Author Topic: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?  (Read 48050 times)

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #80 on: May 03, 2008, 06:35:44 pm »
Plus some mds would change the child, without parents consent !!


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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #81 on: May 03, 2008, 08:23:24 pm »
Plus some mds would change the child, without parents consent !!


I hope not. I believe that God made us the way we are for a reason, and we should not judge His work. Being gay is a immutable characteristic, just like skin color or eye color, no one has a choice. It is probably genetically related and one day there may be a chromosomal test to determine if a fetus will be gay, will parents use that test to abort gay babies?

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #82 on: May 03, 2008, 11:10:43 pm »
lets think about what you wrote.

just as a fantasy hypothetical : if you had a baby and genetic tests revealed that he or she would likely be gay (and that day may not be very far off), and your OBGYN told you that you could participate in a new almost magical treatment which if used when the child is an infant could change his chromosomes and make him or her probably straight instead of gay.  would you consent to such treatment?

That is a very difficult question.If the society we live in had become more tolerant by that stage,then the answer would be no,I would not avail myself of any such treatment.
If it ever became possible then we presumably are talking some time in the future,And I live in hope that one day people will be more accepting.
If society is as non accepting as it is now,I truly do not know the answer.

No mother or indeed father wants their child to suffer in any form for whatever reason.My oldest son is bi polar as most here know.If I could have had a miracle treatment for that which would alter his D.N.A would I have,probably is the answer.He has been bullied from day 1 at school a he is so different.His life is hard,and so is mine dealing with his violent outbursts.
He cannot help it in the same way that homosexuals cannot.However that does not stop a large percentage of the world being cruel.I still say we need to educate people in tolerance and acceptance,not try to change the person who is bing persecuted.
I look to my ex husband who was gay.We are still in regular contact,despite being divorced for nearly 20 years now.He is the kindest,most decent lovely human you could ever hope to know.Even my strict Catholic parents still love him,They exchange Xmas cards each year.There is nothing not to love about him.
However mine and my parents reaction to him was not the norm.When he came out most of his "friends" vanished.
I remember him comming round to see me one evening in tears after a truly hideous incident.He did not deserve the treatment he got.He was and still is worth 1 million of the ignorant thugs who hurt him.
So would I want that to happen to either of my sons, or daughter ,hell no !!! It would break my heart.But then if he/she had been "treated" they would not be the children I know and love.I also know that much as I want to,I cannot protect them from everything.

I think until it actually happens to you,it is impossible to predict how you would react. When I was divorced from my 1st husband,a lot of my friends thought it odd that I did not hate him. Why, he was still the same man I fell in love with.
When I was pregnant with my daughter,I was offered a test for Downs syndrome because I was an old mother at 40.I refused it,because after much discusion with my husband we decided we would keep the baby no matter what the results of the test,so there was no point.
So I am going to sit on the fence here and say,I would probably refuse the test that would put me in the position to have to choose in the first place.I can say that in all honesty because it is exactly what I did with the Downs syndrome test.

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #83 on: May 03, 2008, 11:37:01 pm »
Thanks broketrash!

I like what you say !

Au revoir,

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #84 on: May 03, 2008, 11:37:54 pm »
Merci optom !

Be assured that I enjoy too what you say !!

Au revoir,

Offline serious crayons

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #85 on: May 04, 2008, 10:26:53 am »
It's too bad we live in a society where homosexuality is treated as a disability, like Down's syndrome or bi-polar disorder. The latter two are problems in and of themselves, with unquestionably negative consequences for those who have them. The former is negative only if viewed that way by society at large; in an accepting culture, it needn't interfere with personal happiness.

Broketrash, I understand why you don't want homosexuality perceived as a "birth defect." But optom-3, I also understand why you would want to protect your children from society's prejudice. The way to put your attitudes in harmony is to change society. And I think it can be changed, and maybe eventually even fixed.

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #86 on: May 04, 2008, 10:50:52 am »
Merci seriouscrayons !

C'est un sujet difficile, n'est-ce pas ?

It is a difficult suject, isn't it ?

Seriouscrayons, you do bring a challenging post !

Considering if homosexuality is a birth defect, might be too dangerous as a question, since remember that many countries sent willingly homosexuals to Germany and within Germany too gays were murdered, since over 1,000,000 were killed in death camps !!  And Iran to-day lines up young gays men and murdered them in a row ! Etc.!

So by saying that being gay is a defect, then gays can be killed easily just like anyone considered a retard, defective (not being so or so), others types of persons or attribute, etc., was abused and/or killed too in Germany in WW II, remember ?

Not just because I am a gay man and proud to be a human in order to help others as humans and myself, I figure that all humans have birth defects, isn't that so ?

So, all humans should not live ?? I prefer that humanity lives in peace and humans respect others and every human respecting oneself.

Does this make sense to you Seriouscrayons and to all others ??

J'aime toujours tes nouvelles (I always like your news Seriouscrayons),
Au revoir,

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #87 on: May 04, 2008, 10:55:23 am »
I have learned and felt and feels that homosexuality is like music to me and to those who accepts it (being a gay man or woman or not) !!

Mr. Twist accepted Jack, and learned from him !

Mrs. Twist did not diminished her love for her son Jack, because he was a homosexual !!

La belle musique nous aide toutes et tous !!

Au revoir,
hugs!                       Being a homosexual is stimulating: gay openness to life !!

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #88 on: May 04, 2008, 11:01:29 am »
Florida is anti-gay?? Maybe you're just in the wrong part of Florida! If your son is gay, why doesn't the whole family consider moving?

My son is a teenager, and he doesn't appear to be gay. In fact, he doesn't seem to have much of a libido at all. When I compare teenagers of today with my youth, it seems we parents have it pretty easy. But I am concerned that people are learning to substitute virtual experiences, such as movies, tv, and video games, for real life relationships.

"chewing gum and duct tape"

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Re: TOTW 07/07: Was Mr. Twist homophobic?
« Reply #89 on: May 04, 2008, 11:03:34 am »
Being a homosexual, tells moi, oui me, that I am  on Earth to be HAPPY' GAY' HELPING OTHERS AND MYSELF, and not to suffer ONLY !!

That to me, is so for all humans!!

That is why Mr. Twist tries to learn and learns from Jack !!

That is why, oui, Mrs. Twist knows that Jack is a homosexual and a good gay person... who tries to enjoy life at its utmost !!


Your thoughts ?

Au revoir,