Author Topic: Messages From The Heartland  (Read 2188563 times)

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4490 on: May 13, 2009, 04:10:17 am »
again (((David))

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4491 on: May 13, 2009, 04:24:40 am »
Everyone's said it better than me, but I am sorry to hear that your sister has a drinking problem and behaves so badly when she is drinking.  But as the others have said, you shouldn't have to put up with abuse.  She probably doesn't even realise the effect she has on everyone when she's drinking.  No excuse though for what she did at the restaurant.   :(

Offline Katie77

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4492 on: May 13, 2009, 04:26:55 am »
Oh dear've certainly had to deal with these problems around you before.

Regardless of their problems I know by the way you talk about your mum, how much you adored her, and now miss her so much, and no doubt you love your sister too.

I wish she could see how much she is missing out on with her brother, because of the dam alcohol. Its a terrible shame, but it is her problem, not yours, so dont feel guilty about your actions towards her.

Take care.....
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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4493 on: May 13, 2009, 08:04:31 am »
Everyone's said it better than me, but I am sorry to hear that your sister has a drinking problem and behaves so badly when she is drinking.  But as the others have said, you shouldn't have to put up with abuse.  She probably doesn't even realise the effect she has on everyone when she's drinking.  No excuse though for what she did at the restaurant.   :(

 :o :o :o :o :o :o

WHO is that, outside the Polling forum!!??


 ;D ;D

hi, Min!!!


see? that wasn't so scary! you come and talk to us again!

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4494 on: May 13, 2009, 10:32:40 pm »
Hi Min, and welcome! :)

And thanks everyone for your support regarding my sister. Her ass should be half way back to Denver by now. I think her flight left at 8:45 or something like that. It takes about 2 hours to fly from Indy to Denver.

I know it's terrible to say, but I'm glad she's gone. My poor niece had to put up with that shit for 5 days. I'll bet her nerves are totally shot now, and her mind is probably gone too.  :(

We have some horrible storms coming. We had some earlier but they've moved into neighboring Ohio and Kentucky. These next storms will be arriving around 4 am ET. Tornadoes, hail and all that happy horse shit.

Maybe they'll somehow miss us. But I don't wish tornadoes on anyone.


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Offline optom3

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4495 on: May 13, 2009, 11:41:56 pm »
Oh David, you are having a rough ride at the moment. :'(
James father is an alcoholic, non drinking now for 5 years.His mother before him was and she has been dry for 20 years.
I know only too well the humiliating and stinging barbs of the drinking alcoholic. If it's any consolation people usually just feel sorry for the recipient.
I ended up not going anywhere with my ex. or having people round, it was way too cringe making. I never thought he would stop drinking and indeed he did not until everyone, his mother included had gone the tough love route. He became isolated apart from his alcoholic cohorts.
You should do the tough love thing, otherwise if you try to accommodate her, you do her no favours.

I have no idea how my mother in law found the courage to throw her son out, but she did. Maybe because she had reached her own rock bottom some years previously and knew it was the only way.

If the whites of her eyes are turning yellow, then she is jaundiced which in turn means her liver is in trouble. The liver is remarkable in its ability to regenerate but only for so long.
Your sister needs help, but unfortunately it can not come from you.The very first impetus for change has to be hers,no one else can do it.
Please for your own sanity and happiness, put your foot down and under no circumstances feel guilty about it. You are a lovely sweet man and have been so kind to me.Do not let your sister maneuver you into a corner.If a mother can turn her back on her son, to help him get well, you can with your sister.Trite but true, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
I am sending cyber hugs winging your way. :-*


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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4496 on: May 15, 2009, 01:10:42 am »

don't read if you don't want to be scared...highlight to read...

October 15, 2001
Resurrectionists was the name given to grave robbers of the 19th century, who supplied medical school anatomists with the all-important cadavers with which to perform their dissections. The most common method utilized by resurrectionists to procure the bodies was to use dig vertically down to the head end of the coffin. They would then move enough of the coffin lid to expose only the head of the corpse. Deftly they would slip a rope noose over the head and draw the body out of the coffin and up to the surface. An account of what it was like to be on the 'receiving end' was provided by John Macintire, buried alive in a state of trance in 1824: 'All was silent ... I heard a low sound in the earth and fancied that the worms and reptiles were coming ... The sound continued to grow louder and nearer ... Can it be possible, thought I, that my friends suspect they have buried me too soon? ... They dragged me out of the coffin by the head ... I was thrown down like a clod ... Being rudely stripped of my shroud I was placed naked on a table ... the demonstrator took his knife and pierced my bosom ... a convulsive shudder instantly followed ... my trance was at an end.' (Death:A History Of Man's Obsessions And Fears)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4497 on: May 15, 2009, 01:28:06 am »

don't read if you don't want to be scared...highlight to read...

October 15, 2001
Resurrectionists was the name given to grave robbers of the 19th century, who supplied medical school anatomists with the all-important cadavers with which to perform their dissections. The most common method utilized by resurrectionists to procure the bodies was to use dig vertically down to the head end of the coffin. They would then move enough of the coffin lid to expose only the head of the corpse. Deftly they would slip a rope noose over the head and draw the body out of the coffin and up to the surface. An account of what it was like to be on the 'receiving end' was provided by John Macintire, buried alive in a state of trance in 1824: 'All was silent ... I heard a low sound in the earth and fancied that the worms and reptiles were coming ... The sound continued to grow louder and nearer ... Can it be possible, thought I, that my friends suspect they have buried me too soon? ... They dragged me out of the coffin by the head ... I was thrown down like a clod ... Being rudely stripped of my shroud I was placed naked on a table ... the demonstrator took his knife and pierced my bosom ... a convulsive shudder instantly followed ... my trance was at an end.' (Death:A History Of Man's Obsessions And Fears)

Eww! That's really creepy Jess!

Did you know they practice a form of Voodoo in Haiti where they blow powder on you and turn you into a living zombie. They will bury you alive and allow you to scratch your way out. They made a movie about it back in the 1980's. I forget the name, but apparently it's true.

I don't think they do that very often anymore... thank GOD!! :P

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4498 on: May 15, 2009, 01:32:43 am »

Eww! That's really creepy Jess!

Did you know they practice a form of Voodoo in Haiti where they blow powder on you and turn you into a living zombie. They will bury you alive and allow you to scratch your way out. They made a movie about it back in the 1980's. I forget the name, but apparently it's true.

I don't think they do that very often anymore... thank GOD!! :P

eeek....that is scary!

I found this website where they tell all those macabre stories....

it is like driving by an accident..I dont' WANT to look but I can't help it!

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #4499 on: May 15, 2009, 01:51:18 am »
I still can't think of the name of that movie, but here's something about the zombies from Wikipedia:

Puffer poisoning usually results from consumption of incorrectly prepared puffer soup, chiri or occasionally from raw puffer meat, sashimi fugu. While chiri is much more likely to cause death, sashimi fugu often causes intoxication, light-headedness, and numbness of the lips, and is often eaten for this reason. Puffer's (tetrodotoxin) poisoning will cause deadening of the tongue and lips, dizziness, and vomiting. These are followed by numbness and prickling over the body, rapid heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and muscle paralysis. Death results from suffocation as diaphragm muscles are paralyzed. Patients who live longer than 24 hours are expected to survive, although the poison can cause comas lasting several days. Many people report being fully conscious during the entirety of the coma, and can often remember everything that was said while they were supposedly unconscious.[citation needed] In Voodoo, puffer's poison must be ingested by the victim for the black magic of creating "zombies," most likely because of the pseudocomatose effect.[4]

Pufferfish, called pakpao, are also consumed in Thailand, usually by mistake, at times these fish are eaten because they are cheaper to buy, and there is little awareness or monitoring of the situation. Patients are regularly hospitalized or die as there are no specific preparations to remove the toxin before eating.

That's what happened in the movie. They blew this white powder shit in his face and he went into a very deep death-like coma. Then they put him in a coffin and buried him. After he woke up he had to scratch his way out of his grave.

WHOOOO!!!!! That's creepy! :o

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