Author Topic: Heath Heath Heath  (Read 3916379 times)

Offline cmr107

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #440 on: July 16, 2006, 01:43:47 am »

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #441 on: July 16, 2006, 01:45:07 am »
I think that the one directly above is one of the ones that Sheyne drew.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #442 on: July 16, 2006, 01:45:25 am »

Offline cmr107

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #443 on: July 16, 2006, 01:48:28 am »

Offline cmr107

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #444 on: July 16, 2006, 01:50:21 am »

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #445 on: July 16, 2006, 01:56:44 am »

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #446 on: July 16, 2006, 02:00:15 am »
Look at what it says on his shirt

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #447 on: July 16, 2006, 02:01:17 am »
Someone on the Planet Heath thread at Dave Cullen, which I recently discovered ( ;D) posted this transcript from Heath on Jay Leno for The Four Feathers. Poor guy, you can even tell his awkwardness in a transcript!

JL: Have you ever had like a bad surfing accident? Getting whacked in the head with a board?

HL: Um, no not really. I mean I've been held under before a couple of times that's fairly frightening.

JL: By friends you mean or by--?

HL: (laughs) Yeah by friends . . . (makes motions of holding someone underwater and laughs)

JL: You mean the undertow pulling you under?

HL: Yeah, yeah.

JL: Various critics . . . (laughs)

HL: Yeah, it's like being inside a washing machine. I've had a couple of occasions of, you know, being taken under and you know, it rolls you around and you don't know which way is up, which way is down. And your swimming thinking its up til your head hits the bottom of the ocean and your like (makes a face and rolls eyes), s---. Turn around . . .

JL: Yes I guess that's a clue.

HL: (laughs) Yeah, yeah, yeah.

JL: So what's the biggest wave, is the biggest wave in Australia, what's the biggest wave you've seen?

HL: Um, probably in Maga River, which is down south of Perth in Western

Australia. A couple of months back there were 40 foot waves.

JL: Forty!

HL: Yeah, coming through there. Which were pretty big but that was from a storm but I don't go out in anything over a 6 feet. (laughs)

JL: So your like in the, in the weenie waves.

HL: They're still big, they're still powerful you know. C'mon (flexes like a body builder and laughs)

JL: Just stay in the pool really, and splash around.

HL: (laughs)

JL: Now are there sharks, you know are there sharks in. . .

HL: In Australia, yeah tons. Actually in the local beach I grew up swimming in, in Perth,

Cottesloe Beach. Uh, a year ago, a man was just sitting in three feet of water kind of just you know, paddling about. (makes motions of splashing with his hands)

JL: Like this? (makes same motions and laughs) We do it like this (makes swimming motions)

HL: No but he was just standing in the water so he's like patting the water that's what I was doing see (makes splashing motions with hands again and laughs)

JL: I guess being an actor that's part of your training (makes the splashing motions and laughs)

HL: Yeah exactly. (laughs hard)

JL: (makes splashing motions again) You know if I were a shark that would p--- me off a guy goin like this.

HL: Yeah, right, exactly. (laughs) That's what happened it p---ed off this like 18 foot shark that came in and like bit him in half (motions to his waist) from here down.

JL: I bet he stopped doing this (makes splashing movement)

HL: He just went under (slouches in chair like he's going underwater and laughs)

JL: And did he, well he must have died, he had to die didn't he?

HL: Yeah he did, yeah he did.

JL: It's hard to come back. . .

HL: But you know, there was this other guy in Adelaide, uh South Australia who was uh, I may get this completely wrong but you know, most of the story is correct, (makes a face) he had his um, the son had his arm bitten off by a 10 foot, I think it was like a Tiger shark. And his dad waded out in the water, grabbed the shark by the tail, dragged it up on the beach. . .

JL: Oh, I heard about this I think.

HL: You heard about this? He retrieves the arm from the shark then they stitched it back on the kid and he was fine. (moves his arms up and down)

JL: And really, right away he could do this? (makes arm motions)

HL: Yeah, yeah. (laughs)

JL: And his father told him, whatever you do don't do this (makes splashing movement) in the water, this is alright (moves arms up and down) it's when you do this one (makes splashing movement).

HL: (laughs and does arm movements too)

JL: I mean did you ever try racing cars, did your dad ever try to get you into that?

HL: Uh, yeah kind of. You know, I left home when I was like 16 so I kind of like broke out of that. But you know, from an early age I'd have like plastic tool kits every Christmas, spanners. . . (laughs)

JL: Spanners. Those are wrenches. People are going like "Spanners?" Those are wrenches that's what we call them. Were you a rambunctious kid?

HL: Yeah, you know, I was a little terror actually. I mean, when all the mum's would get together and have their little mum groups they'd always talk about my mum and say, "Oh when that Sally comes around you gotta watch that little boy Heath. He's going to get into your stuff and tear things apart." And surely enough I would. I'd go into the kitchen and just pull all the pots and pans out and bang 'em. (laughs)

JL: Really? You were an angry young man.

HL: No, I'd never cry I was very happy, you know. Always had a smile on my face, yeah.

JL: So you left at 16, so why did you leave so early at 16?

HL: Um, I don't know, I just wanted to go out and discover life. I was curious. . .

JL: Did you know you wanted to act at that point?

HL: Yeah, yeah I did. I didn't think I could act though at that point and I couldn't actually at that point. I was terrible.

JL: So your 16, what did you, did you knock on doors? I mean how did that, how does one?

HL: Um, look I don't know, I had a cont-- (audience laughs) I really don't know how it happened I just jumped in a car and drove to Sydney and then uh, when I was in Sydney I just did meetings. And I got a job on a TV show and then that got cancelled. (looks up, folds hands as if to pray and laughs) And that's it doors kept opening and I kept following, yeah.

JL: Okay, now tell us about "Four Feathers". This is like an uh, in the good sense, one of those old time, lavish. . .

HL: Yeah.

JL: You really have to see this on the big screen.

HL: It's old school style.

JL: Yeah, your really in the desert, it's not, you know, teamsters throwing sand in a back lot. Tell 'em what its about.

HL: Ok well briefly its um, my character, I play a young guy whose mostly, who grew up in a very systematic regimental environment. And his father was a famous soldier and there are a lot of expectations on my shoulders to follow in his path. And I'm confronted with the reality of my life, and that's war. And I uh, choose not to go. And so my friends and my wife to be all send me a feather each of cowardice. So they go off to fight, so it's really a story of self-discovery, so from that point he kind of has an identity crisis and he goes off to the desert in search of his friends to hand them back the feathers one at a time. And um, there's a love triangle in there, it's really hard to sum up in a few sentences.

JL: Now you spent a lot of time in Morocco right?

HL: Yeah I was there for three months.

JL: That's a lovely place in the summer isn't it?

HL: (laughs) Yeah, yeah. I loved it actually, I really did. I loved it there and I loved the sand dunes. I loved how humbling it was and how small I felt. Everything was insignificant.

JL: And the sand is so fine.

HL: Yeah.

JL: Because like when I was in Saudi Arabia, you come home at night and you brush your teeth and you would have like sand, like little, because it's not like sand here it's like fairy dust or something. You know it's like sparkly all the time.

HL: It's just like fairy dust.

JL: Exactly.

HL: (laughs)

JL: You know in Hollywood we know what fairy dust is.

(both laugh)

JL: But you said something interesting, there's a scene in the movie where you see thousands and thousands of soldiers, and I just assumed that was the computer generating, you know you take ten guys. . . You know what I mean.

HL: No they really had them out there fighting, and the location we found was uh, it was the peak of a volcanic crest, it was just looking down on this field so it could like shoot this massive battle scene down there.

JL: Yeah it was really impressive looking scene. Let's show, what is this scene we are going to see here?

HL: This is when I'm deciding to stay in the Sudan and hunt down another one of my friends whose been put in a prison. And so I have to hand myself in and try and retrieve him.

JL: Okay let's take a look, "The Four Feathers".

[see clip]

JL: The guy who plays Abou who's that?

HL: That's Djimon Hansou.

JL: Yeah, yeah I can never say his, how do you say his name?

HL: Yeah no one can pronounce it, it's "JJAY-mon". The French pronounce it "jjay-MOHN".

JL: Djimon H-h-h

HL: Hansou.

JL: Hansou. Yeah he was terrific too.

HL: Yeah, yeah he was fantastic.

JL: Terrific, terrific job. It's "The Four Feathers" and it opens on September 20th.

HL: September 20th yeah.

JL: Good job. Thanks bud good to see you again. (shakes Heath's hand)

HL: Thanks.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #448 on: July 16, 2006, 02:04:23 am »
Some pics from The Four Feathers.

Offline cmr107

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #449 on: July 16, 2006, 02:05:04 am »