Hiya BetterMost friends.

it's the weekend, and it's pay day!

I got paid this morning, and the money's gone already!

On the plus side, all my bills for October are paid, as are my car ins bill, and I should have a Christmas club check coming if not in the next two days, then by end of next week for $1,500.00.

I've also decided how to decorate the company Christmas tree this year. Each year I put the tree up, decorate it, and take it down. And each year no one helps me, but people complain about where it is and how it looks.
So this year I've decided that I'll put it in a new location where everyone can see it, but it's not in the way. This location just opened up because we moved some file cabinets around. As for decorations......I've decided to let my inner brokie have fun, and it will be a western themed tree this year. Small ornaments shaped like horses will be on the tree, as will be small red, brown and black cowboy hats. A large cowboy hat will sit on top of the tree, and I'll use rope for the garland.
So there!

And yes, I'll take pics once it's up. I always put up the tree the Friday after Thanksgiving.