Author Topic: Barack Obama vs. John McCain  (Read 60833 times)

Offline optom3

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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #50 on: May 20, 2008, 10:15:35 pm »
In the U.K I always used to vote Conservative,right wing. However from what I have read and heard,the right wing are just way too right wing for me.Something I never thought I would hear myself say,Not that it makes any odds as I can't vote here.
To me McCain is a little on the old side and there seems no room for compromise with him,it's all so black and white..It does seem that some new younger blood, male or female,might just be the shot in the arm,the country needs.
It does seem as if America is in a similar situation to the U.K, prior to Tony Blairs first success.People seem restless and dissatisfied with a lot of things.Maybe here just as in the U.K people are ready for a change after years of right wing government.
It is also interesting to note that Tony Blair was significantly younger than his predecessor.Much as the democratic candidates here.
It is of course easy for me to pass comment,I am a guest in your country.I would just be happy if one of them would give me a Green card.!!!!
Only time will tell.Whatever the result,same as all elections,some will celebrate,some will drown their sorrows.You can please some of the people all the time,or all the people some of the time.You sure can't please all the people all the time.

But hey, what do I know I'm a Brit.


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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #51 on: May 20, 2008, 11:36:06 pm »
My question for Jack, or any Hillary supporter/ Democrat is why McCain would be more appealing than Obama.  Hillary and Obama's platforms are much, much closer together than either one of them is to McCain.  As a Hillary supporter, I'm definitely going to vote for Obama in the general election if he's the nominee.

My biggest concern about Obama is how well he'll do in the general election.  I truly believe Hillary would be more competitive against McCain, especially looking at the states she's won vs. the states that Obama's won.

To me the biggest goal of the general election is to prevent another Republican administration from taking office (especially one that seems so comfortable adopting policies and stances that are similar in some cases to the Bush policies).

I'm worried about things like more conservative judges being nominated for the Supreme court.  Basically all the social issues that I care most deeply about are much more in line with both Obama and Hillary than McCain.

I don't understand questioning Obama's patriotism either.  He's running for president.  How much more patriotic can one be? 

McCain is known, he has worked WITH the Democrats on more than one occassion, making his own party angry with him....that tells me his principles are more important to him then party politics. He has a record of accomplishments in government....what does Obama have? a pretty smile? a nice turn of phrase?

McCain has consistantly spoken out against torture and a lot of the current administrations tactics...that is why he is not as well liked as he could be in the Republican party.

I want experience...we have to live in reality, not in dreams. Obama needs to go back to Congress and DO something...anything to have some record of what he stands for.

What has he done to make himself suited to be President? It is HIS job to persuade me...not for me to hunt for something to like...

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2008, 12:06:41 am »

For me, social issues are always my core and main barometers for picking a candidate.  I don't trust McCain (or the general Republican platform) on women's issues or gay rights issues.  There's almost nothing that could get me to vote for a candidate who wasn't an advocate (and ideally a strong advocate) for both of those big issues.  I like the fact that Obama has at least tried to reach out to the gay community.  And, as far as I understand his stances on women's rights aren't too different from Hillary's.

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie


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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #53 on: May 21, 2008, 12:21:59 am »
For me, social issues are always my core and main barometers for picking a candidate.  I don't trust McCain (or the general Republican platform) on women's issues or gay rights issues.  There's almost nothing that could get me to vote for a candidate who wasn't an advocate (and ideally a strong advocate) for both of those big issues.  I like the fact that Obama has at least tried to reach out to the gay community.  And, as far as I understand his stances on women's rights aren't too different from Hillary's.

sure he has....he is running as a Democrat ...what is the down side for a Democrat to be FOR gay and womens rights? He has no record of working FOR either of is he just giving lip service? you don't know. You can't.

Offline jstephens9

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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #54 on: May 21, 2008, 01:50:38 pm »
I have to agree with Shasta and Jess. I do not feel that Obama cares any more about this country than having the power that the presidency brings. That is the scary part. This man has no experience at all running anything except for his mouth. He purposely says things he believes people will like that might vote for him. That seems to me to be all he cares about. He will say most anything to try and get a vote. The scary part is that so many people seem to have been somewhat hypnotized by him. He has turned into more of a rock star type person than someone who needs to be president. One thing he definitely has is an ego that continues to grow. I absolutely hate the way he claps for himself with his nose stuck up in the air and a smirk on his face. I don't know of anyone who thinks they are as great as Obama thinks he is. We just don't need a president who is this self absorbed. And as Jess indicates what has he done for women or gays? Talk is one thing, but what have his actions been on this or any other matter.

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #55 on: May 21, 2008, 03:46:46 pm »

The Republican record on gay/lesbian issues and women's issues is enough for me to vote against McCain for associating himself with the Republican platform.  It's also distressing to me to see him moving increasingly to the right in what he says... seemingly for the sake of getting elected the party nominee.  McCain has surely transformed himself to appeal to the right of the party, and I think it's really too bad.

McCain's interest in perpetuating an endless war and his hawkishness are scarier to me (by a lot) than the perceptions of Obama's personality discribed here.  All politicians have egos (of that I have no doubt) and what one person might see as smug, another might see as confidence.  If we tried to find only ego-less candidates to vote for... I think we'd have a very small field of possible choices.

But, the way Obama's personality appears at a campaign stop or on TV isn't the way I decide on a candidate.  I look at the issues that they support and the platforms of the parties they have chosen to be a part of.

I will say that I think Obama feels "trendy" right now.  And, I wonder if his popularity really can sustain him through the general election.  Particularly if he's relying a lot on unpredictable very-young voters.

I still think Hillary is a better candidate.  But, all along I've been one who's liked both Hillary and Obama.  So if it ends up being Obama, I'll be OK with that.  Again, other than my worry about his ability to get elected.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 11:12:27 pm by atz75 »
the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

Offline Shasta542

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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #56 on: May 21, 2008, 08:36:17 pm » worries about lack of experience? I'd rather see him cut his teeth a little longer in Congress -- show a little more of his agenda. I'm sure he has one besides "Hope, Action, Change".

I liked him a little for the nomination before hearing about Rev. Wright and Senator Obama's choice to continue to worship there -- and I think Michelle Obama's quote about America was very telling. She could have said I want to make America a better place to live and tell ways to do so instead of saying she was finally proud for the first time in her adult life.

A comment from a blogger:

I wrote not long ago that Michelle Obama is a loose cannon, and I fear that her latest is not her last. I would have thought that two Ivy-League degrees, a joint income of about a million dollars, exclusive private schools for the kids, and a nice home in the suburbs were not so bad and might suggest that hope had made a comeback well before Barack’s presidential run.

We won the Cold War. Some people are proud of the wall coming down. Both attend Ivy League schools? That's a nice thing. It's great to be able to make a good living -- I'd be proud of that. We're good on science and technology. Yeah. We have a lot of work to do. But there are things to be proud about.

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Offline Sheriff Roland

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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #57 on: May 21, 2008, 09:54:53 pm »
How he stands on the economy - important

How he stands on the illegal war - important

How he stands on gay issues - important

How he stand on a woman's right to chose - important

How much experience he has - not that important (you don't know how you react until you're faced with those situations)

How his wife expresses her thoughts - absolutely not important

How his preacher thinks - absolutely not important.

How he smirks or appears over confident - not at all important

Come on folks - get real.
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Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #58 on: May 21, 2008, 09:56:53 pm »

Thanks Sheriff.  That's pretty much how I see things. :)

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

Offline Shasta542

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Re: Barack Obama vs. John McCain
« Reply #59 on: May 21, 2008, 10:15:37 pm »
How he stands on the economy - important

How he stands on the illegal war - important

How he stands on gay issues - important

How he stand on a woman's right to chose - important

How much experience he has - not that important (you don't know how you react until you're faced with those situations)

How his wife expresses her thoughts - absolutely not important

How his preacher thinks - absolutely not important.

How he smirks or appears over confident - not at all important

Come on folks - get real.

That's one opinion.

I don't agree with all of it.
"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"
