Author Topic: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?  (Read 26338 times)


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JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« on: May 01, 2006, 01:31:06 pm »
Hi everyone,

Topic for today -- FLIRTING.

Jack's preening, strutting around like a peacock and, well, just the way he wears those jeans in the film's flirty opening sequence outside Aguirre's trailer make quite an impression on Ennis. 

BUT what about your own real-life tales of flirting that have either WORKED, or gone horribly WRONG?  And how about the best or worst flirting that has been done to you? 

Myself, I think it's all in the eyes actually (though lately I think it's somewhat on the 'Net, or in the fingertips if you will, lol), and on my end I'm just "me" and try to be low-key and that can work.  I don't use any fancy lines or anything, nope.  But I can tell you the WORST one that someone ever tried on me.  I was in a club when this guy who had been trying to talk to me came up and I was friendly and said "hello" for a second.  The next thing out of his mouth was not the ice-breaker, but the deal-breaker:

"I'm surprised you're interested in me...because I suffer from low self-esteem."  ::)

Amazing true story, folks.  May be the most honest but worst attempted pick-up line anyone could say -- LOL.   

So let's hear 'em.  What do you do?  And what has been done to you?  And what really works anyway?  Would you prefer just to cut to the chase?   :o

Course, you could always just relax and let the emoticons work their magic:  ;) :-* ;)


« Last Edit: May 04, 2006, 07:14:06 pm by EnnisDelMar »

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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 01:56:23 pm »
rt, you're gonna love this one  ;)

I was at a party. I had just recently graduated from college and this was the first "post-college" party I had been to. I was living in a new city and had been invited to the party through a "friend of a friend" type situation--wasn't there with a date, it was more a chance to meet some folks. One of the things I college, people go to parties to meet new people. After college, people go to parties to see their friends. No one was too interested in taking to me.

I'm sitting on the couch, sorta alone, and there is this guy also on the couch. Turns out the hostess was his girlfriend and she was busy doing all the hostess-y things she needed to do, and leaving him to his own devices. So we start talking.

I am wearing this shirt with my initials on it: LHN. The guy on the couch says to me, "What do those initials stand for, anyway?" and I replied, "Lovely, Horny and Nice."  His jaw dropped at that!

It worked...I married that guy and one month from now (Jun 2) we'll be celebrating our 28th wedding anniversary.

And I am still LHN.

Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!


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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 01:59:04 pm »
And I am still LHN.

Well, you'll get no argument on that from anyone here at CT, that's for sure!

Wow, what a nice story that was to start off the thread.  What line could have worked any better?  lol

Now, someone spill something horrendous and give us all a good laugh!  Who was embarassed beyond belief by something they did?

*evil rt grin* 



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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2006, 02:10:57 pm »
I can cite my boldest attempt to flirt right off the top of my head. There was a fellow, with whom I became acquainted through a mutual friend, who was some five years older than me but had never had any sexual experiences (apart from himself) and definitely thought he was gay, though he was afraid of following through on any physical experimentation. He came from a rural, fundamentalist Christian background, and was pretty severely repressed. My friend thought this fellow might enjoy my company, that maybe I could help bring him out of his shell a little bit.

When he met one afternoon, to hang out and talk, I definitely felt physical attraction, and was pretty sure that this fellow felt something (if only idle curiosity). At one point, I felt an impulsive surge, and said, "You know, Dan, I'm certainly enjoying chatting with you, but I'm feeling a lot of sexual tension between us. I wondered if maybe we might like to go somewhere and do something about it." Now, this is not typical banter for me, and it certainly threw Dan for a loop. He got very sheepish, and stammered, "You mean," I said, not necessarily now, but sometime, if he were interested, because I certainly was.

Well, nothing happened that day, but in the very near future, I became the first person for whom Dan disrobed, and the first man who he saw naked in an intimate context. So my boldness seemed to pay off, though my therapist at the time was horrified by my line when I recounted it to her. She seemed to think it was too forward or inappropriate. A friend of mine, on the other hand, laughed in amazement, since the statement was so out of character for me, and, moreover, actually worked!

« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 07:09:01 pm by moremojo »

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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2006, 02:15:22 pm »
though lately I think it's somewhat on the 'Net, or in the fingertips if you will, lol
rt, You may think you have done more than your share of flirting on the net, but I assure you the audiences are still very hungry for more actions. ;D 

I am fairly inexperience in the “flirting” department; apart from being shy is part of my personality.   I have only dated one guy that I met in college.  After 6 years’ dating (3 of those were long distance), married him and we are in our 7 years of marriage now.  So you see I did not have a lot of opportunities to practice my “flirting” skills ;) 

I have to dig deep in my memory to see if I have some story to tell.  :)

Offline ednbarby

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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2006, 02:57:35 pm »
Well, with my husband, I never had to flirt, per ce.  He approached me in a bar, and I was just gobsmacked when I looked into his clear, crystal blue eyes and saw the innate laughter in them.  He seemed equally captivated with me, and later said it was the fierce intelligence (his words, not mine, I swear) he saw in my eyes that got to him.  It was a done deal from there on out.

Really, I've never been much of a flirt.  That may explain why I didn't date much in college.  When I saw someone I really wanted, I was just relatively direct about it.  But I picked my targets very carefully - no way would I make myself vulnerable to a guy I really had a thing for.  I asked the one who became my boyfriend all through high school and Freshman year of college out at a high school dance.  We had this Sadie Hawkings type tradition where if you liked a guy on the football team, you asked him if you could wear his team jersey on Jersday Day during Homecoming Week.  Yes, corny as hell, but true.  At the dance shortly before Homecoming Week, I asked a mutual friend if anyone had asked him yet.  She said, "No.  And you definitely should."  When the really very good cover band started playing The Cars' "You're All I Got Tonight," I figured it was time to make my move.  I marched right over to him in front of all his friends and very calmly said, "Hi.  I was just wondering if I could wear your jersey next week."  He said, "Hell, yeah!"  Turned out he'd liked me all along and was trying to figure out a way to "trick" me into asking him.  In college, I liked a bartender at my favorite watering hole.  So I parked myself there from time to time when he was working.  We were both from the same area of New York State and had a similar upbringing and tastes, so we had a lot to talk about, and he enjoyed ongoing friendly company while he was working.  We smoked the same brand of cigarettes (yes, I was a smoker in a past life - still am a closet one, I'm afraid), and he'd always light mine in a very movie-esque sort of way - sometimes by breaking out his custom-made lighter with a flourish, sometimes by lighting two and handing me one (that's when I knew he was *really* getting into it).

Then there was the one right before I met my husband.  Or should I say The One.  I was so enamored of him that I actually stayed away a lot when I could have been hanging with him in a friendly manner, because I was afraid my emotions would betray me and he'd reject me.  I came to find out from him that my staying away was what got to him.  A couple other girls at work pursued him relentlessly, and that just irritated him ultimately.  But I was a mystery to him - does she want me or not?  What's funny is it's nothing I did on purpose, at least not in the sense of purposely trying to play head games with him - it's what I did out of self-preservation.

No one's ever tried to pick me up, per ce, in a bar except my husband.  And he succeeded just by saying something really stupid, because all it took was that one look in his eyes.  He could have said "Ya come here often?" and it would have been enough.  For the record, I was wearing a Syracuse University sweatshirt with a denim mini-skirt, and he goes, "So.  Where'd you go to school?"   The stupid thing about it was I didn't go to Syracuse.  Just liked the sweatshirt.  But it was meant to be, I guess, because we quickly got past that first bit of awkwardness.

Pick up lines I've always wanted to try (if I were a different kind of person):

How do you like your eggs?

Do you believe in love at first sight?  No?  Lemme walk by again.

Is it hot in here or is it just you?


Oh, and Leslie, you're my new hero. 
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 03:02:17 pm by ednbarby »
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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2006, 03:04:59 pm »
rt, You may think you have done more than your share of flirting on the net, but I assure you the audiences are still very hungry for more actions.   

Jenny, hey, thanks, thought for a sec the audiences had gone as cold as the NC-17 thread these days.  Thanks for keeping the faith, more to come...

rt  ;D


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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2006, 03:09:45 pm »

Great story!  Was it the cover band that did it?  If it had really been The Cars, who knows what could have happened? 

No one's ever tried to pick me up, per ce

Um, this is an impossibility because I know what you look like, let's cut the being humble around friends thing babe...   :D

How do you like your eggs?

Uhh, wouldn't that be later (like the next am), after the flirting had worked?  lol

(yes, I was a smoker in a past life - still am a closet one, I'm afraid)

Closet smoker?  Wow.  We're letting it all out today it seems...   ;D

So far we've had some great stories about how flirting led to some long-term relationships.  What about how it led to some, um, short-term ones.  tehe. 

« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 03:17:21 pm by rtprod »


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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2006, 03:28:08 pm »
I'll do a "blind item" and say that some time back a certain Hollywood actress flirted with me in a very funny way that really kinda excited me, though 'course not in a sexual way.

I went to meet this sexy blonde comedienne/actress/author/TV star in her hotel suite last fall to talk about a project she was aggressively promoting.  When I got to the room, it smelled great, like flowers or some perfume, I dunno which, and she was rather "perched" in an archway at the end of a hallway.  I walked in and toward her, she leaned back on the wall, hands behind her back, tight jeans, midriff exposed, tight top she was sorta heaving out of, blonde tresses cascading (jesus i should write this shit for a living) down to her bicep level.  Lotsa skin showing in the right places (her, not me, lol).   

Me:  "Where do you want to sit?"

Blonde:  "Where do you want me to sit?'

Me:  "Whever you would like."

Blonde:  "Where would you like me to?" 

Forget the fact that her lines were purred rather than spoken and my mouth got really

Anyway, we sat on the couch together for about forty minutes, close and having a great time, for I second there I almost thought....  well, almost that was.  Um, when I left I felt like we had pretty great chemistry and I asked to take a photo or two with her, so she did it.  She's known for being really zany and fun, and she grabbed me and put her arms around me, really hugged me, put her head on my shoulder and arm around my back.  We stood like that because the camera jammed!  Even took a brief video clip together by accident -- lol. 

Anyway, wow, I still remember her hair and smell so well, she was a shameless flirt and really, really hot.  At least she would have been for a guy other than me, I should say.  Here I was holding this really sexy babe who so many red-blooded guys have spent so much about.  Irony, it was. 



« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 04:11:25 pm by rtprod »

Offline ednbarby

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Re: JACK DID IT: What About YOU?
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2006, 03:28:20 pm »
Great story!  Was it the cover band that did it?  If it had really been The Cars, who knows what could have happened? 

Actually, they were better than The Cars.  They actually moved!  To this day, that song always takes me right back to that night when I was 15 years old and had such a crush on a particular tight end.  ;)

Um, this is an impossibility because I know what you look like, let's cut the being humble around friends thing babe...   :D

I swear this is true.  A few guys have asked me out who I dated once or twice or who I turned down, but I've never been to a bar or a party where some guy I hadn't known before tried to pick me up.  The guys who asked were friends at school or at work who got a hold of my phone number somehow and called me and asked me out or who had a mutual friend set us up for a meeting/date.  I dated a few guys once or twice who had done that merely because I didn't have the heart to say no to them the first time they asked, I'm ashamed to admit.  There was the one guy in college who saw me dancing one night, thought I understood it, asked me to dance with him, and we then proceeded to meet regularly just to dance.  He was gay and had a lesbian "girlfriend."  Swear to God.  And she didn't like it one bit that we were meeting regularly just to dance, even though she didn't like to dance herself.  But again, that doesn't really count as picking me up per ce.  ;)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 03:30:04 pm by ednbarby »
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