Author Topic: You know Brokeback's got you good when...  (Read 2445 times)

Offline BlissC

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You know Brokeback's got you good when...
« on: March 14, 2008, 05:01:39 pm »
Well I regularly use Brokie-ism's in RL, and forget other people haven't the faintest idea what I'm talking about, and use BBM quotes for all sorts of things. Last week I bought myself some new boots. They're not quite western boots, but they've got some western styling about them, and over the last week or so I've been going off on shopping expeditions as I've decided I need to get me a cowboy hat, and I'm kind of talking myself into coming out as a Brokie, but last night I spent 2 hours  :o Photoshopping a photograph of a can of beans for something that on the surface had nothing whatsoever to do with BBM. Why? Well, a little explanation's needed here.

I'd decided to write a post on my blog  (link in my sig if you're interested) about "labels" and about how we apply labels to ourselves, and how that can sometimes be a good thing, but the disadvantage of labelling things as well. To be honest it wasn't one of my better written blog entries because I felt I was rambling somewhat and never did get to the point really, but hey, some entries just don't come out like I've imagined them in my head.

Now I've never come right out before and declared myself a Brokie outside of the safety of BetterMost, but I'm sort of getting a bit brave now. Over the past few weeks with this version of my blog I've been using quotes from BBM in blog posts and a couple of times I've named posts using lines from BBM. On this occasion though I wanted to be a bit more subtle, and I was having fun figuring out how I could allude to my Brokie-ism without coming right out and saying it (although at one point in the post I did label myself as a Brokie, but I doubt anyone will notice it).

At one point I was rambling on about how it's incredibly useful that cans have labels on them as otherwise you wouldn't know if they were beans or fruit cocktail. Beans and fruit cocktail were chosen quite deliberately as I've recently read the fanfiction Missing Motel Moments/Pine Creek/Warmest Week of the Year, and in Pine Creek and Warmest Week of the Year, amongst the supplies that Jack brings for their fishing trips is fruit cocktail, hereafter known as "crazy fruit". I'd found an image for a BetterMost beans can label here, and after a little Google image searching I found a suitable pic of a can of fruit cocktail and set to work....and then I spent the next two hours patiently putting the BetterMost beans label onto a blank can photo from stock.xhcng, filling in missing pixels and generally trying to make it look genuine.

Probably no-one else will take a second glance at it, but I know it's significance, and it's kinda fun leaving subtle clues to my Brokie devotion around. Anyway, here's the result.  ;D

"No matter how hard you try, You're still in prison, If ya born with wings and you never fly."