Author Topic: ABCs at the Movies: The Doubles Round!  (Read 2615423 times)

Offline memento

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"K" is Kommissar X - Drei gelbe Katzen (1966)
« Reply #6130 on: September 30, 2010, 04:30:08 pm »

IMDB: Death Is Nimble, Death Is Quick" is the third movie included in the "Kommissar X" DVD collection, and the first thing that must be noted is that it has by far the worst picture quality of the three: the color especially is all wrong, and the sky & sea end up looking green instead of blue. There also appear to be some scenes missing at one or two spots, unless it was just bad editing to begin with. The film does feature some impressive stuntwork (such as a hotel rooftop chase that ends with both guys jumping from the roof to the ground below), a memorable fight between Captain Rowland and an evil karate master, and a slim and spirited leading lady (Ann Smyrner). But in between the few good scenes, the vague plot does not hold much interest, and there is a bit too much talk. Out of these 3 movies, "Kiss Kiss Kill Kill" follows the Bond formula most faithfully, and comes off as easily the best; the other two try to follow their own path more, and end up getting lost in the way.

Offline Fran

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"L" is Little Boy Blue (1997)
« Reply #6131 on: September 30, 2010, 05:36:58 pm »

An IMDb user review:  "Little Boy Blue" had me transfixed the entire time, wondering about this and that, and the final climax is startling and surprising. You think you've got it figured out, but then something (rather, someone) comes along and everything gets turned upside down.

I watched this three days ago and still can't get it out of my head. It was, as far as I can remember, the most disturbing movie I've ever watched and when I started doing some math in my head the next day, I got very, very queasy. I think this film was well acted and well made, even though certain things could have been improved. When the movie finishes you might get caught, like me, stuck between wanting to watch it again with a fresh perspective and being too hesitant to re-watch some of those scenes.

John Savage is convincing in his role as the father, you try (it's not a big effort, but it's there) not to sympathize with him and I feel you'll succeed since he is one twisted fellow. Ryan Phillippe is the title character and the story's center, but he doesn't have as much to say, it seems, as other characters. He perfects the role, though, he does an excellent and very truthful job of it. The mother, well, I disagree with the actress' portrayal of her, but I understand it. I think it should have been different, though. You sympathize with her too much and when the movie's over with and you start 'doing the math', like me, you might be left feeling quite a bit less sympathetic. Oh, and the two boys do a fantastic acting job. Those are some good child actors there. The plot is full of twists and keeps you hooked, but it does drag on a little if you're convinced you know what's going on and there's no surprise or point in watching other than to be wigged out. Believe me, it pays off. But you won't be able to figure out what's what until it's over, and then you still might be wondering about certain motivations, and well, numbers.

It isn't for the faint of heart. My mother, I know, would have a heart attack if she watched it. I recomend it, if you've got a strong stomach and a bit of patience. It's worth watching twice (kind of like The Sixth Sense, how the movie is in a new light on the second viewing), it'll have your wheels spinning. If anything can be said about's unique, original and interesting...and certainly affecting.

Offline oilgun

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"M" is Moulin Rouge! (2001)
« Reply #6132 on: September 30, 2010, 05:48:04 pm »

A poet falls for a beautiful courtesan whom a jealous duke covets in this stylish musical, with music drawn from familiar 20th century sources.

I'm really surprised that this one hadn't been played yet.

Offline memento

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"N" is Les Noces Rouges (1973)
« Reply #6133 on: September 30, 2010, 07:07:47 pm »

Lucienne Delamare and Pierre Maury are having an affair. Lucienne's husband Paul is the mayor, and a French deputy. Pierre's wife Clotilde has been weak and sickly for years. Lucienne's husband holds no excitement for her, and he is always away in Paris on business. Pierre is now the vice-mayor, thanks to Paul. Lucienne and Pierre have a secret meeting spot by a lake along a country lane. Pierre's wife dies suddenly, by suicide the town gossips believe. Pierre confesses otherwise to Lucienne. Paul proposes a shady land deal which will "benefit the town", and wants Pierre's political support and collusion. Then Paul discovers proof of his wife's affair...  

Offline Fran

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"O" is Orange Winter (2007)
« Reply #6134 on: September 30, 2010, 10:37:09 pm »

They poisoned the opposition candidate. But he survived. They exerted full control over the media. But one rebelled. They stole the election. And streets erupted. This is they story of the Orange Revolution in Kiev, Ukraine.

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"P" is Pink Floyd The Wall (1982)
« Reply #6135 on: September 30, 2010, 10:52:24 pm »

IMDb:  The movie tells the story of rock singer "Pink" who is sitting in his hotel room in Los Angeles, burnt out from the music business and only able to perform on stage with the help of drugs. Based on the 1979 double album "The Wall" by Pink Floyd, the film begins in Pink's youth where he is crushed by the love of his mother. Several years later he is punished by the teachers in school because he is starting to write poems. Slowly he begins to build a wall around himself to be protected from the world outside. The film shows all this in massive and epic pictures until the very end where he tears down the wall and breaks free.

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Wildcard "Q" is I Am Curious (Yellow) (1967)
« Reply #6136 on: October 01, 2010, 03:42:15 pm »

IMDB: Lena, aged twenty, wants to know all she can about life and reality. She collects information on everyone and everything, storing her findings in an enormous archive. She experiments with relationships, political activism, and meditation. Meanwhile, the actors, director and crew are shown in a humorous parallel plot about the making of the film and their reactions to the story and each other. Nudity, explicit sex, and controversial politics kept this film from being shown in the US while its seizure by Customs was appealed. 

Offline oilgun

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"R" is Le rouge et le noir (1954)
« Reply #6137 on: October 02, 2010, 07:22:44 am »
English Title:  The Scarlet and the Black

It's no holds barred for Julian in pursuit of upward mobility. Although expected to channel career aspirations into the Church of the post- Napoleonic era, his intensely romantic liaisons propel him forward at a pace he cannot control.

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"S" is Stellina Blue (2009)
« Reply #6138 on: October 03, 2010, 08:59:47 pm »

Shot during a failed robbery attempt, a reclusive woman mysteriously acquires an extraordinary gift that challenges her beliefs and the beliefs of those around her.

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"T" is La Tulipe Noire (1964)
« Reply #6139 on: October 04, 2010, 09:29:25 am »

IMDB: In 1789, when the Revolution went on, a bandit named "Black Tulip" held the surroundings of village Roussillon in fear. The poor people respected him as Robin Hood, who declare himself a revolutioner but Count Guillaume de Saint Preux "plays" this benefactor. When he fought with Mouche, the policeman he was wounded ...