Author Topic: <-- Introduce Yourself -->  (Read 913378 times)


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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #400 on: September 24, 2006, 10:25:36 pm »
I guess it's about time I intorduced myself.  My name is Doug, (a.k.a. THE WINGS).   
I'm a fifty-two year old, straight male who has been hit very hard by Brokeback Mountain's "gut punch" which hasn't let go yet!
To be brutally honest, when I first heard of "the gay cowboy movie", I wasn't at all impressed, and in fact, more than a little p*****-off!  The whole concept of a "gay cowboy movie" was to me a contradiction in terms. Living here in Alberta, Canada's "cowboy country", I was under the mistaken "first impression" that this film was going to be "Hollywood's" way of trying to ridicule and demean a traditional way of life that I personally admire, and that so many of my friends, farmers, ranchers, rodeo cowboys, in particular, bullriders, hold so dear.
However, when I read the article in Entertainment Weekly Magazine in December of 2005, including the review by Owen Gleiberman, I started to have "second thoughts".  Then when I read the short story, by Annie Proulx, that's when that "gut-punch" was first delivered, and I knew that I HAD to see this film.  This I did on opening night, here in Edmonton, AB., January 6th.  I can honestly say that I have never experienced such a profound, perfectly acted, superbly directed piece of cinema in my life.  Heath Ledger became Ennis Del Mar, and Jake Gyllenhaal, became Jack Twist.  The whole cast, including Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway, brought all of Annie's characters to life on the big screen, and Larry and Diana's screenplay remained true to her story, even most of the dialogue was almost word-for-word identicaLto the short story.
I am really glad that this story and film has helped me to radically change my attitudes toward those who are involved in the gay lifestyle.  As far as I am concerned, this is a personal matter between two consenting adults, and I feel as long as no one is either physically, or emotionally abused in any way, it is as Jack Twist says, "Nobody's business but ours".  For those that can't accept the fact that this story merely puts names and faces to something that has, is, and will continue to go on into the future, I say, GET OVER IT!  Also, this movie does not in any way, insult, or belittle the traditional, cowboy way of life!
I will continue to  support, defend, and generally discuss this ground-breaking film, even in spite of being the "butt" of jokes, (no pun intended).
I am glad to be able to join in on boards like this one and and Dave Cullen's forums.  At least people's comments here are more intelligent,mature, and sensitive to the wonderful message of what a sincere, deep, heartfelt love between two people who just happen to be men, is all about.

Hopefully I haven't been rambling-on too much!

In conclusion, all I have to say is: 'Brokeback Mountain, I NEVER want to know how to quit you!' and, "Jack, I swear...."
« Last Edit: September 24, 2006, 10:32:46 pm by THE WINGS »

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #401 on: September 24, 2006, 10:35:37 pm »
Welcome to BetterMost...

I hope you enjoy your stay here, we've got tons of fun things going on.... so look around and post something... We'll be looking for you. :)
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Offline nakymaton

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #402 on: September 24, 2006, 10:36:38 pm »
Welcome, Doug and rizla. :)

(I should do the traditional offering of coffee and cherry cake, but I'm not very good at pulling it off, so I'll just say... have a good time here. :) )
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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #403 on: September 24, 2006, 10:50:03 pm »
I guess it's about time I intorduced myself.  My name is Doug, (a.k.a. THE WINGS).   
I'm a fifty-two year old, straight male who has been hit very hard by Brokeback Mountain's "gut punch" which hasn't let go yet!

Hey Doug . . . glad to read your post and I think everybody here feels about BBM like you do . . . most of us (the gay men anyway) have a personal history similar to BBM. My experience was almost uncomfortably close to the story, perhaps moreso than some others here--but we have almost all experienced essentially the same story. My Ennis was from Texas, taciturn, good looking. We hooked up in '65 (we were in university) so it was approximately the same era as BBM as well. One summer vacation he got a girl pregnant and decided to get married and I got a Dear John letter. I never saw him again. It was devastating and took me years to recover. In my life since then I've had a couple of long term relationships with wonderful guys, but it was never the same. Not even close.

So I wonder--was there a similar event in your life that draws you to BBM? The few straight men I've encountered (in posts) who feel like us, seem to identify with the movie in a broader context of "missed opportunities" . . . care to comment?

By the way, your increased sensitivity to what gay people go through is a beautiful thing. I don't know you from Adam but I'm proud of you everytime you speak up on our behalf. Regards,  Paul / EKEBY
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Offline Frank H

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #404 on: September 27, 2006, 10:13:50 am »
Hello all,

I am 60 years old, and am a Christian minister. I am British, but I was born in China to Chinese parents. My family came to England in 1948. I have lived here ever since.

I became a Christian while I was at university. I did two degrees - in Biological Sciences, and in Archaeology, and worked as a professional biologist for a while. I still lecture in Biology (especially in Evolution and Genetics) in the university where I minister as an Anglican Chaplain.

While certainly not a fundamentalist (note that I lecture on Evolution), I am basically a rather conservative evangelical Christian. Certainly not someone who might be expected to like "Brokeback Mountain".

I eventually bought the DVD - but only as part of a special offer, to make up the numbers - to see what the fuss is about.

I didn't expect to enjoy it. Well, actually I didn't. Instead, I can say that I have seen no other film which has affected me so deeply. Indeed, on an emotional level, the only comparable experience was when I first read "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte.

How does this fit in with my Christian beliefs? I'll just quote from my reply to a (possibly homophobic) poster on the IMDb forum:

"I applaud "Brokeback Mountain" because it does not hit me over the head with the "Gay agenda". It tells a simple story of ordinary flawed humans, whose flawed feelings, including those of love, can so often lead to sorrow and suffering in our inevitably flawed society, in this inevitably imperfect world. In that sense BBM, like other great works of art, actually makes connection with the mystery of existence. The love between Ennis and Jack is part of that mystery. It would be a tidier and more comfortable world if romantic love were entirely heterosexual. Unfortunately that is not the case, and thus we are challenged with our reactions to this. And in our reactions, I do believe it is more important to be loving than to be right - as so many of Jesus' actions and sayings attest."

Best Wishes to you all, whatever your race, gender, or sexual orientation.



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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #405 on: September 27, 2006, 10:38:48 am »
Greetings, Frank, and welcome. I am one of the refugees from the IMDb board, and I remember a thread (or a post), some six months ago, comparing Brokeback Mountain with Wuthering Heights thematically. Your mention of Bronte's masterpiece (one of my favorite books, incidentally) reminded me of that.

So many of us can relate to your experience of having this film impact us like no other. It is a work of art, but it transcends normal critical distinctions when analyzing art. This film and story speak directly to the soul. I've said it before, but if ever a film could be called a miracle, this would be it.

Very best regards,

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #406 on: September 27, 2006, 12:42:10 pm »
Frank and Scott, I feel the same way about "Wuthering Heights." I first read it in junior high, I think, and have read it probably 15 times since. It's my favorite book. I had a passage read at my wedding. Scott, I remember that earlier thread or post you referred to.

If either of you is interested, I would invite/advise/urge you to start a thread about it. I think there are some interesting similarities between the two stories, so I'm not surprised that they both appeal to some of the same people.


Offline Samrim

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #407 on: September 27, 2006, 02:22:26 pm »
<<And in our reactions, I do believe it is more important to be loving than to be right - as so many of Jesus' actions and sayings attest.">>

Hello Frank H,

On age at least I can pip you by quite a bit, I'm 67, gay, and devoted to ole Brokeback.

You absolutely hit the nail on the head with your assessment of this miraculous evocation of love, and I applaud you for it. We don't chose who we love, if lucky all goes well and we live happily ever after; if not its a nightmare. Thats been my experience anyway. I became emotionally entangle with a straight guy before I realized, and though it's over thirty years ago, and though I eventually 'got over it', I've never forgotten Robert, nor ever will. That's why, maybe, I so empathize with Ennis, and why, eight months on, I'm still absorbed in these Boards. They have proved a remarkable psychiatrist's couch.

Best Wishes, and thanks for your greeting to all of us sinners.


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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #408 on: September 27, 2006, 04:04:40 pm »
There seems to be new people coming here so I don't feel so left out and "new".

I agree, I wish there would be a big screen reshowing of BBM. I think many people would be interested. I do not think this movie's impact will fade away any time soon.

Offline nakymaton

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Re: <-- Introduce Yourself -->
« Reply #409 on: September 27, 2006, 04:15:11 pm »
Don't be shy about joining in, whether in an existing thread on in a new one. New people are the life of any internet community. You don't have to agree, you don't have to say something new, you don't have to know people already. We won't bite. :)
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.