Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!
How is everyone doing?
I hope those who celebrate, are having a great Hanukkah!
Next is Yule on the Solstice, and then Christmas.
We have 4 cookies done so far (Chocolate Chip, Italian Christmas, Pumpkin Spice, and Peppermint Candy Cans and Stars. This weekend we'll be making the sugar cookies and corn flake wreaths, and they'll be ready to be given out on Monday and Tuesday.
All of the gifts I have ordered (except for 1) have arrived, and I can start wrapping.
The last 25 cards were written and addressed tonight, adn will be dropped in the mail tomorrow.
I'm on vacation next week, but Monday is the holiday luncheon at my job, so I'll be there for that. Tuesday night is the last bowling night of the season, and then I think I'm done with everything, and can relax until Christmas.