Author Topic: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings  (Read 2709825 times)

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1060 on: August 01, 2007, 08:30:18 pm »
Bueno pero no digas la palabra que te ensene en Calgary!  Es muy fea!

I am going to have to work on that one, but I think I sould probably say:
Oh, I'm sorry. ;)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 08:37:39 pm by Shakestheground »
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1061 on: August 01, 2007, 08:36:39 pm »
Hey Truman, here's an early birthday present for you.  It's always nice when you know you are giving somebody something they really want.  You will have to get the sound on your computer fixed...

("Listen Now" button in the upper right)

Love from one of your many friends,

SHIT! That is Genius! We were like groving to that on the way to the airport and mentioned doing it and who knows if I ever would have or remembered and here you gave it to me, gave it to everybody here and that is so cool. Awe man, I have got to get song sound on this thing and like on tororry.

"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1062 on: August 01, 2007, 08:58:36 pm »
Well, it come up on me in fits and starts.

On friday, I got a call on my phone and the person on the other end of the line said "do you know who this is?" and

I says, "No, who is this."

And it's Lee! Our own Lee calling me on the phone I am telling you and I was just as tickled because I was freaking about going to Alberta. All the tumblers had come together satifactorally and it seemed the escape would be with out much drama but I think I was more fearful of the reentry because I had some festerin work situations that I knew might be ripe by the time I got back. It helped me lighten up. Thank you, Friend!

And then that morning, I just woke up and it was a beautiful day and I thought : when I go to sleep tonight it will be in Alberta! And sure enough it was. The tip there was one of the most unmemorable experences of my life, totally stress free and uncomplicated. The only memorable thing was that I read the whole book "I Had To Do Something" By Mike Jones. He is the call guy who outed Ted Haggard. It is a wonderful read. You learn a lot about what his world is like. I think he is cool. Abe later read the book too in Alberta, but I get ahead of myself.

The sun was still glowing red in the sky @ 11 pm mountain time when the lights of Calgary appeared in the dark below, the sun had seen me safely there like a dying parent. (I don't know, really, for some reason i have been talking like this all day.)

I told two Canadian women, one a realtor in Calgary (please go away) and an Ontarian living in Florida. I told them both I was going to see where they filmed Brokeback Mountain. They were familar with the movie and had no idea it was filmed in Alberta, let alone Canada.

In Wyoming they will tell you it was fimed in Canada. If nothing else, they will tell you that.

I told it to the Canadian Customs office upon 1.2 km hike thru the Calgary Airport. Twists and turns and ramps and stairs and it got to be a test to see if you were physicall fit enought. They did provide benches.

The nice young lady said: "Reason for your trip?"

Me; "Meeting some friends from online."

Her: "Are these Canadians?"

Me: "Some are, mostly the US, and one woman from France who lives in England."

Her with big eyes: "And the purpose of your get together?"

Me: "To see the sights where Brokeback Mountain was filmed."

Her, Surprised and suddenly satifsied told me to have a good time.

I did.

"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1063 on: August 01, 2007, 09:24:18 pm »
The there was the car.

I had thought for MONTHS when I get there I am gone get me a convertible.

Well as the months went by the subcompact line was looking better and better so I asked Mr. Tudboll about
12:40 in the moring (I think that is either 24:40 or 00:40, one) just in case devine providence had a surprise for me. I am always expecting the wrong thing of devine providence. I got what I absolutly needed: An iddy biddy Toyota Yaris. I think I have seen them arond here,, but not many. I had never driven a car outside of the United States and I suddenly took it seriously. Took that and my hunger and found me a Wendy's and then a Travel Lodge that was populated by a biker gang, some with biker chicks who I think got into the fasion end of it than the ones I have seen. But they were a bit intimidating, one look just like the guy ennis kicked in the face. Their jackets and belts were all different MCs in Ontario and Roland is welcome to lay in on this anytime but they spoke French. But I seem them.

So then I head out on Hwy 1 the next morning. The Trans Canada Highway, head west, it is the main road and it goes right thru the middle of town and this is a good sized city. It ain't Denver as far as I can tell but it was big enough. especiall if you are trying to follow Kirk on the freeway. We'll get to that.

I found them with no problem at all. I just drove past the big olympic sky jump and out in to the country, it cuts off nicely. Out yondoer I tried to teach myself what a kilometer was by looking at the odometer but I was more turned on by the fact the speed limit was 110. That just looked nice even if I was intentionally reading it wrong for effect. Went right up to the Branch Boundry Lodge and got out and seen all these people standing on the porch, like Sunday at Granny's house and I got up there and I recognized Phillip, from having seen one small picture of him and hearing his voice once, which I think I recognized from the radio. He has a good voice and I never tired of hearing it. He is an amazing guy. He and John, and I lerned to think of them as such because they compliment the hell out of one another. If this heard of cats were Gilligans Island they would be Thurston and Lovey Howell, 21 st century edition that is.

And Phillip just cracks me up even when he ain't taking about that woman from Alabama and the mudbugs what got in her mailbox.

I got their attention and asked if they were Bettermost, Wyoming and then I hear my name called so I went up and the faces were coming at me like in a dream, the well known , the familar, the remembered.

And then the woman at the top of the stairs turned around. It was Mouk!

"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1064 on: August 01, 2007, 09:44:01 pm »
Mouk, is special to me because I met her on that first trip but first, please let me go back tell you what I remember of her telling me her story and she can come up in here and tell me to myob and tellit herself if she wants to.

Mouk is from France, and lives in the UK. One day, a saturday I have always imagined because she said it was a matinee, she went to the cinima and say this poster for Brokeback Mountain and it had two nice looking cowboys on it, so having heard nothing about it and based upon the obvious appeal of the main characters she bought her ticket for her ride to North America.

I learned on this trip that it was the show for the hearing impaired and it had subtitles which annoyed her at first but as devine providence would have it, came in handy, huh? ;)

So then at the end of the credits, (she is gone kill me I know, but I won;t worry about that right now) the lights come up and it is her and one guy sitting there and she can't hardly breath and he turns to her and says something to the effect: You ok?

When I first met her on the Yahoo Board I could tell she was not from the US. It was kind of a new thing for me and I thought cool. I picked up  on that and the gender fairly quick and as the fiirst gathering I went to approached we discussed by email the logistings of traveling to Wyoming from some place way far away but I don;t think I was clear on where. She would be without email for a period until the last minute. Any changes would have to be waiting for her small window of opportunity to abort if the thing didn;t happen. She was taking a risk.

I think she flew, what was it Mouk, 48 hours from Namibia? We were all in the car getting ready to go to Lightning Flat and her she come around the world in the nick of time. She had more window of opportunity to open than I ever realized. I was wowed by it. Wowed by her story, wowed by the power of this story. Words, placed in proper secquence to allow for the communcation of an experence had done this like dna comes together to make a person.

I know she enjoyed it, and when I give her a copy of Jeb and Dash befor dashing me and Wayne to our airports, their was tears in her eyes so when I seen here there at the top of them stairs I was looking, looking for that first and all I see was happiness. Hope I didn;t scare you slinging you around like that.

She has come across the water. Her intention is to remain in Canada. I am hopeful she can. If she can get into the travel industry there, she will be the person, folks from all over can come to and she could make it happen for them .

We have an express here where I live: Gurl, your the shit! And I mean that in the most positive way possible. I have long admired my ancestors who crossed that water for the crossing part but hell, your really doing it! I can;t believe it, it is wonderful! We sent up a little prayer for you. But then again, I get ahead of meself.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 12:47:56 pm by Shakestheground »
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1065 on: August 01, 2007, 10:10:42 pm »
I can almost call them, as I see them left to right, it was Phillip, and then Paul and Meryl and Juan and Roland and Rayn and John and RouxB was in the house. Well, you gotta go around and touch all of them, whch was no problem at all. I was so happy to be there. My jaw muscles was starting to loosen up.

(You see Janice I can't just write about it I gotta put on a show. At this rate I will be 44 when I finish.)

We had lunch at this really nice open air resturant in down town Canmore. Upon parting the car we observed a resident sweeping up a broken beer bottle in the street and he asked us did we want a beer, in a joking manner but it got me to thinking.

Now for a word from our sponcer: Having already had all the scapes with the law I entend having this lifetime I was mindful that I was at a much higher altitute and the effects it had on me last summer and I ordered a Guiness. Damn it was good.

Lunch was wonderful, I sat at then end with Mouk and John and across from Roland and then beside him Phillip. John at then end of the table. I decided right away that Roland was some kind of a shape shifter because he can do things with his face I have never seen another human being do. I thought I was having a flash back at first. I could tell right away there were all very intelligent people so I better act right. I soon lernt I didn;t need to be so uptight.

We went on the easy trail up to Grassi Lake as Pete had sent word to us. I knew about it from the banner Elle posted. I had seen it that morning. It was forshadowing. I would see a scene here and then after the so called easy trail saw it in real life, its green and blueish water made me say "Well, look at this...."

We were below what I later learned was a mountain peak formerly know as Chinaman Peak and addly enought there was a gentleman of unknow Asian descent with his daughter hoping to retrace his steps to his car, above. Unfortunatly we were not able to help him beyond showing him the map. After coming back from this trip I would probably have took him back, or got us lost one.

It was a good bonding with people I knew like RouxB and Paul and Mouk and people I did not know, like Juan and Meryl and Rayn. And the sun was real nice, and the air was clean, and Meryl said:

"Oh look up on the mountain, is that mist?"

It turned out not to be mist. It turned out to be DUST.

DUST I tell you, the reason Devine Providence would not let me have a convertible. Thank you.

We learned about the dust later, on Monday, just past our parting area for the Grasy Creek hike, Rt 743 (?right) turns to dust and gravel and washboard and there are people hiking and bikeing and climbing and there is dust like the dust bowl, like biblical plague, it is that dramatic.   

In the Toyota Yaris with Mouk and Rayn we followed Mayor Phil and Vice Videographer John up there and it dawned on me" They travelled on this road, Jake and Heath, on their way to do a scene, many of them.

It put me right over the edge. ANd what it is like is this: you have done travelled acrost the continent, the country, the planet, and you are wowed by the incredible beauty of the Canadian Rockies and here in some place you have never been, never thought about going to, you come opon a place you know, intimately. Like the back of your hand, like the line of your lovers spine, you are walking down a gravel road past a locked gate and the flys are biting you and you look up, and there on a mountan side across the valley is this crevass, faint, in the greened trees of summer, you know it, know what it looks like with snow in it, as Ennis Del Mal pitches an empty whiskey bottle and the tears come up in your eyes, oh may gawd.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 01:39:16 pm by Shakestheground »
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1066 on: August 01, 2007, 10:25:11 pm »
Now according to the information provided on the findingbrokeback website, and with the aid of Phil and John's boundless supple of electronic gadgetry, we were soon encouncing Meryl in her spot on the thrown of Ennis. Ennis the lassoed prince. The fair haired boy of summer who is having to leave the mountain, and by extention, his true love.

Even tough I am 30 lbs over weight and far from them summers I had my picture taken there. I didn;t ever get me in but a few and ain;t really worried about it, I really didn;t even need a camera, there was so many cameras going off you would have thought Oliver North was about to testify. From there you really should take the high road thru the rip rap and not go thru the bog like I did, to get to the camp sight.

Here the FNIT. washed clean of tons of mulch brung in for the shot, washed by sping floods not enough to completely wash away some charcoal, in a spot. This is Goat Creek. A a bend in Goat creek where a hiking trail crosses on a foot bridge that you have to climb up on and tilts up stream. It is the bridge. These are the trees, this rock Carin is the spot of the Dozy embrace scene. Visitors to the spot are encouraged to add a rock. They are encouraged by someone saying so in such a manner as it sounds like a good idea. That is all the weight it has to carry. And people pass thru there on that trail all the time and never know.

Thank you Juan and RouxB for assisting me in the reinactment. Thank you Abe for handing me a rock from Goat Creek to place in the cairn. I believe they remain there still, after we are gone. 

I made my video debute there, oh gawd I am gone have me such a margarita before watching that one!

But law it is getting late and I need to iron some clothes for tomorrow so this is it for me tonight.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 01:47:29 pm by Shakestheground »
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline JCinNYC2006

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1067 on: August 01, 2007, 10:37:05 pm »
I'm more on the edge of my seat than when I was reading the Harry Potter book, and I was there!  You sure know how to keep em coming back!  Buenas noches mi amigo...J
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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1068 on: August 02, 2007, 06:58:13 am »
Truman, thank you so much for all your writing......I have only read it once, but im sure i need to read it two or three times more, which I will...

As usual, with your wonderful words, it is easy to be sitting there right beside you, seeing what you are seeing,hearing what you are hearing, and feeling what your are feeling.

Thank you for taking the time to write it for those of us that were not fortunate enough to join you.
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It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfection

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #1069 on: August 02, 2007, 07:07:37 am »
.....And i hear its your birthday.......


Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfection