Author Topic: How Well Do You Know That Person Living With You?  (Read 8279 times)


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Re: How Well Do You Know That Person Living With You?
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2009, 07:35:37 pm »

What was he/she wearing?
Shirt and pants, no tie.

What were you wearing?
Probably a dress.

I think that is so sweet! You remember what HE was wearing and dont remember what you were wearing!


When did you meet his/her family? Did they like you?
At his nephew's fifth birthday party.  His mother hated me even before she met me.

oh NO! {{{Fran}}}

what does SHE know??


What is one thing he/she does that drives you nuts?
He'll cut a banana in half and leave the half he's not going to eat to dry up. I tell him to eat the whole thing or throw the other half away because no one's going to eat half a banana.  (Not even him.  He'll just cut up another one.)

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Thank you, Fran for taking my lil survey!


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Re: How Well Do You Know That Person Living With You?
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2009, 07:19:44 am »
Hey you sneak poster!! I was wondering why you didn't take this poll and here it is. I missed it!!

Where did you meet your SO?  He was a friend of a friend, and he knocked on my door one time, inroduced hmself and asked if I wanted to go to a barbecue the following night...11 months later I married him.

How old were you? How old was he/she?...I was 16...he was 21

What is the first thing he/she said to you after hello? my name is Bob, I'm a friend of Barry up the road.\

What was he/she wearing? shorts and tee shirt

What were you wearing? shorts and top

Who made the first move? he did

Where did you first kiss? at the front gate after our third date

THIRD? good grief...I can't imagine... ;D

What do you do to show him/her that you love them? care for him, laugh with him, be with him

How do THEY show their love for you? cares for me, laughs with me, be's with me

This just strikes me as so sweet and two seem so in sync

thank you maam!

Offline Katie77

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Re: How Well Do You Know That Person Living With You?
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2009, 07:28:53 am »
Hey you sneak poster!! I was wondering why you didn't take this poll and here it is. I missed it!!

THIRD? good grief...I can't imagine... ;D
This just strikes me as so sweet and two seem so in sync

thank you maam!

Believe it or not...he was shy.......we had been to see The Dirty Dozen (very romantic) at the DRIVE IN....and believe it or not we did watch the movie......when he walked me to the gate, I thought he was gonna shake my bloody hand...then I said...."dont you ever give a girl a kiss goodnight?".......then he said...."well if that's an invitation" then he kissed me......then there was no stopping him......lost his shyness real quick........the rest is history......
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfection


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Re: How Well Do You Know That Person Living With You?
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2009, 07:31:11 am »
Believe it or not...he was shy.......we had been to see The Dirty Dozen (very romantic) at the DRIVE IN....and believe it or not we did watch the movie......when he walked me to the gate, I thought he was gonna shake my bloody hand...then I said...."dont you ever give a girl a kiss goodnight?".......then he said...."well if that's an invitation" then he kissed me......then there was no stopping him......lost his shyness real quick........the rest is history......

uh huh...shy...he tricked you into 'inviting' him so you couldn't blame HIM when the kids started showing up...

 ;)  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Offline Fran

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Re: How Well Do You Know That Person Living With You?
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2009, 09:39:35 am »
what does SHE know??

I was the "wrong" religion.  But not to worry.  All's well now.  (Sometimes she's nicer to me now than to her son.)

Offline optom3

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Re: How Well Do You Know That Person Living With You?
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2009, 05:16:09 pm »
I was the "wrong" religion.  But not to worry.  All's well now.  (Sometimes she's nicer to me now than to her son.)

My first mother  law despised me and made no secret of the fact. She sobbed all the way through the wedding and they were not tears of joy. She sat at the top table crying and when she wasn't crying she was ranting at me, which she continued to do for 7 years.
The only time she was even vaguely pleasant,  was when we were getting our divorce, post her son coming out. At that point she came round, sobbing again, but begging me to stay with him.!
We had the most amicable divorce ever and to this day he still sends my parents a Xmas card.He really is one of life's gentle souls, a real sweetheart.His mother disowned him when he met and moved in with his partner and has never spoken a word to him since.His father who was a real one of the golfing boys type, accepted the situation 100% .
My ex is still with his partner 20 years on and his parents are long since divorced. his father keeps a room spare for them when they come to visit. If only there were more people around like him. It took a quantum leap of love and courage to adopt the stance he took over his son, particularly round his golfing buddies.