Author Topic: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?  (Read 5395 times)

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2008, 12:22:55 pm »
Yes, I agree with you in a way, there is a great deal of chance in the film. And many if not all were effected by it's uncontrollable ways.

But there is a logical contradiction in what you said.

Chigurh (Pronounced - Sugar) killed almost everyone in his path. But in some instances he left fate up to a coin toss. There were two. One at the service station and one with Carla Jean.
But chance is taken away when Chigurh tosses the coin. You see, the whole coin toss is chance. but there wouldn't be a coin toss if it wasn't up to Chigurh. So technically his putting the fate in his hands. He takes away that randomness.

Bell, Llwellyn and Carla Jean all chose there fates. not so much Carla Jean. That was left up to others. But Llewellyn chose to take the money, keep it and not get help from certain counterparts.
Bell was doing his job as sheriff.
Carla Jean tried to take fate in her hands, but was to late.

Chance as a theme in this movie is subtle and arguable.

If there's Fate, there's not chance, right?
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2008, 12:31:07 pm »
Well said, well written!!

This puzzles me:
  Where is peace, freedom?? - That's the point, Peace and Freedom is an illusion? Is there even a difference between peace and freedom? 


May I say: ????????????????????

What is your point of view or experiences  about that??

And all of you too can tell??


Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2008, 01:13:42 pm »
Where is peace, freedom?? - That's the point, Peace and Freedom is an illusion?

Definition of Peace - Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations

All the characters have deluded themselves with the idea that what they seek will bring them peace. Moss, having the money to have a better life. Bell, To understand just a little what it is in the world that makes such evil. Chigurh, to have what was taken from him.

All of these motive's is under the assumption that it will bring them peace. But in the whole spectrum of things. There search for peace brings some to there destruction. Others to not understanding the world anymore than what they did when they started. They have blindfolding themselves and allowed themselves to be deluded....

Definition of Freedom -  the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints

All these characters want to be free from something, Whether, there old lives, the law, the restraints of communities. They all share the common goal of wanting freedom. Some take it by the balls.
Again they are only deluded.

Yes, In my opinion, there is no peace, no freedom. We only delude ourselves to thinking we have it. Can anyone ever actually say that they are Free from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations? Or do we ever have  the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints?

No, i dont think this can be fulfilled. This is something we are either/and or Eluded to believe we can or eluding ourselves.

Is there even a difference between peace and freedom?

No, there really isn't. We must be free from "something" to have peace. And we must have "peace" to be free.

As soon as we all realise that we have been deluding or deluded. Than and only than can one be free......

Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2008, 12:14:30 am »
Interesting melb_boy!


But how can you have peace when you murder, rob... are violent??

Film is so violent!!


Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2008, 01:28:50 am »
But how can you have peace when you murder, rob... are violent??

It's the freedom to be able to those things that brings him peace. Out of all the characters, Chuigh, was the freest, therefore at peace, than any of the characters.

He was free from the law, even when he was captured. He was able to free himself. He was mentally able to bring himself to violently and coldly kill people. He was at peace in his mind with god. (If that is what he thought existed) He was free from his conscience, from coincidences, from justice. This character is something that is envying.
Take away the murdering and violence part. But how good would it feel to be that free, To have not conscience, to have no coincidences, to be at peace.......
I personally envy this character, for five minutes I'd love to be able to get away from the vices that stop me from being at peace and free.

The murdering and violence part is just the way he goes to getting it. But lets compare what his got to those who have tried.

Into The Wild - This chracter hates the idea of conformity's that he frees himself and goes off looking for his own peace. Which he believes is in Alaska, But when he gets there, it's not the freedom that he desired. Instead it turned against him and there brought loneliness.

Brokeback Mountain - Jack and Ennis are so in love, they are so happy around each other, they need each other so much. But cause of societies in Morales and intolerance of there certain freedom they can't have it. Ennis fears it. Jack yearns for it. They both want this peace and freedom. But it's Jack that only wants to fight for it. He tries endlessly to bring Ennis along on the ride. But when twenty years has passed, he goes else where fr it. And it's in his search that makes brings him to his demise.

As you can see in these examples you can see that they are all in search for there peace and freedom.

But it's in No Country For Old Men, we see a character that has what everyone desires. And what is he? It makes you wonder what the search leads you to? If you really want it? What does it make this men?
If we compared a Chuirgh to a character in Brokeback Mountain. He is cold, manipulative, vengeful and Free......

What character pops in you mind from Brokeback Mountain?

Glad you enjoying my philosophies....  ;D
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2008, 11:17:16 pm »

Brokeback Mountain - Jack and Ennis are so in love, they are so happy around each other, they need each other so much. But cause of societies in Morales and intolerance of there certain freedom they can't have it. Ennis fears it. Jack yearns for it. They both want this peace and freedom. But it's Jack that only wants to fight for it. He tries endlessly to bring Ennis along on the ride. But when twenty years has passed, he goes else where fr it. And it's in his search that makes brings him to his demise.



At least neither Ennis nor Jack murdered someone to be FREE!! Right??


Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2008, 11:54:23 pm »
At least neither Ennis nor Jack murdered someone to be FREE!! Right??

Yes, Ennis and Jack did not go to those levels to achieve there freedom. But in contrast to NCFOM do you think they would have gone to those levels to achieve it? I could see Jack whipping babies as he said. So maybe, instead of looking at a film like NCFOM likes a violent holocaust. Rather as a expression of how far people can nad could go. Do i believe Jack would have murdered someone t o have Ennis. YES.

I think people need to stop thinking about how violent the film is, (I'm not deluded, i know it's violent) But the movies more of a expression of mankind and what we as humans are capable of. The desperation to seek and fight for the things we value. Yes it was about money. But what f it was his son. Or it was someone he loved.

Anyway, personally, i love the film. I'm going to see again on Friday. If you hire or buy it on DVD anytime in the future. Watch it from a different perspective and i'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as i did.

 ;D ;D ;D

Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2008, 12:00:04 am »

Do i believe Jack would have murdered someone t o have Ennis. YES.

Why do you say that?


Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: No Country For Old Men - has anybody seen it?
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2008, 12:11:47 am »
Remember when they were sitting on the chairs before they had that fight. In the book Jack turns to him and says sometimes i miss you so hard i could whip babies. Now i know it's a figure of speech. But do you believe him when he says it?

That's showing us his desperation for Ennis.

I know it would never come to Jack having to murder someone. But if all he had to do was murder one of the homophobes in the world to get what he wants. Sure he would.

After all they killed him for there Freedom and Peace.
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.