Author Topic: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??  (Read 29349 times)

Offline Artiste

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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2007, 04:44:57 pm »
Thanks Jeff Wrangler, brokeback_dev, Scott, Shakestheground, and all others!!

It is great to hear from you!! It is a known fact that Coors beer would NOT have survive in the USA without the GAY MEN boozing!! Therefore, that too many gay men supporting such ANTI-GAY co's scares me!! Plus, the health of too many gays are also drained! I have lost too many of my friends to such booze; they are now dead and I miss them!!

Because there is now a client in the gallery, will come back later to read your news,


Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2007, 06:48:17 pm »
I think you can still get laid without booze. 

I never said you couldn't, but tell that to the gay male masses.  :(

My point was that people go to the bars to meet tricks. Around here, they do have the option of buying cans of soda or bottles of water to drink at ridiculously inflated prices, but many, many men don't go that route. They go right for the liter mugs of lager.
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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2007, 06:56:34 pm »
Bars are still a primary venue through which gay man can hook up, and in some communities may essentially be the only option (barring potentially dangerous or legally perilous avenues such as cruising the parks or tearooms). And bars exist to sell alcohol, and people drink alcohol to loosen up and feel less inhibited (I don't know about anyone else, but cruising has always made me extremely nervous). So alcohol will likely remain a central factor in many gay people's lives for the forseeable future. Myself though, I will continue to opt for the colas and orange juice at inflated prices (insofar as I can even imagine myself going out clubbing in the future).

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2007, 06:57:12 pm »

      Alcohol is only a problem when people abuse it...Or drink it and drive, or go home and
abuse their families..There is no excusing either of those activities.
       By itself it is no better or worse than the person who drinks it..Moderation is fine.  It loosens up the person, and if that person is shy and introverted, if it gives them easier rein to mix and feel comfortable...Why not. 
       However having said that.  I dont see in my limited experience, that gays or straights, are any different, when it comes to use of alcohol....There are drunks in both groups, and T- totallers in
both as well.  Most people drink in social situations.  And why not, if they want to do so...If they
choose not to do so..That should be ok as well....Live and let judgements, or recriminations.

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Offline Artiste

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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2007, 07:04:46 pm »
Interesting replies and thanks!!

It remains that alcohol is not good for you at all; it even burns the brain cells!!
Plus creates bad habits of drinking booze, plus others dangers.

Worst is that it worsens even sex; how many can NOt get it on then... and become worst more and more!!
That is too evident with all my experiences sexually with others!!

It remains that alcohol should and could be replaced, as some ideas you give; any others??



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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2007, 09:18:40 am »
It is a known fact that Coors beer would NOT have survive in the USA without the GAY MEN boozing!! Therefore, that too many gay men supporting such ANTI-GAY co's scares me!! Plus, the health of too many gays are also drained! I have lost too many of my friends to such booze; they are now dead and I miss them!!

I have been out for 30 years.  I have gone into more gay bars than I care to remember, and done things in them that I would not care to do over again, but this is the first I have ever heard about gay men making Coors beer thrive in the USA.  Again, I have to say, that this type pf propaganda simply perpetuates oppressive stereotyping. 

Offline Artiste

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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2007, 10:55:33 am »
Thanks Scott!

It is a published fact that Coors could NOT survive without the gay market!! We gay men made Coors rich, we enrich such criminals who are ANTI-GAY!! We became poorer as gay culture, even accepted death, etc.; because of it!!

Finding such facts?


Offline brokeplex

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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #37 on: October 14, 2007, 02:57:06 pm »
Thanks Scott!

It is a published fact that Coors could NOT survive without the gay market!! We gay men made Coors rich, we enrich such criminals who are ANTI-GAY!! We became poorer as gay culture, even accepted death, etc.; because of it!!

Finding such facts?


try drinking "Lone Star", it is cheaper and the company is not owned by homophobes ---to my knowledge.  well, yes I know it doesn't taste like Coors, but if it doesn't taste so good, you'll drink less!!

Offline brokebackjack

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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #38 on: October 15, 2007, 07:02:04 am »
I happen to know for a fact that the original DISTRIBUTOR of Coors Beer was not a homophobe. He had the entire western United States as his territory and was the man who popularised it outside of Colorado. He was an outstanding business man and one hell of a nice person. He was also an extremely NONJUDGEMENTAL GENTLEMAN. And I mean a GENTLEMAN, in the old sense of the word.

I knew him.

I liked him.  :)

He liked ME. :D

He also told me I was drinking too much  :-\ and at least switch to beer, suggesting Coors as a lighter beer. And MOSTLY, he told me to stop drinking because I couldn't handle it: he had seen me polish off an entire 5th of whiskey in under 2 1/2 hours. That man did NOT want me to drink at all, his suggestion that I get rid of hard liquor and drink beer was very well meant.

He KNEW I wasn't yet ready to stop drinking completely and was trying to lessen the damage I was doing to myself. :'(

He was right: I was quite alcoholic as a 20 year old. :-\

The purpose of Coors  was to be the beer for people who did not want a beer belly, people who liked lighter brews. Also, for people who liked Colorado and the supposed purity of mountain water.

That distributor  did very, very well financially--he was able to retire and sail all over the world by age 38.  ;D :o ;D

Everyone in college drank Coors. When it first became popular, it was drunk by no one in NYC but college students and yuppies. I also remember when it arrived in NYC, where it was greeted with delight. 8)

Gay men in the City drank Rolling Rock. Being bisexual and NOT gay, being consciously not gay and continually irritated  >:( by gay men who would not accept what I WAS and kept repeating Bisexual Is A Pitstop On The Highway To Gay,   :o I would not have been caught DEAD with a Rolling Rock Beer.


Because I was not a gay man, and far too many gay men shit  :( all OVERme and people just like me, demanding acceptance and respect for  themselves!!! while continually mocking Bisexuals.
Like ME.
OK, granted, a LOT of people claimed they were Bi because they were too afraid to say they were gay: that was not OUR problem.
A lot of gay men said they were bisexual because they were on their way out of the closet.
Coldly stated, that was THEIR problem.
It was not OUR PROBLEM until those guys MADE it our problem: the treatment meted out to REAL bi men by ordinary gay men who would not give us the same respect they demanded for themselves most certainly was our problem and a big one. Every single bisexual--really bisexual --male i knew was hurt by it.  :'(

Unfortunately we were and are the smallest of the sexual minorities, so nobody gave a damned. They still largely don't.  :-X :o

If gay men had drunk Coors where I lived when I was 20 years old I wouldn't have touched it with my ten foot pole! Ever. I have never before heard that gay men 'made' Coors what it is, or that it is a "gay beer", but, when I was younger, if it HAD been a gay beer I'd never have drunk it.

And drink it I did, I even went on the Coors Brewery Tour and got completely ossified on experimental beers.

To address the topic of how alcohol ravages gay men---and I am not 20 any longer>>>I am 50 and at peace  with it all today even if the above doesn't much sound like it.....

Gay men AS A GROUP drink too fucking much.

Gay men as a group take too many damned drugs. Poppers aren't even considered drugs any longer by many gay men, their use is ubiquitous in the Gay lifestyle, they are everywhere and yes they are indeed a drug...
Wierd drug combinations.
You name it.

AND Artiste, IMHO you are very very much correct if we are speaking of gay men AS A GROUP, and not as individuals!  I want to emphasize here that  I'm talking about gay men in 2007, as a group. And I am saying all this as an 'outsider'; just call me your  friendly neighborhoo [Spiderman] Bisexual Sociological Observer  ::) so to speak [rofl!]

Many many gay men do drink 'normally'.

Many, many do not drink at all, or infrequently.

Many many are in Alcoholics Anonymous.

What I have observed is this: 

gay men sometimes find it very hard to sober up in "Gay Meetings" within AA because the entire 'Gay Lifestyle' pushes drinking and drug abuse. There is an above average relapse rate in --and this applies only to what I can vouch for and have myself seen in New York City and Denver-- the larger Gay AA groups. The recovery rate rises in the smaller Gay AA groups, where there is less bullshit [in the main] and one can often find a  more serious attitude.

On the other hand many do  sober up at the larger meetings but stop attending because they are like little 'ghettos' where one only meets gay people; there is no outside or larger influence, the sense of the AA community as a whole is broken... There are a lot I know who say they felt cut off and changed groups, in other words left the first big gay group which they sobered up in and found another smaller gay group-- or 'non-gay' group.

I know some who make a gay meeting once in a while, and attend 'non-special interest' [not gay] regular meetings most of the time.
A lot of recovering gay men whom I know have followed that path.

At the same time, there are those who go to nothing but Gay AA Meetings and  do well at them. It is very individual!!!
Many others go to ordinary and basically mixed AA groups because they find it easier to sober up.
IMO a mixed group is by far the best. You get it all.

Substance Abuse is a central feature of the 'gay lifestyle'. It is one reason a lot of men 'opt out' of that lifestyle after a time, because they understand and realise it is self-destructive.

People can yell at me all they want but IMHO the so-called gay lifestyle is inherently destructive to gay men as human beings.

Thank you for reading my rant: please throw all  stones and arrows in the direction of Downtown Denver, Colorado, USA lol

*Reason For Edit: I got way aggravated. And added a few things. And found typos. And have probably made more!
"I couldn't stand it no more so i fixed it"

Offline Artiste

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Re: How to replace too much booze in the gay world??
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2007, 09:38:38 am »
Thanks very much brokenbackjack!

You do detail and well... helping likely others, even gay men!

You were lucky to find such a distributor; however, you can find out that Coors was ANTI-GAY as that is a published fact. Because Coors fired gays when they found out one was (or could be likely too), the gay men boycotted Coors! May I repeat that Coors found out that it could NOT survive without the gay market, and so supposedly changed their ways; which news I do not believe... because if they were criminals before, they still are, it seems to me!!

Such beer cos do take avantage of the gays who are sad and therefore, push them to be alcoholics, seems evident to me!!

I think that too many gay men, bi-, others, drink beer!!Too many gay men do drink beer??
