Author Topic: Secretary et al.  (Read 10429 times)


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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2006, 11:00:51 pm »
Proof is next on my shrink says Secretary is better, but..I wanna see Proof.

Proof is really least I think so...

Offline Chanterais

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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2006, 11:43:34 pm »
Proof is next on my shrink says Secretary is better, but..I wanna see Proof.

Oh, Jesus, Julie, you make me laugh.  Movie tips from your shrink?  My gynaecologist raves about The Squid and the Whale.  Or maybe that was my reiki healer?  Oh wait, she liked Basic Instinct 2.  My bad.

Silliness aside, I thought Proof was ridiculous.  It seems like such a winning formula: Anthony Hopkins, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hope Davis and Jake Gyllenhaal in the adaptation of a fabulous stage play, directed by John Madden.  Can't lose, right?  Wrong.  It's the biggest load of cobblers I've seen in a long time.

I mean, I love Jakey-poo, and he can't do much wrong in my eyes, but he was horribly miscast in Proof.  And Gwyneth, who grates a little, but is undeniably a gifted and magnetic actress, is just flat and whiny in it. 

Oh, it's not the worst movie in the world.  But it's films like this that come so close to being something really extraordinary, and then wimp out make me want to tear my hair out.  What a waste of talent and opportunity.  What a waste of a chance to produce something challenging and wondrous and of lasting worth.

Still, two hours spent ogling Mr. Gyllenhaal isn't two hours completely down the drain.


Elle, what did you make of Casa de los Babys?  I wanted to ask before, but didn't have the courage.  Is your little duckling from somewhere exotic?  I am going to ask this, but don't feel like you have to answer if you'd rather not: what was it like adopting?  Did it take a long time?  I imagine it must be an incredibly beautiful story.

But if you'd prefer to keep it for yourself, I understand completely.  Just say, "Nice weather we're having, isn't it?".  And I won't say another word.


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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2006, 11:50:58 pm »
Oh, Jesus, Julie, you make me laugh.  Movie tips from your shrink?  My gynaecologist raves about The Squid and the Whale.  Or maybe that was my reiki healer?  Oh wait, she liked Basic Instinct 2.  My bad.

Silliness aside, I thought Proof was ridiculous.  It seems like such a winning formula: Anthony Hopkins, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hope Davis and Jake Gyllenhaal in the adaptation of a fabulous stage play, directed by John Madden.  Can't lose, right?  Wrong.  It's the biggest load of cobblers I've seen in a long time.

I mean, I love Jakey-poo, and he can't do much wrong in my eyes, but he was horribly miscast in Proof.  And Gwyneth, who grates a little, but is undeniably a gifted and magnetic actress, is just flat and whiny in it. 

Oh, it's not the worst movie in the world.  But it's films like this that come so close to being something really extraordinary, and then wimp out make me want to tear my hair out.  What a waste of talent and opportunity.  What a waste of a chance to produce something challenging and wondrous and of lasting worth.

Still, two hours spent ogling Mr. Gyllenhaal isn't two hours completely down the drain. thats the first semi-negative review I've heard for Proof...

Offline Chanterais

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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2006, 12:38:35 am »
Oh, I'm sorry to piss on your parade, Chris.  I know, I'm Miss Picky.  The thing is, I don't hold most films to such a high standard, but Proof had all of the potential in the world.  Squandering talent is a sin in my book.  It was just so achingly mediocre.  I felt like I'd seen some version of it a thousand times before.

But I'll stop being mean.  I know how annoying it is when you genuinely like a movie, and someone comes along and insists that it's awful.  You just want to tell 'em to keep their stupid thoughts to themselves.  I'll shut my trap.  If it makes you feel any better, I love some really terrible, cliche-ridden flicks.  Under the Tuscan Sun, take a bow.  Step forward Dirty Dancing.  We've all got them.


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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2006, 12:41:53 am »
Oh, I'm sorry to piss on your parade, Chris.  I know, I'm Miss Picky.  The thing is, I don't hold most films to such a high standard, but Proof had all of the potential in the world.  Squandering talent is a sin in my book.  It was just so achingly mediocre.  I felt like I'd seen some version of it a thousand times before.

But I'll stop being mean.  I know how annoying it is when you genuinely like a movie, and someone comes along and insists that it's awful.  You just want to tell 'em to keep their stupid thoughts to themselves.  I'll shut my trap.  If it makes you feel any better, I love some really terrible, cliche-ridden flicks.  Under the Tuscan Sun, take a bow.  Step forward Dirty Dancing.  We've all got them.

Oh no no no.......nothing wrong with your're just the first I've talked to that didn't like Proof.....

I respect your opinion 1000%.......

I love Under the Tuscan Sun....Diane Lane is eye candy and Sandra Oh is awesome!  And aside from the annoying Patrick Swayze I love Dirty Dancing too.......its a classic!

Hell I saw Titanic 9 times in the theater and my 4th all time favorite movie is Pretty Woman......ROFL

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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2006, 12:53:54 am »
I don't mind Maggie G. at all but I am not a big fan of her's. I haven't seen Secretary but I plan to. I saw her in Mona Lisa Smile -- which I liked; I usually hate Kirsten Dunst but she was tolerable in that (maybe because she was playing a bitch and she didn't have to try so hard  :-*).

Since BBM, I watched Jake in Jarhead and I enjoyed that movie. It was depressing though because I kept wishing I was watching Brokeback. Jake was great in Jarhead though.

Today, I watched the first half of 10 Things I Hate About You. It was the first time I've watched it since it originally came out. I don't know if I'm biased now, or what, but Heath was surprisingly good in that. Before Brokeback, I thought of him as a mediocre actor and simply a pretty face but then he astonished me as Ennis. He was good in 10 Things too (not nearly as good, obviously). The script is cheesy as hell in parts but it was also pretty damn funny.

I'm still trying to overcome my issues with seeing Jake & Heath in new movies, as talented as they are. I just have to plan ahead when Zodiac comes out; make sure not to have watched Brokeback within three weeks prior to my viewing.
If you'd just realize what I just realized then we'd be perfect for each other and we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now
We missed out on each other now

R.I.P. Heath Ledger

Offline henrypie

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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2006, 02:13:32 pm »
Hey Chantie,
I remembered your "ridiculous" as I watching Proof (although I didn't read beyond that sentence -- didn't even mean to read that much), and I thought that the main ridiculousness was trying to accept someone as beautiful, fit and socially adept as Jake's character as math PhD.  No offense to all y'all math PhD's but come ON!

Jake has a funny run.
Speaking of London, there's a shot of Jake bursting out of a pair of double doors and running down the hall.  Those double doors had the little white square stickers with the blue circle... can't remember what the stickers say but it's something about a fire exit probably.  Anyway I was all "Pause! Pause!" so I could go back and look at those doors which are supposedly in Chicago.  I knew those stickers are a British thing -- I've never seen them in the US.  Sure enough, it was shot partly in London.

Offline Chanterais

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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2006, 02:44:00 pm »
Yes, I've noticed that Mr. Gyllenhaal has a funny run.  Not that I've been staring obsessively at him, memorizing every last physiological detail, down to the fact that he has a very cute mole on his lower back.  Absolutely not.

And what did we make of Proof, besides the silly casting?  Did your other half manage to sit through it without stuffing tissues in his ears to muffle the cooing, gurgling sounds coming from his wife whenever Jakey-wakey appeared on-screen?  He's a strong man.

I can't tell what's English or what's North American anymore.  I used to try to keep it straight, and adapt to wherever I was, but I've given up.  I say elevator instead of lift, but flat instead of apartment.  I look both ways whenever I cross the street not because I paid attention in Kindergarten safety lessons, but because I can't remember which way the cars come in which country.  I am a complete, bewildered mutt.  It's a wonder I can remember my own name.

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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2006, 03:19:02 pm »
Well, Catherine and her sister were sure one-dimensional, and annoying.  I thought there were cool creepy elements, but it felt like a short story that wanted to be a novel.  And should have been.  It's weird; all my criticisms are dwarfed by the gross miscasting of Jake as a math nerd.  Couldn't take the whole movie seriously because of that.  I'm not saying he did a bad job with it, but not even he can make wine into water.  Reminds me a little of Gregory Peck as Penny Baxter in The Yearling.  Penny Baxter was a small, weak-chinned, pockmarked man.  Um, Gregory Peck?   But Peck wasn't as distracting.  And I guess it's hypocritical that I wasn't so distracted by Jake in BBM -- no buck teeth, no thick middle.  Mmm, middle.

I was restrained.  My husband didn't have to put up with anything but a little bit of noise because I was rolling pennies during the first half.

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Re: Secretary et al.
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2006, 03:26:45 pm »
Next entry:


Historical fiction in which two fifteen-year-old girls (Kirsten Dunst and Michelle Williams) are inserted into Watergate.  Super-duper silly, but I admit I laughed and smiled a lot (smiles a lot).  Those girls are cute as buttons.  And my husband and I recently watched and read All the President's Men so the details of the basis for parody were fresh in our minds.