Author Topic: French-Canadiens developping Wyoming or BM would not have killed Jack nor gays !  (Read 11906 times)

Offline Artiste

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Like Annie says that her family in some ways started some area(s) of Wyoming, she possibly found out that French-Canadiens living in Wyoming would not have killed gay men nor Jack!!

Nor Ennis!

Any comments?


Offline Artiste

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Awaiting your replies.

In the gallery, i did talk at lenght with another artist last night, here. We do think that some BUCHERONS French-Canadiens had  their lovers, especially some in camps for a few months! Like my grand-papa did as a bucheron!

Awaiting your replies, ideas, etc.,

Offline Front-Ranger

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You bring up interesting points, Artiste. I'm sure you're aware that Annie Proulx is of French-Canadian heritage herself. There are people of French heritage in Wyoming, and many French trappers passed through there during pioneer days. A river in northern Colorado is called Cache La Poudre. Wyoming is a place where many cultures have collided, some violently. The cattle ranchers and the sheep ranchers clashed, as well as the ranchers versus the farmers. Proulx talked about how the law abiding people and the outlaws clashed, as well as those building the transcontinental rail systems and highways. In the oilfields of today there are large mancamps where workers live in barracks or trailers. Some places such as Riverton have more workers living in camps than they have residents. Wyoming is a place where cultures and industries collide in many unpredictable ways.

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Offline Artiste

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Thanks Front-Ranger!

Yes, Annie's ancestors worked there and she is of some French-Canadienne descent!

When I was young, I too worked for months with men in oil camps for men, and no women there at all; should I have dared maybe find another gay man there and play with him then? Maybe a French-Canadien so not to be klilled for having a gay affaire??

What do you think?


Offline brokeplex

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Thanks Front-Ranger!

Yes, Annie's ancestors worked there and she is of some French-Canadienne descent!

When I was young, I too worked for months with men in oil camps for men, and no women there at all; should I have dared maybe find another gay man there and play with him then? Maybe a French-Canadien so not to be klilled for having a gay affaire??

What do you think?


Interesting point Artiste. Are some cultures more homophobic, perhaps more violent towards Gays than others? Do Gay bashings occur in Francophone countries? I'm not sure. When I was much younger back in the late 70's I traveled frequently to NYC to meet up with a close friend. We would from time to time go up to Montreal. I learned a great deal about the city, found Montreal a wonderful place with very interesting men. All of the men I rendezvoused with in Quebec were very closeted, but in a way more accepting of themselves than the closeted Texans I was much more familiar with. Perhaps you have made a good point, and I have noticed a similar more accepting attitude in Spain,Mexico and Argentina when I visited those countries. Very closeted men, but the tenor of the homophobia was not a sharp as here in Texas.


Offline brokebackjack

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I don't know about this question...LOL.

French Canadians DO get into brawls, ARE or CAN be homophobic but in practice I doubt they are violent about it.

And we have to remember BBM is a story, it is not a history....


 Up in Wyoming last year we were in the truck stop in Casper, at about 2am. It was when me, frontranger, edelmar and a few others met Annie Proulx. At the next table were sitting a blond cowboy, a darkhaired cowboy and...Alma. They were all about 21-22 years old. The dark haired boy was passionately demanding the blond stop drinking. The blond cowboy had been so drunk he had FALLEN OUT OF HIS SADDLE 4 days previously. He  was so drunk in that truck stop he simply couldn't walk. Darkhaired cowboy told him he was shitting on their love, that he couldn't take it anymore, that if he didn't stop the drinking he would walk and find someone else to love even though they had been together since the second grade. Alma said "I can't take this. You are always drunk. You do not care for me or him, do not care what you DO to either of us my husband, , yet you claim you love us BOTH."

Then she ran into the ladies room, where my wife followed to comfort her.

"Brokeback Mountain, circa 2006"

"I couldn't stand it no more so i fixed it"

Offline Artiste

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Thanks brokeplex, and thanks brokebackjack!!

Yes, I believe that certain cultures are indeed much less violent towards gays, like the French-Canadiens accept much more gays like in the province of Quebec, than the English Canadians like in Ontario, Canada. I have not known nor read of cases where gays have been killed in Quebec just for being gay, but I know of many in Ontario who have murdered gays, some getting away with it even in the courts!!

I do think that religion has something to do with accepting gays or not!! But the islamic religion(s) murder ALL gays! We must fight against such a so-called religion: Islam!!!

Other religions can tolorate gays.

Any accept gays?


Offline brokebackjack

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The ultra-conservative forms of Islam are anti gay. Oh yeah, very anti gay.

In the more sophisticated centers of Islam such as Turkey, there are plenty of gays. It is traditional. Hell, Suleiman the Magnificent was magnificent because he was as queer as they come!
In Istanbul, the people referred to Jihadists and the Taliban as hilbillyaru---HILLBILLIES.

They are.

There is all the difference on earth between the sophistication of Turkish Islam in a sophisticated country with a genuine world city like Constantinople [istanbul] and some back woods ignorant mother&^!)^#**% jackass out of Herat who throws bombs and murders people in the name of a religion.

Artiste, I mean this---Islam is as split as christianity, but the splits in Islam are very very dangerous for both Islam and the rest of the world. If the fundamentalists win, the world is in for a very very bad time before their inevitable defeat.

IMO there are only 3 'normal' islamic countries. That's it. THREE COUNTRIES where you can live freely

Turkey--which is the cream of the developing world, and quite sophisticated, and yet Islam has 'stress cracks' even there! The saudis pour huge amounts of monet into the poorest sections of the country to build mosques etc. So they are  trying to reverse the tolerance of Turkish Islam, so far with little success.  Wahabbist islam, the saudi variety, is too outlandish for a sophisticated very westernised nation like Turkey. It's a good country. If Turkey goes, the battle is lost

A democratic Republican autocracy made of multiple Asian Kingdoms. It is very easy going. It has to be. It's a democracy, a republic, and a bunch of kngdoms.

The United Arab Emirates.

richer then god and small. with small members. The most conservative of the 3 and the one I know least about.

The rest are a real mess. To one degree or the other they have rotten governments and rotting societies. So people turn to religion....

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Offline ifyoucantfixit

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      I dont know if I am a pollyanna or a simple dumbass.  But I for one dont think you can legislate, or beat
anyone into changing their mind about homosexuality..Any more than you can do that to achieve any other
mind set.  People have so many different reasons why they are believing the way they are..
      Personally I think education and example are the only ways to change peoples minds..They need to come
to know what real people are like, and see how they are.  Not just stereotypes they have heard about or
misconceptions they have formed thru all the negatives they have been exposed to.
      This is one of the reasons the war we are now waging is almost impossible to win..We think we can beat
them into becoming democratic, and forward thinking...impossible. Never going to happen
      But to say that if people were to go to Canada, or Quebec, or any other place because there is no
homophobia or intollerance purely naive.  Refusing to see what you dont want to see.

     Beautiful mind

Offline brokebackjack

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 " But to say that if people were to go to Canada, or Quebec, or any other place because there is no homophobia or intolerance purely naive.  Refusing to see what you don't want to see."

Yup. Can't say I ever heard it put so simply in here, m'dear lol!
"I couldn't stand it no more so i fixed it"