Author Topic: Ennis says: " I wasn't no angel like you & Jenny..."  (Read 2431 times)


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Ennis says: " I wasn't no angel like you & Jenny..."
« on: August 06, 2006, 02:09:31 am »
Tell Us: “How Can You 'Be an Angel’? “

Watching this community come together for several of our members who have faced hardship and illness, most recently John Gallagher and now Chris has shown me what I suspected all along; i.e. that we are surrounded by angels in human form.  That got me thinking, and then my son came home from his youth group today and tells me that August 22 is "Be an Angel" Day.

Are you someone's earth angel?  Or do you know someone who's an earth angel?  How does one go about being an angel in the life of another?  Is it a conscious decision, or is it a more intrinsic part of your persona? In other words;  are you angelic by nature or did you have it trust upon you when you stepped up, coz no one else did?

Please take a minute and share tips, stories, and photos (if you have em’) of how you or someone else you’ve known has or can pass on these blessings.  Show us the meaningful, spiritual, and inspirational ways someone can be an angel and touch the life of another with no thought other than caring and a desire to do good.

It doesn’t have to be long, just 2-5 sentences; You know one of those "random acts of kindness" kind of things....whether it's about cooking someone a meal or picking up a neighbor's kids at school, of carrying groceries for an elderly stranger, feeding a stray cat or praying for a sick friend and lighting candles… tell us about it won’t you.


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Re: Ennis says: " I wasn't no angel like you & Jenny..."
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2006, 10:26:16 am »
One time I was meeting with the chief of police of Beverly Hills, California, to obtain a filming permit, because I was working for the Epilepsy Foundation of America, and we were filming a commercial (psa, actually) with Henry Winkler. The chief was most interested in why a young LA woman would want to work for a nonprofit instead of for the studios. He told me he had studied these things, and he said an altruistic streak develops when one of the child's parents dominates, abuses, or subjugates the other parent. The child sees this, and tries to help the weaker parent, and learns a pattern of behavior that goes on their whole life.

Well, this does describe me. I had a father whom I loved, but who was like OMT (Old Man Twist) in many ways. And my mother, the youngest of eight children, was a lot like Alma. As the oldest child, I could never be like my mother, and also because I have a lot of my father in me. But I have tried to turn my forcefulness to good ends because I have seen what it's done when misused. This is a pseudo scientific way of partially answering the question U put so eloquently, Vic.
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Re: Ennis says: " I wasn't no angel like you & Jenny..."
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2006, 10:42:14 am »
There are two friends I have right now.  Interestingly, both of their names are Jackie - one spelled with an "ie" and one spelled just with an "i" (Jacki is her given name, not a cutesy way of spelling the nickname, which the poor girl has had to explain her whole life).

Of all the people in the world, these are the only two I know (outside of everyone here, of course) who never judge me.  Who never give me unsolicited advice.  Who support me in all my silly little dreams and aspirations and even obsessions so much that whenever they hear or read about anything relating to any of them in the news, they send me the clips/photos/whatever about them.

I was having lunch with the "ie" Jackie on Friday and bemoaning to her how I feel like I'm getting hit from all sides lately.  How Ed and I are at each other's throats because Will's going through a very difficult behavioral (or lack thereof) stage, how a co-worker is complaining to our manager and other co-workers that I don't work as hard as she does (truth is, I do, I actually have more projects than she and I get them all done ahead of schedule - I just don't bitch about it constantly like she does), how someone I thought was my friend is lately giving me all this "advice" lately about how to spice up my marriage because she thinks the fact that I obsess about certain actors so much is because something is missing from my sex life.  This from the girl who's been divorced twice and has now been married for the third time for a whopping three months to a guy she admits to having *nothing* in common with but great sex.  I said to Jackie, "I'm surrounded by people trying to fix me!  Except for you.  Thank GOD for you."

Sometimes our angels are just the people who know us completely but who love us anyway.
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Re: Ennis says: " I wasn't no angel like you & Jenny..."
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2006, 07:15:05 pm »
Mine is my brother Walt, the oldest.  He never ceases to amaze me.  He has always been my hero when I was little girl of 4 or 5 he was already 17 and I adored him, I was the flower girl in his wedding, He was an usher at mine, He is the person in my Will designated to take my children if something should happen to me.  Walt is a quiet guy, with a terrific infectious sense of humor and fun.  He has gone out of his way to be emotionally support of my boys and me...example, I cared from My Mom at home after her stroke for 2 years, 1 month after the funeral he got my other brothers together and they all sent me and the boys on a cruise and they took turns taking care of Dad...WHen my son went on his first date on Valentines Day my brother showed up with his vintage fully restored Model A dressed all in black with a black cap and bottle of sparkling cider on ice and two champagne flutes to act as chauffer to impress Dave's date.  What can I say he's one terrific guy....I guess he's still my hero.

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Re: Ennis says: " I wasn't no angel like you & Jenny..."
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2006, 01:02:46 am »
Hi Victoria...I think he just became mine.  And I know you tell him how much he means to you...Doug


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Re: Ennis says: " I wasn't no angel like you & Jenny..."
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2006, 12:43:22 pm »
I've had so many "earth angels" come to my rescue over the years, I'm convinced there must be someone out there looking after my butt full-time! Those incidents include dropping my billfold on a street in New York City and someone picking it up and running to catch up to me and return it. Seen a few dropped jaws when I've related that one.

But the strangest incident was many years ago, when I'd taken the Greyhound bus from Atlanta to Jacksonville (FLA) for the day to attend a concert. I discovered on getting there that the map I had wasn't at all adequate. Tried asking a policeman for directions and he said he'd be glad to drive me there if I'd "make it worth his while" in the back seat. Ugh.

So I decided to walk, and ask directions along the way. After going several blocks I stopped into a little newstand place to see if I was going in the right direction. While I was talking to the clerk, a guy in military fatigues came out of the back room and said "you'll have to go through some rough neighborhoods to get there, I'll walk with you."  And he did. We went about 10 blocks, got to the stadium where the concert was, and he said "have a good time, take a cab back to the bus station" and left. He wouldn't take any payment, didn't give me his name and I never saw him again.

I've had that kind of thing happen so often over the years. Sometimes it's a friend who appears just at the right time and place but more often it's the kindness of strangers that I meet only once. Built up some medium-good karma, maybe.