I met Jack Twist yesterday at the supermarket

Waiting in a queue in front of the butchery (right there where you looked for cold cuts, Leslie

), I noticed the guy in front of me.
He wore dark blue jeans, an black/anthracite denim shirt and a big leather belt (sans belt buckle). He was the size and shape of Jack, he had black hair, cutted like Jack's. The most intriguing thing were is eye leashes. Yes, same long leashes as Jack (respectively Jake).
His eyes were not blue, but greyish; but big, too.The features of his face were not too similar to Jake's, he couldn't have been a doppelgänger, but he could easily have counted for a cousin.
It was a long queue and for the first time, I was thankful for it

. I was staring at the guy. He had a child with him and he was so cute and loving with the child. Remembered me of the scene when Jack lets Bobby drive the combine.
I asked myself all the time, if he knew who Jack Twist is....