I am certainly having peculiar dreams this week, and it strikes me as even more peculiar that I'm remembering them!
Yesterday I found some Youtube videos of interviews with some of the cast of
The Musketeers (done at a comic-con in Manchester, U.K., in 2016). I suspect this may have had something to do with one dream I had last might. This dream, which was almost a comedy, was like an "alternative universe" fanfiction (the kind where the writer takes characters, like Ennis and Jack, out of their "real" environment and puts them in some entirely different environment). I was with "D"Artagnan" and "Constance," except we were in a Western!

I remember standing in the street of what looked like a typical town set for a Western movie, and looking up at a house on a hill outside the town, and thinking to myself, "This is just like
Little House on the Prairie!"

I knew that the three of lived in the house together. The scene then shifted to the house. "Constance" went outside with a basket of laundry

while I was having a chat with "D'Artagnan," who was wearing a pink shirt (the kind with two rows of buttons up the front).

I remember that he and I decided that if we were ever attacked by hostile
Indians Native Americans, he would fight them and I would be the one to run for help because I'd be terrible at fighting!

Then the scene shifted, and I was outdoors looking across a small valley at a hillside where "Constance" was hanging up that laundry.

As I watched, suddenly a group of outlaws appeared. I looked around, but I was alone, so I drew my six-shooter and fired, and I was very surprised that I actually hit one of the outlaws!

(In RL I haven't fired a gun--a rifle--in probably 40 years, and when I did I was a terrible shot!) That's all I remember of that dream.
I swear I'm not making that one up! I suspect the particular characters appeared because those Youtube videos yesterday were interviews with the actors who played those roles. I would also suspect the "laundry" part is related to my anxiety over--I hope--finally getting my new clothes dryer repaired next week. Where the "Western" element came in I'm not sure, though perhaps it stems from a thought I had a few days ago. I'm following along in a very good, very well-written "canon"
Musketeers fanfic, and I remember thinking that cowboys may have a similar role in the U.S. mythos as Musketeers have in their own European setting--both are good fighters and manly men who place a high value on personal honor.
And if that little comedy wasn't enough, I then had a dream that I was in this old, abandoned house; someone was with me, but I can't remember if I even saw this person's face. Anyway, I was in a room that was full of antiques. I remember seeing a 1920s-style kitchen stove, and an early type of electric icebox, and thinking that both could be worth a lot of money because they were in excellent condition. Then I remember searching through a silver chest, looking for "sterling," but all I could find was "plate." That's the last I can remember of that dream.
Could it be that dream was provoked because recently I've been thinking again about all the stuff in my home that I'd like to get rid of? I have no idea where the antique kitchen appliances came from, but I actually do have a chest full of silver-plate flatware that I'd like to get rid of, except that nobody buys "plate," only "sterling."