Author Topic: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!  (Read 24498 times)


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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2006, 04:42:21 pm »
Front - I don't really believe in reincarnation, I just did that little BBM art thing for fun. But it's totally cool that you do  :)

Offline kirkmusic

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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2006, 05:04:47 pm »
Kirk, did you see that new picture of sleeping Jack posted on the new photos thread where the blue heeler is curled up beside him? Awesome picture!

Seen it and saved it!  :)

Offline delalluvia

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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2006, 07:57:26 pm »
A trans-channel is a person who can leave their body and allow an highly evolved being in to deliver discourses to benefit or teach people.  The most famous transchannel is JZ Knight who channels Ramtha, the subject of the movie "What The Bleep Do We Know?".

Believe it or not I consider myself a Christian who is on his proper path.  It just so happens that I would be persecuted by other Christians (with whom I rarely commune) for walking this path.

Kirkmusic, I have had many experiences with spirits.  The difference is, I prefer that they leave me alone.  I have a hard enough time telling my spirit guides (who are definitely helpers of the light) to butt out of my "bidness".  Oh the arguments they get from me..."If you're sooo good and perfect, then why don't you try living my life?"  I am told my guides laugh it off.  I don't like to be laughed at...

Perhaps this was a little TMI, TMI, TMI....

But at least it was random.

I'm not sure I buy the trans-channel thing.  Guess I'd have to listen to one and check it out for myself.  Interesting version of Christianity you got going though, Flash.

The only spirits I've had experience with was one of my old cats.  Two died of old age a few years ago and for months afterwards, I could still hear them running and walking on the carpet like they used to (this was BEFORE I got my newest set of cats).  And one night, my sister called me at 3 am, for something and while I was laying on the bed, half-asleep, I could feel the cats walking near my body on the bed - you know how their weight pushes down the mattress and you can feel it? - and I didn't think anything of it for a few seconds.

Then I remembered that I no longer had cats.  I turned my head quick and there sitting in the hall where she liked to sleep way my old cat Algie.  Two blinks later, she was gone.

If anyone could make herself an apparition, she could.  She had the heart of a lion.  Miss her still...

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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2006, 08:08:11 pm »
Hmm... so long as we're travelling down a slightly alternative path on this thread now - here's anotherie from me: I was extremely psychic as a child - I would have prophetic visions, I would be able to locate lost items by simply closing my eyes and asking my "guide", if you like, where they were. I would see the object in my head as though I were looking at it.  I'd know hours in advance when we were getting visitiors or phone calls and there was this one freaky time where we were driving home from seeing my grandparents at the coast and I went into a panic, yelling for mum to pull the car around.  We were on a highway, so she couldn't but she pulled over for about 20 seconds.  As we pulled out onto the road again, a semi-trailer coming the other way, hit an oil slick, jackknifed and flipped over onto our side of the highway - it landed on 3 cars, one of which would have been ours, had we stayed on the road. I don't remember how many people were killed but it was more than 4.  *shivers*

I wasn't comfortable with this ability after that - I was about 8 - so I consciously suppressed it. But I still have shades of it now - here and there.  There ya go, am I a freak or what??  ???
« Last Edit: April 13, 2006, 08:11:50 pm by hungry_hungryhippos »
Chut up!

Offline ednbarby

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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2006, 08:38:40 pm »
I wouldn't say I was psychic, but I believe my mother and I had an intense connection.  So intense that we could know across the miles if something was terribly wrong with the other.  We talked pretty much every day on the phone when I was living in Ohio and she in New York.  One day, I suddenly had a bad feeling driving home from work.  I couldn't quite place it but just somehow knew it had something to do with her.  I called her as soon as I got home and found out her beloved cat Norton had died suddenly an hour or so before - he had a stroke or some kind of seizure.  Another time a while later, I was cooking some soup on the stove.  I lifted the pan off the burner when it started to boil a little, but got lost in thought for a second and got my hand too close to the element and burned the right side of it.  I was running it under cold water when the phone rang.  Swear to God, it was my Mom, and she said, "Did something just happen to your hand - your right hand?"  I about dropped the phone.  It turned out she'd been sitting there reading when she suddenly got a burning pain on the right side of her right hand and just somehow knew it had something to do with me.

Those were the two most memorable experiences like that we had.  There were many others that weren't so dramatic - just generally knowing somehow that the other was feeling down or sick or had had a particularly bad day by no other means than just a kind of gut feeling.  We were never wrong.

I wish I could say I've seen a ghost - I think that would be kind of cool.  But I haven't.  There have certainly been times I felt another presence in the room when no one was there.  I like to think it was my Mom sometimes, and other times my dog Layla.  Usually it's a benevolent presence, but sometimes I get that hair standing up on the back of my neck feeling for no reason, as well.  Probably all just coincidence.  But interesting, nonetheless.
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Offline cmr107

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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #55 on: April 14, 2006, 02:13:46 am »
My room at home is at the end of the hall. I used to sleep with my door open when I was little, so I could see all the way down the hall from my bed. On more than one occasion I would wake up and see a ghost of an old man wearing scraggely clothes at the end of the hall. For some reason it never scared me. My house is pretty old, so that might have something to do with it. That is the extent of my ghost experience.

My town is one of the most haunted towns in America. Like it's in books and stuff about ghost activity. Andrew (littledarlin) has even heard of my town because of the hauntedness. I thought that was pretty funny.

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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2006, 04:47:16 am »
I have some strange ghost experiences to share...

First of all, I guess I should tell you that I live in a relatively small town north of Dallas named after a particular landmark which seems to have been cursed by a Native American tribe of some sort (can't remember the exact name of the tribe). But anyway, one part of the curse was that no building built on the landmark would stand. In the two times since that curse was placed there, one house burned down mysteriously and the other building was picked up by a tornado and completely demolished. No one has tried to build there since, although about 5 years ago the local Tom Thumb did want to build on the Mound. Ummm, no. It's a state monument.

Well, no one is really quite sure what the Mound is, It was not used as a burial mound by the tribe that cursed it, but that is what some people think it is. Anyway, so there are rumors that there are native americans buried all over the place.

Some of my more frightening ghostly encounters occured at work, in the middle of the night. For instance, one night I was paging something using the phone system and as I set the receiver down I heard someone (a man) say "Hello?" in an odd voice. I picked the phone back up again and tried to speak with whatever had just spoken.  It wasn't successful, as I was still paging. But no one else had heard the voice which I was certain came from the phone. And I was the only man working that night.

I was not the only one to work there who heard this entity. A co-worker was looking for something and asked aloud, as people sometimes do, "Well where the heck is it?" in Spanish. Only to be answered by a ghostly voice from nearby. "Behind you on the wall." in English. And yes, it was there.
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Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline kirkmusic

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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2006, 05:51:10 am »
SHEYNE!  You weren't comfortable with an ability that saved your life?!?!?!?  What's that about?!?

Courtney - What town do you live in?  I want to go there.

The lower floor of the theatre I work in is haunted, presumably by the guy who originated the show who died in '95.  Whenever there's a big decision to be made abouT the show, our producer brings in a psychic to get an idea of what our founder wants.  Hey, it works.

And just to get us back on track, here's a non-ghost related random thing about me.  My great-Grandfather was Irving Mills, who was Duke Ellington's manager and sometimes co-writer and a big figure in the Jazz scene in New York back in the 30's and 40's.  I haven't seen it but I'm told that there's a section about him in Ken Burns' Jazz documentary.

Offline delalluvia

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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2006, 09:46:25 am »
SHEYNE!  You weren't comfortable with an ability that saved your life?!?!?!?  What's that about?!?

Maybe she was too young to absorb it.  'Seeing' such a thing about to happen is scary.  You later wonder what else you might 'see'.  And sometimes you don't want to know.  As an adult, I can see an ability llike that being very heavy
to carry because of the ramiifications of it.

Courtney - What town do you live in?  I want to go there.


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Re: OT: Getting to know us (more)! - One RANDOM thing about you!
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2006, 10:10:57 am »
Love this thread!

Mandy - What's a skidoo?  My best driving story was I had a vision to drive around Australia a few years ago, drawing pictures.  I planned to go from town to town arting blackboards and portraits for a quid.  I friend of mine whose family had always been in the music business decided enough was enough and they were selling the family band bus, (Partridge Family-esque).  I, who has only ever driven a car, thought a bus would accomodate my hippy craving perfectly and agreed to test drive it with a view to purchase.  Surely a bus would be no harder to drive than a large sedan without power steering.  Two demolished letter boxes, a shattered house wall, a two meter ditch and an $3000 repair bill later I abandoned the bus idea and flew to Melbourne for a week's holiday.

Slayer - I sucked my thumb, much to the embarrasement of my mucho Dad, until I was 12yo.  It has recently been suggested that I resume the practice in the privacy of my home in a bid to quit smoking.

Vic - When I started Nursing it was very old school. When the Matron entered a room, evryone would have to stand at attention and be seated only after Matron had left or sat down.  We lived in a Nurse's home during training and had a curfew.  I was climbing through the window to my room one night after a VERY untidy night of dancing and drinking when the light switched on in my room and there stood Matron in her "Flying Nun" bonnet and a stern look on her face.  One foot in the window and the rest of me dangling precariously in the wind I asserted, "You'll have to forgive me for not standing Matron, but I wasn't expecting company!"  I wasn't fired, but I was asked to leave the the residence...FOREVER!

Barb - When I was 25 and a mature aged university student I thought it would be a cool study to have my ear pierced and report the attitudinal responses of people around me for a sociology assignment, (in actuality I was a closet and loved the idea of wearing trendy jewelery, and this gave me an excuse). After extensive research on which ear was sexuality neutral appropriate, my sister sat me on the loo and rammed a needle through my ear sans ice cube, .  I threw up, passed out, and awoke with a sparkling new identity!  I came out 6 months later!  The other ear was pierced by a proffessional, much to the disgust of my willing sis!  Eventually in later years, because of my restaurant business and the potential for dropping into food, I had my elephant (LUCK) engraved earing soldared permanently in place.  I lost that earing when swimming in LA on a holiday in 1996.  In 1998 I recieved a letter in the post with no return address and post marked USA containing the earing.  To this day I have no idea who sent it back.

Front Ranger - OMG! You could be the next bargaining chip for world peace! At the time you must have felt so betrayed.

Becky - i have only ever broken one bone, (acknowledging that nose is cartilage), and that was when a horse ripped my finger off when I was 16yo.  I have scared many a young child with pretences of picking my nose with it however!

Sheyne - After going on several dates with you now, I understand why you choose not to date seriously.  I have TaeKwondo demonstration scars all over my body!

Delalluvia - I like to dress to enhance an occassion too, but really, it has never been a great success for me.  Example was the last theme party I attended.  Didn't go down gracefully at all.  It seems that a yellow tutu is not an option for a 40-ish yo man!

Paul - I do love the Italian language.  They tend to express so well with their hands!

Bouby - I wore a watermellon costume several years ago as a participant of the GLBT Sydney Mardi Gras.  We were part of the "Industry Fruits" Float.

David - Did you earn the collegue's respect, or did you just get more inter office Emails to go up to the roof?

Moremojo - When I was in hospital for my ripped off finger, I was placed in the "terminal peadiatric ward" due to lack of beds in the other wards.  The child next to me was a 9 year old girl with Cerabral Palsy who had stopped eating and was on a drip, but would not allow food to enter her mouth.  Flexi staws were a new invention back then I thought they were a wonderful invention.  I would play with The girl, (Jackie) and do tricks with the straws.  She eventually gave into their wonder and began to use them to drink and eventually eat.  She is now in her later 30s, married and with child.  Her mother got  message to me some years ago and told me that her child's name is Ray.

Flash - I too believe in reincarnation.  It can't possibly stop here! I have undergone several hypnotic explorations that have produced the same results.  I have previously lived as a Japanese native who perished in lava, and French bounty hunter who was shot by a jealous neighbour.  I experience deja vu regularly, and premise many events that eventuate.

Jeff and Shug - my first crush was before I was aware of sexuality.  it was aimed at my then 16 yo uncle who dragged himself out of a river after spear fishing and curled the wetsuit from his body as the moon highlighted his taught body.  i was very young and in awe of his beauty.  The irony is that he was the ONLY relative to reject me when I came out, and to this day will not speak a full sentence to me.  One day I will tell him of his contribution!

Court - It is amazing that you were so resistent to the scoliosis.  So many people give in to it, like so many afflictions,  and it affects their very existence.  Well done.  New meaning to 'straighten up and fly right'!

Chanteraise - 4 Passports!  I have been struggling to get ONE!  Many years ago I was charged with possession of marijauna.  A mate and I were sitting in a laneway beside our favourite club smoking a spliff when we were pounced upon by two policepersons.  My mate held the joint at the time and the bag of pot sat in his jacket pocket. He'd only been granted residency a week earlier and it was my first thought that he would be deported.  I spoke up and claimed the stash as my own.  BOTH of us were hauled to the cop shop and any attempts to get sense out of us was pointless, (We were stoned for f*ck's sake)  The senior cop was not impressed and showed very little leniencey!  We were both charged and ordered to appear in court.  We dressed respectably and pleaded guilty with thoughtless abandon!  The judge told us that we should have more sense and we were fined $800 each and "no conviction recorded".  Each time I applied for a passport it has been rejected because of this charge, (until now), and "no conviction recorded" means diddly squat!  The irony here is that my mate, to this day, has not paid the fine, and lives comfortably unaffected by the coviction.

Luise - I own three pairs of shoes in total! Am I a dag?

Deedee - I was selected to be a dancer in a video clip for Vanessa Amorosi once.  I fell off the stage and my enthusiasm was deemed "inappropriate".  I did NOT get a call back!

Starby - When i began University I couldn't get used to NOT having to request toilet time.  I would walk confidently out of my lectures whenever the need arose and would shape up to the urinal and feeling the guilt, nothing would come out.  in the end I would just squirm in my seat and wait until the lecture was done!

Amy - I love clowns simply because I am one!  Am I therefore evil?  :o

Ann Marie - I too would love the Rocky Horror weekly showing.  We would wear raincoats because our theatre allowed water bombs.  Gone are the days!

Julie - Great about your Mum, but what about you?!

Kirk - I worked many years on night duty and have experienced my share of ghosts.  Every hospital I worked in had it's own ghost and it would be collaberated by the staff who worked there.  i believe there is no dobt that residual souls exist.

Nicole - I had sex with Boy George.  I know, I know, it's not  even a game show, but it felt sorta like a top prize at the time.  He was out here for NYE back many moons ago.  He was at the Aubry hotel, leaning against a wall, very shy believe it or not, and I was the only joker game enough to talk to him.  Well, one thing and another.... we had a great time and he is a nice guy..., for one night anyhoooooo.  I felt like the cat who ate the cheese.

Daniel - I have my own brand of calligraphy.  It sorta goes like this lsafdgsgcqkjarylacy;a, but I'm in awe of those that can create beautiful script.  I feel like I have parkinsons when i attempt it!
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