Actually a mangle is/was a set of two rollers through which you pass the wet laundry to wring out as much water as possible. Could be nasty if you caught your fingers in it!
Oooh! A "mangle" is a "wringer"!
When I was little my maternal grandmother had what we called a "wringer washer." It was a washing machine with an electric-powered agitator for washing the clothes, but then you had to manually pass the wet clothes through the "wringer" to wring out the water. The wringer was also electrically powered (in the "old days" I understand you had to crank 'em by hand).
Needless to say, little Jeff Wrangler wasn't allowed anywhere near that electrically powered "wringer."
These "wringer washers" apparently gave rise to the American expression, "See you in the wash, if I don't get caught in the wringer!"