I love her to death, but sometimes, I just have to shake my head...
She is prone to randomly sensing a threat from inanimate objects - e.g. a car, a trash can, a ball, all presumably placed somewhere as a direct threat to her. We'll be walking along, and a trash can looks at her the wrong way, and she has a little panic attack (tail down, growls, runs away). No big deal when we're out walking - we just move along. Problem is, sometimes it happens with things in the house! e.g. I have a little space heater in the bathroom - have had it up and running for weeks now. She walks by it 10x a day. But sometimes she forgets, and then, proceeds to circle it and growl, till I get up from whatever I am doing to distract her... not too big of a deal really, but I find the low intermittent growling supremely annoying!