Author Topic: Is freedom really all that "free"??  (Read 5979 times)

Offline maggiesmommy GayLee

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Is freedom really all that "free"??
« on: July 05, 2006, 03:52:05 am »
I spent alot of time today with music playing in the background while i cooked and played hostess to my family and friends as we celebrated the 4th of July holiday.
For those of you outside of the USA, we celebrate the 4th oh July as our independence day.  As i listened to the words of the patriotic songs, and kept hearing the songs about freedom, i had to wonder why this freedom and equality isn't for ALL of our citizens....this year has been SO enlightening for me...since BBM, i have changed right to the core, and i see things SO differently!! a year ago, i didn't go down this road at all, but this year, after Jimmy and BBM, i just couldn't get it out of mind that all the singing, and prattling on and on about our freedoms, our ~"Life, Liberty and the persuit of Happiness" stuff...and wondered what we are so proud of when we deny the basic rights of our citizens in the Gay/Lesbian community.  If it is your persuit of happiness that leads you to the person you love, and making a life with that person is what makes you happy and complete, what right does this country or your state have to deny you that basic human right??  why can't you marry, and have full access the the benefits that marriage affords straight couples?? how can we parade freedom and equality in front of the world, and not practice what we preach...oh, i get it, freedom to live ones life with the dignity afforded straight couples is denied G/L couples because this "christian" country chooses to judge and look down on and "manage" people that they consider  different than they fair is that?? If you have the power, and our government does, you can mete out your judgement without ever being called on it...i mean, you just can't stop paying your taxes...there is no recourse..i am just so thourghly disgusted this year, and have never dealt with these feelings before, but i have a great deal of empathy, and i truly feel your frustration and anger and sadness at what you suffer...i really feel it, and i heard someone say recently that they didn't like Gay people because they were so pissy and bitter acting....(lumping ALL G/L people, as is common with the unenlightened) i said wouldn't YOU be if you had your government, who you support with your tax dollars, denying you the most basic of human needs, loving companionship?? the right to be married and the benefits that come with that status.  That you are denied children when you could give them a loving home with two loving  partners, but they are kept in foster care, because you are not considered "normal or good"...I don't know if it made an impact on her, but i sure had to say it...and it felt damned good...
"Ole Brokeback got us good", just goes on and on impacting EVERY facet of my life, and every day is another learning experience, because i have my "Brokeback eyes" on now...and i can see SO MUCH MORE!!   than i ever did much, and it sickens me...
all i can say is I'm sorry, i wish it wasn't this way, and if nothing else, you have another vote for the politicians who care about these issues, and one more from everyone else who has been changed for the better by BBM. 
Just had to say.....
here's to one day, having a REAL independence day...with liberty and JUSTICE, for be it
Gay Lee
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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 11:06:39 am »
Amen. And women, too...
"We're each of us alone, to be sure. What can you do but hold your hand out in the dark?" --"Nine Lives," by Ursula K. Le Guin, from The Wind's Twelve Quarters

Offline ednbarby

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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2006, 12:42:54 pm »
I hear you, G.  I have a really hard time getting into all the flag waving and Sousa marches and so forth, myself.  Really, all that started with the 2000 election for me, and has just continued to slide at warp speed downhill from there.  Took my son to see the fireworks for his first time last night.  He enjoyed them, so I enjoyed them to that extent.  But beyond that, I didn't feel a thing.  Not even sadness - I'm kind of beyond that now.  When Will asked what "Independence Day" really is, I told him it is our country's birthday.  And I left it at that.  Only trouble with that was he kept asking where the cake and ice cream were.  So I took him out for ice cream afterwards, and he was satisfied.  Hope that doesn't make me a terrible parent - but I don't think a four-year-old is ready to hear about how his mother officially stopped loving her country the day the levees were breached in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and doesn't think that love can ever be rekindled.  And how this movie and what it woke me up to and what's come since in the political power game have only deepened that resolve.
No more beans!

Offline maggiesmommy GayLee

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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2006, 01:16:43 pm »
oh, yes, yes sister....i am surprised at the mutual feelings on this subject from a wide variety of people...comforting but surprising...i am not too silent about my opinions and feelings and i am getting alot of positive feedback...hope?? dunno..people afraid to swm upstream in the mainstream? dunno...but we need to forget all that and stand up and say how we feel OUR country should be run by the people WE PAY to do the more, no less...unless you are an elected official, the only wepon you have is your voice, your $ and your pen....i challenge all of us to find ways to use the tools at our disposal to make a real change in the coming elections..your first line of defense is you vote...backing that up is your donations and time to the candidates that you believe has to start somwhere, and if i give my time and $100 and vote for candidates who are dedicated to making a change in this area of equality.....AND ALL OF US WHO BELIEVE IN THIS do the same....why, there will be no stopping us...we have let our G/L brothers and sisters fight this fight alone for too long....too damed long....and we can quit it right now and stand up....we don't HAVE to STAND IT...we can take our lesson from Ennis' inability to move forward...and FIX IT!!   my first step will be to change my party
gay lee
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Offline alec716

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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2006, 01:54:03 pm »
Dear maggiesmommy & ednbarby & julie01,

THANK YOU.  I am sure that I could post a detailed and substantive affirmance of your thoughts and emotions if your words had not just brought tears to my eyes and goosebumps to my arms. 

So, from the grown-up heart of this little gay kid from Buffalo who dared to dream that one day it would be OK...

THANK YOU for understanding how simple it could all be.

Now if y'all will pardon me, I need to find a certain warshrag to dry my face.   ;)   Y'all got me good.   :)

with love, Alec
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 02:00:12 pm by alec716 »
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline ednbarby

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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2006, 02:21:24 pm »
Alec, you're in Buffalo?  I'm from Rochester.  I know very well what it's like in that part of the state.  I really feel for you, honey.

And I agree with Gay Lee (maggiesmommy) - not all hope is gone.  I've lost a lot of mine, but not every last shred of it.  I think we have a good shot at taking back Congress in November, if not the Presidency in 2008.  I certainly have given what money I can to the Bill Nelson campaign down here and have encouraged others to do the same. 

I'm going to look into what I need to do to be one of those people sitting at the Democrats' table, handing out refreshments and spin at my local polling place come Election Day.  As the line goes, I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take this anymore!
No more beans!

Offline maggiesmommy GayLee

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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2006, 02:50:40 pm »
oh, no, alec...thank have had a life time of patience waiting for some of us to understand.  What is that quote??" the journey of a thousand (maybe a million) miles begins with the first step..."
Lets raise a glass to the first step, and all of those steps that will follow, on this journey to peace on earth, real goodwill to all humanity, and equality for mankind...the women fought for it and got it, the African americans fought for it and got it, we can win it too....however our hurdle may be a bit wider, beause this is viewed by some in the mainstream as a moral issue. until we get people to look beyond the deepley ingrained religious overtones that surround these issues and look at them in the bold light of day, it will be a struggle, never doubt it, but you just can't lay have to step up, put out your hand, say loud for all to hear "this isn't right, it isn't decent, it isn't is judgement of another human being from people with no right to judge, and it must stop.....and I for one will help, with everything i have in me, my brothers and sisters fight this travesty."
i hate to always have to bring up the religious aspect, but that is the basis for all of the discrimination, is it not?? i just wonder with what misguided sense of selfrighteousness do people set themselves up as judges and jury for a whole segment of society...???? remember the stories of when black americans had to ride in the back of the bus?? go to separate bathrooms, would not be served in many eating establishments..couldn't use the water fountains...wouldn't be hired...couldn't go to school where they lived...couldn't live in the "white" areas of the city, and on and on??  i was in high school when the Martin Luther King marches were going on..i remember how hard and long that fight was, and i also remember where it was began in the streets, but it was won in the statehouses all across america, and in washington, by politicians who saw how wrong it was and were determined to effect change. I'm not saying there is still not prejudiced people here, there are, but the LAWS have changed, and they have no real power anymore, and guess what, it is ILLEGAL to discriminate on the basis of color, race, religion, national origin.....ooops  did they leave out your weight, and sexual orientation?? i THINK SO!! oh, yes, the ignorance is there, it can't be irradicated by written word, but it is impotent and again, i say,   ILLEGAL!!
AND i believe  We can see this happen again, we CAN see that, as you say, Alec, it could all be so simple....just let people live their heriocs, no fireworks, no change in anything we hold dear, just letting everyday citizens have peace, love, respect and in the future, not even have to think about it one way or the other...just people, all different, but all the same, living in a world where there really IS liberty and justice FOR ALL....with NO "buts" attached....
there will be a day, and i can see it, when little gay kids from Buffalo, or in any city in this country will never know what you have all gone through every day of your life...will be accepted from the beginning...never know the prejudice, the hatred and unreasoning judgement meted out by self appointed judges that exists now...they will live in a world where the only thing wrong and unlawful will be inhumanity to man...murder, rape, abuse, thievery..speeding?? but not merley living the life one was born to live.  That is the future we must always keep before our is for them that we fight....and i am not just giving this lip service...i want all the straight people who are on this board because of your love for BBM and your newly opened eyes for your G/L  brothers and sisters, to consider a real change in your own it up....don't be afraid to verbalize your disagreement, don't be afraid to stand up and defend them in public to a crowd of 1 or 1,000!!  when there is this kind of wrong, we need to stop it, not sit by and let it happen...its now or never, people, right here, on the front lines, fully dressed for battle, arm and arm...lets begin this good fight....
and i have to apologize, for repeating myself, for not being able to answer a post with less than 500 words, and for not seeing all of this 30 years ago....
gay lee
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Offline maggiesmommy GayLee

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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2006, 02:57:09 pm »
Alec, you're in Buffalo?  I'm from Rochester.  I know very well what it's like in that part of the state.  I really feel for you, honey.

And I agree with Gay Lee (maggiesmommy) - not all hope is gone.  I've lost a lot of mine, but not every last shred of it.  I think we have a good shot at taking back Congress in November, if not the Presidency in 2008.  I certainly have given what money I can to the Bill Nelson campaign down here and have encouraged others to do the same. 

I'm going to look into what I need to do to be one of those people sitting at the Democrats' table, handing out refreshments and spin at my local polling place come Election Day.  As the line goes, I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take this anymore!

WEll, i don't knowwhat its like back east, but here in the heartland...i am in Topeka, Kansas, we have MrFred Phelps to deal don't KNOW prejudice until you've lived in the "bible belt" gets real old....smug %*&#$*&%&&'s...
It is not the Number of Breaths We Take that number our days
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Offline alec716

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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2006, 03:12:22 pm »
WEll, i don't knowwhat its like back east, but here in the heartland...i am in Topeka, Kansas, we have MrFred Phelps to deal don't KNOW prejudice until you've lived in the "bible belt" gets real old....smug %*&#$*&%&&'s...

Thanks, maggiesmommy and ednbarby, for continuing this dialogue.  I have but a moment at work right now to be online, but I must tell you that I have tried to shout down Reverend Phelps at my share of demonstrations in the 18 years I have lived in Washington, D.C.  What could motivate the hate that some people espouse?  We can only speculate.  Funny, I don't feel like a threat to the very fabric of the American society and Western civilization itself.   ;)   I have worked in inner-city child welfare for 15 years here in D.C. and have seen every manner of horror, from beatings to rape to murder, that people can inflict on their own flesh and blood.  Others seem more worrisome to me than, say, me!   ;)   But that's a whole other story, and I am determined to keep this conversation positive.   :)

to be continued....

thanks.  :-*  -- Alec
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline maggiesmommy GayLee

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Re: Is freedom really all that "free"??
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2006, 06:13:42 pm »
no one should EVER, EVER have to feel that way about themselves or how others view sound like a wonderful human being, alec...i worked in our local ER for many years before finally going to a private practice doc, and i too have seen so much misery that is inflicted on the helpless and innocent by bullies and absuers. You have a very very difficult job, and i know it is hard to take it every day without breaking totally or getting so calloused, just to maintain that you end up with no feelings at all...there is a very delicate balance there, and you seen to be doing a great job...the people whose lives you touch are belssed indeed...just think of the empathy and understanding you bring to the table...awsome..
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 06:24:31 pm by maggiesmommy »
It is not the Number of Breaths We Take that number our days
Rather the Moments that Take our Breath Away