Author Topic: Inside your diaries....  (Read 11766 times)

Offline Kelda

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Inside your diaries....
« on: July 11, 2007, 11:51:34 am »
This is something I read on BBC News website today and thought it was so interesting - what other people's lives are like in their head..... pity we can't anonymously add our own interesting diary entries.... I don't keep a diary unless on a trip - perhaps I'll find an old one and type something in tonight.

Inside your diaries

A first kiss, an annoying colleague, a broken typewriter - the Magazine asked for extracts from your diaries.
Never mind the musings of the Alastair Campbells and the Tony Benns of this world, why do so many people put pen to paper every day to record their thoughts, dreams and observations?

Here is a selection of the diary entries you sent in. Some names have been changed and some extracts edited.


Oh my God! Oh my God! I'm pregnant after 22 years of trying!!! Oh God, I'm so happy!


Amanda back to work (boo!) after three weeks of bliss without her! Annoying me so much... wish she'd clear off back to Bermuda where she had such a great time! If she complains one more time about being cold I'll go and set fire to her desk and warm her up a bit.

I have terrible diarrhoea today, must be all the food and booze over the festive season - oh yeah and the Heinz Hot Sauce that we bought back from Egypt that I consumed a gallon of last night with our tuna steaks, hee hee. Watched the launch of Celebrity Big Brother and had steamed tuna again (without the hot sauce this time).

Paul was in a great mood tonight and we had a little dance in the living room to try out our first dance for the wedding party. Everything is coming together with the wedding, flights, hotel and chapel all booked to Vegas - just got to lose five stone in two months - yeah right!


Yesterday felt v sad as realised my best friend (mum) had gone and I will never be as happy again, I have changed forever. Also later saw a bloke in Sainsbury's with pink flip flops on which looked great.


CK called today, said she wanted a divorce, on what would have been our fifth wedding anniversary!!! Whatever happened to for better or worse??? After 11 years together, she would only talk over msn... she never even gave me a chance and she was the one who gave up.


Rachel (my girlfriend) had bought several plants yesterday from a church fete in Horsforth. Today provided an ideal opportunity to tidy the garden and do some planting. Ask my Dad and he'd tell you I've never taken interest in gardening, but between you and me, I really enjoyed it today! We then relaxed with a cream scone and a cup of tea, a nice reward after the 75 or so minutes work in the garden...

Whilst watching TV this lunchtime, we saw a bit of an MGM movie on BBC Two - That's Entertainment. It featured an amazing tap dance routine from the movie Broadway Melody of 1940 with Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell - it has to be seen to be believed. No camera trickery or special effects!


Rob dumped me I'm gutted, he is now dating an 18-year-old from work. He is 35, she doesn't know his age. Think she is a silly girl. Friends say it won't last but he's with her and I'm not.

TRINA, UK - 9 JULY 1987

I can't remember much about today. I went to work and spent all day copy typing. I busted the daisy wheel on the electric typewriter and there was nothing but talk of budgets. I rang up Chris and she said she'd give me a spare - cost about £30. Then I rang Education and they suggested there were spare typewriters so I managed to get one.

I actually used a manual today and it was awful. I was typing a stencil for a gestetner ink duplicator. I thought such things were in museums. Only to find out they also own a Banda which uses carbon paper/meths type duplication. Real back to the ark stuff. Even the photocopier only uses china paper, and lousy duplication it is too.


Despite the unease I feel when trains derail on the Central Line and London stations are swarming with police because of the risk of terrorist attacks, I can't help wondering - is it possible to find love on the Underground?

When I got on the Tube I picked up a grimy newspaper and flicked through the pages. That was when I spotted the personal column. Now I don't go out of my way to read personals and when I do it is purely for entertainment.

But as I scanned the ads I secretly hoped I would read one about me. "To the girl in the bowler hat and wellies who got on at Edgware Road - you were lovely." There was nothing. But there was one that made me laugh. "To the gorgeous brunette who smiled at me outside Waterloo station and then tripped up, are you single?"

As I eased my way towards the exit my foot caught on a man's shoe and I stumbled. Embarrassed, I looked up and not being able to help myself, smiled. He was very handsome. And he smiled back. Was there some strange fatalistic conspiracy going on to trip people up and make them fall in love?

Anyway, I got off the train and headed for the exit making a mental note to myself to scour the personal ads religiously for the next week.


Brixham. Surprisingly wide variety and number of pubs including a Wetherspoon (hallelujah!). On leaving Brixham the port engine was thought to have blown a gasket but on further inspection & TLC from Bigs, it was found to be only a broken water pipe dripping on the engine.

Helm 7-10:30. Increased the entertainment factor by giving fishing floats an unnecessarily wide birth. On telling the Boss that I was to do the pilotage into Penzance he replied "Oh god no!" I am beginning to think he may not have complete confidence in me.


Starting a new diary book. Wonder where I will be when this one ends? Gin-Huey Yang, age 22, starting this diary on 14 Nov 2005 at NTU (National Taiwan University) dorm 4, room 119. Her feelings now, partly dreadful.

Going to have International Political Economics exam on Wednesday, the day after tomorrow. And still don't feel like studying it. Partly because I can't understand what the heck it is talking about. Never learned that part in economics. Never is interested, either.

I've been thinking all the time, what in the world am I interested in? Everyone seems to have something. But me? Hmm. Well, I like to read. That counts, doesn't it? What else am I interested in? I would like to try in-line skating, dancing, sign language... but I need chances. Keep it up Gin-Huey, keep it up.


On the train this morning, one of those stupid people who put their bags on the adjacent seat because on a packed train no-one would want to sit down, would they? When I politely asked the gentleman if I could sit down I got a look as if to say that I was personally responsible for the invasion of Poland. Miserable so-and-so, I hope he eats something unpleasant and has the trots for a couple of days.


I've told Ben I want to move out. The reason is petty, but also I think justifiable - his mother so much wanted to have her say one day when she came round that she barged in on me in bed. He didn't stop her. That was just the last straw. I'm very protective of my privacy, and I have a right to be.

Ben took the news pretty well and I'm just really relieved now I've told him. I'm looking forward to getting my own little flat and getting the internet and having my own say around the home. I want her out of my life, and I want my relationship with Ben to go back to being fun. It turns out it can't be serious, there's just not enough there.

But I do think we'll get on a lot better if we accept that. And also, it gives us the freedom to perhaps find something that does suit us better. There are a couple of people at work I might have feelings for. Fickle, I know, and I wouldn't say anything while I'm in a relationship, but we'll see.


The following is an extract from a diary I kept of my experiences while suffering from depression.

The next couple of weeks were a bit of a blur - clumsy +++ memory - atrocious!! Spaced out feeling coming and going, almost like 'fugue states'. Though, at times I felt like a fraud...

Am I really ill enough to be off work? I don't really feel like there is anything wrong with me... am I just making (pathetic) excuses for myself? I tried to keep myself busy - walks into town, bits of housework - though I often came across half-finished jobs I had forgotten I'd started! All the while feeling that spaced out unreal kind of feeling. Then came the train journey.


I met the love of my life tonight. Big statement I know, but I have fallen head over heels for him. The stars never shone so bright!


Failed my driving test for the third time today! Absolutely gutted. The driving instructor was wearing some 1950s fluorescent jacket, put me right off! Got a D for dangerous so it's not all bad - makes for a good story. Parents weren't happy - they say I don't listen and now I've got to pay for the next exam myself... rubbish!


We set off for Skye again for another boat trip. The sun was out, but grey clouds loomed over our destination. There were about 20 passengers on the small boat. We were dressed like we were about to spend a week trekking in the Antarctic! We saw at least 100 white seals lolling on the rocks, waving their flippers and preening themselves and looking at us with their round brown puppy-dog eyes...

Dad led us a spectacularly squelchy route across the bogs - and the rest of the walkers followed! I sunk up to my ankles. The wind rose. It threatened to whip our crisps away and the hats off our heads. I accidentally spilt coffee on Mum. Then it started to rain. It suddenly wasn't quite so fun. Then began a wild journey back across the waves.


We met by the river, just in front of the Eye, and it was good to see him again. We didn't have much of a plan for the day so we wandered across the river and up to Oxford Street. After that we weren't really sure what to do. We were going to have some lunch and we were just thinking about where to eat when we came across Hyde Park. I saw the park and I knew what would happen if we lay down together there, and I wanted it; somehow I knew he wanted it too. It was warm and sunny, unseasonably so, and we stretched out side by side on the dappled grass.

We talked and talked, and I made a really long daisy chain, which he picked the daisies for. Whenever he handed me one, our fingers would sort of linger. What happened next felt like a dream, because it was so silent and serene. My hand was on his hand - we weren't holding hands then, just my fingers resting on his palm. Then, and it was completely quiet, neither of us said anything, we just stroked each others' hands and fingers; I ran my hand up and down his arm very gently; I could hardly breathe. I could feel his fingertips trace my palm, and I ran my hand up his arm and across his chest, and then back, slowly.

My head was right next to his and I touched his hair. I giggled a little, and then I kissed his cheek. He turned his head gently over and I kissed his lips. My first kiss, and it couldn't have been more special.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/07/11 12:21:35 GMT

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 07:44:57 pm »
this is cool to peek into other peoples lives.

Offline Cameron

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 08:00:34 pm »
I agree with Jess, this is cool.  Thanks for posting it, Kelda!

Offline Kelda

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2007, 03:41:18 am »
It is isn't it!

I promise to post an excerpt of my travel diaries at the weekend!

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2007, 05:56:38 pm »
Here they are .... 3 excerpts from my travelling diaries!

Monday 12 August 2002 - Krakow, Poland. (With my friend Laura, Euro trip after university ended)

Got up just before 9am & got ourselves organised. We went into town & booked our couchettes (yay!) to berlin for the 11hour journey. Then we checked our emails & then went to catch the 12.35 train to Auswitz. What a palva! There was no probs until about 2pm ish wehn we were due to arrive. Our carriage had 4 portuguese guys, 2 spaniards and us - all going to the same place. But all a bit uncertain of which would be the right stop. We stopped at one statrion and we were all looking out the window to see a train station name.. none. The next stop the same, untill someone notices a tiny little sign with 'Auswitz' so we all went to jump out... but only laura and a Portugues guy got out before the doors closed. ARRRGGGHH!

As it turned out, the next stop was Auswitch and was actually very well signposted. So we - the portuguese guys and me went & tried to work out if another train went past there and could pick them up. With a lot of sign language and drawings the Polish woman said not for an hour and a half; so we stopped a Polish guy to ask how a taxi driver how much a taxi to the other station would be - 25Zl, about £4 so £2 each so we did that and got laura back! I now have her mobile number safely tucked in my money belt as I had no clue what it was - and if the portuguese guys hadn't been there and they had their mates mobile no - god knows what I'd have done.

The diary continues for a long while now to explain Auswitz.. its very long so I won't type it out unless people are really interested.

7 February 2005 - New York (3 weeks in Boston, NY and washington - I travelled all on my own.. my mother worried!)

The chinatown bus arrived early into NY. 4 hours instead of 4.5. so 3pm. My heart was POUNDING! I got of the bus.. and it was just like China! A taxi driver obviously realised I was looking about so he beckoned at me to say he was free. Chinatown isn't on the grid system like further up so it was a bit of mystery when you get dropped off in the middle of it. Luckily I just walked onto the main street and about 5 minutes later I got the taxi and I could stop panicking!Taxi was only $10.50.. so I've been in a Yellow cab!!!! It didn't feel too differnt from home really.. part from he taxi driver is in a cab at the front like in the black cabns in Glasgow... but there is only 3 spaces like in private hires......

Santorini, Greek Islands - September 2005. (With my friend Laura again, Greek island hopping)

The trip ended with a stop in Oiaa. We got off here as this is THE place to be on the island for the sunset & the village is probably the most picturesque on the island. It didn't take us long to decide we would have had a heart attack if we walked up the steps so for 3 euro each we rode up on a donkey.. fun although the donkeys try to race each other so you can think you are going to topple over the edge!! Took lots of piccies as its such a lovely place and then we settled in a bar/restaurant with a great view of the sunset.. we had a few beers and a bruchetta and left after about 2 hours once the sun was down .. very romantic if that had been what you were there for!

« Last Edit: July 12, 2007, 06:16:21 pm by Kelda »

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2007, 03:29:56 pm »
surely someone who wants to share must have diaries must be more exciting than mine!?!

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2007, 07:04:20 am »
Monday 23 July 2007, Somewhere in an office in Central Glasgow.

My feet hurt. I am very proud of myself - but my feet bloody well hurt! Why did I think walking 100 miles in 4 days was a good idea!?!  :laugh: I rekon I should have skived work today and taken a sick day. Callum is at home today as he had a stag do last night.. so could have had a lazy day with him with my legs propped up on lots of pillows... Think I'll head home easrly and do exactly that!!

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2007, 11:06:30 am »
This is fantastic Kelda!  :D

Offline Kelda

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2007, 01:22:42 pm »
anyone want to post theirs?

You can send them to me and I will post so they are anonymous if you wish.

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Re: Inside your diaries....
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2008, 09:10:35 am »
This kinda reminds me of that blog called "post secret"

You submit a secret on a postcard of sort, and don't sign your name, and it gets posted on the web.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!