Author Topic: French-Canadiens developping Wyoming or BM would not have killed Jack nor gays !  (Read 11908 times)

Offline Artiste

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Thanks ifyoucantfixit, and thanks brokenbackjack!!

Brokebackjack: I do NOT say that there is no homophobia in Canada, in Quebec nor in any other place!! There is certainly less of it in Quebec, and more of it likely in the rest of Canada, according to my experiences; and maybe much more elsewhere, plus certainly DEATH to gays in too many countries (like the muslim ones) to-day!! There is more and more intolerance to gays, and to Canadians plus Quebec born now in Canada, because too many muslims are entering Canada to destroy it nowadays!!

As you say: Refusing to see is purely naive; that to me is what the Brokeback Mountain movie is about: it tells us of death coming to gays and others who are tolerant, because bad like animals-criminals (so-called islamic religions as one type) are taking over; that is what Annie to me is forcasting!

What do you think?

Ifyoucantfixit: You HAVE to legislate against homophobia!! Too many idiots do NOT think and will murder a gay man for being gay!! Some of those potential murderers will not murder if there is a law against killing, beating up, stealing, etc., a gay man!!
There is a similar law to that in Canada, which was brought up into legislation by a gay open member of the Federal parliament!! I think that I would have been not only beaten but killed had it not be for that law!! (As you know 4 beat me up!!)

Of course islamics do NOT obey laws of a country, and therefore, will murder gays in a line up once they take over!! And kill before when they can one by one... as they did to my past lover-buddy (islamic MD murdered him in the hospital and gets away with it)!!

I would be good if a person can have a good heart towards gay men, but too many do not, no matter how kind you are, right?


Hugs! Hugs!

Offline brokebackjack

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Artiste, mon ami!!!

you MUST get a better translation program from francais a anglais. :'( The one you are using is not good and does not express what you are trying to say in terms which we can understand. :-\
Your translation program is baffling everyone who reads your posts.

Hugs back! :-*


ps-- I attempted to translate the above post into french and had my neighbor look at it. I used the most common translation program. My neighbor is from Paris, and she had no idea what I was saying!
"I couldn't stand it no more so i fixed it"

Offline Artiste

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Thanks brokenbackjack!

It is surely clear to you, my expressions, most of them. At times, you are not clear neither. Nobody is that clear even in English! Look at Churchill: he was born in expensive (ha, ha) stock in England, and his spelling, was utmostly bad... failed his english in class, but since he wanted to learn once an adult, he became a good writer, right?

A Frenchman born in France is not better neither!! Too many in Paris borns do not even understand each other!! Same in the USA and England... there are variety within one's native language.

At least the subject here is French-Canadiens developping Wyoming likely would NOT have killed gay men!! Right?


Offline brokeplex

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Thanks brokenbackjack!

It is surely clear to you, my expressions, most of them. At times, you are not clear neither. Nobody is that clear even in English! Look at Churchill: he was born in expensive (ha, ha) stock in England, and his spelling, was utmostly bad... failed his english in class, but since he wanted to learn once an adult, he became a good writer, right?

A Frenchman born in France is not better neither!! Too many in Paris borns do not even understand each other!! Same in the USA and England... there are variety within one's native language.

At least the subject here is French-Canadiens developping Wyoming likely would NOT have killed gay men!! Right?


Hi Artiste: I didn't know that you were using a translator program, I was curious about your sentence structure. But, I do understand what you are saying.

I agree with you that there is a great deal of homophobia, and for that matter misogyny in the Islamic world. But, Brokeback Jack is correct there are degrees of tolerance in the Islamic world. He sites in an earlier post Turkey as an example of a more secular and tolerant Islamic country. Based upon my experience, this is definitely true.
There are many, many tolerant cosmopolitan Muslims in the world, that just want to be left in peace to practice their faith, and they wish to leave others alone to practice theirs. The problem for the liberal, tolerant West (USA,Canada, W. Europe) is with the radical fundamentalist Islamic movement which has spawned a violent terrorist faction. It is these "Islamic Fascist" terrorists that I am very much afraid of. I  am concerned that many well-meaning tolerant people here in the US and W. Europe, do not seem to see this movement as posing the type of danger to our societies that I believe exists.
have a great week!

Offline Artiste

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There are no proofs at all of islamic countries being tolerant; not at all!

They do still murder gay men, even those of their own religion, to-day! And they will... continue to kill because a gay man is gay only!

Have you not heard of hundrenths murdered in line in Iran last year in the Spring,  just lined up by the hundrenths? By their own gouvernment and religion!! To me, Annie tells us of this blindness in them and in us too!!


Offline brokebackjack

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But Iran is not Turkey, nor is it Malaysia.

There are many Islamic countries, some are fine and some are terrible. Brokeplex is right, it is the rightwing Islamo-fascist groups who are a danger. A terrible danger. To counteract them we need to support the most tolerant nations.

Nobody is murdered in modern Turkey for being gay. Nobody. They are not arrested. They are not harassed. I know gay people in Istanbul who say they felt more awkward and endangered as gay men in Italy then they had ever felt in Turkey. Half the Sultans of Turkey were bisexual! And the Ottoman sultans were Caliph -al-islam, the Islamic 'Pope'

You cannot say islam as a religion is vile. Some of its' practitioners are vile. And those vile ones are indeed a danger, for the whole world. But Islam as islam? No
"I couldn't stand it no more so i fixed it"

Offline Artiste

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Thanks brokenbackjack!

Since you brought up that subject, there have been recent documentary reports saying that Turkey is over 90 per cent islamic and that even if there is a present law, that the women more and more are obliged to wore veils; so it is going back to disobeying reasonable laws? To having ladies becoming slaves again, as in other islamic countries?

Even in Canada and the USA, we see now veiled women!! And that is freedom?? I do NOT see them females as free!!

Concerning the canadian laws, they are more and more disobeyed by the islamics here!! And they beat up or murder their own who talk FOR FREEDOM!! Here now!!

Yes, in many islamic countries there are men dancing together in bars, because they do NOT allow women in ANY bars!! And yes,  some men there do seem to be gay men, but even them will kill or be killed in the name of islam!!

You know that?


Offline Penthesilea

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Concerning the canadian laws, they are more and more disobeyed by the islamics here!!

Do you have any proof for your disciminating statements?

Offline Artiste

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Thanks Penthesilea!

One example: in Quebec now next year, it will be against the law in Catholic schools to teach catholic religion, as it did for hundrenths of years, in Canada!

The islamics have twisted our laws, and continue to do so! You know that?



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Thanks Penthesilea!

One example: in Quebec now next year, it will be against the law in Catholic schools to teach catholic religion, as it did for hundrenths of years, in Canada!

The islamics have twisted our laws, and continue to do so! You know that?


This is a very ill-informed statement.  Muslims are no more responsable for the current state of the Catholic Church than I am for the increase in the heterosexual divorce rate.  I would love to read the actual Canadian law that states that religious education will be illegal in private Catholic (or any other private) school.  Perhaps you have misinterpreted something.

Islam, Catholicism, or whichever religious tradition you may call your own, is not the culprit.  Narrow minded ignorance is.  That is what we should be fighting, not perpetuating.