Author Topic: Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon  (Read 11696 times)

Offline Lynne

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Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon
« on: September 18, 2006, 10:59:40 am »
Rebekah Jordan is planning to run in the LA AIDS Marathon 3/4/2007 to benefit the AIDS Project Los Angeles.  Many of you may know that Rebekah is a quite talented singer-songwriter and an actress.  I was recently introduced to her work in C. Jay Cox's film, Latter Days, in which she acted and performed several songs.  Here is a link for more information:

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A Plan to Get My Lazy Movie-Watchin' Butt Out from in front of my Desk!
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2006, 12:04:43 am »
So, this week while I was spending $$$ at buying things I didn't really need like the sheet music to Brokeback Mountain, an unrated copy of Latter Days (and its score), the Donnie Darko score (well, you get the picture)....

I also decided to buy this book:

The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer (Paperback)
by David A. Whitsett, Forrest A. Dolgener, Tanjala Jo Kole

(This book had high user feedback and seemed geared to an audience of average folks...should be here any day now!)

Lest you think I'm having delusions of running a marathon with Rebekah next March (would that not be the coolest, though??!!), my goals are not as lofty.  Some of you have already heard this, so skip it if you have - just keep thinking supportive thoughts!

I really, really want to go to Alberta next summer.  And I want to do it right - complete with whatever amount of hiking, backpacking, etc. that I can work into the schedule.  It will be a once-in-a-lifetime trip for me.

I have not always been such a slug.  Two years ago, I could run a 5K, swim 2 miles, bike 40, and play 45" of soccer, no problem.  Before that I played college softball and did tae kwonn do regularly.

However, I broke my left ankle in a serious car accident 5/5/2005 and although it's rebuilt with lots of hardware, it still gives me a great deal of trouble.  Couple that with 30-40 lbs I do not need, and I am just not where I want to be from a fitness standpoint.  So I'm naturally reluctant to sign up for Alberta, if I think I may be too limited in the outdoorsy fun I'm able to have while there.

My reasoning is that If I can get back to a point where I can hike 6 miles with a light pack, Alberta will be both do-able and enjoyable for me. (I arrived at this goal b/c serious Appalachian Trail hikers typically hike 10-12 miles/day with 60-80 lb packs).  So if anyone thinks I'm not being realistic, set me straight.  I do realize there will be an altitude factor which will make it tougher for us lowlanders.

So here's what I've done so far toward making these goals a reality:

-I signed up at my gym at work (which is a terrific perk of my job) complete with locker b/c getting my workout clothes there is 80% of my problem.

-I met with a trainer there to design a weight program to strengthen the ankle, as well as to make plans for improving general aerobic fitness - we're alternating recumbent bike, treadmill, and elliptical machine. (Interestingly enough though, my aerobic analysis was fine - my weak points were strength and flexibility where I scored lowest..hmmm.)

-I've been going 2-3X/week for the past 3 weeks, though Fridays do not really count because it's a really relaxing yoga class that's more for mental health than anything else.  One class last week, tho, was spinning, which was brutal, so I figure it balanced out.

-I'm taking Repliva (iron supplements) as well as a multi-vitamin and my last bloodwork shows I'm no longer anemic. (Three months ago they were threatening blood transfusions!)

And here's what I hope to do in the next month:

-Continue with the gym workouts as much as possible, with 3X/week (1 hours sessions, 30" aerobic) being the goal.

-Call up a soccer friend (Hal) and arrange for him to kick the ball around with me once or twice before matches to just evaluate how bad my lateral ankle motion is.  If it's not as bad as I think, I may try playing an indoor match with them - outdoor is out of the question for now, because I just fall down on uneven terrain.  If that doesn't work well, I'm going to try hitting tennis balls against a wall.

-Sign up to run in a 5K at Sewanee at the end of the month.  It's all for charity and I can start walking when I've had enough, but it will be a good gauge of where things stand after 7 weeks of gym aerobics.

That's all I can think of now, but I'm interested to know if there are any other BetterMostians out there who are feeling like they want to make some improvements in this area?

Pipe in and share and let's support each other (like always)!!



I'm 100% certain that watching BBM 21 times and spending 15 days total on BetterMost and meeting Brokies in person and drinking picthers of margaritas could NOT be part of the problem, so those issues will not be mentioned.  8)
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Offline nakymaton

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Re: Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2006, 12:19:37 am »
Do it! Do it! Do it! :D

Moose Mountain, where a lot of the spectacular mountain scenes were shot, is a 14 km hike, roundtrip. Longer than you're aiming for. Do you think you could work up to it?
« Last Edit: October 22, 2006, 10:42:10 pm by nakymaton »
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.

Offline Lynne

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Re: Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2006, 12:33:10 am »
Do it! Do it! Do it! :D

Moose Mountain, where a lot of the spectacular mountain scenes were shot, is a 14 km hike, roundtrip. Longer than you're aiming for. Do you think you could work up to it?

(I ran my first marathon a month ago... I've been very gradually working up to it after having a baby three and a half years ago. Different challenges than recovering from an ankle injury, but working with a physical therapist/trainer in my family helped a lot.)

Thanks so much for your support!! 14K roundtrip to Moose Mountain, hunh?  There's plenty of time to work up to that with proper motivation, which exists here in abundance!  Excellent input!

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Offline tamarack

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Re: Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2006, 07:46:32 pm »
Hey, Lynn, I'm really happy and excited for you! Doesn't it feel good to have a new direction to be heading in? A whole lot has been happening in my life, too, very recently. And it's all because of Brokeback. I'm happier than I've been in years and people I barely know are seeing the difference in me (as well as the people I work with).

Don't even consider that you won't have a great time in Alberta. It's going to be wonderful.

I'll donate $10.00 to your charity 5K for a little added inspiration. Seriously, send me your address and I'll send you a check.

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2006, 08:25:55 pm »
Do it! Do it! Do it! :D

Moose Mountain, where a lot of the spectacular mountain scenes were shot, is a 14 km hike, roundtrip. Longer than you're aiming for. Do you think you could work up to it?

AND up, then downhill, right?  I have a long way to go to get ready, but I want to.  For those of us who are metrically-challenged, what is that in miles?

I announce that I am in training for Alberta as well.  I throw my hat into the ring.


Offline nakymaton

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Re: Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2006, 09:23:49 am »
It's a little less than 9 miles. I'll snoop around some more sites and see if I can find the elevation gain (and then loss), because you're right, Clarissa, that's what makes mountains hard.
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.

Offline Lynne

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Re: Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2006, 11:46:04 am »
Hey, Lynn, I'm really happy and excited for you! Doesn't it feel good to have a new direction to be heading in? A whole lot has been happening in my life, too, very recently. And it's all because of Brokeback. I'm happier than I've been in years and people I barely know are seeing the difference in me (as well as the people I work with).

Don't even consider that you won't have a great time in Alberta. It's going to be wonderful.

I'll donate $10.00 to your charity 5K for a little added inspiration. Seriously, send me your address and I'll send you a check.

Tamarack - that's very nice of you!  Thank you so much for the support.  However, I'll be accepting no donations at this time.  If you want to support the LA Marathon for AIDS and Rebekah Jordan's run, that link is in the first post.  She just got me going with the idea of getting back in good shape so I COULD do something like that one day.  Of course, if by some miracle I am able to sign up for a marathon by early next year, then we can re-think it!
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Offline Lynne

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Re: Rebekah Jordan is running in the 2007 LA AIDS Marathon
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2006, 01:20:12 am »
AND up, then downhill, right?  I have a long way to go to get ready, but I want to.  For those of us who are metrically-challenged, what is that in miles?

I announce that I am in training for Alberta as well.  I throw my hat into the ring.


Awesome, Clarissa!  ;)
I am sure we can do this, 'hunnert percent!'

Downhill is tougher on me than uphill ankle-wise for some reason.  The trainer at the gym gave me some exercises to do that are supposed to strengthen it.  It's using this tibia weight machine, where you basically insert your foot, then lift and lower a little bar with weights by flexing your ankle.  With my right ankle, I can do it in that slow, controlled motion they tell you to use.  But the left, I can raise it properly, but when I try to lower it, it just flops...very frustrating!
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 01:23:37 am by Lynne »
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Offline Lynne

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Latest Update on Rebekah's progress
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2006, 01:31:23 am »
(This is from Rebekah's latest newsletter, which you can get by signing up on her website...
Check it out if you get a chance.  I love her music and you can hear some of it on the site.  I'm so glad I 'discovered' her through Latter Days.  Thank you again, Daniel.  I'm going to try to send in my donation this week!

"Hello friends! As promised, just wanted to keep you updated on my marathon training progress.

This past weekend, we increased our miles to...(wait for it)...6!! Yeah, 6 miles! *does cartwheel, then pulls a muscle* I can't even wrap my brain around it. And yet I did it.

Turns out marathons require shopping. I bought a Timex Ironman/Marathon watch. I feel like such a bad ass when I wear it. Is it the watch or my red terry cloth 80s wristband? Maybe the combination of both. Anyway, our training is based on run/walk intervals, so my watch beeps when it's time to run and then again when it's time to walk. I bought it at this running store in L.A. where they were kind enough to set it for me. Thank God, because left to my own devices that watch would probably be beeping at all hours, waking up my neighbors, because the instructions make no sense.

It's mandatory that we carry water now since the runs are getting longer. Everyone looks hilarious in their little hydration belts and fanny packs. Mine is black with 2 lime green neon bottles. So with my hot pink shirt, red wristband, and neon green water bottles, I look more like a rainbow in training than a runner. And I'm fine with that :-)

The thing that worries me now, more than the running, is the fundraising. I am training through the National Aids Marathon Program to help improve the lives of people living with AIDS. I shouldn't say "people" living with AIDS, that seems so impersonal. In actuality these men, women, and children are someone's daughter, son, husband, sister, brother, best friend, uncle, lover, poker partner, co-worker, secret crush...these are people who mean a lot to someone else. And anonymously my efforts could mean a great deal to them. We have to raise $1500 individually by December. Yikes. I'm not even halfway there. But it's such a necessary cause and it feels amazing to be pushing myself in this way.

Truly no donation amount is too small (or great!). It all adds up, just like my miles do every week. And your donation is tax deductible. (though my sore feet are not)

So I've come up with a few incentives for you, My Future Sponsors...

A $10 donation will get you an autographed picture!

A $25 donation will get you an autographed copy of my EP, The Trouble With Fiction.

A $50 donation will get you an autograhed picture, an autographed copy of The Trouble With Fiction and a poster.

And ANY donation will make you feel all warm and fuzzy because you'll know you've done a good thing.


Next weekend it's 7 miles! Wish me luck.

Til next time with lots of love,

« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 10:39:01 pm by Lynne »
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