It's nice to see the leather jacket magic angel again, but I don't know what to make of the redesigned Superboy.
I think the new design is pretty cool.

Is Superboy Superman as a boy, or a whole different person?
His costume is cool, but I'm not loving the haircut. It looks almost alt-right. I presume Superboy is pretty apolitical, though.
Which makes me wonder. I haven't read a comic book in years. Are there people of color in comic books these days? I don't just mean as the superheroes themselves, but as the ordinary citizens they save and whatnot?
as far as I know, Superboy is a clone of the original Superman.
as for people of color, yes there are people of color in the background, as well as secondary characters (aside from the heroes).
The first one to come to mind is Stevie Hunter.

Stevie is a former professional dancer, but an injury ended her dance career. She became a dance teacher, and was teaching the newest X-man, Kitty Pryde as a student.
When villains came for Kitty, Stevie learned Kitty was an X-man, and became a close friend to Professor Xavier and his X-men. She then began to teach his newest class of students, The New Mutants, using dance to help condition the students for battle.