried his nails in his victims flesh crying out loud when they came only seconds apart in wave after wave, Jack holding Ennis so close they became like one body.
There they stood shaking, faces wet with sweat and tears, aware that something inside of them had broken.
„Did I hurt you?“ Jack whispered when they had calmed down a little.“I´m sorry, didn´t mean to....well, maybe I did...“.
Ennis finally turned around, folded his love in his arms and stroke his face in a tender gesture.
„S´alright, Jack....s´alright“.

Part 2 by Susie

Jack stared into his rear view mirror, the reflection of Ennis’ truck pulling out of the parking lot and heading off down the dirt track was an all too familiar sight.  His heart sank slowly into his stomach at the prospect of yet another fourteen hour drive, each moment taking him a step further away from his love, a step closer to nothing.  How much more of this could he take?  Every departure ripped tiny pieces of his heart clean out of his chest, and now, only shattered fragments remained.

He switched on the radio, set the truck in reverse and backed out onto the road.  Tears filled his eyes, brimming over and spilling down his cheeks, “Damn you, Ennis Del Mar!”   He replayed their final moments together over and over in his mind, he’d needed to hurt Ennis, to make Ennis feel some of his pain.  But now that his anger had subsided, it left behind a deepening sadness at so many words once again left unspoken.

The radio helped to wile away some of the hours, providing a little distraction, until the words “Crazy” began to echo around him, taking him back to Pete’s Saloon, empty but for the two of them, back to the worn lanolium dance floor and into the arms of his man, “I love you, Ennis Del Mar.”  He pulled the truck over suddenly, stumbled out and fell, wretching, to his knees.

Smoking Pot by Susie

The two middle aged men sat quietly staring out over the lake to the mountains beyond, silhouetted against the night sky. The sombre mood gradually lifted as they passed the joint back and forth between them.  Silence turned to chatter, chatter turned to raucous laughter. Jack leaned over suddenly, kissing his startled lover, deep and hard, “Sorry bud, just couldn’t resist those beautiful lips.” Ennis smiled, pulling him back, kissing him harder, seemed Ennis couldn’t resist either.

“Come on, let’s do it like we did first time!” Jack was a horny teenager, pulling at his jeans, giggling, and getting down on all fours. Ennis, thinking it was a fine idea, lowered his fly. He fumbled around in the dark, muttering to himself, and finally gave up, “Can’t find where to put it...”  Laughter erupted between them, bouncing off the peaks and echoing all around, they both collapsed on the ground.

“And you call me a Dumbass… Dumbass!” Jack, undeterred, climbed on top of Ennis, eyes hazy with a mixture of pot and lust, “You just lie there lil’ darlin’, I’ll show you where to put it!”

Ennis´ Masculinity by Toycoon

Where did the secrets to masculinity lay; Ennis surely did not know.

Not terribly experienced, Ennis had kissed Alma deeply, fondled her tiny body but never transcended with her to a level where he knew he had no restraint; Ennis was a man and there was supposedly, his match.

Ennis desperately clutched Jack's bristly face with his rough hands; Jack's soft lips, the stubble on his handsome jaw and Jack's musky scent was a irresistible force that Ennis could not control.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 02:19:30 pm by Dagi »


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Re: READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread
« Reply #46 on: July 11, 2007, 07:24:29 am »
Clay by Dagi

„What are ya giggling about?“ Ennis´ voice sleepy behind Jack.

Jack smiled. „Just thinking about.........that second night up on Brokeback. What it felt like when you................ slid into me slowly, so slowly...“

Fuck, even after some pot it was still so damn hard to actually talk about these things – but Ennis had asked.

„Felt so damn good, felt as if I was.......touching your cock with my fingertips.......could have made a model out of clay afterwards.....“

„Uh.------------and what are ya giggling about then?“

„Just figured that model standing on the mantelpiece in my livingroom.“


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12. Juli 07
« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2007, 03:00:36 am »
The Commercial by Littlewing

Late one summer, Don Wroe offered Ennis the use of his cabin for a few weeks.  Don Wroe put $15,000 into renovating the place, and the work took nearly 10 weeks to complete.  He bought a rather large color TV for the living area, and equipped the family room with leather couches and a love seat.  Ennis sent Jack a postcard inviting him for a week of food, fun, and love.  Jack took less than 3 days to reply.

Jack couldn’t believe the improvements Don made to the cabin!  The kitchen was pure luxury!  While Jack put away the supplies he brought to cook up savory meals for his lover, Ennis wanted to relax and watch a little television.  Jack almost dropped a side of beef when he heard a side-splitting guffaw spilling from the living room!  Ennis was laughing uproariously!  Jack ran into the living room, anxious to see what sort of sight would make a taciturn Ennis laugh out loud like that!  This was historic!  Ennis was watching a commercial: an ad for an absorbent paper towel that featured a very macho lumberjack.  The man obviously just returned home from work, and instead of manly sons greeting him, he was surrounded by 3 daughters dressed like ballerinas and they were dancing around him.  His dainty wife looked on in approval.  The lumberjack stood still while his daughters danced and ran between his massive legs with a look on his face that ranged from disappointment to incomprehension.  Jack, too, thought the ad was hilarious!

“Is that you and the girls?  Jack asked Ennis as he smiled at his lover.

“Yeah that’s us, Bud!”  Ennis managed between peals of laughter.  “I know what this dude is going through.  But you know what, Jack?  I want a son, but if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be okay with that.”

“Of course you will, friend.”  Jack answered.  “Your girls are the apple of your eye, I can tell.” Jack gave Ennis an affectionate tap on the arm and returned to the kitchen.  He had T-Bone steaks to marinade.

The day was over, and the dinner dishes were cleared away.  Ennis and Jack sat next to each other in companionable silence and watched a TV cop drama.  Ennis giggled a bit and told Jack, “I haven’t seen my commercial!”  Jack smiled as he rememberd how that ad tickled his lover. Jack wished he could record the ad for him, so that Ennis could play it back whenever he needed a laugh.  He made a mental note to check out that newfangled BETA device they had out now.  He thought he read somewhere that the contraption could record TV shows as well as play movies.  Jack took Ennis' hand in his and squeezed it.  The joy of that moment would be recorded in his consciousness forever.


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12. Juli 07
« Reply #48 on: July 13, 2007, 08:53:41 am »
Jack´s Masculinity by Toycoon

Jack's emotions tended to be nearer to the surface, so his feelings for Ennis were of no surprise to him nor did they conflict with Jack's perception of masculinity.

Jack had been infatuated with several people throughout his adolescence but he had never truly connected to another like he did with his new friend;  Ennis seemed to embody everything Jack could have wanted from a companion.

Jack on his hands and knees held his breath as Ennis pressed himself to Jack's button then forced his turgid flesh into Jack's muscular behind; the initial pain gave way to deep pleasure Jack had not experienced before in his young life and he knew now, that he was hooked.

The Longest Night by spiceylife

Jack awoke to the sound of running water, swung long legs off a sagging mattress and padded across the floor, barefoot and naked.  Pulling a smoke from the pocket of his shirt discarded carelessly the night before, Jack lit it and drew back deeply, rubbing eyes that were still heavy from too little sleep.  His boyish face lit up as he smiled easily to himself, recalling a long night filled with laughter, friendship, sweet memories, sex of every description, and his lover, Ennis Del Mar.

Jack shook his head in delight and sighed happily, not quite believing that he was here, with Ennis again, the one who would always have Jack’s heart now, no matter what.  He flopped down on the bed, loose and relaxed, almost childlike, then slid himself up and sat with his back against the headboard, one knee casually drawn up, ashtray balanced on the other thigh, smoking his cigarette in comfort.  Jack flicked ash from his smoke, his mind still thinking on the night spent with Ennis.  He felt a sudden need to ingrain everything that had just happened into his mind, to cover that fragile seed of new memories they’d made last night, protecting them from the sad and certain knowledge that even the best of memories fade and grow dull with time.  Jack had read something once, in one of his mamma’s books.  It had said, “Memory is the scribe of the soul” and Jack had remembered that, all these years.  He wasn’t sure he knew exactly what this really meant, or even what a scribe was, but to Jack, it sounded important, and, more than anything, he knew his own soul wanted to keep Ennis close and safe, and remembered.

And Jack needed to remember this night forever; needed to remember every kiss, every thrust and push and grunt, every lick and suck, hands that felt and pulled and touched and stroked and probed everywhere, the motion of bodies moving in and out, hard, then soft, then hard again.  His mind ran an erotic slideshow of fingers inside, lips parted, tongues meeting, rubbing, gyrating, hips held bruisingly tight, and the sweet smell and feel of sweaty, urgent sex.  He heard again the delicious moaning and panting as each man gave himself over to this need, climaxes were reached and the taste of love lingered on Jack’s lips, the bloom of love in his heart; back then, long ago on the mountain, and still now, far stronger…

Suddenly, Jack saw movement from the corner of his eye.  He turned his head slightly to look, watching through the sliver of open bathroom door, a few feet away.  He barely noticed the ancient, crooked mirror on the wall above the sink, its silver lining peeling and discolored, because he was entranced by what he could see clearly from where he lay on the bed.  Reflected in the shabby mirror was Ennis Del Mar, showering, his naked beauty a vision that chased all rational thought from Jack’s mind.  His cigarette dangled, forgotten, from his lips, gray ash growing long and threatening to fall on Jack’s chest at any second.

Jack’s eyes travelled over Ennis’s reflection, completely absorbed by the beauty of this man.  Ennis’s eyes were closed, his head back, hands running through his blond locks, turned curly and dark by the water.  Jack watched intently as Ennis turned, soaped up, and ran the soapy washcloth over his lean, muscular back.  He faced the mirror again, and Jack’s breath quickened as Ennis rubbed the cloth over his toned and tanned chest, the chest that Jack had pressed against as he lay on top of Ennis last night and kissed him deeply, putting all his heart into that kiss.  Jack had even felt Ennis’s heart beating madly beneath him, through his own chest.  He watched the soapy water run over brown nipples he had licked and sucked and played with just hours before, and felt a familiar stirring begin in his groin.  Christ, but Ennis is beautiful!

Ennis turned again, and Jack held his breath as the other man ran the soapy cloth over his firm ass, frothy bubbles running down his crack in a most sensual way.  Jack was entranced, remembering… his tongue moving all over that ass crack the previous night as Ennis lay on his stomach, pillows stuffed under his groin and legs spread wide.  Jack had not been surprised when Ennis pulled away momentarily, gasping.  He waited, whispering soothing words to Ennis as he patiently rubbed the small of his back.  Pleasure flowed through Jack when Ennis eventually gathered himself, visibly relaxed, then asked for more.  Jack kissed Ennis’s right buttock gently and parted his cheeks with both hands, transfixed by the sight of Ennis in such a vulnerable, open position, and moved almost to tears that Ennis trusted Jack enough to allow him in.

He went at it again, lapping hungrily behind Ennis, encircling and tasting, then stiffening his tongue to push inside his lover, probing his body over and over again.  Ennis groaned and panted his desire out loud, eyes closed tight and clutching the cheap headboard so tightly that Jack heard it splinter.  Ennis pushed his ass back into Jack’s face, clearly revelling in this erotic sensation.  Ennis’s scent and taste were divine, an earthy and masculine aphrodisiac, and Jack’s orgasm was tantalizingly close, the trembling pressure building in his cock as his hot tongue entered Ennis’s hole, keeping a wild, intoxicating rhythm.

Jack was breathing fast now, his pulse racing as he watched Ennis bathe himself.  His lover seemed oblivious to the approving eyes on him as he washed.  The throbbing, steady heat intensified between Jack’s legs as Ennis turned once more, and Jack’s eyes moved lovingly down to one of the most exquisite parts of his man.  Jack’s mind flickered back a few hours, to when that beautiful dick had felt like a part of Jack himself… a feeling of contentment washing over Jack as he took it into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the large head and along the firm, velvety shaft, sucking hard, relaxing his throat so Ennis could fuck his mouth good and deep.  Jack loved Ennis’s strong hands in his hair, pulling a little, holding Jack’s head steady as he pushed his heavy cock past full, wet lips moist with spit and precome.

Jack felt it to the very core of his being; an unshakeable bond with this man, as if he and Ennis were one, meant to be together, just like this, always…

Then Ennis lay on top of him, his tongue licking seductively along Jack’s bottom lip, kissing him so sweetly as he pushed into Jack, a little at a time, moving slow for fear of hurting him.  Jack clenched his teeth, threw one leg over Ennis’s back, quickly forced himself to adjust and then his hips took over, as if with a mind of their own.  He moaned into Ennis’s mouth, all hot and helpless, and then couldn’t stop himself, rotating his hips in a slow, sensual circle, pushing up towards Ennis, holding on, begging Ennis to fuck him, and quickly.

Jack remembered sweat dripping off both of them, he remembered staring into Ennis’s gentle eyes and wanting this man in his life forever, and he remembered Ennis fucking him and kissing him deeply at the same time, the most erotic and beautiful moments in Jack’s life always, always coming with Ennis.  It would never be any other way.

Jack tried to settle his breathing, glanced down at himself and grinned, noticing that he was hard.  He dropped the cigarette, burnt out now, into the ashtray, and looked back again to the bathroom mirror, back to the part of Ennis his eyes had been lingering on just seconds before.  Jack gave a start, almost dropping the ashtray to the floor.  A moment ago, Ennis had been soft and flaccid, but now his dick was as stiff as Jack’s, water and soap bubbles cascading over it, the loveliest sight Jack had ever seen.  Jack raised his deep blue eyes up to Ennis’s face, wanting Ennis so much, only to find soft brown eyes lusting, watching him right back through the mirror’s reflection.  Ennis had finally seen Jack on the bed, seen the reaction he caused between Jack’s legs, his own body responding instantly in the same heated, natural way.

Through the bathroom mirror they watched each other, chests heaving as their breathing grew heavier, their need to be together obvious, until Ennis, with a dazzling smile, held his hand out for Jack to join him in the shower.  Jack leapt off the bed, dropping the ashtray in his hurry, and was across the room in seconds, taking Ennis’s hand and slamming the door shut behind him.

Reverb by garycottle

Pillowy white clouds drifted over a starkly blue sky drawing one’s eyes up toward the snow capped peaks that loomed overhead like benevolent gods, and even though it was June, there were still remnants of snow and ice down below the tree line clinging to the thick spring grass here and there, and the wild flowers that dotted the meadows like confetti.

“What’s this placed called?” asked Daniel, the smaller of the two boys.  His LL Bean backpack was brand new, and its weight was obviously starting to get to him.

“Broken Arm, Broken Leg, something like that,” said Tyler.  He hesitated a moment to take in a deep breath of mountain air, as if somehow the crisp smell would remind him of the name his granddad had used when he told him about herding sheep up here more than forty years earlier.

Daniel seized on Tyler’s lull and said, “Yeah, let’s take a break.”  He then let his pack slide from his shoulders before Tyler could say no.

The two boys stood there a moment and took in the beauty of the place, and then Tyler said, “There’s a leveled off space right in front of a stream just about a mile further.  That’s where we’re headed.  It’s not far.”

“Is that where you made camp when you came up here with Josh and Nate?”

“Yeah, and I knew right from the start that I’d have to get you to come up here,” said Tyler as he bent down to pick up Daniel’s pack.  “I wanted you to see this.”

“I can carry that,” Daniel said.  “You have your own to worry about.”  He tried to pull the pack out of his friend’s hands, but it was a wasted effort.  Tyler had six inches and fifty pounds on him.

The bigger boy couldn’t stop himself from grinning when he so easily won the tug of war.  “It’s no problem.  Would you chill out.”

“Fine,” Daniel said with an exaggerated roll of his eyes.

Later that evening, after having had fresh trout for dinner, the boys sat beside the campfire.  There was a full moon that night, and the sky was so clear that every star in the heavens was visible.  But Daniel took no notice.  He wrapped himself up in a blanket and stared into the flames.

Tyler handed him the bottle of Old Rose that he was sipping from.  “Here, this’ll warm ya up.”

“God, no!” Daniel protested.  “I’m sure that shit is nasty.”

Tyler deftly grabbed him and put the bottle to his lips.  “Now you drink it,” he said.  When Daniel complied he let him sit upright again.  “Put hair on your chest,” he added as he laughed at the face Daniel pulled.

Daniel smiled and said, “Haven’t you heard?  We gay guys don’t like a lot of hair.  We even shave our gonads.”

“Maybe girly twink boys like you.  But some gay guys are real men,” Tyler said.  And then he playfully clipped Daniel on the shoulder just in case he had cut too close to the bone.

Daniel smirked to let him know that he wasn’t put off.  Then he picked up a stick and poked at the fire.  After a minute he said, “Did it bother you when I came out at school last fall?”

“Why would it?” asked Tyler.  “You told me two years ago, and it didn’t change nothin’.  We went right on being best friends.”

“Yeah, but it had been like our secret.  I hadn’t even told my parents.”

Tyler tapped him on the shoulder again, but this time with a bit more force.  “You know I’m fine with it, dumbass.”

“But didn’t you have to put up with some shit?  People ribbing you about me being your boyfriend?”

“I didn’t care about that.  People can think what they want,” Tyler declared.  Then his tone softened and he said, “It was a little strange when you used to wait for me outside the locker room.  The guys would say things about how you probably wanted to come in and watch us shower.  You know how the boys are after a game.”

Daniel laughed.  “That’s not so bad.  And I probably would have liked that.”

The two young men caught one another’s gaze and blushed a little.  Then Tyler went on to confess, “A few, especially Josh and Nate, and Aaron, would say stuff about how you were waiting out there to give me a congratulatory blow job.”

“And how did you respond?”

Tyler sat up, took a swig from his bottle, and said straight out, “I told them you were my sex slave, and that you had a mouth on you like velvet.  Then I said we should take you out behind the gym so we could all have a turn.”

When Daniel stared at him in horror, he doubled over laughing.  “I’m kidding.  I’m kidding.  You know I’m kidding, right?”  And when he regained his composure he said, “Daniel, I think it's really brave of you the way you stand up for yourself.  You told everybody at school, and you told your parents even though you knew your daddy wouldn’t take it well.  And then last week you told him that you were going to major in drama and not accounting.  You have more balls than most of the guys I know.  Hell, you have more balls that I got. ...I think I’m going to sign up for the army just ‘cause that’s what my folks expect.  I don’t really know what I want to do.”

“Man, I’m still hoping I can talk you out of that.”  Daniel reached for the bottle and this time he willingly took a drink.

Tyler lifted one corner of his mouth and said, “Keep working on me.  I’m open to new ways of lookin' at the situation.  Granddad is trying to talk me out of it, too.”

He then took Daniel’s stick and stirred the embers at the bottom of the fire causing sparks to fly up three or four feet.  “So if you had gotten into the locker room would you have wanted to see my stuff?  Or do you think of me as your brother and that’s just gross?”

“Oh, shut up, Tyler,” Daniel said and took another drink, a long one.

“I’m serious, I want to know if you ever look at me like that.”  He suddenly flung the stick down toward the stream.  It landed in the water.  The sound seemed to echo throughout the valley.

“You’re so vain.  Why do you even care?”

“Just tell me, you jerk.”

“Jesus!  You were voted fucking prom king.  Apparently everybody looks at you like that.”

Tyler faced his friend and demanded to know, “But do you?”

Daniel sighed as he sat the bottle down on the ground between them.  He then said, “Yes, goddamn it.  You know I do.  I love your wavy blonde hair, and that cleft chin.  And when you take your shirt off I almost faint at the sight of your pert little dime-sized nipples.”  He put the tips of his index fingers up to his own chest and mockingly twirled them around.  But then he got serious and said, “I think you’re hot, and you know that I think you’re hot.  And I know that you know...  All of that is pretty much out there, isn’t it?”

With arrogant self-satisfaction Tyler said, “Yeah, sure.  But I wanted to make you say it out loud for once.”

“Why?  Just to embarrass me?”

“No.  I’m just trying to ease you into this.  You’re so uptight.”

Daniel stopped in his tracks and said, “What are you talking about?”

“Why do you think I brought you up here, Mr. Honor Roll?  Don’t you know when someone is trying to put the blocks to ya?”  He shook his head and said, “You’re so smart, and yet...”

Fear swept over Daniel’s face and he said, “Don’t even tease me about that, Tyler.  You really have no idea how much you can hurt me by going there.”

“Yes I do know, too.  And I’m not teasing you.”

“But you have a girlfriend,” Daniel said in sheer panic.

“I had a girlfriend,” Tyler proclaimed.  “You know we broke up before graduation.”

“But you’re straight.”

“I’m human.  And you get to me, and I’m willing to go with the flow.  So why can’t you?”


Tyler became exasperated and he said, “Would you stop arguing with me.  I just admitted I have feelings for you.  Don’t ruin it.  Yes, I like girls.  When I surf the web for porn it’s pussy that I’m looking for.  But I think of you when I cum, Daniel.”  He could feel his cheeks burn, so to keep himself from losing his nerve he turned and looked into the fire.  “I think about what it would be like to fuck you all the time.  And to hold you, and to kiss you.  I think I’m in love with you.  And we both know that you’re in love with me.  So why can’t we see if we can make it work.”

Daniel began to cry even though he was trying very hard not to.  “But what if it doesn’t work, Tyler?  What if you end up hating me?  I don’t want to risk losing you.”

Tyler moved over beside his friend so that he could put his arm around him.  He tipped the bottle of Old Rose over as he did so, spilling the contents onto the dusty ground.  “I know it’s scary growing up.  Everything changes.  But we’ve got each other, and we’re always going to be close, I promise.  I swear to God.  No matter what happens we’re going to be best buds forever.  Daniel, I swear...”

With big, sad, wet eyes Daniel looked over at him, and then he said defiantly, “If we do this you can’t join some fucking army and go and get yourself killed.”

Tyler gently placed his hand on Daniel’s cheek and brought his friend's face to his own.  When their lips touched the bargain was set.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 04:43:26 am by Dagi »


  • Guest
13. Juli 07
« Reply #49 on: July 13, 2007, 09:00:05 am »
Jack´s Farewell by Littlewing

Aguirre sat at his desk and wondered why he still bothered.  He was well past the age of retirement, and had the good sense- or was it good fortune – to put away a nice nest egg.  He owned his house free and clear, and his children were all college grads and off about their lives.  He and his wife could be taking lazy, luxurious cruises, but he felt compelled to continue working.  He looked around his trailer at all the tasks that needed completing.  Trisha Smith quit a few months ago, but he never replaced her.  Joe Aguirre looked at his age spotted hands and managed a smile.  He was actually proud of all the things he accomplished, and found that he needed to work just a bit longer.  After all, he can rest when he is dead.

Aguirre rose from his desk to fetch himself a cup of coffee.  He noticed a stack of mail from yesterday that he hadn’t even bothered to open.  His coffee mug in hand, Joe Aguirre sat back down and scanned the dozen or so letters that he neglected earlier.  Most were bills, and a few were invitations to local town meetings.  He noticed one letter encased in a fancy red envelope.  Curious, Aguirre opened this one.  It was an obituary of sorts.  Joe’s mouth dropped as he read Jack Twist’s funeral announcement.

Aguirre sat the announcement on his desk and took a swig of the hot brew.   He couldn’t believe that the sweet, handsome, good-for-nothin’ Jack Twist was deceased.  Aguirre examined the envelope for a return address.  There was none.  He wondered who could have sent the notice, and why?  And instantly, Aguirre was transported back to that summer when he hired a one Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist to herd sheep for him.   He remembered giving them his point of view, cringed when he recalled telling them to break the rules.  And then he saw them!  Witnessed the rough housing, knew that they stemmed the rose to pass the time up there.  Aguirre always wondered if Ennis and Jack ever kept in touch.  How was Ennis handling the news of Jack’s death?  Did he know?  Aguirre reached into his desk and pulled out the company checkbook.  He fetched his rolodex and found the address of Mr. and Mrs. John Twist.

Bad Dream by Littlewing

Ennis awoke with a start.  This time the pillow was wet!  Well, so were the sheets!  Ennis had a dream: a recurring nightmare that terrified and excited him at the same time.  This time Jack was alive and walking intently down a Mexican alley.  He stopped in front of a decent looking man, a lad who looked a lot like Ennis.  Ennis twitched and shuddered as he saw Jack and the hustler walk off into the shadows.

Wide awake now, Ennis tried to turn over.  It was no good.  The rank sheets were holding him prisoner.  He sighed audibly and pulled at the cheap, twisted bed clothes in an attempt to free himself.  “Jack, how could you do that to me?”  Ennis mumbled as he finally forced himself free.  He tried to keep his heart steady as he imagined Jack kissing, caressing, gentling another man.  It was a little more than he could bear.

“Maybe we should go to Mexico!”  Ennis remembered Jack telling him right before he put 2 and 2 together.  He wanted to punch Jack until he bled.  A part of him died that day, and Ennis found that many months later, the wound had not healed.   “Jack fuckin’ Twist, if you was alive, I would kill your ass!”  Ennis screamed as he somehow found the strength to get up and face the day.

Admiring the View by Susie

“Hmmmmmmm….”  Jack heard the sigh from the bedroom as he stood naked, brushing his teeth.

“What’s up bud?” he called through a mouthful of toothpaste.

“Oh nothin’…. just thinkin’”

“Jesus Christ, Ennis Del Mar!  You know that drives me crazy!  Now just tell me what’s on your fuckin’ mind!”

“OK OK, keep yer drawers on!  I was just thinkin' …. was watchin’ you today on the back a that horse ….. admirin’ the view ….. looked mighty fine bouncin’ up and down in the saddle ….. wouldn’t mind being that horse m’self!”

A choked giggle came from the bathroom.  Jack popped his head round the door briefly, broad smile stretched across his face, foam dripping from his mouth, “Well, why didn’t ya just say so?”

He rinsed his mouth, put the toothbrush between his lips like it was a smoke and swaggered, cowboy-style, into the room.   He grabbed his Resistol from the back of the chair, stepped into his boots, and slowly, seductively, sauntered over to the bed.

“You just lay there and I’ll saddle up” he teased, climbing up onto the bed, facing away from his lover, straddling him and lowering himself, tantalisingly close to Ennis’ flesh.

“Grease me up cowboy….. ” Ennis reached for the lube, massaging Jack’s firm white buttocks with slippery wet hands, fingers probing his exquisite tight button.  Jack guided himself slowly down onto Ennis’ hard dick.   Ennis, breathed deeply, transfixed by the vision in front of him “Hmmmmmmmmm …. now that’s the view I’m talking about cowboy …..”

When He Loved Me by Littlewing

Ennis sat facing his daughter, and tried his best to digest her news.  His baby was getting married!  Ennis couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Alma Jr. was 19 and about to become a Mrs!  Ennis hung his head.  How did the world keep on turning without him?

“This Kurt fella..he love you?”  Ennis asked his child.

“Yeah daddy, he loves me!”   It was Alma Jr.  She looked at the man seated before her with an expression of tenderness and great love.  Ennis looked away.  He was glad that his daughter had found happiness.  But what of Ennis Del Mar?  He looked into the past in an instant.

In the twinkling of an eye he saw images of Jack Twist laughing, running through fields of wildflowers, playing a mouth organ.  Great vivid images of Jack cooking, kissing, loving him!  "Did he love me?"  Ennis asked himself as he fought to turn his thoughts to the present.  Ennis turned to his fridge to pour himself and Alma Jr. a drink.  And in that very instant, just as they raised their glasses in a toast, Ennis thought,

“I think the son of a bitch loved me!”
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 07:04:26 am by Dagi »