I had two cats from when I was very young - Algie and Tanne. They both died of old age infirmaries at the ages of 17.5 and 14 years. They were my loves and much beloved.
I was and still am in grief over their losses...but they had long happy lives, full of travel and adventure, ease and some hardship - for cats. So I can't grieve too much. They had satisfying lives and passed over without fear.
We should all be so lucky.
I, too, hope to see them - and other loved pets who have passed - and share some part of our afterlives together due to my overweening love for them...but as a friend pointed out, while it goes without saying that I loved them, it doesn't necessarily follow that
they loved me. So I decided to just hope that
they have a great afterlife and if they choose to share some part of it with me when the time comes, then I'll be grateful.
Dogs are bit more obvious when it comes to signs of love and affection shared than cats.

My current beloveds - the "K" cats as my sister calls them - (l-r) Kabuki and Kenobi, who - despite being shining examples of purebreeds - unlike their predecessors - are just bursting at the seams with intelligence and personality:

Despite the beauty mark, Kenobi is the adventuresome, tough one, full of curiosity and contrariness and is channeling the Dark Side. I should have named her Anakin for all the trouble she causes and gets into. She is very loving but, like her owner, prefers to seek affection only when
she wants it.
Kabuki is the diva - proud, vain, jealous, high strung, vastly loud, amazingly affectionate and an extremely timid homebody. She jumps at her own shadow. She reminds me of that internet joke that goes around -
The Commandments for Cats "the dog has lived in the backyard for 6 years, thou shalt not freak out everytime thou sees it".