Author Topic: JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive  (Read 54824 times)


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03. August 07
« Reply #70 on: August 03, 2007, 01:39:19 am »
Hands by Dagi

Jack took his hands off the wall behind him against which his lover was still pressing him and placed them gently on each side of Ennis´ face, planted a soft kiss on his lips, pouring all his love into it, before they both took a breathless look down on Ennis´ hands.

Jack, still hard, in Ennis´ left hand, Ennis´own member in his right hand, both covered with their semen.

Jack dipped one finger into it and put the finger into his mouth, savoring the taste, then locked eyes with Ennis, who stared back in a mixture of disbelief and lust, and he whispered into his lover´s ear: “Think I should lick your hands clean before we can unpack your truck...”

The Tree by Toycoon

Ennis rode faster and faster, against the wind and into the sun, until he was at the very precipice of the mountain where he yanked the reins and hopped off his horse then stood looking at the plum tree he' d spotted a few days before, growing just over the edge of the steep cliff ; it was dangerous to try to pick the fruit but he knew that the taste would be so sweet after suffering with beans for all these weeks.

He slowly crept to the edge as though he were stalking prey, knelt down and set one foot, then the other to the ledge below reaching his hand over the side toward the delicate fruit on a low branch; the dirt ledge gave way and Ennis gasped as he felt himself falling deeper and deeper into the abyss.

When Ennis opened his eyes, his lashes brushed against Jack's musty hair, his nose drawing in the grassy scent and he could feel Jack's pulsing heartbeat through his arms; Ennis untangled himself from Jack and put on his plaid shirt, his coat and hat, then he stared at Jack for a bit, kissed Jack goodbye and took off for the sheep on horseback.

Shades of Blue by Littlewing 1957

Tending camp was boring, indelicate work, but Ennis was becoming used to it.  He was a decent cook, even managing to make tasty meals with the meager provisions given him.  Some days were better than others, but after a particularly lusty night with Jack Twist, Ennis woke restless and lonely.

It was against his better nature, his sense of duty, but Ennis needed to see his friend.  Jack was due back to camp for his supper in about 5 hours, but Ennis couldn’t wait that long.  He decided to take supper to Jack.  Ennis packed a few cans of beans, a can of Vienna sausages, some peaches and a jug of whiskey.  By the time he arrived up the mountain, Jack would already have a fire.  His tent should also be equipped with a small pot.  They should find everything they needed to cook and eat a decent meal.

Ennis found Jack after a few hours.  He was sitting on a log, patting one of the blue healers, his harmonica in his lap.  The sight of so many shades of blue gave Ennis pause.  He took in Jack’s blue shirt, Jack's dark wash blue denims and the blue/black coat of the puppy.   All of this silent, softly animated shades of blue positioned against the robin’s egg blue of the Wyoming sky wove a deep and lonely spell. The blue puppy heard Ennis' approach after a moment and ran to him, tail wagging.  Jack looked up, blue eyes dancing and hopeful.  He ran into Ennis’ arms, encircling him in a tangle of blue.

Jackie by Littlewing 1957

Extreme AU Slice of Life

Ennis wasn’t sure what to do next!  The tiny kitten was rubbing against his legs, purring loud enough to wake the dead.  He didn’t want this to get out, but Ennis was wild about cats.  Jack Twist would know what to do.  Ennis placed the call to Childress and Jack answered on the first ring.  Their conversation went sort of like this:

Ennis:  Hey, Bud, how you doin?  I just thought I would give you a call to see what’s up and get some advice.

Jack:  Well, well, well, Ennis Del Mar!  What’s up, Cowboy?  Everything okay?  I don’t usually hear from you?”

Ennis:  Oh, I’m okay; I just need your help, is all.  You have a cat, right?

Jack:  Well, yeah, Lureen has an orange tabby cat.  Why do you ask?

Ennis:  I found a cat, a little kitten on my stoop last night.  It was crying and wouldn’t leave.

Jack:  I see!  Where is the cat now?

Ennis:  In my kitchen.  I let it stay the night.  Jack, does your cat like to sleep with you?

Jack:  Sure.  Moppy sleeps at our feet almost every night.  I guess they like to be close to their owners.  Ennis, this call must be costing you a lot of money.  You want to get to the point?  Don’t get me wrong, friend, I love to hear your voice, but long distance ain’t cheap.

Ennis: (clearing his throat)  Yeah, well, I wanna know what sort of food to feed it.

Jack:  You mean you’re gonna keep the kitty?  Ennis, I didn’t know you like cats!

Ennis:  Yeah, well keep it under yer hat.  I don’t want this getting’ out.  What should I feed a baby cat?

Jack:  Kitten food?

Ennis:  What kind of kitten food?

Jack:  I don’t know.. kitten chow usually works.   Moppy loved kitten chow.  If you want, I can send you a few cases.

Ennis:  Oh no, no Bud, I got this.  Thanks for the tip.  I’ll go get her some kitten chow.  So how is everybody and everything?

Jack:  Oh, we’re tolerable.  Work is a bitch, but what else is new?  Kelsey just had a litter of 5 pups.  Friend, you should see em!  I’m gonna bring one of them to you next month when we meet up.

Ennis:  C’mon Jack, I just told you I’m keeping the kitten.  I can’t take care of 2 pets.

Jack:  Oh yeah, that’s right.  Well, anyways, I’m lookin’ forward to our next trip.  We still on for the 5th of next month?

Ennis:  Hell, yeah.  Wouldn’t miss it. 

Jack:  Anything else you need to know?  Make sure you get the cat her shots, and change her water bowl often.

Ennis: Yeah, I’ll remember.  Thanks again, Bud.  Keep it warm for me until we meet.

Jack:  I will.  (chuckles) Bye!

:  Bye.

Ennis picks up his little kitty and scratches behind her ears.  The tiny feline is small enough to fit in the palm of his hand.  He places her in his lap and rubs her tiny back.  He decides to name her "Jackie."
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 02:49:37 pm by Dagi »


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04. August 07
« Reply #71 on: August 04, 2007, 02:53:05 pm »
The Color of Brown by Toycoon

The earth smelled good, so warm and comforting, hours after the light rain they'd had that summer morning. It was an indescribable scent that Jack could not explain his attraction for but it gave him a sense of solace all the same.

From across the river, Jack stared at Ennis, standing in bare feet in the thick mud; he marveled at Ennis' connection to the soil. Ennis seemed to be an extension of the sandy banks of the river: grounded, sturdy, rich and robust.

Jack drew in Ennis' masculine aroma, making him swoon unexpectedly and feel slightly intoxicated in this man's presence; the cool blue of the stream reflected delicately in the ruddy sanguine of Ennis' eyes.

All for Me by Littlewing 1957

Ennis placed Jack’s hand in his.  He pulled him up from the couch and led him silently, intently, into the bedroom.  Jack stood by the king sized bed and fixed a piercing blue gaze at Ennis’ crotch.

Jack unbuttoned Ennis’ beige shirt slowly.  He liked this sort of lazy lead-up; thought of it as a sort of foreplay.  Ennis allowed this, even encouraged it!  Halfway down to his waist now, Jack continued to unbutton Ennis’ shirt, revealing his chiseled, tanned chest.

His shirt removed now, Jack pulled at Ennis’ leather belt.  It came away easy.  Unzipping his jeans, Jack became hungry, impatient.  He eased Ennis’ jeans down to the floor, removed his briefs.   Ennis’ manhood was hard and glistening.  When Jack saw the slick lubrication dripping down Ennis’ shaft, he cried out, screamed, dizzy with lust!  Ennis palmed his manhood and handed it to Jack…

Feeling Safe by Moremojo

Even though both were approaching middle age, Ennis still thought of Jack as his beloved blue boy, and held him snugly from behind as they drifted off to sleep in the tent, relishing the warmth of that beloved cleavage, the tight but welcoming place where his manhood had always felt most comfortable.

For a moment, his peaceful descent into sleep was roused by the memory of their earlier conversation, where Jack had said he missed him so much sometimes he could hardly stand it, and of how Ennis's heart had stung to those gently recriminating words, of how his mouth clamped tighter in frustration and sadness.

Tinged with the dark night's melancholy, his member retreated from its swelling search, though Ennis could still feel the humid warmth of his beloved's body upon it, and he pulled Jack even closer, determined that if only for this one night, they would be safe and secure, and not only in their dreams.

Sunday Service by garycottle

The morning sun came through the window and washed the room in antiseptic white light.  The only contrast to the unremitting brightness was the shadow in the shape of a giant cross over the bed, cast there by the window’s muntins.  John could no longer sleep because not even his eyelids could block out the light.  In winter he’d simply pull the blanket over his head, but now it was too warm.  So he slowly rose and placed his feet on the floor.  Since his wife had gotten up hours earlier, and presumably had already left for church, the pain in his lower back and knees was his only hail.  He was sure that by the time he was sixty the pain would be more than he could bear.

John shielded his eyes and looked out the window, and saw two pubescent boys running behind the barn.  One was his son, Jack, and the other was Holland Perry.  Holland was the son of George and Catherine Perry who lived five miles down the road.  His wife went to church with them, and most Sundays the Perrys dropped the boy off when they stopped to pick up Roberta.  John didn’t like Holland.  He thought he was a sissy.  But he tolerated the kid because the deal was he and Jack would do the morning chores if they chose to stay home from church, and this bargain gave John an excuse to sleep in.  But seeing the boys now he noticed there was something in their cadence that suggested they weren’t interested in chores this morning.

John dressed, drank a cup of warmed-over black coffee, and headed outside to see what the boys were up to.  When he heard the giggles John’s pace slowed, and then he stopped altogether when he got to the corner of the barn.  He quietly poked his head around and saw an unexpected sight.  Jack and Holland were on their feet facing each other.  Their pants were down around their ankles, and their right arms crossed over to the other’s crotch.  Each was pulling back and forth.

John’s vocal cords tightened in an effort to speak, but no words came out.  He wanted to stop what was happening, but he couldn’t acknowledge it.  John turned and walked away as the heat bit his cheeks like windburn.  At first he blamed his wife.  Roberta had told the boy about Christ's love, even though John had told her that would only make the boy soft.  But as he neared the kitchen door he realized that it was his fault.  It was the responsibility of the father to make a man out of his boy.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 04:39:11 pm by Dagi »


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5.+6. August 07
« Reply #72 on: August 06, 2007, 05:44:20 am »
Sinner by Toycoon

Ennis awoke with a start from his drunken stupor, to the feel of his right hand palming another man's throbbing cock, Jack's cock, with Jack's hand firmly guiding his fingers over the length.

Groggy, confused yet dizzy from intense desire, Ennis yanked down Jack's trousers and tore at the fly of his own jeans, freeing his erection then rubbed a saliva covered hand over his shaft.

In an instant, Ennis was deep inside his partner's warm body, experiencing the most incredible sensations he had ever felt; Jack let out a loud grunt and Ennis shivered and collapsed on top of him in a heap.

Sinner Part 2 by Littlewing 1957

Out, down and asleep?  Oh no, not yet!  Jack fell over and appreciated the feel of Ennis’ weight on top of him.  He lay still, content to bask in the afterglow, savor the smell of Ennis’ quivering form.

Ennis reached out just in time to palm Jack’s still tumescent manhood.  He caressed him gently, instinctively aware that Jack would be extra sensitive after his orgasm.  Jack kept his groin elevated a bit, just so that Ennis could fondle him.

Never a word was spoken as the 2 lay still.  Ennis’ breath caressed Jack’s neck as his hand gently pulled and rubbed Jack’s dick.  And when both were content in spirit as well as body, time for sleep...

Sinner (Part 3) by Littlewing 1957

A bit AU

And the boys slept.  But along about 3:00a.m. Ennis noticed a now familiar stirring in his loins.  He was not lying very close to Jack, but was awakened by his smoldering physicality.

Ennis gently pushed against Jack’s shoulder in an effort to wake him.  Ennis was ready to play.  Jack was groggy and confused as he rubbed sleep from his blue eyes.  His eyes focused on his friend just as Ennis leaned in for a kiss.

“Pull your pants down, Rodeo!” Ennis ordered.  “I want to see you.”  Jack complied without a word.  Ennis smiled as Jack removed his jeans.

“Now pull them all the way off and bend over… all the way over.”  Jack did what he was told.  Ennis crawled down on the bedroll, directly under Jack’s rock hard behind.  He glanced up timidly and took in the sight of Jack’s tiny pucker and his pendulous scrotum.

“Ah the view is so good from down here!”  Ennis muttered as he continued to feast his eyes.  Jack held very still, slightly amused at his friend’s antics.  Ennis reached up tentatively, and spread Jack’s butt cheeks to gain a better view of his hole.  He patted Jack’s ass, rubbed him tenderly.

“That feels so good, Friend!”  Jack whispered as he held his position!  Ennis reached down slightly and cupped one ball, released it, and palmed the other.  Losing control, Ennis moved his mouth closer to Jack’s balls and placed one in his mouth.  When he gently gulped the other, Jack fell flat onto his chest…

Sinner (Part 4) by Littlewing1957

I'm dedicating this to all of you guys!  I love you!

Ennis chuckled softly as he followed Jack’s descent onto the bedroll.  He had to follow him down, as Jack’s balls were still in his mouth!  Jack was a bit mortified to lose his balance just as Ennis gobbled him, but how could he stay still after all that?  And the vibrations from Ennis’ deep, throaty chuckles caressed Jack in ways he couldn’t describe.

Ennis released his friend’s sacs and caressed them for a bit.  Jack turned over onto his back and fixed Ennis with a moist, blue stare.  Ennis was caught.  He couldn’t look away, but felt uncomfortable as he was drawn deeper into the liquid orbs of blue.

A tender sigh and Ennis was released.  Jack looked away, but reached out for his new lover - encouraged, pleaded for an embrace.  Ennis pulled Jack to his muscular chest and held him tight.  Jack instinctively wrapped his arms around his friend’s broad shoulders and pushed in close.

The Nose Leads The Heart by moremojo

Despite having been raised on a ranch, Jack had always been sensitive to the raw smells so frequently encountered in that milieu, and was mighty relieved for Ennis (so sweet, so thoughtful) to take his place in that damn foul-smelling pup tent; and yet, since they had become lovers (mustn't use that word, shouldn't think like that) the camptender's tent had taken on its own funky, manly aroma, the kind that could only come from the repeated exertions born of animal passion.

Jack noticed now that odors once deemed offensive by him were, in these special circumstances, imbued with a strange new allure, that awoke desire and which he immediately associated with his new friend, who even now was entering the tent and pulling off his boots, filling the tight space with a day's worth of hard-earned, sweaty raunch, the discernment of which made Jack's jeans chafe at their own constriction.

"Hey bud, glad to see ya," Ennis smiled down at his cowboy, tentatively touching his hair and gingerly leaning down to kiss those soft lips, whereupon Jack hungrily reached up to drink Ennis in, the heady mixture of dried masculine sweat, feet, and Ennis's whiskey-stained, unbrushed teeth transformed, in the magic of the moment, into the unforgettable perfume of paradise.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 05:05:34 pm by Dagi »


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7. August 07
« Reply #73 on: August 07, 2007, 05:28:22 pm »
Kindred Spirits by Moremojo

"I never had a brother, you know, bein' an only child," mused Jack, while he and Ennis sat gazing into the campfire in the silent, dying light of the day; shifting slightly in the lawnchair, Jack continued, "I sometimes wondered what that mighta been like...havin' someone to play with, an' also someone to look after you, and to look after..."...Jack's voice drifted as Ennis discerned a shadow, not only from the evening's twilight, pass over his bud's aging face.

Ennis, who had had a damn handful of a brother in K.E., didn't know how to register this odd, melancholy reflection of Jack's (he and K.E. had barely tolerated one another, and were glad to get out of each other's hair when the opportunity arose), but he sensed the longing in his one and only cowboy that he never knew existed, and felt a kindred kindness rise thereby in his own breast.

"It's late in the day, friend," Ennis said, leaning expectantly to directly face Jack, "but I can be a brother to ya, if that's whatchya want"; and in saying so, he reached out to gently touch Jack's pensive cheek, in the way that Jack had taught him so long ago.

Caps and Facial hair by Littlewing1957

Jack Twist had his “buck” teeth filed down and replaced with caps.  He was feeling fine and grew a shaggy mustache to finish the job.  Jack didn’t think his new look was anything special, but he couldn’t wait to see Ennis’ reaction to his new teeth and his bushy top lip.  Jack appraised his mustache in a small hand mirror.  “Poor Ennis!”  Jack chucked softly.  “He’ll remember being kissed, that’s for damn sure!”

At first Ennis didn’t notice, or he wanted to keep his comments to himself.  Jack ran into his lover’s arms and planted a wet, scratchy one on Ennis' full lips.

“Whoa, Jack!”  Ennis laughed as he stepped back a bit.  “What is that growin’ on your top lip?”  Jack punched Ennis’ upper arm. “It’s a mustache, Friend.  Do you like it?”  Jack kissed Ennis again for good measure.

“I don’t know, Bud.”  Ennis began, shaking his head.  “I guess it’s okay, just don’t get too carried away with that thing.  It feels like it can hurt, you get too excited!”  Jack laughed uproariously and walked into Don Wroe’s cabin to get settled for the week.  Once all the gear, food and other provisions were put away, Ennis and Jack sat side-by-side on the massive couch to catch up.  Jack told Ennis all about his desire to do something about his buck teeth.  He saved for a long time to pay for the procedure, and was very satisfied with the results.  Jack opened up so that Ennis could see his new caps.

“Looks nice, Bud!”  Ennis said approvingly.  But how do they feel?  How do they taste?  Here, let me see!”  Ennis placed his mouth over Jack’s, and very forcefully, moved his tongue first along the top teeth, and then along the bottom.  He pulled his tongue away, bit at Jack’s mustache, sucked at the dark hairs.  “Very good… tastes good, Jack!  I like em!”  Jack almost fell off the couch, taken aback by the sheer sexiness of Ennis’ actions.

“Well, if you like the taste, you’ll love the feel…down there!”  It was Jack, pointing to Ennis’ groin,  trying his best to catch his breath.  It was Ennis’ turn to fall over!  He pulled at his belt, as Jack’s head went down….

Recapturing Youth by Moremojo

More and more, during their all too infrequent get-togethers in what had become the late summer of their lives, Ennis and Jack turned reflective and nostalgic towards the past, both of their times together and of their lives generally, and so it came as no surprise when Ennis at one point said, "Ya know, not having finished high school, I missed out on so much of that high school stuff, like datin' and shit...hell, I never even gave a girl a hickey, much less got one"; Jack smiled at his friend's effusiveness that even now could invest him with so much boyishness, at which he replied that, as a fellow dropout, he too had missed out on many of the teenage rites of passage...including hickeys.

"Ya know, Ennis, it's not too late", Jack said with a fresh gleam in his eye, his voice rising to the lilt that colored it when he became excited, continuing with, "Hell, we've never given each other about we make up for lost time?"; at that, Ennis needed no further prodding, and, grabbing his friend's head firmly in his hands, sank his face upon Jack's warm neck, sucking and slightly biting the flesh that felt, at such times as this, like his own.

Jack laughed at the ticklish deliciousness of the sensation, and immediately after returned the favor, noting a little rasp of pleasure coming out of Ennis's throat even as his mouth was upon it; the deed done, the two of them went to look at the results in the mirror of Jack's truck, whereupon they burst out laughing at the massive red marks they had carved on each other, whereupon Ennis said, "Well, we may be old-timers, but those young 'uns got nothin' on us", already contemplating how he would show off the mark to his fellow ranch hands as a trophy from Cassie, while Jack, right then touching his neck with apprehension, began to worry as to how he would explain it later to Lureen.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2007, 01:05:23 am by Dagi »


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Re: READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread
« Reply #74 on: August 09, 2007, 07:44:18 pm »
Aguirre by moremojo

His teeth clenched so hard inside his closed mouth that they slowly began to ache, as Joe Aguirre sat on his steady horse, gazing from a distance at the naked youths before him, the ruddy Del Mar boy thrusting into that damn Twist sonafabitch, kneeling on all fours with his ass pointed skyward like a fuckin' cat in heat, both utterly oblivious to the vast landscape around them with its secret, prying eyes; Aguirre waited until the two had retreated to the tent before making his way back into town.

While riding, none too hurriedly, Joe felt the rush of his blood swelling his face, as he thought back on last summer, and the first time he met that scamp Jack, of how that Twist boy wasn't much good at any damn thing, though he obviously tried to please and wile himself into everyone's good graces; Joe remembered how the slightest hint of a smile from that fresh face softened him up inside, made him forgive the latest fuckup, and give the kid another chance, and as he approached Signal he began to think he had given the boy one chance too many.

Securing his horse and settling himself into his trailer, Joe pondered how he would handle the current situation, of how he couldn't abide the thought of letting two queers go at it on his good time, but of how little he could afford the loss of two able bodies in this crucial season; yeah, bodies were on his mind as, with a hint of hot tears welling up in his eyes and that old loathing rising up in his throat to the point he thought he would puke his very soul out, he unbuttoned his fly to reach down and stroke the stiffening flesh within.

Meat by Toycoon

Jack was on his knees, his body warm from the campfire, hot from desire, when he brought the meat to his face, inhaling deeply, drawing in the musky scent then, finally setting the smooth flesh on his hungry lips.

Jack drew his lips around the thick meat then sucked greedily on it so that his cheeks puffed out and the juices oozed from the sides of his mouth, dribbled down his chin and onto his pants.

Ennis wiped the grease from his mouth with his sleeve and thought, "damn, I ain't never seen nobody eat elk jerky like that before! "


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9.+10. August 07
« Reply #75 on: August 10, 2007, 08:14:40 am »
Secret Stash by Littlewing1957

“I tell you, they was screwin’ each other!”  Aguirre was red faced as he spoke to one of the foremen.  Darryl Freeman looked at Aguirre and shook his handsome head.

“I don’t believe it, Joe!  Not those 2 good lookin’ guys.  How do you know all this?  You got proof?”  Aguirre pulled a pack of cigs from his desk drawer and offered one to Darryl.  Darryl refused.

“Because I saw ‘em with my own eyes!”  Aguirre muttered as he placed a long cig into his mouth.  "And besides, I caught them one day laughing it up, horsing around.  Listen, man, you don’t play around like that, pull on each other half naked without anything goin’ on."  Aguirre lit his cigarette.  “Those 2 boys are queer, I tell ya!”  Darryl Freeman wasn’t convinced.

“Hey, wait a minute, Joe,” Darryl began.  “We grew up together and engaged in a bit of horseplay with each other.  You mean to say we’re queer?”  Aguirre was getting angry now.  He didn’t know why he even confided in his longtime friend; other than the fact that the truth was eating away at him.   5 years have come and gone since the summer he hired Ennis and Jack, and Joe couldn’t keep the secret to himself any longer.

“Look, Darryl, I got proof, okay?”   Aguirre stood and moved toward his small safe.  “You want to see for yourself?”  Darryl was amused and quite curious now.  He nodded.  Aguirre pulled from his safe a small stack of photos.  He placed them on the desk right in front of his childhood friend.  Darryl reluctantly picked up the pics and whistled.  His mind couldn’t register what he was seeing: Jack and Ennis out in the broad daylight, engaging in anal sex!  Darryl returned the pictures to his friend.  The sight of Ennis bent over Jack was lurid enough, but Jack with Ennis’ manhood in his mouth was obscene!  Darryl wouldn’t admit it, but he was aroused by what he just saw.  He couldn’t imagine, though, why Joe would take these pictures.

“Okay, I see!”  Darryl muttered.  I thought you was bullshittin,’ man!  Well, at least they didn’t do anything to the sheep.  They had each other to poke!”  Darryl and Joe both laughed ruefully.  “Why are you saving those pictures?”  Darryl asked his friend.  Aguirre was silent.  He didn’t know why he held onto those pics for so long, and he didn’t want to know the answer.  “I don’t know, Darryl!”  Aguirre began.  “Annunition, maybe?”  Darryl didn’t know what Aguirre meant, and decided to leave it alone.

“Hey Joe!”  Darryl began.  “Why don’t you make us a pot of coffee, and we’ll forget about those queer ranch stiffs you hired.  Don’t beat yourself up about it.  You had no way of knowing that they was queer."  Darryl pointed to the pot in back of his friend.  "Make us a pot of coffee?”  Aguirre smiled and nodded.  He turned his back to Darryl and started on the coffee.  Darryl quickly and expertly grabbed a few of the pics that Aguirre left on the desk.  Joe would never miss them.  Darryl smiled softly as he placed the pics in his jeans pocket.  The erotic snapshots of Ennis and Jack would come in handy during those lonely times up on the mountain...

From Laura

From the long languid looks — ever slower
to the riveted jeans being lowered...
Finally screen satisfaction
for the straight female faction!
A total, erotic mind-blower!

It's alright, Cowboy by Toycoon

Ennis was so nervous, trembling and shaking at the thought of making love to a man but he couldn't have asked for a better friend to break him in; Jack put Ennis at ease, softy rubbing Ennis' head and whispering "it's alright, it's alright... I'm right here with you, cowboy" in a voice as smooth as velvet.

Comfortable and relaxed, Jack had his way with the inexperienced ranch hand, each man deriving pleasure from places neither knew could give it.

As the cool night wore on, Ennis took Jack in every orifice and Jack, reciprocated enthusiastically with Ennis; vertiginous by how good it all felt.

It’s alright, Cowboy (part 2) by Littlewing1957

Ennis was no longer nervous, or even ashamed.  He was rather sore, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.  In Ennis’ eyes, the physical discomfort was a measure of passion, and of conquest!

Jack didn’t need reassurance, or to be held and gentled like some gal, but he did enjoy the sensation of being in his friend’s embrace.  He pulled Ennis’ arms around his neck, kissed his smooth forearm.

“It’s alright for us to make love, Friend!”  Jack whispered as he kissed Ennis’ hair.  “It’s nobody’s business but our own.”  Ennis nodded and snuggled closer.  “It’s also okay to whisper something sexy in my ear!”  Jack chuckled.  He patted Ennis’ firm behind.  “All that time you spend up on horseback must make this so good!”  Jack said breathlessly.  He looked at Ennis, amused.  “Your turn…”

It's alright, Cowboy (Part 3) by Toycoon

"Jack, you make me feel special, kinda important,'" stammered Ennis," when you look at me, I feel wanted, hmm." he smiled bashfully and looked away but then back at Jack.

Jack never wanted anything more than he needed Ennis at that moment; he rubbed his lips on the soft hair on Ennis forearm.

Although they were worn out and ached all over, they kissed, touched and felt one another's body repeatedly until they each drifted off to sleep.

A Slice of Life on the Mountain by Littlewing1957

Ennis rode in to camp on his mare.  His dark golden hair tangled in the wind, he was a breathtaking, formidable sight.  Jack dropped the wood he was adding to the cook fire.  The sight of Ennis’ approach stopped his heart.  “Aww, a whole lotta sexiness is comin’ this way!”  Jack mused as he watched his lover’s approach.

Ennis climbed down, shook himself all over.  He was stiff from such a long ride.  He walked a few circles around the fire, dropped down suddenly and did a few push ups.  Jack watched all of this in silence.  He didn’t want Ennis to know that his very presence caused his heart to skip a beat.

Jack continued to watch as Ennis worked out the kinks.  When his exercise routine was over, Ennis, flat out on his back, looked over at his friend and smiled.  Jack returned Ennis’ smile and walked over to where he lay.  He joined Ennis on the cold ground and kissed his lips.


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10.August 07
« Reply #76 on: August 11, 2007, 08:41:48 am »
More Meat – the tension builds by LauraGigs

Ennis released a reverberating MMMmmm from deep in his chest. He was secretly grateful for Jack's coaxing despite his initial resistance, reveling in the unlimited luscious meat splitting up the weeks of camp cooking. He didn't want to waste a thing – when he was done with the flesh along the length, he worked around the end of the bone, savoring the saltiness and deep flavor there.

His eyes lifted over his savory prize for a second, and suddenly he was caught just like the elk:  struck wide open by his campmate's devastating gaze. Ennis froze in the double-barreled blue with a mouthful of the elk-bone hardness – watching Jack's lips slowly curl into a glistening grin that made him feel like penetrated prey.

Swallowing hard, Ennis put dinner down and stretched his hand down past Jack's knee, but couldn't reach. Uhhhh, hand me the whiskey there friend? he finally choked out.

Jack gave it over, and Ennis took a deep drink.

After Hours by Toycoon

When Jenny had the measles, Alma took care of her while Ennis and Alma Jr. stayed with Alma's sister on the other side of town; Alma scrubbed the vomit from her daughter's blanket, rang out the water from the little pink fleece then took it to the Laundromat downstairs to tumble dry.
It was half past seven as she picked two dimes from the ashtray and hastily dashed out the back door with the damp bundle because she'd seen the cream colored pick-up belonging to the owner of the laundromat, Mr. Delgado, so she knew she could still use the dryer after hours if she hurried; the sign on the door read, "CLOSED" and she noticed that the hand-written "Help Wanted" sign that had been in the window all week, sat on the little counter. The door was ajar, so she nudged it open with her shoulder.

From across the room, Alma heard the sounds of grunting, thumping and pounding on a washing machine so she started towards the noise; she spotted the two men, Mr. Delgago and a 'colored' man hunched over, moving the appliance into position.

When she finally got close enough to see them, she discovered that the two men had their pants down around their ankles with the black man thrusting his huge member into Mr. Delgado's white ass! Mr. Delgado moaned and slapped the top of the washer with his hands and reared back to meet the bigger man's lunging.

Alma stifled her gasp with the blanket but the men didn't notice her in the least; she quickly retreated from the laundromat, caught her breath and pulled the door shut.


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11. August 07
« Reply #77 on: August 11, 2007, 04:16:51 pm »
Swallowing by moremojo

The cancer that had seized his throat and ravaged the delicate tissues of his mouth had rendered the eating of solid food impossible for Ennis del Mar, so that, apart from occasional doles of apple sauce and quaffs of always welcome water, the aging cowboy derived most of his nutrition from a stomach tube, the purchase and maintenance of which was generously provided by Junior and Kurt, with whom he now lived; Ennis never thought that a stay of a few months would turn into two years, after his eviction from the ranch, though, along with all the other hard knocks it had been his lot to endure, he accepted this with calm, equanimity, and not a little gratitude...thus was he settled in his thoughts at home while Kurt and Junior were away at work.

Ennis had always been a man of simple tastes, had never asked for or expected much, but even with his spartan heritage he never realized how much he could miss the wholesome taste of a good can of beans or the tough texture of a good strip of jerky, and yet the sensation he missed most of all, the one he knew would be even more impossible to reclaim, was that of those soft, yielding lips that could always awaken his heart to its own inner recesses, would remind him that he was alive and to be glad of it; his thoughts of Jack, of his absence, were further inflected with the regret of all that Ennis never did for his lover, wouldn't do at the time because it seemed unmanly, such as reciprocating Jack's loving gesture of taking his manhood deep into his mouth and letting the hot jets of passion come in there, even to the point of drinking them Ennis now wished that he had had the courage to taste that secret part of Jack's being, and to imbibe his manly essence.

With his mind thus engaged, his throat hurting like hell and his abdomen sore from the tube's repeated insertions, Ennis noticed a flutter in his heart that gave him pause, made him sit up to take notice that something big was happening, that maybe his time had at long last come, so much so that he imagined...or could it really be...his beautiful blue boy, no longer blue for being completely naked, approach him to take gentle hold of his head, guiding that weary mass onto his waiting manhood (longer and stiffer than Ennis could remember), sliding dream into flesh, fulfilling a once-abandoned hope as, at the very moment Ennis's heart was giving out, the now hale throat received its benediction of hot, everlasting love.

It Really is Alright by Littlewing 1957

Ennis made his way home from the grocer’s with his head hanging down.  He was paid, but business at the ranch was poor, and his check was short by about $200.00.  Ennis wasn’t sure if Steve could get away with stiffing him like that, but he had other urgent matters to consider.  His child support check was due to Alma in a few days, and he didn’t know how he could manage to pay her and his rent with his funds short by $200.00.  He could barley afford the few groceries that he picked up just moments ago.

And Jack wasn’t sure about the trip next month.  His postcard arrived days before, announcing a conflict with the dates; something about a conference in New York that he needed to attend.  Now this!  Ennis opened his trailer door with a heavy heart, and put away his groceries.  He heated a TV dinner and sat down to eat and read the mail.  Bills, more bills and a few pieces of junk mail.  His bad luck was holding up.  But wait - a letter from Alma - the last thing he noticed!  Ennis was nervous as he opened his ex-wife’s letter.   It read:

Ennis, I got to thinking, and never mind sending the support check this month.  I spoke to Monroe about it, and he said that you can skip this month’s payment.  Business is so good that he’s thinking about opening another store.  He told me that we can get along without the money this month.  But I expect you to send me a check next month, right on time.  Take care of yourself, Ennis, and I’ll see you next month on the 7th.

Ennis Del Mar couldn’t believe his eyes.  He tried to fight back the tears, but they somehow managed to fall.  And buried beneath one of the pieces of junk mail was hiding a plain postcard.  Ennis’ hand shook as he gently turned the card over and read:

Friend, I got good news!  The conference in New York is cancelled, and to tell you the truth, I thought about it and told Lureen that I wasn’t going anyway.  I’m sorry for the confusion Cowboy.  If you have me and are still speaking to me I want to meet up next month as planned.  Let me know.

The tears fell in earnest!  Ennis pressed the postcard against his forehead and wiped at his wet cheeks.  He couldn’t image another month without Jack!  He rose from his small table and searched around for a postcard.  As he wrote Jack a very enthusiastic reply, Ennis remembered a few words from the Good Book that his mom often quoted:

"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me."

 Ennis thought that sometimes, just once in awhile,  the world really is a decent place….

Jack loves a Rainy Night by Littlewing 1957

The clouds overhead were billowy and blue gray, and threatened rain.  Ennis and Jack hurried to put out the fire, and moved the things they didn’t want getting wet into the tent.

Ennis unpacked the bedroll and smoothed it out.  They would make love that night accompanied by the music of nature. The smell of rain was in the air.  It wouldn’t be long now.

Jack pulled Ennis close as drops of rain pelted the tent.  He lifted his lover’s hand to his chest and caressed the long fingers.  Jack listened to the rain drops fall outside the tent and smiled.  Just like the earth needed rain, Jack had to have his Ennis Del Mar.  He pulled Ennis down on top of him and settled in for the delights to come.

The Rhythm of the Rain by Toycoon

The empty beer cans collected on the window sill that he sat beside. Ennis took a long draw off the lit Viceroy cigarette then swung his hand over the ashtray and flicked the ash in it's general vicinity.

Outside the kitchen window, raindrops began to fall on the glass, one by one until the rhythm became constant then Ennis' mind began to wander to the time he and Jack were caught in the middle of an unexpected summer shower; Ennis could picture Jack's hair matted down over his forehead, the water droplets glistening on his ripe lips, his blue shirt soaked and clinging to his defined chest.

Ennis shifted his position on the kitchen chair to adjust his stirring groin. His foreskin sliding over his glands felt comfortable, familiar so his hand unconsciously moved to his crotch to alleviate the pressure.

Jack in the City by garycottle
Where ever he went he felt eyes on him.  If he was walking along the pavement people watched him.  When he was down at the paint store people watched him.  When he was shooting pool they watched.  They always watched, and always with admiration, and usually with desire, too.  This put a kind of cocky strut in his step.  He knew his momma wouldn’t approve of his conceited swagger, but he couldn’t break himself of the habit.

He loved to go dancing at the club because all eyes were really on him then.  Rather than furtive glances, people stopped what they were doing and stared.  As he climbed down the steps his anticipation began to rise, and when the doorman let him pass there was a stirring in his pants as he caught sight of a sea of men.  Many were shirtless, most of them were young, nearly all were in great shape.  They crowd moved like a single organism in syncopation with the music.  And he was a star here.  This was where he belonged.

Several greeted him with pats on the back, and couple were bold enough to kiss his cheek.  But his eyes soon fell on one old-timer sitting alone at a table by the door.  The old guy looked back at him, but he was not dazzled by what he saw.  The man’s expression spoke of a deep weariness and a longing for something other than the young, smalltime disco idol standing in front of him.

“Name’s Jack,” he said, as he brazenly turned the chair on the opposite side of the table backwards, swung his leg over, and sat down.  “You sure you’re in the right place?”

“I am very sure,” the old-timer said with self-satisfaction.  “I’ve been coming to this dump since the 20's.”

“The 20's?” Jack said, and then whistled.

The man’s old eyes took on a nostalgic glint as he said, “It was a speakeasy back then.  And the music was jazz. ...this place must have been raided a hundred times in the past fifty years.  All that’s changed now.”

Just then their conversation was interrupted by an aloof, blond waiter with an athletic lanky build.  Jack studied him as he ordered a beer and the old man gave specific instructions on how to make a dry martini.  Jack kept studying the waiter as he walked away.

“Well, I know who I’m going home with tonight,” Jack said with bravado.

“Don’t count on it, cowboy,” said the old man in a slightly mocking tone.  “Ennis claims he’s straight.  He only works here for the tips.”

Jack’s smile broadened and he said with confidence, “He won’t be too straight after I’m done with him.”

Just then Jack felt a hand on his shoulder.

“We’re home,” someone said.

He looked over and saw Lureen behind the wheel of their Caddy.  “How’d you like the movie?” she asked.

“It was okay,” he said in a sleepy, noncommittal voice.

“I’m going to get you a white suite like the guy wore during the dance competition.  Didn’t you love the way the floor lit up?  That was pretty,” she proclaimed in her Texas twang.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 01:50:37 pm by Dagi »


  • Guest
13.August 07
« Reply #78 on: August 13, 2007, 01:57:47 pm »
Rhythm of the Ocean by Susie

Ennis stirred, the sound of water lapping gently up onto the sands, disturbing his peaceful slumber; lying under a thick warm blanket on a deserted stretch of beach, arms wrapped protectively around his lover, rocking to the hypnotic rhythm of the waves moving slowly back and forth, back and forth.

Open mouths instinctively seeking out the other, cold wet lips touching, tongues licking, probing, no rush; rough calloused hands stroking, sliding slowly over soft skin, folding around his lovers beautiful long slender cock, smoothing up and down, up and down, to the ocean's heartbeat; legs lifted over his shoulders, plunging in deep, hot muscular flesh closing in around him, sucking him in, sucking him into oblivion.

Ennis woke with a start, holding his breath, disorientated, eyes dazed and unfocussed in the cool, early morning mist.  “You glad we finally came to Mexico?” A familiar face smiled up at him, stretching and yawning, grabbing handfuls of soft golden sand and sifting them lazily through his fingers.  Ennis sighed, smiling lovingly at Jack, “You bet”, kissing him gently on the cheek and burying himself back under the blanket.

Spying by Susie

Aguirre stared in disbelief at the two men below him, binoculars steaming up as his anger rose to boiling point. They needed checking up on regularly, he wasn’t about to have his precious dollars flushed down the toilet on account of these scrawny assed, pair of deuces. Up until now, all he’d seen were two hard working men, bitchin enough about him, but none the less taking good care of his investment.

That was until this morning. The boys were horsing around at first light when things between them took an unexpected turn. He watched as zippers were torn open, pants ripped down, tight white butts and turgid flesh exposed. The animal lust, as one thrust hard, deep into the other, brought on a surprising reaction; his breath quickening, pants beginning to bulge painfully.

He continued to glare through his binoculars, unzipping himself and massaging his own aching member, disgusted, but at the same time, transfixed by this vision of wild abandonment, something he had never in his miserable life experienced. He decided to give the boys ten minutes to put their clothes back on, and to relieve himself before heading on into camp.


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13. +14. August 07
« Reply #79 on: August 14, 2007, 12:19:26 pm »
Silk and Flesh by Littlewing 1957

I recreated the story to the best of my ability, but I have a feeling the original was better.  Oh well!

Whenever he was lucky enough to spend time with Jack Twist, Ennis Del Mar insisted that they sleep in the nude.  Why waste time, since whatever they wore to bed would certainly come off.  Jack was more than okay with this, as he enjoyed the feel of Ennis' skin, and the warmth it provided.

But one night Ennis climbed into bed wearing the crème colored silk PJs that Jack gave him for Christmas one year.  Jack rubbed Ennis’ chest with a questioning look.  “I’m just tired is all, Bud!”  Ennis began as he grabbed Jack’s roaming hands.  Jack nodded and moved closer.  “That’s okay, Cowboy, you don’t have to do anything.  But there is one thing you can do for me.  Lay down on your stomach.  Can you do that, Friend?”  Ennis smiled as he turned and lay down on his stomach.

Jack placed his entire weight on his lover, slid his entire body over Ennis’ still form.  Jack placed his hands over Ennis’ and squeezed.  He held his lover's hands in a tender embrace.  He kissed his husband's neck.  Ennis knew what Jack was up to, but he couldn’t fight.  He lay still as Jack placed tender, sloppy kisses alternating with tiny bites along his shoulders.  Jack blew at the line of saliva that dotted Ennis’ shoulder to dry it, and continued with the kisses and bites.  Ennis felt the swell of Jack’s manhood against his buttocks.  And when his own cock pressed up against the king sized mattress, Ennis reached around and removed his pajama bottoms in one motion…

Silk and Flesh (part 2) by Toycoon

"I jes' ain't got the will tonight, buddy," grumbled Ennis, "I hadda work overtime every day this week and I'm looking at a long week come Monday morn." Ennis hated to waste even a second of valuable time with his precious, Jack, but he was just worn out and it seemed nothing could restore his energy.

Jack succeeded in arousing Ennis by pressing and massaging Ennis' weary back, his shoulders and his buttocks; Jack's firm hands felt so good to a man who rarely enjoyed a fortuitous caress by anyone.

The mixture of smooth, creme colored silk on sensitive flesh proved to be too much for Ennis because he rolled over to face his long time lover, slid his silk pajamas down over this thighs and arched his back to thrust his erect cock into Jack's face.

Silk and Flesh (Part 3) by Littlewing1957

“That's more like it!”  Jack thought as he looked straight on at Ennis’ cock head!  He knew he could bring his lover around, and he wasn’t about to refuse the savory feast that Ennis placed before him!

Afterwards, Jack lay sprawled atop Ennis’ groin.  Ennis' still swollen member lay across Jack’ cheek, as warm and soft as a chick.  Ennis was either too satisfied, or too moved to utter a sound.

Jack rubbed his man’s belly and looked him straight in the eyes.  “Friend, I know you don’t like a whole lot of sentimental nonsense, and I’ll say this only once!"  Ennis nodded.  His very demeanor encouraged Jack to continue.  “I just want you to know, Cowboy..the..the times I spend with you..well, they are the best times of my life.”  Jack looked away.  “Same here, Bud!”  It was Ennis.  He reached out a hand to his lover and pulled him close.  Jack fell asleep in Ennis' arms more content that he thought was humanly possible.  The feel of silk was just a fond memory.

Silk and Flesh (Part 4) by Littlewing1957 (15. August)

Jack was sleeping soundly on his lover’s chest, but sleep eluded Ennis.  He held Jack very close, and remained very still.  It wouldn't do to wake him.  Ennis placed a gentle kiss on Jack’s forehead and watched him sleep.

Ennis' silk pajamas lay in a crumple by the side of the bed.  He looked at the crème colored silk and remembered the day when Jack placed an elaborately wrapped box on his lap.  “A gift for you, just because.”  Jack said when Ennis fingered the package nervously.  Ennis opened the gift slowly, and even folded the wrapping paper and the brightly colored ribbon.  When he held the PJs, the top of which was engraved with his initials, no less, Ennis was silent.  He didn’t know what to say.  But he thanked Jack – in bed!

Ennis blushed when Jack told him how sexy he looked in his PJs.  Jack thought the feel of the silk was one long caress.  He liked to trace Ennis’ initials, embroidered on the breast pocket with the finest threads, with a finger.  But Ennis preferred the feel of Jack’s smooth skin.  He looked down at his lover’s fine body, smiled, slept.

Dead Heat by spiceylife

It was Jack’s crazy-ass idea: a foot race along the lake’s edge, loser gets the boring task of putting the tent up again at the next campsite, further along the mountain.

The boys ran swiftly across the muddy, uneven earth, barefoot, barechested and competitive, with Ennis pacing himself nicely behind Jack, trusting his endless stamina and a pair of long, lean legs to move past his friend and claim an easy victory whenever he was ready.

But Ennis stared too long at Jack’s mesmerizing backside bouncing along in front of him and forgot to watch the soft, treacherous ground under his feet, causing him to stumble awkwardly and catapult forward, flying through the air spectacularly and landing face-first in the watery mud with no finesse whatsoever;  Jack, hearing the ooofffff sound Ennis made as he went down, glanced over his shoulder, saw Ennis spread-eagled on the ground, mud dripping down his astonished face, and he laughed so hard and so suddenly that both feet slid out from under him as he lost traction and became airborne for a second, like slipping on a banana peel, and then – splat! – Jack came down on his bum in the splashy, sticky mud, an equally spectacular landing, also lacking style and grace, and with an ooofffff sound to match Ennis.

Laundry Can Wait    BBM-Cat

Pained, Jack stood with a heavy heart watching Ennis ride away, his thoughts awhirl with vivid scenes of last night's activities in the tent, a culmination of joy and the no-longer-suppressed passion for his friend; feelings now interspersed with confusion, and uncertainty whether he would indeed see Ennis at suppertime, that hopeful statement blurted into the awkward silence had gone unacknowledged.

Jack was not the type to become depressed, however; watching until Ennis was a barely imperceptible movement against the morning mountain, he turned and ambled back to the opening of the tent, the crumpled bedroll revealing nothing of the previous night's passion, he removed his hat, coat and boots, and reverently kneeled, easing himself down and turning on his right side into the warm, downy impression occupied by Ennis’ body only moments before; Jack closed his eyes, deeply inhaling Ennis' scent from the bedroll, further heightening his senses, soon completely and pleasurably immersed in his essence, with only a vague awareness of his left hand fumbling beneath his untucked shirt, unzipping his jeans to reveal a contrasting hardness.

The sweet name of Ennis soon escaped his lips in a whisper as the sparks from a thousand night fires erupted gently throughout his body and soul, Jack now lay completely prone, clutching his invisible Ennis with both hands, his thrusting intermittent, his breath quieting, the loneliness quelled; before the pang of the morning's confusion and uncertainty resurfaced, Jack began drifting into a peaceful, soothing slumber, his expression content, still embracing Ennis in body and soon in dream; and, with a musing and fleeting thought - that in just a little while he would tend to that laundry.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 04:30:06 am by Dagi »