Author Topic: Jack's Ramblings  (Read 849838 times)

Offline jstephens9

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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1350 on: December 28, 2008, 05:53:25 am »
I have to tell a story based on the song "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay which would more than likely rate as my third favorite song of all time. I don't know completely what the song really means, but I know what it means to me. It reminds me of me at one time and a time that is long gone. Once upon a time I walked into a bar called the "After Dark" and I became a star........the one everyone was looking at........the one everybody wanted to know........the one everybody wanted to be theirs. Hey, I was 17 and had to find a way to lie about my age to get in. It was like a party every night to me. Everything was so much fun, the music, the dancing, the everything. If anyone happened to be of any interest all I had to do was glance at them and they were mine if I wanted them to be. It's hard to believe now that I was one of those top three people who everyone wanted to be with. That would include people who I did not look at, who were interested in me anyway. For some reason at that timne we didn't have many of those girly guys. They were men back then here., It was a time that actually lasted at least until I was 30 although I unfortuantly spent a lot of my time in a relationship. If I would have just held out maybe I would have found someone who I actually could have been happy with for the rest of my life. Of course, now if I walked into a bar everyone would just say who is that old man and why is he here. Hey, I don't blame them I used to say the same thing. It's all life, gay or straight, basically past 30 you are history so you better be with someone you want to be with.

So here is the video which may have nothing at all to do with my story...................


Offline jstephens9

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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1351 on: December 28, 2008, 11:07:56 am »
Jack, I can easily picture you as one of the stars.  And I know what you mean about time robbing us of our desirability.  Back when I was in college it was easy to go to the local gay bar and get picked up.  But now not only am I 43, I've also gained weight and I have Bell's palsy.  (One side of my face -- the left side - is partially paralyzed.)  If any attractive young gay men talk to me now it's because they want me to play uncle.  That's okay.  I'm glad to offer support and advice if I think I can help.  I tried the fast life for a while, but it was never for me.  I'm way to shy for it.

I've always been a bit of a loner.  So I've adjusted to being single.  I spent so much time alone in my room when I was living with my parents back in WV that my dad would sometimes say that I'd make a model prisoner.   :laugh:

Now that my parents are gone, I really miss them and miss having a significant other during the holiday season.  I also worry about what will happen to me in later years.  I'm glad that I was there for my parents when their health began to decline.  But who will be there for me when it's my turn to fall apart?  I have no husband.  No kids.  (And sometimes it seems "my turn" is right around the corner.  Just a few weeks ago the doctor told me that I have yet another condition.  My heart beats too fast and I have to take a pill for it.   ::)

BTW, I happen to like soft, vulnerable young men whom some would describe as girly.   :P  A lot of them are sweethearts.  Don't knock 'em until you try 'em.   :laugh: 

Most of us grow thick skins as we get older, but even though we weather on the outside, I think most men, both gay and straight, become more softhearted and sentimental as they age.  A lot of that false bravado that young men cling to, and hide behind, seems to slip away.   

Gary I like what you say here and it is all so true. When my aunt passed away I wondered the same thing of who would be there for me in those later years. I stay around my parents a lot because they are getting quite old plus my mother's back is still in bad shape. Me, basically I am doing fine now, but we all go downhill eventually. I have always been a loner too, but can you be a loner in those later years? I guess I will get to find out  ;) But I have discovered and realized how many great people are on here. It is almost amazing to think how many friends I have here. And the trip to Wyoming this past summer consisted of 22 of the best people anyone could think of to be around. It's funny how a movie could bring all these people together. In the end it is not about being picked up or found to be desirable for a night, it is instead about finding true people who care about you. Right now I have the best bunch of friends I would have never imagined having. Ok, I will quit cutting down the girly guys  ;D As long as they are girly and are comfortable with that and are being themselves that is fine. It really is all about being yourself and not putting on an act to try and fit in.


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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1352 on: December 28, 2008, 11:10:35 am »
I have to tell a story based on the song "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay which would more than likely rate as my third favorite song of all time. I don't know completely what the song really means, but I know what it means to me. It reminds me of me at one time and a time that is long gone. Once upon a time I walked into a bar called the "After Dark" and I became a star........the one everyone was looking at........the one everybody wanted to know........the one everybody wanted to be theirs. Hey, I was 17 and had to find a way to lie about my age to get in. It was like a party every night to me. Everything was so much fun, the music, the dancing, the everything. If anyone happened to be of any interest all I had to do was glance at them and they were mine if I wanted them to be. It's hard to believe now that I was one of those top three people who everyone wanted to be with. That would include people who I did not look at, who were interested in me anyway. For some reason at that timne we didn't have many of those girly guys. They were men back then here., It was a time that actually lasted at least until I was 30 although I unfortuantly spent a lot of my time in a relationship. If I would have just held out maybe I would have found someone who I actually could have been happy with for the rest of my life. Of course, now if I walked into a bar everyone would just say who is that old man and why is he here. Hey, I don't blame them I used to say the same thing. It's all life, gay or straight, basically past 30 you are history so you better be with someone you want to be with.

So here is the video which may have nothing at all to do with my story...................


Gays are at another disadvantage in that they aren't EXPECTED to settle down with one person. Most of the reason I would like to gay marriage (or civil unions) become legal across the board. All the things that the bigots complain about are at least partially to be blamed on our own view of gay people and the pigeonholes we try to force them into.

The same people that say gays are 'promiscious' and 'care only about themselves' are the same ones that want to deny gay marriage...not 'getting' that if we allowed gay marriage, a lot of that other stuff would be eliminated. If gay teens were expected to grow up and get married, and had that thought in their heads all along, I think more would. (Just as if we taught straight kids that they shouldn't get married, they WOULDN'T..I think we are seeing some of that now)

A lot of the 'problems' that the homophobes have with gay people are caused by their own prejudices.

Good morning, Jack!


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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1353 on: December 28, 2008, 11:11:40 am »
So--you are having a party, Jack? A LATE party!

Party food.

nom nom nom nom!

WHAT? I'm hungry and it all looks SOOOO good!!



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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1354 on: December 28, 2008, 11:12:44 am »
Gary I like what you say here and it is all so true. When my aunt passed away I wondered the same thing of who would be there for me in those later years. I stay around my parents a lot because they are getting quite old plus my mother's back is still in bad shape. Me, basically I am doing fine now, but we all go downhill eventually. I have always been a loner too, but can you be a loner in those later years? I guess I will get to find out  ;) But I have discovered and realized how many great people are on here. It is almost amazing to think how many friends I have here. And the trip to Wyoming this past summer consisted of 22 of the best people anyone could think of to be around. It's funny how a movie could bring all these people together. In the end it is not about being picked up or found to be desirable for a night, it is instead about finding true people who care about you. Right now I have the best bunch of friends I would have never imagined having. Ok, I will quit cutting down the girly guys  ;D As long as they are girly and are comfortable with that and are being themselves that is fine. It really is all about being yourself and not putting on an act to try and fit in.

I agree. there is a difference between being effeminate and being queeny...

Offline jstephens9

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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1355 on: December 28, 2008, 12:47:32 pm »
Gays are at another disadvantage in that they aren't EXPECTED to settle down with one person. Most of the reason I would like to gay marriage (or civil unions) become legal across the board. All the things that the bigots complain about are at least partially to be blamed on our own view of gay people and the pigeonholes we try to force them into.

The same people that say gays are 'promiscious' and 'care only about themselves' are the same ones that want to deny gay marriage...not 'getting' that if we allowed gay marriage, a lot of that other stuff would be eliminated. If gay teens were expected to grow up and get married, and had that thought in their heads all along, I think more would. (Just as if we taught straight kids that they shouldn't get married, they WOULDN'T..I think we are seeing some of that now)

A lot of the 'problems' that the homophobes have with gay people are caused by their own prejudices.

Good morning, Jack!

I agree Jess. You are right "gays" are expected to be promiscuous and to never settle down with one person. What is sad is that many of the gay people believe these prejudices that the homophobes have and actually try to live these stereotypes out. That of course becomes a vicious cycle.

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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1356 on: December 28, 2008, 12:51:35 pm »

I agree. there is a difference between being effeminate and being queeny...

Right exactly. Some guys, straight or gay, are just naturally effeminate. And that is fine as long as they are being themselves and not trying to put on a queeny act. I think that is where a lot of people jump on opposing sides in these kinds of conversations. They think that someone is saying that every guy should be masculine because they are a guy. That is not the case in my opinion. It is a matter of people being who they are naturally.

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1357 on: December 28, 2008, 02:23:26 pm »

Sorry to hear about your computer!  Hope that you have everything recovered!

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline Kelda

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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1358 on: December 28, 2008, 06:34:33 pm »
I'm not going to go into details right now, but I have one of the most confusing situations going on in my life right now. I'm really not sure which way to turn or what to do. I hate situations like this.

Hope everything is okay now?

Computers: Here is a word to the wise and the not so wise like me who should know better. Always, always, always make backups of your data on your computer. My main computer crashed on Christmas night. That is why I have not been around since then. I was trying to fix it. Anyway, I do not know exactly what the problem is. It seems to be both hardware and software (operating system) related. I work in this line of work so believe me I have tried everything. I also know more ways to use a keyboard for a mouse since the mouse quit working as part of the meltdown. I have been meaning to do a redo of this computer for awhile now, but I never got around to it. There is truth in the idea that someone who works on computers and fusses at other people for having their computers in such bad shape in reality probably have computers in worse shape. Anyway, I think I have my music, my pictures, my documents, etc. backing up to an external hard drive using a laptop and the external hard drive with the possibly bad hard drive connected. I hope so anyway. I think I should start a computer tips thread. What do you think?

Oh by the way I am also the proud new owner of a really great desktop I found at Circuit City today with an incredibly awesome monitor. And it is by the way the least I have ever spent on a computer. The monitor is 24 inches and HD on top of that. I can even connect the cable to it and watch TV. Also I can watch my new copy of "The Dark Knight" on it. I have not put it together yet. I did not expect this to be my Christmas present to myself, but it happened anyway. I thought I should build one, but where would I find the time. I should not have spent the money I know, but I did. The computer is a HP which I have never had before. I am sick of Dell. That is what I have to work on at work and I really do not think they are as good of computers as they once were.

computers are so annoyng. Did you get everything saved over?

It's hard to believe now that I was one of those top three people who everyone wanted to be with.

Not hard to believe at all, my lovely!  :-*

Jack, I can easily picture you as one of the stars.  And I know what you mean about time robbing us of our desirability.  Back when I was in college it was easy to go to the local gay bar and get picked up.  But now not only am I 43, I've also gained weight and I have Bell's palsy.  (One side of my face -- the left side - is partially paralyzed.)  If any attractive young gay men talk to me now it's because they want me to play uncle.  That's okay.  I'm glad to offer support and advice if I think I can help.  I tried the fast life for a while, but it was never for me.  I'm way to shy for it.

I've always been a bit of a loner.  So I've adjusted to being single.  I spent so much time alone in my room when I was living with my parents back in WV that my dad would sometimes say that I'd make a model prisoner.   :laugh:

Now that my parents are gone, I really miss them and miss having a significant other during the holiday season.  I also worry about what will happen to me in later years.  I'm glad that I was there for my parents when their health began to decline.  But who will be there for me when it's my turn to fall apart?  I have no husband.  No kids.  (And sometimes it seems "my turn" is right around the corner.  Just a few weeks ago the doctor told me that I have yet another condition.  My heart beats too fast and I have to take a pill for it.   ::)

Never too late, Gary. And never to late Jack too.

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Re: Jack's Ramblings
« Reply #1359 on: December 28, 2008, 09:07:10 pm »
Thanks, Kelda.  You're a sweetheart.   :)

I second that. You are a sweetheart Kelda for sure  ;)