Author Topic: New Brokie Test of renewal!  (Read 35612 times)

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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New Brokie Test of renewal!
« on: August 18, 2007, 05:03:28 pm »

1.    What do you consider your most lasting benefit from BBM?  Now that
       some time has elapsed, and you can reflect more unemotionally?

2.    How many Brokies have you met in person over the last year and a half.?

3.    Do you now go on trips to meet up with friends from BBM?  Or do you
       wish to do so?

4.    Do you still identify with the same character in the movie that you did
       at first?  Or have your thoughts changed?

5.    Have you watched the movie again in the last two months.?

6.    Do you have any plans to see it soon?  Within the next two months.?

7.    Have you made any purchases that have to do with the movie,  
       ie...memorabilia, or special things?  Clothing, jewelry, other books, movie

8.    What is the one most important truth you think you have gleaned from
       your Brokie experience?

9.     Do you feel that in any way your time here has been a waste..?  Or
        a productive road that you have gotten a lot of enjoyment and learned
        a great deal from..?

10.   Do you think you will still be a brokie in a year from now.?  If not why

            if you don't know the answers to all the questions...say i don't know
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 07:09:06 pm by ifyoucantfixit »

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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2007, 06:54:56 pm »

1.    What do you consider your most lasting benefit from BBM?  Now that
       some time has elapsed, and you can reflect more unemotionally?

A great little forum, and the realisation that online friends can be as or more beneficial profound, and 'real life' as real life. I also began dating again after BBM and now am happily living with my partner.

2.    How many Brokies have you met in person over the last year and a half.?

2 - Newyearsday (Jenny) & Snavel del Snuit (Mel)

3.    Do you now go on trips to meet up with friends from BBM?  Or do you
       wish to do so?

I wish to do so! If money &ntime was no object I'd be there all the time!

4.    Do you still identify with the same character in the movie that you did
       at first?  Or have your thoughts changed?

Yeah. Jack I most identified with and I still do

     If you don't know the answers to all the questions,,,,say don't know..

5.    Have you watched the movie again in the last two months.?

Nope. Not even partly!

6.    Do you have any plans to see it soon?  Within the next two months.?

Maybe... would be nice to sit down and watch it again properly at some point. And sit down to watch it with Callum.

7.    Have you made any purchases that have to do with the movie,   
       ie...memorabilia, or special things?  Clothing, jewelry, other books, movie

DVD, I got cell frame and mug as a gift.

8.    What is the one most important truth you think you have gleaned from
       your Brokie experience?

Life is too short, love like you want to be loved, offer friendship, as you would like it back. Be happy!

9.     Do you feel that in any way your time here has been a waste..?  Or
        a productive road that you have gotten a lot of enjoyment and learned
        a great deal from..

Some a waste (as a lot if internet surtfing can be!!), some very productive, all a learning experience, 95% of it happy ones.

10.   Do you think you will still be a brokie in a year from now.?  If not why

Yes - while I don't watch the film very much now, or talk about it as I once did, I do gossip with the friends I made much more.

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Offline David In Indy

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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 07:09:36 pm »
I'll sticky post this for you now Janice, and I'll answer it a little later!  :D
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Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2007, 07:25:47 pm »

1.    What do you consider your most lasting benefit from BBM?  Now that
       some time has elapsed, and you can reflect more unemotionally?
I have learned that to postpone things is sometimes to just never get to do
them..You must take advantage of chances when they are presented...
Life is very short and precarious.

2.    How many Brokies have you met in person over the last year and a half.?
I have lost count really, but somewhere around 85

3.    Do you now go on trips to meet up with friends from BBM?  Or do you
       wish to do so?
Yes, I have gone on three so far.  I will never forget them or the friends i met

4.    Do you still identify with the same character in the movie that you did
       at first?  Or have your thoughts changed?
Yes, I was more of an Ennis myself.  Not so much in love but just in general
more closed up...still am a great deal, but im trying to get better.

5.    Have you watched the movie again in the last two months.?
Yes I did watch it on my 1 yr anniversary here at Bettermost.

6.    Do you have any plans to see it soon?  Within the next two months.?
Yes, I am going to the Castro Showing in Sept.  with the Brokie group.

7.    Have you made any purchases that have to do with the movie,   
       ie...memorabilia, or special things?  Clothing, jewelry, other books, movie
Yes I have purchased books, movies, cds, a small coffee pot from Ten Sleep.  A
couple necklaces and some zipper pulls to hand out for gifts. Oh and some stuffed baby sheep to hand out for gifts in Colorado. More stuff I guess than
I remembered.

8.    What is the one most important truth you think you have gleaned from
       your Brokie experience?
Dont waste your life it to the fullest you can!!!  Tomorrow doesn't
always come.

9.     Do you feel that in any way your time here has been a waste..?  Or
        a productive road that you have gotten a lot of enjoyment and learned
        a great deal from..?
I feel it has all been worth it.  The good the bad and the ugly...I have grown
so much, met so many wonderful people.  And spoken at great length with
people I will call friend, for the rest of my life. 

10.   Do you think you will still be a brokie in a year from now.?  If not why
Absof***inlutely   I  am proud to be a Brokie, and I will always be one, if I am the only one will hear me saying hayyyyyyywhere did you all go??

            if you don't know the answers to all the questions...say i don't know 
« Last Edit: Today at 07:09:06 PM by ifyoucantfixit » Report to moderator 


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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2007, 07:37:24 pm »

1.    What do you consider your most lasting benefit from BBM?  Now that
       some time has elapsed, and you can reflect more unemotionally?

       The reminder that life is happening now, seize it with both hands, no matter what others think
        It's your life LIVE it.  No the film still reduces me to tears by the time they have the final fight by
        the lake

2.    How many Brokies have you met in person over the last year and a half.?  Two but no one from
       on line

3.    Do you now go on trips to meet up with friends from BBM?  Or do you
       wish to do so?   No and No

4.    Do you still identify with the same character in the movie that you did
       at first?  Or have your thoughts changed? Yes and No

5.    Have you watched the movie again in the last two months.?  Yes, on HBO

6.    Do you have any plans to see it soon? No Wiithin the next two months.?  I'm open

7.    Have you made any purchases that have to do with the movie,   
       ie...memorabilia, or special things?  Clothing, jewelry, other books, movie
       stuff.?  I bought the soundtrack, the DVD, the Story to Screenplay book, Close Range and the 2007 calendar.   I also have two silver hats and a sheep on a silver chain my friend Victoria gave me for Christmas

8.    What is the one most important truth you think you have gleaned from
       your Brokie experience?   See the answer to number 1

9.     Do you feel that in any way your time here has been a waste..?  Or
        a productive road that you have gotten a lot of enjoyment and learned
        a great deal from..?  I consider everything I do a learning experience, yeah some of it is
        a waste of time but that's life.

10.   Do you think you will still be a brokie in a year from now.?  If not why
        not?  I think once this film has touched you there is no going back the effect it has is too profound
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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2007, 03:43:12 am »
I'll sticky post this for you now Janice, and I'll answer it a little later!  :D

Thanks David

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Offline David In Indy

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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2007, 04:02:18 am »
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2007, 11:59:36 pm »
1.    What do you consider your most lasting benefit from BBM?  Now that
       some time has elapsed, and you can reflect more unemotionally?

My most lasting benefit is learning to appreciate a relationship, because if I lose it I won't ever get it back again. But I also think of the beneifts to the general public. Just look how many new eyes it's opened! No, I always feel very emotional when I watch Brokeback Mountain. I doubt that will ever change.

2.    How many Brokies have you met in person over the last year and a half.?

I have met about 7 brokies but they all live in Indianapolis. I'm hoping to meet some of you all next year!

3.    Do you now go on trips to meet up with friends from BBM?  Or do you
       wish to do so?

I wish to do so.

4.    Do you still identify with the same character in the movie that you did
       at first?  Or have your thoughts changed?

Oh yes. With Ennis. Absolutely. I also identify with Jack, but I made a concrete connection with Ennis, and it's still very strong.

5.    Have you watched the movie again in the last two months.?

Yup! I have some friends visiting me from England and we all watched it last night!

6.    Do you have any plans to see it soon?  Within the next two months.?

I'll probably watch it again in the next week or two with just my boyfriend.

7.    Have you made any purchases that have to do with the movie,   
       ie...memorabilia, or special things?  Clothing, jewelry, other books, movie

Nothing but the DVD so far.

8.    What is the one most important truth you think you have gleaned from
       your Brokie experience?

All good things must end, eventually. So hang on to it and enjoy every moment of it.

9.     Do you feel that in any way your time here has been a waste..?  Or
        a productive road that you have gotten a lot of enjoyment and learned
        a great deal from..?

No, my time on Bettermost has not been wasted. I love it here! I have fun posting with all of you and I've learned many things and made friends from people all over the world. How could that possibly be a waste of time?

10.   Do you think you will still be a brokie in a year from now.?  If not why

Absolutely! I'll always be a Brokie! But I'm not as caught up  with the movie and the characters as I am with the message. The movie's message is what I love the most. And I always will.  :D

Good questions Janice!  :D
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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2007, 03:59:04 pm »
I am so happy to read this!!  ;D

Absolutely! I'll always be a Brokie! But I'm not as caught up  with the movie and the characters as I am with the message. The movie's message is what I love the most. And I always will. 
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Re: New Brokie Test of renewal!
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2007, 11:14:08 am »
1.    What do you consider your most lasting benefit from BBM?  Now that
       some time has elapsed, and you can reflect more unemotionally?

It is impossible for me to reflect upon BBM unemotionally. I can't see this changing any time soon.

As for the lasting benefit of BBM, for me personally it is probably the realisation of the arbitrary power and serendipitous nature that fate plays in our lives. I mean, when Jack and Ennis took those summer jobs in 1963, they probably thought they were at their lowest ebb. Little did they suspect what fate had in store for them. And I've noticed this in my own life. It's often when one has hit rock bottom that the (proverbial) new window opens! 

2.    How many Brokies have you met in person over the last year and a half.?


3.    Do you now go on trips to meet up with friends from BBM?  Or do you
       wish to do so?

I originally saw BBM with my ex and we subsequently saw it several times together. We still discuss it often.

4.    Do you still identify with the same character in the movie that you did
       at first?  Or have your thoughts changed?

My initial response has not changed. I am still drawn to Ennis romantically. He is the kinda guy I've always fallen for. And I still relate to Jack because I can see so much of myself in him. From the very beginning, I have loved Jack and Ennis unconditionally. My only wish is for them to find happiness in each other's arms. As I know, realistically, that this can never be, I have found BetterMost fanfic very therapeutic in assisting me to come to terms with their reality and also with what might have been for them.

5.    Have you watched the movie again in the last two months.?


6.    Do you have any plans to see it soon?  Within the next two months.?


7.    Have you made any purchases that have to do with the movie,  
       ie...memorabilia, or special things?  Clothing, jewelry, other books, movie

Yes. I own the books "Close Range" and "Brokeback Mountain Story to Screenplay," the DVD, the CD, the full size movie poster and several laminated prints of my favourite scenes from the movie; for example, here on my desk, I'm looking at a photo of the dozy embrace and Ennis on horseback. In my living room is a different pic of the dozy embrace. My screensaver at home is the one from the official BBM website and my screensaver at work is a compilation of non-BBM-specific Alberta and Wyoming scenes. As a direct extension of BBM, I have purchased everything ever published by Annie Proulx. I also have a collection of newspaper and magazine articles dealing with BBM. And of course I am a member of BetterMost.

8.    What is the one most important truth you think you have gleaned from
       your Brokie experience?

See my response to question 1, above, regarding fate.

9.     Do you feel that in any way your time here has been a waste..?  Or
        a productive road that you have gotten a lot of enjoyment and learned
        a great deal from..?

Most definitely the latter. My life has been enriched beyond measure by BBM and through my association with BetterMost.

10.   Do you think you will still be a brokie in a year from now.?  If not why

I love Jack and Ennis unconditionally. They are more real to me that Jake and Heath. And if that sounds delusional, so be it! They live in my heart. I will never desert them.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 11:21:43 am by Kerry »
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