update!!!http://louisev.livejournal.com/179608.html "37. Jeremy"
Wow, Louise, that's impressive! No sooner do you promise to write a Simon/Lauren story than it's done!I guess I could have hoped for a little more plot/background/setting/character development/etc, but beggars can't be choosers.[Hey, now! - "Beggars can't be choosers" sounds like a good title for a Jeeves/Lance chapter. What d'ya think?]
SpoilerWhoa... kudos to Jeremy....
ok some more hijinks from the Kinky Couple:http://louisev.livejournal.com/179916.html "38. Chas"
SPOILER As Happy I am that Jeeves and Lance have hit it off, I fear that by Lance not taking the lumberyard job, that guy will now come back looking for Nick!
Well Jeremy seems to be having trouble consentrating on his work........I wonder what he's thinking about?........