Author Topic: "closet" BBM fans  (Read 5801 times)


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"closet" BBM fans
« on: September 01, 2006, 09:28:04 pm »
I debated whether to post this on another thread or make it it's own.   I wonder if there is many "closet"fans???.   I told the people I go to school with that I liked BBM....They looked at me funny "YOU?  Like "that" movie" someone at school asked me with huge eyes and a shocked look.  They looked at me even funnier when I said I had been to some of the scenes of the movie.   
I orginally saw the movie with alittle nuge from my husband... who had seen it a week before on his "quiet night out".  When I saw it I knew what the story line was about, cause my husband had told me.  For him he had gone to see the movie because it was all done in this area.  I don't think he ever expected to like the movie.  We had never connected on this level before.

But back to the "closet"  fans.  If I, a white, married, female, with 2 kids.   Is questioned about the movie (and yes my husband is questioned about it, even here on BM).  I wonder if theres many out there.  I do know a few who when they found out that I had actually been to some of the movie scenes gave in and told me... in hopes to see the pictures my husband had taken.   As well  this one friend who is straight went on a camping trip and questioned their best friend if they had seen in the movie..... and the person they were questioning started talking smack about BBM.  That there made the person not want to reveal that they were a BBM fan, and understood the movie most likely more then they could understand. And they hadn't even seen the movie.   Even on t.v theres is comments about it.  Look at scary Movie 4.  They make light of BBM "oh I am just grabbing some nuts".  There has to be more people like us out there that like Brokeback Mountain. Whether gay, Lesibian, Bi sexual, or straight.

I faught it for a bit tried to put different spins on it.  But then I realized I needed to explore myself more.  And boy I have explored!!!  And at the same time it has opened a whole new level of talking with my husband I respect his emotional side.might get it for saying that one  ;) ;D

So what's your take on this?? do you know what I mean?? Do you think theres "Closet " BBM fans?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2006, 09:33:59 pm by iluvchocolate »

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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 09:48:48 pm »
*raises hand*

Well, people I work with know that I went to see BBM, because I got one of their kids to babysit. (He commented that he had heard that it was a very good movie, but, "ummmmmm... controversial." And another of my friends knows that I went to see it at least twice, because I tried to get her to come with me the 2nd time. (She had already seen it, but wasn't obsessed.)

So there's "yes, I went to see that highly acclaimed artistic Ang Lee movie." And then there's "I really, really liked it and kept obsessing about it for months." I'm not in the closet about the first, but the 2nd? Yeah.
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.

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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2006, 10:17:10 pm »
I'm sure there are closeted BBM fans.  How could there not be?  But unless they're on the internet, we're not likely to know who they are.

In the days before the internet, you depended on fan magazines to feed your obsessions.  When the hullabaloo about a movie faded, it's likely your interest faded, too.  I'm sure I would have a normal life now if it weren't for BetterMost.  As it is, I've got a BBM habit that requires a daily fix.  ;D

I don't make it a secret that I'm a fan of the movie and that I frequent a website where we discuss it.  My friends/family know that I've met some of my BBM friends in person, as I did my Lord of the Rings friends.  But that's as far as I go.  I've learned over the years that no matter how enthusiastic I am over something, it never really translates to other people.  They have to find it for themselves to really appreciate it.
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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2006, 10:32:16 pm »
Well I guess bottom line is, that I mean that.... It wouldn't surprise me if there was Cause of Todays society.  I mean look at model and they way they set standards for for teenage girls to be thin.  But I can't believe that anyone would let todays society set it.  I mean look at Ellen degrense (sp?)  and Rosie O'donnel.  When they spoke out about their sexuallity their public appearance changed. 

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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 11:59:24 pm »
I wouldn't expect for a married, hetero woman to have to be a closeted fan. What are you afraid of? I mean, if someone's gonna talk smack about BBM, tell 'em how it is: that this movie is fantastic and artistic masterpiece.  ;) Ahh, I know everyone's entitled to their respective opinions and what not, but I get very peeved with the more outrageous Brokeback revolutionaries.

One occasion that I'm still kicking myself over: At work one day, my boss had told me how she called me the day prior and heard that I was at the movie theatre. Turns out she was at the same theatre, seeing Nanny McPhee with her kids and she asks me, "What did you go see?" I said, "Brokeback Mountain." (It was my 5th viewing.) She asks, "Hmm...and what'd you think of it?" I was like, "Eh, it was depressing." And I realized as I said it that I sounded as though I was indifferent to the movie so I quickly added "But very well-done!" At that point, someone started talking to her so I doubt she paid the slightest amount of attention to what I had to say then.

I know in the grand scheme of things, it's really not important but if I could do it again, since people so rarely ask me what I think of Brokeback (and it's one of my very favorite things to talk about), I would say how I really feel -- like Ennis should have done -- "It's, what I believe to be, the best movie I have ever seen. It's devastating, beautiful, subtle, honest, and artistic, and I could watch it again and again."

I don't usually let people know that I'm obsessed with this movie but I try to be upfront about it. If it comes up -- which for some reason, it very rarely does -- I'll say things like, "Yeah, I thought it was really good. Ang Lee's a genius. It was wonderfully-acted."

Those, still, are such understatements.
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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 12:15:01 am »
No it wasn't me.  I am actually quite open to this movie.  But I do have friends that aren't.  I have tried to tell them them that if people don 't understand that they aren't ........forgive me for saying this but........ bright enough to realize that you can and will make your own judgements in life.  My classmate in school actually thought cause I liked the movie and she didn't that I should change my mind..... Of course she was shocked when I came in to school saying I was at the stops where the film was taped.

Its people like her that want the world to comform to her way.  She has tried to get me to change my opinion about BBM and of course she hasn't.  I love BBM!  I enoyed seeing the mountains and the sets from the movie just as much as my husband.  I am not ashamed of it.  But others need to stand up and say "Hey I LOVE that film"! and not care what others like.  They are not worth being friends with if they passed a negative judgement on you about the film.

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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2006, 12:53:41 am »
What are you afraid of? I mean, if someone's gonna talk smack about BBM, tell 'em how it is: that this movie is fantastic and artistic masterpiece.

What I do/have done:
-- Recommend it to everyone I know
-- Praise it to the stars, talking about its artistic greatness, emotional power, fantastic acting and writing, etc. etc.
-- Admit I've seen it more than once (exact number varies according to whom I'm talking to)
-- Curse the Academy Awards and vow to boycott the Oscar show from now on
-- Defend it to people who don't like it or are reluctant to see it; at the very least react scornfully toward their ignorance and lack of taste

What I don't do/haven't done:
-- Admitted I have seen it 15 times (except to a few select people, all of whom have their own little odd obsessions)
-- Told anyone about my participation on the BBM message boards (again, with those same few exceptions)
-- Told ANYONE outside this board the extent to which I have thought obsessively about the movie for the past eight f'in months -- at times almost constantly during every waking hour (you all are sworn to secrecy)

For the record, this has a lot less to do with the content of the movie than with my obsession itself. The fact that it's about gay people would probably raise a few additional questions in some people's minds. But among my friends, the movie obsession itself would be by far the overriding weirdness (as, frankly, it would be to me, if I weren't the one experiencing it).

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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2006, 05:46:35 am »
Yeah, of course there are "closet fans of BBM", just like there are many people who feel that gay men and lesbians should have the right to marry in the USA, but don't talk about their support of that issue out of fear that someone will think "they are queer!" or they're aren't "good Christians" or they "have a gay person in their family" or some dreadful event like that! (LOL)   ;)

But the wonderful thing about the movie is that it got and still gets people talking about homosexuality.  The more people talk about it, openly and honestly, the more many will understand that the orientation isn't as rare or strange as some try to tell us. 

So, I say, COME OUT OF THE BROKEBACK MT FAN CLOSET!  Don't be afraid to talk about it.  It's just a movie, and then, it just way more than a movie too.


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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2006, 07:07:05 am »
My biggest problem is finding people who have seen the movie......

I would guess that if they havent all ready seen it, then there is not much possiblility that they will become obesessed with it.....I know I was watching the theatre adverts, hanging out for it to be released here, I was all ready into it before I had even seen it, so I suppose it was going to be a normal progression that I would end up obsessed with it.

If I talk to people that havent seen it, I try to convince them to get the dvd, and watch it.....when they say to me, "isnt that the movie about the gay cowboys?", I say "it is a love story, it just happens that the love is between two guys, watch it with an open mind".....

I would think that if anyone was a "closet Brokie", they would soon come out, if they met someone who was openly a Brokie, so as they could at least have someone to talk about it with....

My guess is that there are probably people out there who have an obsession, but either dont have anyone close to them that feels the same, or they havent found a message dont have anyone to talk about it with anyway.....
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Re: "closet" BBM fans
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2006, 02:27:11 am »
Every friend I've taken to see it I told I've seen it before and thought it was so wonderful that I wanted to see it again with them.  I didn't tell more than a couple of friends that it was 10, 20, 30 times before.

For me, my reticence has nothing to do with the content.  I live in an open-minded area, and as far as I know, none of my friends are anything but gay-friendly and/or gay.  No, I keep quiet about it because I'm embarrassed to be so obsessed about anything this much.

'Course I do have a big ole BBM poster hanging on the wall in the family room, but that could just mean I like the movie or the poster art, is all.

My husband knows everything, and empathizes, and is in fact relieved, in a way, I think, because he gets his own obesssions, and he's gald to know I have it in me - takes some of the judgment off of him, or something.

And that I moderate a forum devoted to it - my husb, my mom, my sister, my daughter, and two friends know.  That's it.