Author Topic: A Trip To Remember (Sacramento Bee)  (Read 2115 times)

Offline SFEnnisSF

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A Trip To Remember (Sacramento Bee)
« on: November 04, 2006, 01:41:31 am »

Every girl wants a cowboy. Well, this was mine ...

It was 1991, and I met him on a Nevada dude ranch where the sage filled my nose and made me feel giddy, restless and wild.

Cowboy's eyes were crystal blue. He held doors open for women and called them "Miss" and tipped his hat. He really did. He was everything a cowboy would end up being: a gentleman, a visionary, a whiskey drinker, a smooth dancer and a smooth talker -- a coyote, slick and sneaky.

The first day we met, we two-stepped around each other, smiling and flirting shamelessly. At dusk, when a golden glow took over, we rode down to the meadow to feed the cattle.

"Put your foot in my stirrup," he said, "and kick up." I slid my hands around his waist. He smelled like hay, sweat and red dirt.

The next day, he stole me away from a dude-ranch picnic and hayride. He decided to answer my question, "Why this life?" He lived in a trailer, guided trail rides, hustled for weekend wannabes. Why?

His answer didn't come in words.

We sneaked away, rode fast and ran switchbacks through the mountains until the ranch disappeared. Miles away, we reached a plateau where the sky opened up wide. A heavy mist swirled in, making me glad for slickers and Stetsons.

Cowboy leaned over and tucked his coat around my neck. I could see the dew on his mustache; hear his horse, Sergeant, breathing, his hooves stomping.

Our saddles squeaked and Cowboy's spurs rattled against his stirrups. The sky blew and bustled like a crinoline party dress while the sage and dust whipped around and perfumed up the sky.

I felt peaceful.

Cowboy answered my question and he never said a word.

Offline JennyC

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Re: A Trip To Remember (Sacramento Bee)
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2006, 01:56:30 am »

The site requires registration.  Anyway I think you have already posted the story in your post.  Thanks for sharing the story.

Offline RouxB

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Re: A Trip To Remember (Sacramento Bee)
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 03:20:41 am »
Thanks for sharing this Eric-I had a big smile on my face and wanting in my heart reading it.

