Author Topic: Hello from a new friend  (Read 9338 times)

Offline exKinnearGal

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Hello from a new friend
« on: August 27, 2008, 09:55:08 pm »
I didn't find an official place to introduce myself but given the friendly nature of what I've read so far I feel confident that just posting a new thread with a bit of an intro here will suffice.

I've been hearing about your wonderful community for a few months now, Phil and John are old friends, and I finally made it in, found a comfy seat and thought I'd let y'all know I'm here.

As my screen name says, I used to live near Kinnear, WY.  Our mailing address, and our mail, came to the Kinnear post office but we lived about 11 miles past Kinnear off Hwy. 26 on 6 acres off a private dirt road.  We moved out there in May 2001 and left in August 2005.  As glorious as the Wind River Mountains are and as nice as the people out there were and as much as we miss some of our friends who live there, I'm glad to be back to what I call home.  Driving darn near 40 miles to grocery shop in Riverton at the Super Walmart was a BIT too far for me.  As was driving into Lander for Dr. and dentist appts., visits with friends (I lived for awhile in Lander while the other half lived out on our land on Nuts Flats as we call it...that's another story) and general needs for some sort of civilization.  Riverton just didn't do it for me so a trip across the rez to Lander was the norm for social activities, such as they were.

As for Wyoming as a whole, some parts of it are simply gorgeous. ALL of it is unique.  The people are for the most part good folks, even if some of them have their cowboy hats on a bit too tight.  :)  No offense to any Wyoming-ites in this community here, I would live there again if only it weren't so darn isolated for this small city gal.  The other half would still be out there if not for my unhappiness about living so isolated.

A bit about myself; I'm 51 now  ... wow... married, no kids and down to three cats.  One of them found us when we lived in Wyoming and is a story unto himself.  I'm originally from the Western NY area and call the Rochester, NY area home.  I'm a true Great Lakes gal I found out during the past 7 years when we were gone from here. After leaving WY we went to eastern OH, which was a nightmare, and this past May we finally returned home to the Rochester area.  I don't work outside the home, I'm a computer geek and have been in the online world since the early 80s.  I'm also a Ham Radio operator and all around nerd.  :)   I read a LOT and when I first moved out to WY I found Annie's stories in the second hand book store in Lander.  When I read Brokeback Mountain and then heard they were going to make a movie out of it I cheered, and I also KNEW there would be some fallout in the local area, as there certainly was.  Not everyone there felt that it, or any of her stories, were indicative of the "true" Wyoming yet I felt she hit it spot on with almost all of them.  Perhaps it had to do with seeing the place and the people from an outsider's point of view.

In addition to the techy toys and hobbies and reading I also enjoy creating with paper and pretending I'm an artist of some sort. I feel it's important to express myself and create SOMETHING on a regular basis.  I also dabble in a few other crafts here and there.  I actually have too many hobbies and once again as I moved I faced boxes of my stuff but couldn't throw any of it out.  I did do a massive clean out last year of all my old computers, I was collecting them (don't ask) and just about all of them are no longer with me.  That certainly cut down on the boxes when we moved this time!  However, I also love music, movies and have a fairly large collection of both, including my Dad's old 78 rpm records along with all my old vinyl.  I also listen off and on to old time radio shows, I like radio dramas especially, I'm a shortwave listener....again off and on.  I I said... and have a fair number of books although recently I've sworn off and SFBC, although I'm still a member, and am back at the library weekly.  SciFi is my favorite read and has been most of my life.  I'm not much for the fantasy stuff but the hubby is. However, I will read most anything as the mood strikes me. I also like to game on the computer but I recently shut my EQ2 account off when we moved and have yet to open it back up.  Too much to do here now that I'm back among the living with friends and things to do.  I also enjoy some video gaming, mainly on my DS these days.

Why I'm here?  Phil and John told us all about the trip last year and about the community here and what the movie means to many of you.  I liked what I heard and thought I'd stop in.  I hope I'll enjoy my time here. I can be very verbose so thanks for reading my ramblings so far and I hope I picked the right place to post this.


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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 10:05:37 pm »
yep you are one of Phillips lot! (a joke....Phillip is equally longwinded...)

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

HI! I am Jess and I only write tiny short frivilous posts that dont' amount to a hill of beans but DO help run the post count up! (hey it is what I do best!)


I have two 'pet' cats, an unknown number of dogs (do you count only the ones that sleep over or do the ones that show up every other day for dinner count?) more horses than we need, twenty eight fuzzy white chickens and a bunch of disgusting cows we dont' like to talk about...(ok I don't...)

so ANYWAY! welcome to Bettermost!!

Offline southendmd

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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 10:11:33 pm »
Welcome to BetterMost, exKinnearGal!

(When I first saw your handle, I thought you might be a former fan of Greg Kinnear...)

Your words reminded me of Ang's, when he said that it took an outsider to show the cowboy West to America. 

I was fortunate to meet Phillip and John last year in Alberta:  they are two gems, indeed!


BTW, there is an official "Introduce yourself" thread:,31.1150.html

Offline Meryl

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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 12:49:02 am »
It's great to have you here, exKinnearGal.  Like Paul, I thought you must have been a fan of Greg's, too!  ;D

Loved your description of your travels, especially Wyoming.  Most of us would love to live there, at least for long enough to get a real sense of the place.  I met Phil and John in Alberta, too.  Hope you can join us out there if and when we go back.  8)

I'm from New York, too--that big ol' city at the other end of the state.  :)
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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 01:32:56 am »
It's great to have you here, exKinnearGal.  Like Paul, I thought you must have been a fan of Greg's, too!  ;D

Make that three. I thought the same ;D.

Welcome to BetterMost! :D
I was also raised in the city, but didn't like it there, always wanted to live in a more rural area. And that's exactly where I've lived for the last ten years now. Well, it's as rural as you get in Germany, but by Wyoming standards it'd still be densely populated :laugh:.

I've been to WY twice; only for two days last year and for a week this year. I blame it all on Annie Proulx ;D. Loved it there :).

Offline Berit

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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 01:50:35 am »

I'm Berit from northen Sweden.
I live in a small village. on my parents old dairyfarm with husband, son -the daughter has left for her own place - 5 cats and my mom, 85 years, 1 km from me. I'm a nurse at an old folks home.

I try to learn as much as I can about America and this is a good place to do that  :laugh:

Welcome to BetterMost


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Offline Shasta542

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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 06:46:57 am »
(When I first saw your handle, I thought you might be a former fan of Greg Kinnear...)

LOL. Me too--and I thought, "Why 'ex'? What did Greg do?"  :)

Welcome--and I will look forward to hearing about the cat who found you!!
"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"


Offline Fran

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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2008, 09:59:01 am »
Welcome to BetterMost, exKinnearGal. 

Thanks for posting your introduction.  I'm a dog person myself, but I'm looking forward to hearing more about your cats, especially the one who found you.

Like you, I also enjoy playing around with paper.  I made cards as a hobby, and I have more paper and paper-crafting supplies than I'll probably ever use, but I keep buying more.  :)

I have to admit, unlike Paul, Meryl, Chrissi, and Shasta, I have no idea who Greg Kinnear is, but I'm guessing he's an actor or musician.

As you make your way around the different forums, you might want to check out the games in the ABCs & 123s forum.  We've got an "ABCs at the Movies" game going strong as well as an "ABCs of Brokeback Mountain" game -- now in Round 719!!!!  We're always looking for new players, so, if you're so inclined, check out the rules, check the appropriate answer list before posting -- the "New Archive" thread for the movie game and the "Words Played" thread (with the smiley face icon) for the latter -- and join our version of online fun and games.


Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2008, 10:14:24 am »

As my screen name says, I used to live near Kinnear, WY.  Our mailing address, and our mail, came to the Kinnear post office but we lived about 11 miles past Kinnear off Hwy. 26 on 6 acres off a private dirt road.  We moved out there in May 2001 and left in August 2005.  As glorious as the Wind River Mountains are and as nice as the people out there were and as much as we miss some of our friends who live there, I'm glad to be back to what I call home.  Driving darn near 40 miles to grocery shop in Riverton at the Super Walmart was a BIT too far for me.  As was driving into Lander for Dr. and dentist appts., visits with friends (I lived for awhile in Lander while the other half lived out on our land on Nuts Flats as we call it...that's another story) and general needs for some sort of civilization.  Riverton just didn't do it for me so a trip across the rez to Lander was the norm for social activities, such as they were.

As for Wyoming as a whole, some parts of it are simply gorgeous. ALL of it is unique.  The people are for the most part good folks, even if some of them have their cowboy hats on a bit too tight.  :)  No offense to any Wyoming-ites in this community here, I would live there again if only it weren't so darn isolated for this small city gal.  The other half would still be out there if not for my unhappiness about living so isolated.

No more lonesome ol' ranches for you, hunh?  ;)

Seriously, that was fascinating to read, since I had the opportunity to travel through the Wind Rivers from Riverton to Dubois and on to the Tetons on the "Roundup" this June. (Check out the "Roundup" threads over on the "Social" forum.) The Wind Rivers struck me as starkly beautiful, but, personally, I prefer the Absarokas and the Big Horns.

I think I saw that WalMart, since we stayed the night in Riverton!  :laugh:

Anyway, I suppose you noticed you have the honor of being our 1301st "resident," so congratulations and, again, welcome!
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Offline southendmd

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Re: Hello from a new friend
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 12:58:00 pm »
For Fran: 

"She doesn't know who I am?"  *sob*

Greg Kinnear