I'm really sorry if you felt it as an attck, mevens-- I not onlky didn't mean to attack you personally, but didn't even mean to attack what you had said. I just disagreed with it. In any case, I am very unhappy that anyone took it as an attack on anyone, and apologize for it.
It is terrible to be the victim oif assault, for robbery or any other reason; reading about a pirate is for me a different matter.
No, it is certainly not wrong for you not to have killers as friends...it's probably very strange of me.
The killer I mentioned was saved from execution by the greatest lawyer in the country, built the libraries in the two prisons he was in from scratch, taught courses, for which fellow-prisoners eventuallty received credit, ands volunteered for the maleria experiments (before they found a cure). He was releassed from prison after about 40 yerars, moved to South America, married a nurse, and lived quietly until his death ten years later. (Both my parents wre in school with him at the University of Chicago).
Not all people who do bad things undergo such transformations, of course. My husband and I used to know a man who killed another because the the other had broken his jaw. Hardly an excuse. yet we couldn't help liking him, because he was--such a nice guy.
I think we should all remember that Jack is changing, and will nevertheless be punished, one way or the other.
I imagine I sounded---flip. That's my usual sin.
Sorry. As fr YOU, David, speaking of attacks! Whew! (Of course, yoiu can;'t read this...) I wonder on what occasions I have "done this several times"? Sure you don't have me mixed up with the Marquis de Sade?