Author Topic: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies  (Read 68239 times)


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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2006, 11:16:04 pm »
that one is funny, Kerry

very nice!


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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2006, 01:48:19 am »
"Villians that come in twirling their mustaches are easy to spot. It is the ones who cloak themselves in good deeds that we must be eternally vigilant against"

"the first word censored, the first link forged....enslaves us all"

Star Trek The Next Generation

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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2006, 12:34:36 pm »
“Jasper had the palest blue eyes I’d ever looked into. They were hydrangea blue, the blue of a summer mid-afternoon, or, rather, the blue that you find at the base of a flame. I never got tired of looking into them, of having Jasper to look at, or of having Jasper look at me. Jasper was, I thought, as handsome as a man can be, without his being Italian.

Sometimes in Rome, in fact every day in Rome, I have seen men more handsome than Jasper. You can see better-looking men than Jasper every day in the Piazza del Popolo or on the Via del Corso. In Rome, even the policemen are so handsome that Dominic, full of grappa one night, could not resist flirting with a group of them, at three in the morning, in the Piazza Barberini. They were amused, thank God.

But this is Rome, it is only in Rome.

It could be Florence, Siena, Bologna, Genoa, Venice, but it isn’t. It just isn’t true there. It is only in Rome that you will be overcome by the dark, opulent beauty of the men.

Dominic said that God knew what He was doing when He made Italians.

Of course, this is what all Italians say.”

From “Such Times,”
by Christopher Coe

As a fellow lover of all things and people Italian, I know what you mean!! I even married one!!

One of the lines I love is from a movie called "Boys Don't Cry" where Lana says to Brandon, "I don't care if you're a big hairy monkey." Lana is played by Chloe Sevigny and Brandon is played by Hillary Swank.
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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2007, 07:50:34 am »
“I knew Sebastian by sight long before I met him. That was unavoidable for, from his first week, he was the most conspicuous man of his year by reason of his beauty, which was arresting, and eccentricities of behaviour, which seemed to know no bounds. My first sight of him was in the door of Germer’s, and, on that occasion, I was struck less by his looks than by the fact that he was carrying a large teddy-bear.

‘That,’ said the barber, as I took his chair, ‘was Lord Sebastian Flyte. A most amusing young gentleman.’

‘Apparently,’ I said coldly.

‘The Marquis of Marchmain’s second boy. His brother, the Earl of Brideshead, went down last term. Now he was very different, a very quiet gentleman, quite like an old man. What do you suppose Lord Sebastian wanted? A hair brush for his teddy-bear; it had to have very stiff bristles, not, Lord Sebastian said, to brush him with, but to threaten him with a spanking when he was sulky. He bought a very nice one with an ivory back and he’s having “Aloysius” engraved on it - that’s the bear’s name. The man, who, in his time, had had ample chance to tire of undergraduate fantasy, was plainly captivated.”

From “Brideshead Revisited”
(the sacred and profane memories of
Captain Charles Ryder)
by Evelyn Waugh

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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2007, 08:05:21 am »
Very interesting thread!
I'll post along as I remember some lines...

The first that comes to mind is from Some Like It Hot:

Jack Lemmon: "I'm not a woman; I'm a man"
Answer: "Nobody's perfect!"
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"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"

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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2007, 08:37:06 pm »
From "I, Claudius".

The emperor Tiberius is listening the mob rage outside the palace.  They are angry about an assasination in which the royal family is implicated.  He glares at his elderly mother Livia who is also in the room.

Tiberius (snarling):  Has it ever occurred to you, mother, that it's you they hate, and not me?
Livia (with aggravated dignity):  There's nothing on this earth that occurs to you that hasn't occured to me first.  That is the burden I live with!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 10:02:37 pm by delalluvia »

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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2007, 10:02:02 pm »
OK, my short term memory finally kicked in.  :)

From the movie Pitch Black:

Johns: Zeke.  Full clip, safety's off. One shot if you spot him.
Paris Ogilvie: And, what if Mr. Riddick spots us first?
[grinning] Johns: Then there'll be no shots.

Johns: How's it look?
Riddick: Looks clear.
[Johns steps forward, and a creature flies out towards them. They duck and it flies into the night]
Johns: You said it was clear!
Riddick: I said it *looked* clear.
Johns: Well, how does it look now?
Riddick: Looks clear.

Riddick:  You're not afraid of the dark, are you?

From Pirates of the Caribbean I and II:

[looks at Jack's sword]
Norrington: And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.
Jack Sparrow: But you have heard of me.

[to Commodore Norrington] Jack Sparrow: I want you to know that I was rooting for you. Know that.

[Jack picks himself up and holds up key before looking back at Norrington and Will fighting on top of the mill): Still rooting for you, mate.

Will Turner: He roped a couple of sea turtles.
Mr. Gibbs: Aye. Sea turtles.
Will Turner: What did he use for rope?
[from beside them] Jack Sparrow: Human hair.

Elizabeth:  How did you get here?
Will [looking at Jack]:  Couple of sea turtles, mate.  Tied to my boots.
Jack [nodding sympathetically]:  Not so easy is it?

Will Turner: Where's Elizabeth?
Jack Sparrow: She's safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised. And you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word really... except for, of course, Elizabeth, who is in fact, a woman.

From Star Wars IV:

Vader:  I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Vader:  Obi-Wan is here, the Force is with him.

From Out of Africa:

Karen:  You could marry me.  For the money, I mean.
Bror:  Eh, I have to marry a virgin.  I can't stand criticism.

Karen:  How do you manage it?  To keep us friends?
Bror:  We started that way.

From The Year of Living Dangerously:

[responds after being asked if she listened to Guy's radio broadcast]
Jill Bryant:  I thought it was a bit melodramatic...but it drove my flatmate to tears, so there you are.
Guy Hamilton:  What's it take to drive you to tears, eh?

"Madness is sacred to the gods.  They give it to us at the proper season to purge our souls as they give us strong herbs to clean out our bodies.  At the Dionysia we are a little mad.  But it leaves us clean because we've dedicated it to a god."

Mary Renault, The Last of the Wine
« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 03:11:09 pm by delalluvia »

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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2007, 01:05:50 am »
I love stuff like this and as someone once said I've got a million of em but I'll only share a few  ;)

"But Oh! The blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearless on any subject; with whom one's deepest as well as one's most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely. Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person - having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away."   

~ Dinah Maria Mulock Craik ~


This parrot is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet
its maker! This is a late parrot! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in
peace! It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible! This is an

---A Fish Called Wanda


There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet.

~The Gallant Hours


Sometimes people just aren't who you need them to be, at like a certain moment, and unfortunately there's nothing you can do about it.

~ Once and Again


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.

~Henry David Thoreau


Pain is to pleasure as disco is to punk. You need to live through one to fully appreciate the other.

~ Random Shooting in LA


When it gets hot like this, you know what I do? I keep my undies in the icebox!

~ Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch


Julie Taylor: Why don't we play two-on-two?
Ryder: But you're...
Julie Taylor: A girl? So I can't play. But then again, I am black, so maybe I can. You're problem's gonna be deciding which one of your narrow-minded stereotypes is gonna kick your lily-white ass.
Ryder: Yeah, right.
Julie Taylor: Afraid you'll get beat?
Christian Markelli: By a girl and a fag?

~ Latter Days
« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 01:13:59 am by dot-matrix »
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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2007, 04:25:47 pm »
From Shanghai Noon:

Roy O'Bannon (Owen Wilson) to Chon Wang (Jackie Chan):

This isn't China.  This is the West.  The sun doesn't rise here.  It sets.

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Re: Favorite Lines from Books and Movies
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2007, 11:59:04 pm »
From The Producers

[Carmen answers the phone, a piano underscore playing]
Carmen Ghia: Hello, the living room of renowned theatrical director Roger De Bris' elegant Upper East Side townhouse on a sunny Tuesday afternoon in June. Whom may I say is calling?
[Carmen frowns and the piano abruptly stops]
Carmen Ghia: Listen, you broken down pathetic old queen. He was drunk, he was hot, you got lucky! Don't ever call here again!
[he slams the phone down]
Roger De Bris: Who was that?
Carmen Ghia: Wrong number!
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