Author Topic: Serious Discussions about Life  (Read 25171 times)


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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2007, 01:09:14 am »
It is too late and I am too tired. I will continue this tomorrow.

Thank you for answering, Daniel. You are always interesting....


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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2007, 06:15:41 pm »
You might not believe it, Daniel.

but Mean wins. Always.


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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2007, 07:42:30 pm »
but Mean wins. Always.
I invite you to consider that "Mean" and "Good" are but illusions. They are figments of Your imagination that You employ to make this contextual field called life more compelling and interesting. Yes, Mean Always Wins, if You will it to be so. But it doesn't really matter, because ultimately nothing really matters...except the Essence of You, resonating, for Now and Always, on the ripples of Eternity.

I hope I don't seem facetious, Jess, because I get worked up over these things too (believe me, I do). I strive to preserve sanity and equilibrium by appropriating such (Eastern) philosophical outlooks and employing them upon the stuff of my own life. By telling myself that I Am Making This All Up I bestow some peace of mind upon myself. Two very wise people once told me that the mind is a wonderful tool but a terrible master. When we quiet the mind, we get in touch with a deeper sense of reality, one where Bush, Hitler, our fucked-up parents, our own sense of inadequacy, and all the rest of it are seen as fleeting phantoms in a horror show we devised for our own delectation. But the horror show isn't real.

What is real? We get a sense, a taste of Real when we are lost in the bliss of sexual union/release. This is why you see some folks do some extraordinary or even horrific things to capture or preserve this state or sensation...they are craving the Real, but are not employing the most constructive means to nurture it in their own lives. They have the right general Idea, but their path is strewn with the pitfalls of selfishness and bad faith. As someone who is compulsive in his behavior regarding pornography, and who has been tempted towards (and has actually engaged in at times) sexual recklessness, I have some sympathy for these souls, and I try not to judge them (though sometimes I find myself doing so). Sexuality, like the mind, is a wonderful tool when used wisely and with the heart always in place. Without love, sexuality can become an all-devouring demon. So All Things with Love...Always with Love. 


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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2007, 07:54:20 pm »
oh, ok. So I MADE up that Susan Smith drowned her kids....I made up the was all in MY head..

God, I am one sick sick woman.


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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2007, 08:03:21 pm »
Well, if it's in Your head, it's in My head too. If You're sick, then I'm sick right here with You. The only sickness really, is not recognizing the Illusion for what it is. Susan Smith and her children are real, and so are all the participants of the Holocaust, but the events that bring them to mind are like acts in a play, that we collectively write and perform...for the sheer Fun Of It! Yes, the Universe is one big Game, devised for our own Divine Pleasure. This Pleasure exists on a Soul level of reality, not on the level of the conscious Mind. The Mind sees all of it as Horror, but the Soul can look beyond the Horror to see It from all other, different kinds of angles.

Look...Susan Smith's children and the murdered ones in the Holocaust are not what they seemed to be...they were like butterflies released from the chrysalis, able to return Home a bit sooner than the rest of us. They are stronger than we realize...We are stronger than we realize. We are spirits encased but momentarily in garb of flesh. We are in the world, but not of the world. WE ARE (simply) GOD.

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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2007, 08:12:07 pm »
I will respectfully disagree, Jess.

Name one good thing that has been created or maintained by cruelty or meanness. I think it is possibly because you view the power to destroy as being more powerful than the power to create. If cruelty and meanness always wins then nothing would exist. Everything would be destroyed or subverted to a hostile franchise. And this, we know is not always the case. There are educational systems that seek to create a critically thinking individual rather than a automaton of industry, and these could not have been created or facilitated through cruelty. Indeed it would seem that cruelty-sponsored educational systems would undermine the individual to the point of extreme debasing. Are there some educational systems like this? Yes, of course. But generally such educational systems are eventually torn down and replaced with more caring and kind educational systems that are in favor of teaching the individual self-empowerment.

Political systems are sometimes created or facilitated through cruelty. But these political systems destroy individual rights, undermine economic independence, and enforce slavery upon their peoples. They kill, maim, brutalize and terrorize their citizens. But generally such political systems are eventually torn down and replaced with more caring and kind political systems that are in favor of helping the individual to reclaim his or her individual rights, funding private enterprise and enabling the independent growth thereof, and releasing their peoples from the tyranny of debt.

Religious systems are sometimes created or facilitated through cruelty. They dominate the masses by thought control, insist upon dogmatic principles and terrorize those whom express otherwise. But generally, such religious systems are eventually town down and replaced with more caring and kind religious systems that are in favor of embracing changes in thought and cognitive diversity, are willing to free those that they can from dogmatic ritual and embrace the discovery of true spirituality in the face of hardships, and otherwise look forward to the engagement of the human mind in the complexity of its soul.

There are cruel systems in place throughout the world, but they are not "winning", and if they were, I would be questioning what exactly it is that they were winning. For the most part such systems are like cruel individuals, they are consumed by the negativity that broils within them and have less and less interest in the genuine goodness of man. Sometimes we forget our spiritual nature, but that does not mean that the spiritual nature is not present, or that it is not still acting on our behalf.

I can remember a story where a Buddhist would not leave his meditation spot, even when the rest of the village was fleeing from a warlord known for his cruelty. When the warlord's forces marched into the village, he remained where he was, quietly meditating in the lotus position. When the warlord thundered in himself on the back of a huge horse, he remained where he was, quietly meditating in the lotus position. The warlord did not like this monk that refused to move in the face of his power. He drew out his spear and held it to the monk's throat.

"Do you not realize that I can pierce your body with this spear and kill you, making all your meditations meaningless?"

The monk looked up peacefully and replied.

"Do you not realize that I can let you pierce my body with your spear and make all your killing meaningless?"

The warlord took his forces and left the village.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2007, 08:37:12 pm »
There is actually a wonderful book out, Jess, if you want to look into it, called Fire in the Soul. Chapter One might be really beneficial for you, its called Why Do Bad Things Happen?

If you don't want to go out and find it, I can probably post a few excerpts here.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.


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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2007, 08:40:59 pm »
"When the hurly-burly's done,
When the battle's lost and won,..." ....what is left? Love Eternal.

I love you.

Peace to all who read this,

Offline Daniel

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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2007, 08:44:58 pm »
Thanks, Scott.

I love you too.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.


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Re: Serious Discussions about Life
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2007, 09:47:03 pm »
Well, if it's in Your head, it's in My head too. If You're sick, then I'm sick right here with You. The only sickness really, is not recognizing the Illusion for what it is. Susan Smith and her children are real, and so are all the participants of the Holocaust, but the events that bring them to mind are like acts in a play, that we collectively write and perform...for the sheer Fun Of It! Yes, the Universe is one big Game, devised for our own Divine Pleasure. This Pleasure exists on a Soul level of reality, not on the level of the conscious Mind. The Mind sees all of it as Horror, but the Soul can look beyond the Horror to see It from all other, different kinds of angles.

Look...Susan Smith's children and the murdered ones in the Holocaust are not what they seemed to be...they were like butterflies released from the chrysalis, able to return Home a bit sooner than the rest of us. They are stronger than we realize...We are stronger than we realize. We are spirits encased but momentarily in garb of flesh. We are in the world, but not of the world. WE ARE (simply) GOD.

I don't understand your reasoning, Scott. From what you have written here, I am getting that you don't think other people's lifes matter. I am sure that Susan's children weren't having a lot of fun as the cold dark water engulfed them.

Are you saying that there is no morality? That everything is acceptable on some level I am not understanding? So tying Matthew to the fence was not (on this cosmic level) an evil, cruel thing? and in fact he didn't suffer? or that his suffering doesn't matter?