Author Topic: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire  (Read 41785 times)


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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2008, 08:16:35 am »
Topless????? Noooooooooo Jess, I wear tops with my jeans lol. Ever day I wear jeans, basically because that,s all I,ve got lol. I,d look daft in a dress.  ::) ::) Mind you, I look daft in anything lol.

Pffft!! Pffft I say!

 I am sure you ain't scaring no horses... ;) ;)

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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2008, 09:10:10 am »
Pffft!! Pffft I say!

 I am sure you ain't scaring no horses... ;) ;)

Well I,d give freddie kruger a run for his money lol.  :laugh:


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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2008, 09:26:39 am »
Found this questionnaire rather late, but here goes:

1. How many pets do you have? And if you do have pets, what kinds of animals are they?
Five dogs (three Shih Tzus, terrier mix and a Pekingese), a pet housechicken (rescued as a chick and raised as a caged bird), two goats in the backyard and two cats on the porch.

2. What color are the walls in your living room?
Uh, sort of "we never got around to painting" off-white. 

3. What are you wearing right now?
As hot weather is upon us, my standard household attire is a 3X tee shirt that fits like a chemise, and basic underwear.

4. How many times do you dine out each month?
About once, in terms of "dining out."  Grabbing a Sausage McMuffin or a roasted chicken Subway sandwich doesn't count.

5. What is the name of the closest major city to you?
Kansas City, Missouri.

6. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, although I suspect that in terms of the dead contacting us, that isn't generally under our control.

7. Do you wear a wrist watch?
Have tried to several times in my life, and they seem to disappear into thin air. About 20 years back, my Mom gave me a really beautiful one and it fell off my wrist and got lost within 3 days; I felt so bad about it I've never bought one since.

8. Do you prefer sweetened ice tea or unsweetened?
Sweetened sometimes but unsweetened if I'm really thirsty.

9. Do you have any loose change in your pocket? If so, how much?
No loose change right now; my pockets generally contain about 50 cents plus my car keys.

10. Do you drink bottled water?
Once in awhile I'll order something like Evian in a restaurant, but that's about it. 

11. Do you like thunderstorms?
Yes. I respect them and stay under cover but love to listen to and watch them. In the Midwest we get some real honkers.

12. Are you a Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter person? (your favorite season)
Generally I'm a cool-weather person so early spring and most of fall and early winter are my favorite times for weather.

13. What is your favorite television show?
They change periodically and unfortunately, there are a lot of shows that I don't start watching until long after they're off the air.  Right now Law and Order: Criminal Intent is the one I try not to miss.

14. What is your favorite movie? (Brokeback Mountain doesn't count! )
That's a toughie; they change over time.  Perennial favorites include Sophie's Choice, A Man For All Seasons (the Paul Scofield version) and Titanic.  My favorite Westerns are Tombstone and The Long Riders, the latter arguably a "Midwestern."  Come to think of it, most of my favorite movies were made since the mid-1970s.

15. How many televisions do you own?
One, though we're going to get a second one for our bedroom.

16. Do you have a night light in your bedroom?

17. What is your favorite board game?
Not much into board games but I'd guess Monopoly would be my choice.

18. Have you ever played Dungeons & Dragons?
No; I did a feature story about it a long time ago for a local newspaper but never got into it. That's probably just a generational thing.

19. If you were granted ONE wish by a genie, what would you wish for?
Three more wishes.

20. Who can you relate to more, Jack or Ennis? And why?
I can relate to Jack in terms of growing up with people he "couldn't please no way" but generally more with Ennis in terms of being basically an introver.

21. How many DVDs do you own?
Just counted and we have a total of 24 - 25 if you count my second copy of Brokeback; I have one wide-screen version and one full-screen.  Generally, I'll rent DVDs, buying only if I'm pretty certain I'll watch over and over again; otherwise rent from Netflix or our local video store.

22. Are you sick and tired of hearing about the upcoming presidential election this November?
No; but I'm sick and tired of the irrelevancies.

23. If you decided to learn a new foreign language, which language would you choose, and why?
Chinese. It's a country I've always felt a kinship with for some reason.

24. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I'd keep my base where it is but would have a summer house in Minnesota and a winter one in some warmer climate. And do a lot of travelling.

25. Read any good books lately?
Am just finishing up On Brokeback Mountain by Eric Patterson and before that re-read The Cry For Myth (Rollo May)


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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2008, 09:41:15 am »
As I mentioned in my questionnaire, I like my tea unsweetened (that goes for both hot and cold tea), and for coffee I usually only use milk or cream.  Sometimes I do like it sweeter when I'm in the mood for something more decadent.  I'll try the brown sugar idea some time I think!

One of my truly guilty pleasures is strong hot coffee with Cool Whip in it.   ;D

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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2008, 09:54:36 am »
1. How many pets do you have? And if you do have pets, what kinds of animals are they? I have no pets.

2. What color are the walls in your living room? Hard to describe. A very soft shade of pastel, dove grey, with a hint of lilac.
3. What are you wearing right now? Grey cotton cargo shorts and a cobalt blue polo shirt. It's winter in Oz!   8)

4. How many times do you dine out each month? Depends.

5. What is the name of the closest major city to you? Sydney's Central Business District, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House are all just a few minutes drive from where I live. I guess that must mean my closest major city is Sydney!  ::)

6. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes and I've seen one or two. :o

7. Do you wear a wrist watch? No, I carry my mobile with me wherever I go and it has a clock in it.

8. Do you prefer sweetened ice tea or unsweetened? I don't drink ice tea. I prefer my tea hot.  ;D

9. Do you have any loose change in your pocket? If so, how much? I have no loose change in my pockets at present.

10. Do you drink bottled water? No.

11. Do you like thunderstorms? I LOVE thunderstorms! Especially when I'm snuggled-up in bed.  :D I don't like driving in thunderstorms, though.  :(

12. Are you a Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter person? (your favorite season) I don't like extremes of any sort, so prefer Spring and Autumn. Probably Autumn most of all.   :)

13. What is your favorite television show? "Grand Designs"

14. What is your favorite movie? (Brokeback Mountain doesn't count!) A close second after Brokeback Mountain comes Beautiful Thing, followed closely in third place by Maurice.

15. How many televisions do you own? One.

16. Do you have a night light in your bedroom? No. I love to sleep in a pitch-black room.

17. What is your favorite board game? I don't play board games.

18. Have you ever played Dungeons & Dragons? No.

19. If you were granted ONE wish by a genie, what would you wish for? Only one wish? Don't genies normally grant three wishes? If so, I would wish for Health, Wealth & Happiness. But if I did come across a mean spirited genie, offering only one lousy wish, I would ask for Health.   ;) 

20. Who can you relate to more, Jack or Ennis? And why? Ennis, because I'm a lot like him, in many ways.  :-*

21. How many DVDs do you own? Not a lot. About 50. I never seem to have time to watch them. They sit there, gathering dust.  :-\

22. Are you sick and tired of hearing about the upcoming presidential election this November? No comment!  8)

23. If you decided to learn a new foreign language, which language would you choose, and why? Without hesitation, Italian! Why? So I can chat-up all those gorgeous Italian men in their own language! ;)   ;D

24. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Australia. I love my country.  :D

25. Read any good books lately? I keep buying them. There are piles of them sitting on my coffee table and lamp tables. I keep dusting them. But I never seem to find the time to READ them! Maybe when I retire! ;)   :laugh:

That was fun, David!   :D
« Last Edit: June 19, 2008, 06:03:41 pm by Kerry »
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Offline Dobie1018

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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2008, 11:02:37 am »
1. How many pets do you have? And if you do have pets, what kinds of animals are they?  3 dogs (2 Basset Hounds, 1 Doberman Pinscher) & 2 black & white cats
2. What color are the walls in your living room?  very pale blue

3. What are you wearing right now?   White jeans and a pink shirt
4. How many times do you dine out each month?   not often - maybe once or twice

5. What is the name of the closest major city to you? Orlando
6. Do you believe in ghosts?  yes
7. Do you wear a wrist watch?   absolutely; I feel "naked" without my watch
8. Do you prefer sweetened ice tea or unsweetened? sweetened
9. Do you have any loose change in your pocket? If so, how much?  no
10. Do you drink bottled water?    yes

11. Do you like thunderstorms?    Yes
12. Are you a Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter person? (your favorite season)  Winter, here in Florida
13. What is your favorite television show?   Lost
14. What is your favorite movie? (Brokeback Mountain doesn't count!   )   Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings
15. How many televisions do you own?  3
16. Do you have a night light in your bedroom?  no, but I have one in my living room

17. What is your favorite board game?    I don't play board games, but I've always liked "Candy Land"  !!
18. Have you ever played Dungeons & Dragons?  No
19. If you were granted ONE wish by a genie, what would you wish for?     Oh, probably cash - a couple million would do nicely!
20. Who can you relate to more, Jack or Ennis? And why?   Ennis, because I am somewhat shy and reserved and keep to myself a lot, and am by myself a lot.
21. How many DVDs do you own?  50 or so
22. Are you sick and tired of hearing about the upcoming presidential election this November?  Not really.  I think we need to hear about the candidates and know as much about them as possible to make an informed decision come election day.
23. If you decided to learn a new foreign language, which language would you choose, and why?  Probably Spanish, because it's so common here in the USA, and so many people speak it.
24. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?  Probably right here where I live now, but I'd love to visit Ireland and spend some time there.
25. Read any good books lately?  yes, I just finished reading Jeff Corwin's book "Living on the Edge".  I personally met him in March and had my picture taken with him and had him sign my copy of his book.   It's a very good book, a little rough reading, but he makes it very entertaining.


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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2008, 07:16:03 pm »
Found this questionnaire rather late, but here goes:

1. How many pets do you have? And if you do have pets, what kinds of animals are they?
Five dogs (three Shih Tzus, terrier mix and a Pekingese), a pet housechicken (rescued as a chick and raised as a caged bird), two goats in the backyard and two cats on the porch.

4. How many times do you dine out each month?
About once, in terms of "dining out."  Grabbing a Sausage McMuffin or a roasted chicken Subway sandwich doesn't count.

You sound like a close second to me in the critter department!

and if those don't count then I NEVER eat out!  :laugh: :laugh:


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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2008, 02:01:58 am »

1. How many pets do you have? And if you do have pets, what kinds of animals are they? one dog

Isn't his name Maxi, Chrissi? Maxi with the little dots over the "a" - oomlots I think they are called. He's so cute! Maybe you can post a picture of him over in my Shutter Bug thread sometime? He's such a cute dog! :)

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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2008, 02:08:12 am »

2. What color are the walls in your living room? Hard to describe. A very soft shade of pastel, dove grey, with a hint of lilac.

Dove grey sounds close to the color I have on my living room wall too Kerry! We must have the same taste in decor! :D

I just repainted mine a couple of months ago.
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Re: Just Another Silly "Getting To Know You" Questionnaire
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2008, 02:12:33 am »

14. What is your favorite movie? (Brokeback Mountain doesn't count!   )   Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings

I love that movie too Dobie! I also loved the books. I've read them a dozen times probably! :)

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.