Author Topic: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch  (Read 379238 times)

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #220 on: August 16, 2007, 11:58:28 pm »
A lot of people on this board are optimists.  I like to read how they look forward to the future, how things are changing, slowly but surely and how the future will look back on the past and wonder how we could have been such idiots in how we treated people.

I very much enjoy reading their posts, because I tend to lose heart during my days when I am surrounded by people who send me things like:

"Obama can go F H SELF. He is a racist. He is a bigot. He is for the repression of women. And he is a sophmoric ignorant fool. IMAO."

When I point out to the sender of this message that he just described his golden boy George Dubya, he recoils in a cloud of cognitive dissonance.

What ever can I mean, they wonder?

Dubya's bigoted comments are just ignorance.

Cutting funding to family planning clinics, passing laws to withhold information to women about choices involving abortion, passing laws banning partial birth abortions isn't "oppressing women"!  So what if it's legal for a woman to have an abortion in this country and these laws make it harder for them to do so?  That's not oppressive!

As for George being a 'sophomoric ignorant fool', he went to Yale, he flew a fighter jet, he made millions investing in a sports team, he became governor twice and president of the US twice.  All this "proves" Dubya is smart as a whip!

When I point out the all too obvious flaws in their arguments...I get a nasty surprise.  It's always shocking to run into a stereotype - the blinders-wearing, redneck, Republican, Dubya supporter, conservative, patronizing, thinks he's not sexist, thinks he's not racist stereotype is alive and well.  And though I lay out my counterpoints so that a child could connect the dots and see the blatant double-standard held by them, they just look away and will never admit they hold a double standard - namely, that the flaws they find reprehensible in a Democratic candidate are OK if they're in a Republican president.

These are not uneducated backwoods yokels.  These are college-educated men, who are quite capable of analytical thinking.

I used to think that in our world, one could talk to people, make reasonable, rational arguments, that sooner or later, reason would win out and people would see logical conclusions.

Some people not only can't, they refuse to see something as reasonable and logical if it doesn't fit into how they believe the world is supposed to be.  Even if it smacks them in the face that their POV is wrong, they will go to their graves denying the truth of it.

I lose hope for humanity whenever I experience such things.  Our civilization as it is now will be the 13th in our world's history to fall.  We will not go into some glorious future a la Star Trek where we all grow up as human beings and build a wonderful world together.  Instead we will all fall into yet another savage, Dark Age and have to start things all over again, just as we've done in the past because as humans, some of us will never want to  learn.


Ok, onto less world-angst.  My higher up boss is a fucking idiot who also wears blinders.

She is the worst manager I've ever had.  She is a workaholic and thinks nothing of working 10 am to 10 pm on a regular basis.  And as such, she assigns out work accordingly, expecting of course, that you will have no problems working similar hours.

I was so hoping she'd get promoted or moved out from our area so I could have a more reasonable boss who understands most of us would like to work 40 hours a week and have a personal life.  Oh, she got promoted all right.  She got promoted to Chief Operating Officer of the company and now is over all of us.  >:(

For someone in my position, to properly and accurately service client portfolios, I need a file count of about 150-200 files.

I currently have nearly 2000 files in my name.

I get on average, 10-30 phone calls per day, 20-40 e-mails per day, 5-10 other communications per day, that all require a response or some action.  And those are in addition to my regular daily workload.

Twice a month, two projects come my way that have to be done because we're being graded by our clients.  If we fall down on the number of their expectations, we could lose the client.  So successfully completing a project in the ridiiculous timeframes allotted is taken for granted.  There is no failure, no matter how many hours YOU have to work to get it done.

e.g.  We get the mid-month report and have until two days before the end of the month to get it done.  Do we get the report on the 15th?  Nope.  It usually comes about the 18th or 19th.  Does the client or my bosses care that they've now shoved on us nearly 19 days worth of work into 10?

Nope.  You'll just have to work longer hours and oh, come in this weekend if you have to.

Mind you, I'm still doing my regular work, too.  That hasn't stopped.

To properly service a file in my line of work, it takes me about 15-45 minutes per file.  But that's average.  It can take as little as 15 minutes or a file may keep me busy for six hours or more.

Do my higher up bosses understand the staggering volume they've given us?  Do they understand the time it takes to do the minutiae of detail the client wants us to update?


Do they care?

No, because reality cuts into the pie-in-the-sky promises of service they have given the clients to get their business.  Not a single boss has the backbone to tell any prospective clients that our company is a decades long Diamond Award winning company so as to give prospective clients the impression that we're an exclusive company and they should be lucky we deign to do business with them -  fu'd unorganized company that they are - so that we will be on equal footing with the client as a partner.  Instead my bosses grovel, promise we can do an outlandish amount of work in impossible time frames.

Remember, on average, I can work 10-12 files per day.  Usually, on a project, I get called into a meeting at lunchtime, am given a new client/project and told I have to work up to 10 files per day to keep this new cllient happy on top of my other work that already takes me all day to do.

Today was just another stupid fucking day.

I'm working on a project, doing a certain number of files per day.  Takes me 3-4 hours per day.

Am I failling waaaaaaaay behind in my other work?  You betcha.  :(

  I used to work the files after lunch and sent my immediate boss and the COO my accomplished list at the end of the day.

The COO complained to my immediate boss - are they working these?  I don't get reports during the day.

My immediate boss passed along the message and said, Just work your project when you first come in, that way she'll get your report during the day and know you're working it.

That lasted 3 days.

Today, the COO complained to my immediate boss - how come I'm getting this report at lunch?  Why don't they work on this all day?  Can't they increase their numbers?

Meaning, I must have no other work to do but this project and so must be sitting at my desk with my thumb up my ass doing nothing.  >:( >:( >:( >:(

My immediate boss passes this message along to me.

I reply, OK, so A- wants me to stop doing everything else and just work this?

He says, no.

I reply, She does know this is already taking half my day and now she wants me to increase my numbers but not ignore the rest of my 10 hours worth of work?

He says, She doesn't really want to know.  You know how she is.  Just send your report at the end of the day.

I reply, Then she'll complain that if I'm working on this all day, how come I'm not getting any more done, right?

He says, That's right.

Fucktards, I work for fucktards!!!!!!!!!

 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 12:14:48 am by delalluvia »


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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #221 on: August 17, 2007, 12:59:54 am »
 :o :o :o

whoa!! now THAT is a rant!!

poor DEL!!


I am sorry deserve better!

I like you! I think you are TERRIFIC and SMART and TALENTED and those other people can go straight to heck!

or hell...whichever you would rather send them!

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #222 on: August 17, 2007, 01:05:16 am »

         Sorry:  I don't know what else to say but Sorry. :-\

     Beautiful mind

Offline Meryl

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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #223 on: August 17, 2007, 01:05:47 am »
Del, that was a five-smiley rant.  Glad I have an appropriate one.  You go, girl! 

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Offline Kelda

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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #224 on: August 17, 2007, 04:14:50 am »
gawd, del, yuck! Hope the rant made you fele better in some way!

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Offline Pipedream

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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #225 on: August 17, 2007, 03:56:48 pm »
Del! That's a doddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation, indeed!  >:(

I guess they just take your hard work for granted. It can't go on like this. One of these days, there will have to be a confrontation, and I think you will look rather good in it! They know what you are worth!  :-*



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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #226 on: August 17, 2007, 07:18:33 pm »
ok. my rant for the day...

my mother broke both legs and an arm. Obviously cant' take care of herself. So my sister takes her to her house. She has a four bedroom custom built home. Does she put my mother in one of the rooms? NO>..she is making my mother sleep on the couch!

and bitching to beat sixty about it.

I told her we should put her in a nursing home temporarily...just til she can get around on her own.

"NO!! No mother of mine is going to a nursing home!"

Oh so just let her sit on your couch and listen to you complain about her?? that is better?

She says she has spent more than $300 on her since she has been there...(one week). You know what she is buying? diapers, disposible pads, sheets....cause you know if ANY part of my mother touchs anything that belongs to her it will be the end of the world! She wants me to give her money for all that crap...I don't think so. She is CHOOSING to spend that money...she could just use towels and the sheets she HAS.

I will not be emotionally blackmailed into bringing her here. I won't. There are nursing homes available. We could take turns staying with her. If my sister wants to keep her out it is on her!

I know...I sound terrible. But I know I can't let her stay here. I couldn't handle it.

and if my sister says " I pulled myself up by my bootstraps" ONE MORE TIME...I am gonna bitch slap her. She most certainly did NOT. She lived for two years with my mother. and she lived here for almost a year! Then she got married to her husband du jour and they lived rent free for three years in a house HIS family owned.

That is not 'pulling yourself up by your bootstraps'!!

And as far as finances go?? If you can afford to spend $400 to have your hair can afford to feed one old woman.


ok....I will be nice now... :) :P


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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #227 on: August 17, 2007, 10:37:07 pm »
ok no I wont....I am not finished yet.

I am SICK of her superior attitude about her 'success'....SHE has a big bank account, SHE has a sports car, SHE has a custom built $150,000 house.

but you know what else she has? She has a husband that beats her. She has a four year old that sits by herself in her room with her head on her hands looking sad, saying "My momma is yelling again". She has a four year old that cries and begs me to not leave her there. She has two older girls that would rather be with me than her. She has a museum....not a home.

I don't have a lot of cash. I have an older house. The carpet is looking sad in some places. The animals have shed some hair in here. I got two litter boxes. Sometimes it smells a bit in husbands boots sometimes tracks stuff in here...

but you know what else I have?? I have a home where it is ok to put your feet up. I have a husband that is gentle and loving to me. I have a son that smiles and kisses me in the morning.

I guess it all depends on how you define 'success'.

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #228 on: August 17, 2007, 10:48:18 pm »
ok no I wont....I am not finished yet.

I am SICK of her superior attitude about her 'success'....SHE has a big bank account, SHE has a sports car, SHE has a custom built $150,000 house.

but you know what else she has? She has a husband that beats her. She has a four year old that sits by herself in her room with her head on her hands looking sad, saying "My momma is yelling again". She has a four year old that cries and begs me to not leave her there. She has two older girls that would rather be with me than her. She has a museum....not a home.

I don't have a lot of cash. I have an older house. The carpet is looking sad in some places. The animals have shed some hair in here. I got two litter boxes. Sometimes it smells a bit in husbands boots sometimes tracks stuff in here...

but you know what else I have?? I have a home where it is ok to put your feet up. I have a husband that is gentle and loving to me. I have a son that smiles and kisses me in the morning.

I guess it all depends on how you define 'success'.

What you just said makes me that of that Brooks and Dunn song "Red Dirt Road"...

It's where I drank my first beer
It's where I found Jesus
Where I wrecked my first car
I tore it all to pieces
I learned the path to heaven is full of sinners and believers
Learned that happiness on earth ain't just for high achievers
I've learned I've come to know
There's life at both ends
Of that red dirt road

It sounds like you are very lucky in many ways Jess!  :D

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Offline delalluvia

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Re: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
« Reply #229 on: August 17, 2007, 10:56:42 pm »
Well said Jess, you have a successful life the rest of us can only dream of.

Not only do you and your husband love how and where you live, so do your nieces.

Don't cave into guilt or emotional blackmail.  You need to also consider the health and happiness of your house hold.  Let your sister bitch, but I'd be thinking about some cool comeback the next time the 'bootstrap' thing comes up.

With my sister, since she has the cell phone and I can't afford one, she is the first person my mother calls whenever she needs something or has an emergency.

My sister complains and grumbles and bitches and finally starting dropping hints about me not doing "my fair share".

My mother was ill with cancer while taking care of my father who was also ill and on his last legs when my sister had her daughter.  My sister has never believed that having a child meant giving up partying and bars and bringing strange men home - especially when she and her husband separated.  She was on a tight budget, always complaining she didn't have money, but she always had money to party...but not for a babysitter.

She called my mom.  My mother, unable to put her foot down would say oblique things like, "I'm not feeling too good, daddy was tired, he's gone to bed early." hoping my sister would pick up the hint.

Knowing she was not going to get a direct refusal, my sister would just blithely reply, "It's ok, my daughter won't bother you.  It'll just be for a few hours."

And she'd drop off her daughter regardless.  This shit has gone on for some time now, expanding now to my mother needing to pick up her granddaughter at school because her mother can't make it for whatever reason.  My mother does all this for free, mind you.  My sister has paid her nothing.

So, finally, in the last year, when my sister's griping and hints about taking care of mother got to be too much for me, I simply replied, "Boy, paybacks for all that free babysitting mom did for you are a bitch, aren't they?"

I've said that twice in the last few months and now, I don't hear her bitching to me anymore.

Ah, bliss.  8)