Author Topic: Some getting to Know you Questions  (Read 10395 times)


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Re: Some getting to Know you Questions
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2006, 11:34:12 am »
1.Batman or Superman? Batman - The Mystery is sexy!

2.Best Date: Dinner and a movie or hang out with a group of friends? Both, but I'm more of a movie gal

3.Pizza: Loaded or Pepperoni? Loaded!

4.When you speak in front of a group, you:  Are calm and direct OR very nervous Calm & cool

5.When you’re sick : be babied/taken care of  OR. Want to be left alone Be babied alllll the way.

6.Perfume/Cologne/After Shave?  A little perfume, but too much is yucky

7.p/c/as For yourself or others? Same as above, a little, but not toooo much.

8.When a relationship ends:  Try to stay friends but it usually ends up being avoidance

9.At the Beach you:  Swim!!!

10 People consider you:
* outgoing and witty  OR  Outgoing & witty, I think  :D
*  shy and quiet  OR
*  rude and obnoxious

11You consider yourself: 
*above average,
*a nerd  Big time nerd

Renting a movie on a Saturday Night:  I love all genres of movies, really, but I'd probably go either sci-fi, romance or independent
*comedy OR
*sci-fi/horror  OR
*action/adventure  OR
*romance  OR
*foreign/ independent 

Dogs or Cats? Both! But cats more. I love my kitty!  ;D

In the Yard or in the house? Both, baby. Start in the yard, end in the house.

Football or Baseball? Ummm, hockey

Brokeback Mountain or Crash?: ( sorry could not resist) Tsk, tsk. Crash was alright, but BBM all the way

Heath or Jake?: My boy Jake

Jack or Ennis?: Both. Can't have one without the other

You see a guy/girl you would like to get to know. . . you:
*have a friend introduce you
*be bold and introduce yourself Definitely introduce myself, no need to be shy
*wait for them to make a move
*do nothing, they probably won’t like you

Coke or Pepsi?: Cream Soda

What childhood memory makes you happiest? Staying up all night playing video games with my brother. Pretty much any memory of my brother before he discovered drugs


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Re: Some getting to Know you Questions
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2006, 11:39:03 am »
Okay, here goes:

1. Superman--I like how you can see his face, and I like the sweet curl in his forelock. I'm terrified of flying, but I like to think I'd feel safe in Superman's arms.

2. Quiet dinner and movie at home--sheer bliss!

3. Pepperoni, for sure.

4. I'm very nervous--have horrible memories of flubbing up in high-school speech class.

5. I tend to want to be alone when sick, but am comforted in knowing that someone is nearby if I need them.

6. I don't usually use any of these products. But I do like cologne and after shave on other men!

7. See #6.

8. I haven't tended to remain friends with exes, but am not adverse to the idea in principle.

9. I swim at the beach.

10. I think people find me shy and quiet.

11. I have interests that most people would label as intellectual. But I'm a man of simple tastes.

12. I have a particular love for foreign/independent films.

13. I'm raising three cats with my sister.

14. I'm not into sports, but I find baseball more interesting from an historical point of view. Love those bulky football players, though!

15. "Brokeback Mountain" is my all-time favorite movie.

16. Jake Gyllenhaal seems like such a sweetheart, so I'll go with him.

17. I am more drawn to Ennis--there's something in this beautiful character that touches my heart very deeply.

18. I usually muster up sufficient boldness to chat with someone to whom I feel attracted. I have been known to enlist the help of friends from time to time.

19. I prefer Coke.

20. My first visit to Disneyland when I was about nine was like going to Heaven--I really was that excited.


Offline starboardlight

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Re: Some getting to Know you Questions
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2006, 12:38:26 pm »
1.Batman or Superman? Batman. I like like the idea of a mortal becoming a superhero just by sheer determination ... and money

2.Best Date: Dinner and a movie or hang out with a group of friends?  dinner and some activity, but not movie. that's 2 hours spent not getting to know one another.

3.Pizza: Loaded or Pepperoni? Pepperoni, mmmm.

4.When you speak in front of a group, you:  calm and direct if I know the topic well.

5.When you’re sick : left alone 

6.Perfume/Cologne/After Shave?  I don't like any.

7.p/c/as For yourself or others? neither, not that I can help it if others wear them.

8.When a relationship ends:  have not managed to stay friends with an ex yet. it's not like we avoid each other, but somehow or others, they just fade away from my life.

9.At the Beach you:  Swim and people watch.

10 People consider you:
somewhere between outgoing witty and shy quiet

11You consider yourself: 
*above average

Renting a movie on a Saturday Night: 
*comedy OR
*sci-fi/horror  OR
*action/adventure  OR
*romance  OR
*foreign/ independent 
all of the above.

Dogs or Cats? No. I don't mind them when they belong to someone else, but my allergies can't deal with them for very long.

In the Yard or in the house? Yard

Football or Baseball? no.

Brokeback Mountain or Crash?: Crash
just kidding.

Heath or Jake?: Jake

Jack or Ennis?: both.

You see a guy/girl you would like to get to know. . . you:
depending on the person and the situation, I either am bold and introduce yourself or I wait for them to make a move.

Coke or Pepsi?: I have no sophistication to tell one cola from another. I'll even settle for the generic brands at the local super market.

What childhood memory makes you happiest? going to the local pool with my brothers and cousin to swim.
"To do is to be." Socrates. - "To be is to do." Plato. - "Do be do be do" Sinatra.

Offline JCinNYC2006

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Re: Some getting to Know you Questions
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2006, 12:41:59 pm »
1.Batman or Superman?  Superman...Batman's too vulnerable

2.Best Date: Dinner and a movie or hang out with a group of friends?  Dinner and a movie, especially if we click over the movie afterwards

3.Pizza: Loaded or Pepperoni?   Neither, either plain or sausage is fine

4.When you speak in front of a group, you:  Are calm and direct OR very nervous - Very calm, if I'm prepared with what to say.  

5.When you’re sick : be babied/taken care of  OR. Want to be left alone  - Just get me an adult pacifiier and be done with it

6.Perfume/Cologne/After Shave?  No, too expensive and don't like the smell

7.p/c/as For yourself or others?  Same as 6

8.When a relationship ends:  avoid each other OR stay friends - stay friends when possible, depends how it ended

9.At the Beach you:  Tan, Swim OR guy/girl watch  - tan and watch

10 People consider you:
* outgoing and witty  OR
*  shy and quiet  OR
*  rude and obnoxious

Shy and witty

11You consider yourself:  
*above average,
*a nerd
Hmmm, intellectually?  Looks wise?  Overall?  Maybe above average in some things, average in others

Renting a movie on a Saturday Night:  
*comedy OR
*foreign/ independent  
Especially an indie comedy if it's actually funny

Dogs or Cats?  Kitty cats all the way

In the Yard or in the house?  No yard, so...

Football or Baseball?  Baseball, hotter uniforms

Brokeback Mountain or Crash?: ( sorry could not resist)

Heath or Jake?:  Jake

Jack or Ennis?:  Ennis

You see a guy/girl you would like to get to know. . . you:
*have a friend introduce you
*be bold and introduce yourself
*wait for them to make a move
*do nothing, they probably won’t like you
A or C, but most often D

Coke or Pepsi?:  Pepsi generation

What childhood memory makes you happiest?
Buying comic books, when Phoenix of the X-Men came back to life, and listening to my favorite 45 records.
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Re: Some getting to Know you Questions
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2006, 01:12:49 pm »
1.Batman or Superman?

2.Best Date: Dinner and a movie or hang out with a group of friends?
I like both.

3.Pizza: Loaded or Pepperoni?

4.When you speak in front of a group, you:  Are calm and direct OR very nervous
Calm and direct (when i am prepared of course  :) )

5.When you’re sick : be babied/taken care of  OR. Want to be left alone 
Taken care of

6.Perfume/Cologne/After Shave?  Yes or No

7.p/c/as For yourself or others?

8.When a relationship ends:  avoid each other OR stay friends
Sometimes its best to move on completely, sometimes staying friends works just fine.

9.At the Beach you:  Tan, Swim OR guy/girl watch
I wish I went to beaches more often.. :-\

10 People consider you:
* outgoing and witty  OR
*  shy and quiet  OR
*  rude and obnoxious

Outgoing and witty sometimes, quiet sometimes, a riot sometimes, but hopefully myself at all times

11You consider yourself: 
*above average,
*a nerd

Used to be a computer nerd years ago, still love computers, but I have 'broadened my horizons'  ;)

Renting a movie on a Saturday Night: 
*comedy OR
*sci-fi/horror  OR
*action/adventure  OR
*romance  OR
*foreign/ independent
Foreign/ independent ; maybe comedy/romance as well.

Dogs or Cats?

In the Yard or in the house?
Emmm..doing what in the yard exactly? 8) mean about the cats/dogs?..hmmm..ok..both then :)

Football or Baseball?

Brokeback Mountain or Crash?: ( sorry could not resist)
Vicky, did you really have to add this? ;)
Brokeback Mountain a million times and then some..

Heath or Jake?:
A tough one..can I have both?

Jack or Ennis?:
I cant choose...I feel like I'd be betraying one over the both?  :P

You see a guy/girl you would like to get to know. . . you:
*have a friend introduce you
*be bold and introduce yourself
*wait for them to make a move
*do nothing, they probably won’t like you

All of the above - depends on the circumstances I guess.

Coke or Pepsi?:

What childhood memory makes you happiest?
Growing up in a family of 8 kids - sitting around the dinner table for supper, holidays and playing the lead role in my dad's home videos ("my little parrot" he used to call me, can't imagine why ;) )

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Re: Some getting to Know you Questions
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2006, 02:14:11 pm »
1.Batman or Superman? Superman has better powers

2.Best Date: Dinner and a movie

3.Pizza: I don't like pizza. *runs and hides* I know, what kind of college student am I?

4.When you speak in front of a group, you: Are EXTREMELY nervous

5.When you’re sick: If I'm really sick, be babied. If it's not that bad, leave me alone

6.Perfume/Cologne/After Shave? I'm au naturel

7.p/c/as For yourself or others? Not for me, but some cologne on some guys is nice

8.When a relationship ends: In the only relationship I've had we didn't avoid each other (erm, he sat next to me in band) but basically never talked to him again after he quit band the next year.

9.At the Beach you: I hardly ever go to the beach, but when I do I tan (or burn) and people-watch

10 People consider you: Shy and quiet with new people, but outgoing and funny (I've been told) with friends

11You consider yourself: I consider myself more of a geek

Renting a movie on a Saturday Night:  Either comedy, action/adventure, or romance   

Dogs or Cats? I love cats in general, but I really love my dog too

In the Yard or in the house? For what, pets? Our cats go inside and outside every five minutes, and the dog goes out for necessary purposes...

Football or Baseball? Neither, but hockey and basketball are ok

Brokeback Mountain or Crash?: Hmm, do I live on a message board for BBM or Crash?

Heath or Jake?: Gah, can't choose

Jack or Ennis?: Like other people said, can't have one without the other

You see a guy/girl you would like to get to know. . . you: Sadly, usually do nothing, but sometimes have a friend introduce me.

Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi, but I hardly ever drink soda. I like water

What childhood memory makes you happiest? I don't know about happiest, but the first one that popped into my head is that when we were little, my parents wouldn't let my brother and I wake them up on Christmas morning until a certain time. We would both wake up way before that time and we would watch Power Rangers in his room until we could go wake them up. Haha, I'm a dork.


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Re: Some getting to Know you Questions
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2006, 02:25:07 pm »
1.Batman or Superman? Superman

2.Best Date: Ohh geez...I ain't good at these type things.. :-\ I'd let them pick till I had more experience

3.Pizza: Loaded or Pepperoni? Don't really like pepperoni, so loaded

4.When you speak in front of a group, you:  Are calm and direct OR very nervous? Both

5.When you’re sick : be babied/taken care of  OR. Want to be left alone? Want to be left alone.

6.Perfume/Cologne/After Shave?  Cologne

7.p/c/as For yourself or others? Not too much.

8.When a relationship ends:  Try to stay friends.

9.At the Beach you: Lay in the sun, swim in the ocean, watch the sunset thinking about how amazing it looks and how big the world is.

10 People consider you: probably..witty, quiet, and rude sometimes lol
* outgoing and witty  OR 
*  shy and quiet  OR
*  rude and obnoxious

11You consider yourself: average
*above average, 
*a nerd  Big time nerd

Renting a movie on a Saturday Night:  I like most genres of movies, but probably drama or thriller/horror

*comedy OR
*sci-fi/horror  OR
*action/adventure  OR
*romance  OR
*foreign/ independent

Dogs or Cats? The more I have to be around my animals, the more I come to think I'll never have any animals of my own...too high maintenance. Dogs though.

In the Yard or in the house? For what...?

Football or Baseball? Baseball

Brokeback Mountain or Crash? Brokeback Mountain

Heath or Jake?: Heath, although I wouldn't turn down Jake that's for sure.

Jack or Ennis?: Both.

You see a guy/girl you would like to get to know. . . you: Wait for them to make a move.
*have a friend introduce you
*be bold and introduce yourself Definitely introduce myself, no need to be shy
*wait for them to make a move
*do nothing, they probably won’t like you

Coke or Pepsi?: Neither.

What childhood memory makes you happiest? Going to the zoo, and going fishing
« Last Edit: April 11, 2006, 02:32:00 pm by EnnisDelMar »

Offline isabelle

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Re: Some getting to Know you Questions
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2006, 03:11:42 pm »
We did something similar once before the original CT...thought it might be fun here goes :)

1.Batman or Superman?Batman

2.Best Date: Dinner and a movie or hang out with a group of friends?Dinner and a movie (BBM!!)

3.Pizza: Loaded or Pepperoni?Don't care much for pizza. With lots of cheese is ok though

4.When you speak in front of a group, you:  Are calm and direct OR very nervousI look/act calm and direct, but feel very nervous

5.When you’re sick : be babied/taken care of  OR. Want to be left alone  both alternately!

6.Perfume/Cologne/After Shave?  Yes or NoSometimes perfume

7.p/c/as For yourself or others?OK, I'm foreign. What does it mean?  ???

8.When a relationship ends:  avoid each other OR stay friends depends. Can't be real friends.

9.At the Beach you:  Tan, Swim OR guy/girl watchRead, or walk!

10 People consider you:
* outgoing and witty  OR
*  shy and quiet  OR
*  rude and obnoxious

Depends who I'm with! usually outgoing

11You consider yourself: 
*above average,
*a nerd
Between intellectual and nerd, I guess.

Renting a movie on a Saturday Night: 
*comedy OR
*sci-fi/horror  OR
*action/adventure  OR
*romance  OR
*foreign/ independent 

Dogs or Cats? CATS

In the Yard or in the house?both

Football or Baseball?neither

Brokeback Mountain or Crash?: ( sorry could not resist) Hahahahaha!

Heath or Jake?:BOTH! But ok, if I have to choose, JAKE

Jack or Ennis?: JACK

You see a guy/girl you would like to get to know. . . you:
*have a friend introduce you
*be bold and introduce yourself
*wait for them to make a move
*do nothing, they probably won’t like you
Have a friend introduce me

Coke or Pepsi?:Neither

What childhood memory makes you happiest? Meeting my American cousin at age 10! That's how I fell in love with the English language, and with him at the same time!

« Last Edit: April 11, 2006, 03:20:18 pm by isabelle »
" - I'm vegan now."
"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"

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Re: I guess I should answer them too...
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2006, 05:03:21 pm »
Dogs or Cats? Dogs rule, cats drool! Bonus points if you know what film that line is from

Ooh, missed this originally. I don't know if anyone's answered but I know. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
I've learnt that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in!


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Re: I guess I should answer them too...
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2006, 05:05:55 pm »
Dogs or Cats? Dogs rule, cats drool! Bonus points if you know what film that line is from

Ooh, missed this originally. I don't know if anyone's answered but I know. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

ding, ding, ding, ding.....and we have a winner!  Several folks tried but your the only one who got it!  congrats!

Addendum...Ooooppps Becky got it right too!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2006, 05:42:48 pm by vkm91941 »