Author Topic: twocowboywaltz says Hi!  (Read 12285 times)

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2008, 12:13:20 am »
My Chinese horoscope says I'm a dragon. But "snake" ;D Thats interesting.  :laugh:

When you said don't hide behind me when they come chasing you with canes. I thought you were going to say tire iron.  :-\  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

They wouldn't do that. There wonderful. Just ask em.

Nice to meet you to 8)

I see your from Virgina. Do you have there accent? I love it.  :P  :laugh:

we are gonna have to keep an eye on you two...looks like nothing but TROUBLE!!

Trouble, I'm the opposite.  :laugh:

I'd prefer cheeky  8)
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

Offline twocowboywaltz

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2008, 12:40:18 am »
Tire irons?  :laugh: :laugh: Heh, I hope not!
And you say you're cheeky too? I think we'll get along just fine, pardner in crime  8)

Vuh-jin-yuh?  :D

I don't -think- I have an accent. Here by the coast, it's a lot more urbanized than most of the rest of the state (maybe not as much as the north by D.C.), so an accent isn't too common, but I do run into a fair amount of people with it.

This tongue and lips have never uttered a single "y'all" in their lifetimes.  :laugh:

How's about yourself from Wyoming? Do you have the western accent?

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2008, 12:50:48 am »
I'm from Colorado. But i spent a lot of my life in Melbourne, Australia. So i kinda have this aussie thing happening. I know the difference between the to. And i use the to. People find the aussie thing sexy. IDK :-\

I from deep country in Colorado and everyone has an accent it unusal to not have one. So when i go around speacking Aussie. I get weird looks. What do you think of Austalian? :-\

I suppsoe its just some more predujice?  :laugh:

Cheeky, You airnt seen nothing yet?  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I would'nt come at me or you with a "Tire Iron". I prefer open arms
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

Offline twocowboywaltz

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2008, 01:02:40 am »
Wow, I don't think I've ever known an Aussie before! You don't say "crikey!" do you?!  :laugh: :laugh:

Just so you know, ever since hearing Heath from Brokeback, I've found the entire aussie thing only too irresistable.  ;D That, and, well the cowboy thing.
Heh, I don't even know where I got assuming you were from Wyoming in my last post...must be all the Brokeback getting to my head, but that is way cool living in Colorado. I've always wanted to see the mountains myself, but there isn't nothing but sand dunes and such here at the coast.

If it would be weird not to have an accent in Colorado, I'm sure I would stick out like a sore thumb.  :P

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2008, 01:11:57 am »
Wow, I don't think I've ever known an Aussie before! You don't say "crikey!" do you?!

Wow, No i don't say "Crikey" Infact no one in Australia says it. Only the great Steve Erwin said it. But its funny how offensive some Aussie get when you assume that. I said it a few times and they just look at you like. "Are you trying to take the piss out of me?"

One "Bloke" said What to Y'all say back in America!"

I said, "Crikey, Your hung" A joke. But he never talked to me after that. I didn't know if he was or cared. But i thought I'd just make him uncomputable. lololol

I hope you get to see those mountains you seek. There wonderful. Much like Brokeback Mountain. When you up there its so idyllic and isolated. Its like Annie wrote the book sitting on top one.

I'll take you there one day!  :laugh: :-\ :P 8) ;D
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

Offline twocowboywaltz

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2008, 01:26:54 am »
Haha, I was just kidding, hope I didn't offend or anything.  ;D

Crikey, Your hung
LOL.  :laugh: I guess we'll never know if he was indeed hung. A pity, maybe. Depends on the guy.

:o I guess some people are just sensitive to that sort of thing.

Yep, going to the mountains is definitely on the list of things to do before I die. I'm gonna go there, one way or another, and you can show me around!
From your description, I can see how Ennis and Jack fell in love on a mountain.  :)

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2008, 01:38:29 am »
I dont think "You" could offend me.  :P

I think he just did'nt expect it. i wonder if he actually belives americans say that. I dont think he'll ever go if he did?

To tell you the truth its would be amazing if they did'nt fall in love. When your up there and you alone. There really is'nt a world below. You are the world. I spent a whole wee on the mountaibs with someone i loved. And i can tell ya im glad we didnt have a tent.  :laugh:

I'd love to take you to the mounains. Do you think we will need seperate tents? I'm not sleeping in a pup tent that smells like cat piss. Or Worse  :o

Its snowing on the mountains i can see, It's pretty cold. We'll have to go to in te summer.

Kyle, vigina, 18 met Emile, colorado, 19 on a hot summers day. Outside the Ranch Employment trailor................................

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

There actuallu is one of those near were i live. But its way different.
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

Offline twocowboywaltz

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #27 on: January 08, 2008, 01:48:58 am »
He might be scared for life about visiting America. Probably thinks everyone will comment on his basket, hehe.  :laugh: :laugh:

I've always thought the mountains have held some sort of majestic feeling to them, and that opinion only doubled after I first saw Brokeback.

Do you think we will need seperate tents? I'm not sleeping in a pup tent that smells like cat piss. Or Worse
Whooeee. I'm definitely not herding the sheep. Can't cook worth a damn, but I can sure make food better than beans.

You can see the mountains where you are? That's fantastic! Must be a great sight to wake up to everyday.  :D
I'm afraid I might have to adjust to the colder weather being from the beach (it was actually a "chilly" 80 degrees today, lol), so yeah, summer is probably the best time.

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2008, 03:35:59 am »

    It is really starting to look like a full neighborhood now.  We are having several young people enter the
forum.  We need more of that to give that point of view.  We are all so comfortable, in our own little way
here.  We have not noticed the missing group.. I for one am very glad you are both here.  I hope you can
find a wonderful and supportive group of friends here, even if we are old fogies.  I am sure you shall.

     Beautiful mind

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: twocowboywaltz says Hi!
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2008, 04:03:22 am »
if we are old fogies

You all ain't this.... When i read this it makes me feel like you are all sad and resent making some of the decisions you've made. Which i hope you don't, Life doesn't end until that line goes flat. And I'm not gonna stop living every minute of mine until that line is flat. I know this isn't what you mean but for some reason its how it makes me feel.

I never seen a place like this. I've found a happiness and a looking forward to life that i didn't rally have a week ago. This place is wonderful.

Thanyou all  ;D

Older "people" Have so much wisdom and experience that i love hearing your options.  8)
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.